I was childish and unfair
To you, my only friend
I regret, but now it's too late
I can't show you any more
The things I've learned from you
Cause life just took you away
I'm asking why
I'm asking why
Nobody gives an answer
I'm just asking why
But someday we'll meet again
And I'll ask you
I'll ask you why
Why it has to be like this
I'm asking you why
Please give me an answer
Many years and stupid fights
Till we accept to see
How it was and it'll always be
Why it has to be like this
Why we don't realize
Why we're too blind to see the one
Who's always on our side
I'm asking why
I'm asking why
Nobody gives an answer
I'm just asking why
Just tell me why Why it has to be like this
That the good ones disappear
I'm asking you why
I'm asking why
I'm asking why
Nobody gives an answer
I'm just asking why
Weightless, my baby's asleep
Some things just disappear...
Weightless, my baby's asleep
Floating, dreaming
...quem quaerimus adjutorem, nisi te, Domine...
Sancte Deus, Sancte fortis, Sancte misericors Salvator,
amarae morti ne tradas nos.
...we search the helper, if not you, Lord...
Divine God, Sacred Firm, Holy (and) merciful Savior,
Viens chez moi voyageur
Viens, viens voyageur
Viens, viens chez moi voyageur
Good evening
This is the voice of Enigma
Feel your body
Start to move slowly
Let the rythm be your guiding light
Feel your body
Start to move slowly
Start to move slowly
very slowly
The Screen Behind The Mirror, The Voice and the Snake
Principles of Lust, The Eyes of Truth, TNT for the Brain
Turn around and I will show you something
Turn around and you will see
Life, like a real way out, a kind of LSD
Turn around, you're feeling all the changes
Turn around and you will feel
You'll reach your holiness
You are a part of me
Turn around and I will show you something
Turn around and you will see
Life, like a real way out, a kind of LSD
Turn around, you're feeling all the changes
Turn around and you will feel
You'll reach your holiness
You are a part of me
Let the rythm be your guiding light
Let the rythm be your guiding light
Let the rythm be your guiding light
Let the rythm be your guiding light
be your guiding light
The first bowl on the earth
the second bowl on the sea
the third bowl on the rivers
the fourth bowl on the sun
the fifth bowl on the beast
the sixth bowl on the stars
the seventh bowl on the air
And the earth turned grey
sea turned black
The rivers turned red
The sun turned cold
The beast turned pale
The stars turned fast
We came out from the deep
to help and understand but not to kill
it takes many lives till we succeed
to clear the debts
Of many
many hundred years.
Dies Microcsmicus inter corpils et mentem difdiapafon
calum Athereum Microcosmi
cosmicaterrea ad taruminatur nox microcosmica
molis micro columna dua quibus angulos rectus
Miles Away From Light At Noon
Total Eclipse Of The Moon
Many Reasons To Believe In Life
Just Listen What It`s Telling You
Come And Have A Look Inside
Total Eclipse Of The Moon
Don`t Be Childish, Don`t Be So Cruel
I`m Feeling Just Lonely Without.... Without You
I Can See The Wide Horizons
But Debts Have To Be Paid
Our Ways Will Cross Again Someday
Believe, And Come Back To You...I`ll See You Soon
Time Doesn`t Say Hello
Total Eclipse Of The Moon
Many Nights In Our Lives Before
I Was Dreaming To Be Just Beside...Beside You
Take me back to the rivers of belief
Take me back to the rivers of belief, my friend
I look inside my heart, I look inside my soul
I promise you, I will return
And when the Lamb opened the seventh seal
Silence covered the sky
Take me back to the rivers of belief
Take me back to the rivers of belief, my friend
I look inside my heart, I look inside my soul
I'm reaching out for you, let's hope one day
The Eyes of Truth
are always watching you
Alsyn Gazryn Zeregleenn
Aduu shig mal shig torolzonoo khuoo
In the distance the mirage stands out like horses and cattle.
Very glad to see my beloved son.
Je me regarde
Je me sens
Je vois des enfants
Je suis enfant ! I look at myself
I feel myself
I see the children
If you understand or if you don't
If you believe or if you doubt
There's a universal justice
And the eyes of truth
Smell your skin
Feel your breath
You on my side
I couldn't resist
I hope I'll understand some day
What's the meaning of this crazy game
It is real and pure
T.N.T. for the brain
If there's no pain
Rules are still the same
I'm with you, just lead me
I'm ready to play
T.N.T. for the brain
Don't be scared and have no fear
I will show you what it means
If there's no pain
Rules are still the same
I'm with you, just lead me
I'm ready to play
T.N.T. for the brain
What you feel is insane
It is love and not a game
I will not taint the world with blood
Wanting to end my life
Is no reason to hurt myself
With razor or with knife
I will not be a grotesque puppet
Twirling in the breeze
No need to make a spectacle
To haunt my family's dreams
I will not taint my blood with drugs
For when I meet my end
I wish to keep my senses clear
Not into dreams descend
And so the morning beckons me
So clear and crisp with snow
The winter bites my tears back
As through the trees I go
And lay down by the frozen lake
Lie in the frozen snow
And fully conscious fully sure
And peacefully I go
Into oblivion
So clear pure and cold
Into that new transcendency
Beyond what's tainted old
A clean death simple painless swift
A shiver in the dark
Leaving just an imprint
A snow angel in the park
I'm a snow angel
Just a snow angel
Nothing left of me
Nothing needs to be
I'm a snow angel
Just a snow angel
Nothing left of me
Just how I want to be
The world gave me a frosty chill
And I pray for those alive
That they will overcome all ills
To be peaceful as I am
Simple Obsession
(What about us)
(What about us)
(What about us)
(What about us)
(What about us)
What about us
Let's think about tomorrow
With you not in my life
What about love
As I try to make it every day
I live even for the day
Out of what you go
For it's hard to say goodbye
My simple obsession
(What about us)
(What about us)
(What about us)
I don't know what I'm gonna do without you
(What about us)
(What about us)
What about it
(What about us)
My simple obsession
What about love
Everyday I'm fighting from this pain
I'm doin' everything to be alright
What about love
As my beating heart keeps tellin' me
I don't want nobody in live but you
I don't want to go
For it's hard to say goodbye
My simple obsession
(What about us)
(What about us)
(What about us)
I don't know what I'm gonna do without you
(What about us)
(What about us)
What about love
(What about us)
My simple obsession
(What about us)
(What about us)
(What about us)
(What about us)
My simple simple simple obsession
My simple simple simple obsession
My simple simple simple obsession
My simple simple my simple obsession
(What about us)
What about love
What about live
I don't know what I'm gonna do without you
(What about us)
What about it
What about it
What about love
What about live
What about pain
What about love
(What about us)
(What about us)
Oh my simple obsession
(What about us)
F : Woman
M : Man
C : Chorus
{...} : Translation
(...) : Comment
[...] : Comment
Translations are not redundant; if one is not immediately
provided, look above: It was probably translated earlier.
C: Procedamus in pace.
In nomine Christi, Amen.
{ Let us proceed in peace.
In the name of Christ, Amen.
C: Cum angelis et pueris,
fideles inveniamur.
{ With angels and boys,
let us be found faithful.
C: Adtollite portas principes vestras
Et elevamini portae aeternali
Et introibit rex gloriae.
Quis est iste rex gloriae?
{ Lift up your gates, O ye princes,
and be ye lifted up, O eternal gates:
and the King of Glory shall enter in.
Who is this King of Glory?
(Psalm 23(24):7–8a)
F: Sade, dit-moi.
Sade, donne-moi.
{ Sade, tell me.
Sade, give me.
C: Procedamus in pace.
In nomine Christi, Amen.
{ Let us proceed in peace.
In the name of Christ, Amen.
M: Sade, dit-moi:
Qu'est-ce que tu vas chercher?
Le bien par le mal?
La vertu par le vice?
Sade, dit-moi: Pourquoi l'évangile du mal?
Quelle est ta religion, où sont tes fidèles?
Si tu es contre Dieu, tu es contre l'homme.
{ Sade, tell me:
What are you going to seek?
The best through the worst?
Virtue through vice?
Sade, tell me: Why the gospel of evil?
What is your religion, where is your congregation?
If you are against God, you are against man.
[ (Extended Version Only:)
M: Sade, dit-moi: Pourquoi le sang pour le plaisir?
Le plaisir sans l'amour.
N'y a t'il plus de sentiment
dans le culte de l'homme?
{ Sade, tell me: Why blood for pleasure?
Pleasure without love.
Is there not more feeling
In the worship of the man?
M: Sade, es-tu diabolique ou divin?
{ Sade, are you diabolic or divine? }
F: Sade, dit-moi.
C: Hosanna.
F: Sade, donne-moi.
C: Hosanna.
F: Sade, dit-moi.
C: Hosanna.
F: Sade, donne-moi.
C: Hosanna.
C: In nomine Christi, Amen.
The principles of lust are burned in your mind
Do what you want, do it until you find love
Feel your heart beat
Principles of lust are easy to understand
Do what you feel, feel until the end
Principles of lust are burned in your mind
Do what you want, do it until you find love
Start to move slowly, very slowly
Principles of lust are easy to understand
Do what you feel, feel until the end
The principles of lust are burned in your mind
We Support All Forms Of Resistance Against This Racist System (part Ii)
Don't respect your choice of opinion
If your choice is a racist system
'freedom of speech'--it's a worthless cause
As long as freedom is defined by laws
We support all forms of resistance
Against this racist system
You tell us to sit and wait
You say we have to beat the racists in open debate
You say it's not democracy
Well that's ok by me
We support all forms of resistance
Against this racist system
They've got police protection
They've got the boss's investments
We've got ourselves and each other
Shoe you inside and you will see
Feel what just money can bring
Can you see?
That's the look, that's the look
That's the look of today
That's the look, that's the look
That's the look
You have a problem, I can help
Buy it and be yourself
'Cause you know
That's the look, that's the look
That's the look of today
That's the look, that's the look
That's the look
So many trends just fade away
Before you can wear it
It's a pass a blade
Can you see?
That's the look, that's the look
That's the look of today
That's the look, that's the look
That's the look
You are so stylish, you're so vain
Sometimes I think you have no brain
But you know
That's the look, that's the look
That's the look of today
That's the look, that's the look
That's the look
That's the look, that's the look
That's the look of today
That's the look, that's the look
That's the look of today
That's the look, that's the look
Earth. A biosphere.
A complex,
subtly balanced life support system.
et turtur nidum,
ubi reponat pullos suos
altaria tua Domine virtutum,
Rex meus, et Deus meus
(and the turtledove a nest
where it might place its young
Your altar of strengths, Lord,
my king and my God,)
We are floating over the line
Let us follow our mind
All of our life we'll wait for the answer
And the question is why
If we're following our mind
We can glide into light
No one knows if there'll be an answer
While we're morphing thru time
We are floating over the line
Let us follow our mind
All of our life we'll wait for the answer
and the question is why
We're just travellers
in endless space
If we're following our mind
We can glide into light
No one knows if there'll be an answer
While we're morphing thru time
Like A Shadow On The Wall
If You Come or If You Go
Not protected by The Law
But Still... Incognito
You Are Capturing My Soul
If I Want, Or If I Don`t
Who You Are, Nobody Knows
Can`t Get Behind...Incognito
Like A Shadow On The Wall
Free Access Around the World
Who You Are, Nobody Knows
I promise you, for all my life
I'll be Always on your side
In the shadow, in the light.
I'll follow you, wherever life goes
But I'll always be aside
In the shadow, in the light.
But if we don't understand...
Hell is happy, heaven is sad
And that's the result of our brain...
Caravan of life
By day and by night
Every tile's a part of life
If it's shadow, or if it's light
I promise you, even when the tide is high
I'll be always on your side
Heavy stormclouds press about me
Rainstorms rage and cold winds flout me
All's uncertain old friends doubt me
But I know you
Words and lies and traps ensnare me
Probing questions rudely bare me
Guilt and self-doubt rip and tear me
But I know you
I know you will pull me through
The way you promised me you'd do
I know you will still be true
No matter what I turn into
For I know you and you know me
And all is as you swore it would be
Yes I know you
Yeh I know you
When troubles come they always hurt me
And everyone I love deserts me
Alone my problems would divert me
But I know you
All my friends and family use me
Those relationships confuse me
They all seem to just abuse me
But I know you
I know you will pull me through
The way you promised me you'd do
I know you will still be true
No matter what I turn into
For I know you and you know me
And all is as you swore it would be
Yes I know you
Yeh I know you
I know you will always pull me through
As you'd always promised you'd do
I know you you'll forever be true
No matter what I might turn into
For I know you and you know me
All is as you swore it would be
Yes I know you
Yeh I know you
I know you
We always have a choice,
At least I we think we do,
We can always use our voice,
I thought this to be true.
We can live in fear.
Extend ourselves to love,
We can fall below, or lift ourselves above.
Fear can stop you loving,
Love can stop your fear.
Fear can stop you loving,
But it’s not always that clear.
I always tried so hard
To share myselve around
Now I’m closing up again
Drilling through the ground
Fear can stop you loving,
Love can stop your fear.
Fear can stop you loving,
But it’s not always that clear.
I love to give myself away
But I find it hard to trust
I got no map to find my way
And what’s these clouds of dust?
Fear can stop you loving,
Love can stop your fear.
Fear can stop you loving,
But it’s not always that clear.
But it's not always that clear…
But it's not always that clear…
But it's not always that clear…
But it's not always that clear…
"Foolish Games"
you took your coat off and stood in the rain,
You were always crazy like that
I watched from my window,
always felt I was outside looking in on you
You were always the mysterious one
with dark eyes and careless hair,
You were fashionably sensitive, but too cool to care
Then you stood in my doorway, with nothing to say
besides some comment on the weather
Well in case you failed to notice,
In case you failed to see,
This is my heart bleeding before you,
This is me down on my knees
These foolish games are tearing me apart
And your thoughtless words are breaking my heart
You're breaking my heart
You were always brilliant in the morning
Smoking your cigarettes, talking over coffee
Your philosophies on are, Baroque moved you,
You loved Mozart and you'd speak of you loved ones
As I clumsily strummed my guitar
You'd teach me of honest things
Things that were daring, things that were clean
Things that knew what an honest dollar did mean.
So I hid my soiled hands behind my back
Somewhere along the line I must've gone off track with you
Excuse me, think I've mistaken you for somebody else
Somebody who gave a damn,
Somebody more like myself
These foolish games are breaking my heart
your thoughtless words are breaking my heart
You're breaking my heart
You took your coat off and stood in the rain
you were always like that
Following The Sun, To Find The One
Who`s Giving You The Wings To Fly
Following The Sun, The Golden One
Losing Sense For Space and Time
Can You Feel The Waves Of Life
(Can You) Hear The Sigh Of Love
Do You Believe In It ?
Following The Sun, Just For The One
Till You`ll Find The Door You Thought
Following The Sun, Like Everyone
Searching For A Sign Of Hope
Have A Look Up To The Sky
See The Billion Stars Above
Cos (Maybe) On One Of Them
My heart goes BBB
Every time I think of you
Heart's going BBB
Lost control what shall I do?
Cos I wanna be your lover
Till the end of our lives
I could never miss again
These loving eyes
My heart goes BBB
Every time I think of you
I feel that BBB
No control of what I'll do
Simplicity, complexity, oh what a tragedy
Reality, insanity, strange normality
Incredible, untouchable, but just visual
And I want you, just you but natural
My heart goes BBB
When any mind is touching you
Inside that BB
The Rivers of Belief
(Curly M.C./David Fairstein)
Take me back to the rivers of belief
Take me back to the rivers of belief
my friend
I look inside my heart
I look inside my soul
I promise you
I will return
And when the Lamb opened the seventh seal
silence covered the sky
Take me back to the rivers of belief
Take me back to the rivers of belief
my friend
I look inside my heart
I look inside my soul
I'm reaching out for you
Lets hope one day
We'll rest in peace
on my rivers of belief
(by john mayall and eric clapton)
It's a mean old scene when it comes to double crossing time.
It's a mean old scene when it comes to double crossing time.
When you think you got good buddies, they will spin around and cheat you blind.
Double crossing man is mean, he will try to make it so you lose.
Double crossing man, he will try to make it so you lose.
Almost Full Moon
Music by Michael Cretu
(Curly M.C.)Mongolian Chant
Tosonguyn Oroygoor Toosrood
.Carly don't be sad
Life is crazy
Life is mad
Don't be afraid
Carly Don't be sad
That's your destiny
The only chance
Take it, take it in your hands
Sadeness (Extended Version)
Sade dit moi (Sade tell me)
Sade donne moi (Sade give me)
Sade dit moi qu'est ce que tu (Sade tell me what is it)
vas chercher ? (that you seek?)
le bien par le mal (The rightness of wrong)
la vertu par le vice (The virtue of vice)
Sade dit moi pourquoi (Sade tell me why the)
l' 'evangile du mal ? (Gospel of evil?)
quelle est ta religion (What is your religion?)
ou' sont tes fide'les ? (Where are your faithful?)
Si tu es contre Dieu, (If you are against God,)
tu es contre l'homme. (you are against man)
* Sade dit moi pourquoi le sang (Sade tell me why blood for)
pour le plaisir ? (pleasure?)
* Le plaisir sans l'amour. (Pleasure without love?)
* N'y a t'il plus de sentiment dans Is there no emotion in the
le culte de l'homme ? (cult of man?)
Sade es-tu diabolique ou divin? (Sade are you diabolical or )divine?
Sade dit moi (Sade tell me)
Sade donne moi (Sade give me)
Sade dit moi (Sade tell me)
Sade donne moi (Sade give me)
Sade dit moi (Sade tell me)
Sade donne moi (Sade give me)
[Lyrics with an asterisk (*) denote lyrics not found on the album version]
(Curly M.C.)The principles of lust
are easy to understand
do what you feel
feel until the end
the principles of lust
are burned in your mind
do what you want
do it until you find
Cuando anochezca
Te esperare
Quiero volverte loco esta noche
Con la luna llena
Te esperare
Hoy moriras entre mis brazos
Nunca soñaste algo igual
When the night falls
I will wait for you
I want to drive you crazy tonight
With the full moon
I will wait for you
Today you will die in my arms
You never dreamed about something like this
When you're near me
I close my eyes
I want to feel you by my side
When you kiss me
I close my eyes
Want you by my side
When I realise there's no telling lies
Then I know it once in a lifetime
Making love to you
Everytime it's new
You know you're my once in a lifetime
Todo tu cuerpo temblara
Pero esta vez, es realidad
Aunque el tiempo pase
Nunca, nunca lo olividaras
Solo una vez en tu vida
All your body will tremble
But this time it will be real
Though time passes by
You will never, never forget it
It will be
Only once in your lifetime
When you touch me
I burn inside
Cold and shiver down my spine
When you take me
So hot in love
Can't get enough
When I realise there's no telling lies
Then I know it once in a lifetime
Making love to you
Everytime it's new
You know you're my once in a lifetime
Once in a lifetime
Once in a lifetime
Once in a lifetime
Giving all I've got
Now you love me not
You're my lover once in a lifetime
Taking care of you
Everytime it's new
You know you're my once in a lifetime...
When you're by my side
And I want you hot
When I close my eyes then I touch the skies
When I realise there's no telling lies
Making love to you
Everytime it's new
Don't look back
the time has come
all the pain turns into love
we're not submissive, we're not aggressive
but they think we can't defend
stand up, join us, modern crusaders alive
we have the power to face the future
cause we are the fighters
just fighting for our rights
they're accusing, like always without knowing
what is just fiction or what is the truth
they have no mission, they have no passion
but they dare to tell us what's bad and what's good!
stand up, join us, modern crusaders alive
we have the power who'll face the future
cause we are the fighters
just fighting for our fights
Est affectus
et defectus
semper in angaria.
(drive on
and weighted down,
always enslaved.)
Quod per sortem
sternit fortem,
mecum omnes plangite!
(since fate
strikes down the strong man,
everyone weep with me!)
Nunc obdurat
et tunc curat
ludo mentis aciem,
(first oppresses
and then soothes
as fancy takes it;
Stand up, join us, modern crusaders alive
we have the power who'll face the future
cause we are the fighters
just fighting for our fights
Shall I go, shall I stay
107 light years away?
Many times, so many doubts
But no reason, to talk about
Mission is over, mission is done
I will miss you children of the sun
Now it's time, to go away
Goodbye, goodbye Milky Way
For a better world, without hate
Follow your heart, believe in fate
Only visions, and the mind
Will guide you, to the light
Mission is over, mission is done
I will miss you, children of the sun
Now it's time, to go and say
Goodbye, goodbye Milky Way
Mission is over, mission is done
I will miss you children of the sun
I go home, until someday
I say goodbye, goodbye Milky Way!
In 5 billion years
The Andromeda galaxy will collide with our Milky Way
I am sitting on the moon,
Watching planet blue, hello.
Looking all around,
Rotating without sound,
Where are you?
Where are you?
I am sitting on the moon.
Where are you?
I am missing... I am missing you.
I came from very far,
A little unknown star, hello.
I don't know what to do,
It is so cold and blue, without you.
Where are you?
Where... where are you?
I am sitting on the moon.
Where are you?
I am missing... I am missing you.
Where are you?
I am sitting on the moon.
Where... where are you?
I am missing... I am missing you.
Where are you?
I am sitting on the moon.
Where are you?
There is a rhythm in your mind | Hay un ritmo en tu mente You'll feel the power deep inside | Sentirás el poder en tu interior más profundo Oh, let's celebrate every single day | Oh, celebrémoslo cada día
Turn around and I will show you something.
Turn around and you will see.
Life is a roundabout
A kind of LSD.
Turn around, have faith in all the changes.
Turn around and you will feel.
No age of loneliness,
You are a part of me.
Turn around and I will show you something.
Turn around and I will show you something.
Turn around and I will show you something.
Turn around and you will see.
Life is a roundabout,
A kind of LSD.
Turn around, have faith in all the changes.
Turn around and you will feel.
No age of loneliness,
You are a part of me.
Turn, turn, turn around.
(Beyond the Invisible, The Prism of Life)
Turn, turn, turn around.
(The Child In Us, Gravity of Love)
Turn, turn, turn around.
(Morphing Thru Time)
Turn, turn, turn around.
Turn around and I will show you something.
Turn around and you will see.
Life is a roundabout,
A kind of LSD.
Turn around, have faith in all the changes.
Turn around and you will feel.
No age of loneliness,
You are part of me.
(The Screen Behind the Mirror,
The Voice And The Snake,
Principles of Lust,
The Eyes of Truth
TNT for the Brain)
Turn around and I will show you something.
Turn around and you will see.
Life is a roundabout,
A kind of LSD.
(Turn, turn, turn around)
Turn around and I will show you something.
Turn around and you will see.
Life is a roundabout,
A kind of LSD.
(Turn, turn, turn around)
"Ancient person, for whom
I All the flattering youth defy,
Long be it ere thou grow old,
Aching, shaking, crazy, cold;
But still continue as thou art,
I was childish and unfair to you, my only friend
I regret, but now it's too late
I can't show you anymore, the things I've learned from you
Cause life just took you away
I'm asking why
I'm asking why
Nobody gives an answer
I'm just asking why
But someday, we'll meet again
And I'll ask you...
I'll ask you why, why it has to be like this
I'm asking you why, please give me an answer
Many years of stupid fights til we accept to see
How it was and would always be
Why it has to be like this, why we don't realize
Why we're too blind to see the one who's always on our side
I'm asking why
I'm asking why
Nobody gives an answer
I'm just asking why
Just tell me why, why it has to be like this
That the good ones disappear
I'm asking you why
I'm asking why
I'm asking why
Nobody gives an answer
I'm just asking why
Do you love me too?
Do you, do you, do you love me too?
Do you love me too?
Do you, do you, do you love me too?
Do you love me too?
Do you, do you, do you love me too?
Do you love me too?
Do you, do you, do you love me too?
Do you love me too?
Do you, do you, do you love me too?
Do you love me too?
Do you, do you, do you love me too?
Do you love me too?
Do you, do you, do you love me too?
Do you love me too?
Do you, do you, do you love me too?
Do you love me too?
Do you, do you, do you love me too?
Do you love me too?
Do you, do you, do you love me too?
Do you love me too?
Do you, do you, do you love me too?
Do you love me too?
Do you, do you, do you love me too?
Do you love me too?
Do you, do you, do you love me too?
Do you love me too?
Here I am Lord and I'm drowning, in Your sea of forgetfulness
The chains of yesterday surround me, I yearn for peace and rest
I don't want to end up where You found me
And it echoes in my mind
Keeps me awake tonight
I know you've cast my sin as far as the East is from the West
And I stand before You now as though I've never sinned
But today I feel like I'm just one mistake away
From You leaving me this way
Jesus can you show me just how far the east is from the west
'Cause I can't bear to see the man I've been
Rising up in me again
In the arms of Your mercy I find rest
'Cause You know just how far the east is from the west
From one scarred hand to the other
I start the day, the war begins
Endless reminding of my sin
And time and time again
Your truth is drowned out by the storm I'm in
Today I feel like I'm just one mistake away
from You leaving me this way
I know You've washed me white
Turn my darkness into life
I need Your peace to get me through
To get me through this night
I can't live by what I feel
About the truth Your word reveals
I'm not holding on to You
But You're holding on to me
Hello and welcome
At your own risk
You're always welcome
Without guarantee
If you're so brave, then face the tide
There's no mercy in this life
Now it's time to feel and see
What is fiction and what's reality
Hello and welcome
Just look at me
Think about your future
But still try to lead
Too much confidence in what you have
Bad idea to feel too safe
Overload your destiny
And you'll wake up behind me
Hello and welcome (Welcome, welcome)
It's your own risk
You're always welcome (Welcome)
To enjoy reality
Hello, hello, hello and welcome
Just look at me
Think about your future
Still try to lead
Hello... hello
Just look at me
Just look at me
It's your destiny (Welcome)
Hello, hello... hello, hello
Hello, hello... hello, hello
Hello, hello... hello, hello
Hello, hello... hello, hello
Retour a moi mème: Come back straight to me:
je suis tant preoccupèe de toi. I'm so worried about you.
Speak, understand,
mon amour, my love. my love, my love.
Come to me,
pas tristesse, pas des chagrin. no sadness, no grief.
Si tu que m'ai portè de moi, It was you, who brought me back to myself,
(Michael Cretu)
Omnia sol temperat, purus et subtilis.
Novo mundo reserat faciem Aprilis.
Ad amorem properat animus herilis
Et iocundis imperat deus puerilis.
The sun warms everything, pure and gentle.
Once again it reveals to the world with April's face.
The soul of man is urged towards love
I was childish and unfair to you, my only friend
I regret, but now it's too late
I can't show you anymore, the things I've learned from you
Cause life just took you away
I'm asking why
I'm asking why
Nobody gives an answer
I'm just asking why
But someday, we'll meet again
And I'll ask you...
I'll ask you why, why it has to be like this
I'm asking you why, please give me an answer
Many years of stupid fights til we accept to see
How it was and would always be
Why it has to be like this, why we don't realize
Why we're too blind to see the one who's always on our side
I'm asking why
I'm asking why
Nobody gives an answer
I'm just asking why
Just tell me why, why it has to be like this
That the good ones disappear
I'm asking you why
I'm asking why
I'm asking why
Nobody gives an answer
I'm just asking why
Give me release
witness me
I am outside
give me peace
Heaven holds a sense of wonder
and I wanted to believe
that I'd get caught up
when the rage in me subsides
In this white wave
I am sinking
in this silence
in this white wave
in this silence
I believe
Passion chokes the flower
'til she cries no more
possessing all the beauty
hungry still for more
Heaven holds a sense of wonder...
I can't help this longing
comfort me
I can't hold it all in
if you won't let me
Heaven holds a sense of wonder...
In this white wave
I am sinking
in this silence
in this white wave
in this silence
I believe
I have seen you
in this white wave
you are silent
you are breathing
in this white wave
Procedamus in pace
In nomine Christi, Amen
Cum angelis et pueris, fideles inveniamur
Attollite portas, principes, vestras,
Et elevamini, portae aeternales,
Et introibit Rex gloriae.
Quis est iste Rex gloriae?
Sade, dis-moi...
Sade, donnes-moi...
Procedamus in pace
In nomine Christi, Amen
Sade, dis-moi...
Sade, donnes-moi...
Sade dit moi qu'est ce que tu vas chercher?
Le bien par le mal
La vertu par le vice
Sade dit moi pourquoi l' 'evangile du mal?
Quelle est ta religion ou` sont tes fide`les?
Si tu es contre Dieu, tu es contre l'homme.
Sade dit moi pourquoi le sang pour le plaisir?
Le plaisir sans l'amour.
N'y a t'il plus de sentiment dans le culte de l'homme ?
Sade es-tu diabolique ou divin?
Sade, dis-moi...
Sade, donnes-moi...
Sade, dis-moi...
Sade, donnes-moi...
I need your...
I love your body...
I need your...
I need your...
I love your body...
You need love.
(I love your body)
You need love.
You need love...
You need love...
You need love.
(I love your body)
Touch me... I'll be your daddy.
Smell me... I'll be your mommy.
Touch me... feel me... smell me.
(You need love)
Feel me... I'll be your daddy.
(You need love)
Touch me... I'll be your mommy.
(You need love)
Feel me.
(You need love)
Feel me!
(You need love)
Touch me... smell me!
I love your body...
I need your...
I need your...
Let me touch you!
(You need love)
Feel me... touch me!
(You need love)
Feel me... move me!
(I need your...
I love your body)
You need love...
You need love...
I'll be your pappi.
(You need love)
Smell me...
(You need love)
Touch me...