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Cyclone less likely for NT

Ben Domensino, Friday April 25, 2014 - 12:13 EST

A weak Tropical Low near the Top End has been watched closely this week in anticipation of it developing into a tropical cyclone.

Despite some concern earlier in the week, conditions are now looking less favourable for cyclone development over the weekend. The system's interaction with the land and an unfavourably strong change in wind speed with height through the atmosphere are both working against the intensification of the system today. Both Australian and international cyclone forecasts have rated the likelihood of the system becoming a tropical cyclone over the next 24 hours as low.

Despite the system remaining weaker than a tropical cyclone this week, it has still produced copious amounts of rain over the northern and eastern Top End.

North East Island received 57mm during the 24 hours to 9am this morning, while the same period to 9am Thursday saw 115mm. The latter was the wettest day since at least 2010 for any month. The wet season total from October to April now sites just over 1 metre, which is more than 300mm above average in 20 years of records.

Further north Nhulunbuy registered 35mm to 9am today, bringing the April total up to 247.6mm, above the long term average of 227mm for just the second time in the last seven years.

The low will continue to cause heavy falls over the northern and eastern Top end during the weekend as it slowly moves west. It may intensify as it tracks across the warm waters of the Timor Sea early next week, so cyclone formation can not be ruled out early next week.

- Weatherzone

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