- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 361
Lomma is a locality and the seat of Lomma Municipality, Skåne County, Sweden with 10,837 inhabitants in 2010.
The following sports clubs are located in Lomma:
Lomma kommun lång film
VLOGG | Lomma Beach
Rett i lomma
Lomma hamn-After beach remix
Gülle ausbringen mit neuem BSA-Faß und Lomma-Injektor
Räddningstjänsten på utryckning i Lomma (4 brandbilar)
Parkour in Lomma
Fattig figth i Lomma träslöjdsal
Lomma from above
❤Klicka här för mer information! ❤ En ny vlogg som jag sa i gårdagens vlogg! Här är jag också på stranden men idag får jag panik.. Varför? Kolla videon och få svaret! Hoppas ni gillade videon sötnosar, puss! Snart är jag uppe i 200 prenumeranter, wow alltså! Det har gått jättesnabbt, känns som det var precis jag hade 70 stycken. Tusen tack för att ni väljer att prenumerera och titta på mina videos. Det betyder oerhört mycket ❤ ❤Min senaste video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8WNydBTDvY ❤Sociala medier ↓ ❤Blogg: http://nouw.com/tiffanykarlsson ❤Kontakt: tiffekarlssonn@hotmail.com ❤Instagram: karlssontiffany ❤Twitter: tiffekarlsson ❤Snapchat: tiffekarlsson ❤Teknisk info ↓ ❤Kamera - GoPro HERO4 Black Edition / Sony A5000 ❤Redigeringsprogram - Final Cut Pro
Bodenschonende Ausbringung von Gülle mit modernster Technik! Das 14m3 Faß ist mit Reifendruckregelanlage und Teleskopachse ausgerüstet, durch 1,25bar Druck und einmaliges Überrollen wird der Boden geschont. Das Zugfahrzeug, ein John Deere 7280R, ist ebenfalls mit Reifendruckregelanlage ausgerüstet, hier wird mit 1,1bar bzw. 0,9bar gefahren. Der ans Faß angehängte Lomma Grubber ermöglicht die Ablage eines Güllebandes in passender Tiefe um die Wurzeln des Rapses später zum Tiefenwachstum anzuregen.
Fyra brandbilar från Lommas räddningstjänst på Prio 1 utryckning, till en trafikolycka på motorvägen. English: Four fire engines from Lomma's Fire Department responding to CODE 3, a vehicle crash on the Highway.
Pettson VS Saffer
My third drone movie from Lomma.
In the north of LOMMA BEACH you can find white and fine sand that makes sunbathing truly enjoyable in the midst of roses, bushes and trees. One can also take advantage of the shallow, ankle-low waters for a long and nice walk. The shallow and warm waters give the children and parents alike an enjoyable and safe swim. The area is equipped with facilities that makes the day all the more gratifying - barbecue stands, ice-cream house, dance floor, mini-golf and toilets. http://www.lomma.se/specialsidor/informationinenglish.4.331fe7f211656b731fe80004195.html Beach: Fine white sand beach, clean water, shallow, suitable for children. Restaurant: Great fish restaurant near by, good prices and fine service. Other comments: Nice area with new buildings and houses, great modern library, g...
Lomma beach on spring
Nice calm day at Lomma beach. Trying the budget camera pan and tilt. Two servos hot-glued together. A bit jerky movements.
Semestertestaren Valle Westesson beger sig ut i MittSkåne för att ta reda på hur bra det verkligen är för barnfamiljer. Under resan besöker han bland annat Skånes Djurpark, Grottbyn, Bosjökloster och Leksaksmuséet i Eslöv. Get a free, updated Skåne Travel Guide: http://www.arrivalguides.com/en/Travelguides/Europe/Sweden/SKANE Book your tickets: http://www.arrivalguides.com/en/Travelguides/Europe/Sweden/SKANE/buytickets
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Sunny beach day adventures are the best. In this vlog I visit Falsterbo, Sweden, for a fun time. Watch and follow me on my travel adventure. If you like it SUBSCRIBE It makes me HAPPY! Please Comment and Like the video also :D
Travel Adventure Vlog - Helsingborg, Sweden Music: https://www.youtube.com/user/thraushtins
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Three white cars passed me by,
I could see the clouds
In their windshields.
Three white stars in a twilight sky,
And now that
The clouds are gone
I see,
One more that catches my eye,
I see,
Into the heart of the sky,
I see,
Something I tasted long ago
That was coming back to me
Come back.
I remember you reminded me
Of the subtleties
The little things that make your day
And the rain moves on
As the tide rolls in
In just a few days I'll still be here,
But you'll be far
Far away.
So one last time I hold you near
And save the hero
For another day
I remember you reminded me
Of the subtleties
The little things that make your day
And the rain moves on
As the tide rolls in
And the distance between us
Wouldn't seem so long
If we knew that one of those birds
Still left up in the sky
Gave a cry as he witnessed
One of those moments that you and I
Both look at the stars in the twilight sky
And count ONE, TWO, THREE
And one more that catches my eye
I remember you reminded me
Of the subtleties
The little things that make your day
And the rain moves on
As the tide rolls in