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Advertise with Us is a product of The Weather Company and is Australia's leading commercial source of weather on the Internet., provides all the weather information you will ever need, from detailed 7-day forecasts, extensive radars, satellites, expert commentary, specialised weather sections and much more. delivers comprehensive weather information across all of Australia:

  • Averaging 20 million page views per month
  • 1.2 million unique users per month
  • ranks among the top 10 of all Australian News and Media web sites (Hitwise)
  • the number one commercial weather site (Hitwise)
  • the number two Australian weather site (Hitwise)
  • the leading provider of weather products for Internet services and mobile

Users regard the detail, credibility and accuracy of information the main features that distinguish Weatherzone apart from all other weather sites. (AC Nielsen October 2005)

Weatherzone Profile

Our user profile is concentrated around males 30-64 years.

  • 78% are male
  • 22% are female
  • 43% are aged 30-44
  • 39% are aged 45-64
  • 88% have shopped online in the last year
  • 76% visit Weatherzone at least a few times a week
  • 45% visit Weatherzone at least daily

Weatherzone Users delivers an engaged and loyal audience that can be targeted at the local level.

Who is our audience?

  • Outdoor Enthusiasts
  • Boaters & Marine Enthusiasts
  • Agriculture Professionals
  • Contruction/Engineers
  • Finanace
  • Aviation
  • Mining
  • Energy
  • Meteorologists / Weather Enthusiasts
  • Fed, State & Local Govt.
  • Consumers

Weatherzone Targeting

We deliver highly valued advertising opportunities to reach this audience.

  • Geo target your customers from State down to postcode level
  • Homepage high impact advertising
  • Event triggered targeting (weather conditions, forecasts etc)
  • Time of day targeting
  • Weather News

We welcome your enquiries about advertising on

Scott Kirkland

Digital Specialist


Darwin Ap 03:40 CST
This morning: 26°C
Late shower Today: 33°C
Late shower

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UN sends team to Solomon Islands to investigate stability of Australia-owned gold mine

ABC image 01:07 EST The United Nations has sent a team of specialists to assess the stability of a tailings dam at an Australian-owned gold mine in Solomon Islands.

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