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Australian Chart Summary

Friday - Latest

A trough over northeastern NSW is triggering showers and thunderstorms. A front and trough is approaching SA producing showers. A trough about western parts of WA is generating heavy showers with the odd thunderstorm.

Saturday 22:00 EST

A front and trough will produce showers over TAS, VIC, SA and NSW. Moist easterly winds will trigger showers over northern and eastern QLD. A Tropical Low near the Top End will continue to cause rain and storms. Another trough will cause rain and storms over WA.

Sunday 22:00 EST

A trough will cross WA ahead of an approaching front, producing showers in the south and west. A deepening low will cause rain and a few storms over the Top End. Moist onshore winds will continue to generate showers over eastern and northern QLD, along with eastern NSW.

Monday 22:00 EST

A strong front will move over WA and into SA later, bringing a gusty southerly change and showers. Warm northeries will filter into SA ahead of this front. A high will continue to direct showery onshore winds over eastern and northern QLD. A low will bring rain to the Top End.

Tuesday 22:00 EST

A strong front will cross SA, TAS, VIC and NSW bringing heavy rain. Cool southwesterly winds will maintain showers over southern parts of the nation in the front's wake. A low may deepen over the Timor Sea, causing wind and showers to increase over the Top End and Kimberley.

Wednesday 22:00 EST

A trough will produce a few showers in southern QLD and northern NSW. A cold front will cross SA, VIC and TAS, triggering showers and gusty winds. A high pressure ridge will keep much of WA and central Australia clear. A low should bring rain and storms to the tropics.

Thursday 22:00 EST

A front may approach southern Australia, causing winds to increase and showers to develop in SA and TAS. A weakening trough may trigger thundery showers over central Australia. A region of low pressure in the wake of a Tropical Low should cause storms in the NT and WA tropics.

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UN sends team to Solomon Islands to investigate stability of Australia-owned gold mine

ABC image 01:07 EST The United Nations has sent a team of specialists to assess the stability of a tailings dam at an Australian-owned gold mine in Solomon Islands.

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