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Northern Territory Weather

forecast summary state forecast

Saturday Rain and storms in the north, heaviest northeast. Dry and mostly sunny in the south.

Sunday Windy with heavy rain in the northern Top End. Hot and dry in the south.

Monday Showers and storms across the Top End. Hot and dry in the south.

Tuesday Showers, possible thunderstorms in the north. Hot in the south, late southerly change.

Wednesday Showers and storms in the north. Cool with isolated showers in the south.

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Northern Territory Weather Forecasts

major stations | all stations
(ungroup by district)
forecast min max chance of rain rain amount frost risk 9am 3pm
wind rh wind rh
°C °C km/h % km/h %
late shower Late shower
26 33 90% 5-10mm Nil S 13 73 WNW 13 59
late shower Late shower
22 34 80% 1-5mm Nil SE 14 73 SE 19 49
thunderstorms Thunderstorms
23 30 90% 10-20mm Nil E 9 83 E 13 75
possible thunderstorm Possible thunderstorm
22 34 90% 5-10mm Nil SE 18 81 E 19 73
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
21 34 30% < 1mm Nil ESE 20 43 ESE 19 29
sunny Sunny
13 32 5% < 1mm Nil NE 5 32 SE 16 16

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Ex-TC Jack brings welcome rain to WA

13:26 EST The remnants of Tropical Cyclone Jack have brought the heaviest April rain in three decades to parts of the Pilbara, with more on the way.

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