Leroy Bellet
Wave of the Day: Ben Serrano and a hands-free Hail Mary

Cape Solander - tight and slow

It was recently bought to our attention that it'd been almost a week since we'd run any shots of Cape Solander. Feeling duly chastised we called on our fave Solander shooter, Charlie Straumeitis.

Stu Nettle

After he bombed out of the Bells Beach Pro Jeremy Flores hit the road. The young Frenchman found quality at a few of Vicco's more recognisable locations. The vid includes a hip swinging cameo by John John Florence.

Grant Davis
Wave of the Day: Maz Quinn and the united colours of New Zealand
Cass Selwood

Now that the fanfare has subsided, a self-confessed Morning of the Earth fan takes a critical look at Andrew Kidman's tribute film - Spirit of Akasha.

Potter Point

Potter Point is its geographical name, which is a lot more humdrum than it's adopted moniker.

Ben Kiggins
Wave of the Day: The real Aussie Pipe
Jesse Little
Wave of the Day: Bailey Lodge, an instant arrested in eternity

"And the long thick lines of south swell pouring along deserted beaches at unrideable pace into a glorious blue offshore morning." Driving north on the Pacific Highway, blindboy recalls old memories and enjoys quiet moments upon the beaten track.

The best photos from the Billabong Rio Pro

"It's not a wave that you'd come to surf" - Joel Parkinson

“This win is amazing and I feel great,” said Michel Bourez. “I didn’t expect to win two events in the same year so it feels brilliant. It’s great to be here in Rio and have another win - I'm so happy."

Alen Zvokelj
Wave of the Day: Lee Keates singing the urban blues

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dudette in Weekend o' trade swell aplenty 18 min 14 sec ago
Blowin in The ASP: It's on but who's watching? 1 hour 20 min ago
wellymon in Sweet and bitter fruit 2 hours 40 min ago
shoredump in Small intermittent south swell all of next week 4 hours 11 min ago
donweather in Great weekend of trade swell ahead 11 hours 36 min ago
Blowin in Skeleton Bay: The Death of a Wave Foretold 1 day 31 min ago
nusa in Otis Carey seeks his day in court 1 day 4 hours ago
brutus in Victorian Road Trip - video 1 day 6 hours ago
thermalben in Large swell all next week with nothing major after 1 day 10 hours ago