muscle spindles & GTO
muscle spindles & GTO
action of muscle spindles under stretch and golgi tendon organs under excess tension
Muscle spindles animation
Muscle spindles animation
Explaining muscle spindles reflex arc and its response to rapid strecth as a injury prevention mechanism
muscle spindles
muscle spindles
action of muscle spindles under stretch - stretch shortening reflex
Muscle Spindle
Muscle Spindle
www.FLASHBRAINANATOMY.com - click HERE nuclear bag and chain fibers extrafusal musclefibers reflex muscle spindle
Muscle Spindles
Muscle Spindles
In this segment of Neuromechanics weekly, Dr Waerlop discusses those wonderful little volume controls for muscles, and their function
Flagstaff Runners Massage
Flagstaff Runners Massage
Geoffrey Bishop from Stay Tuned Therapeutics in Flagstaff Arizona demonstrates Myoskeletal Alignment for runners. Muscle spindle techniques for Glute max increase ROM in hip extension. as lengthening techniques open the tight lines.
Muscle Spindle and Golgi Tendon Organ Reflexes.mov
Muscle Spindle and Golgi Tendon Organ Reflexes.mov
USCOT441 myotatic reflex music video with vocals USC OT 441 OT441 stretch / deep tendon
USCOT441 myotatic reflex music video with vocals USC OT 441 OT441 stretch / deep tendon
here is the final vid for this myotatic reflex song. this was my extra credit assignment for OT441 neuroscience at USC. the singing is... well... it still makes me laugh. i hope you enjoy this and learn this reflex at the same time :) Fight on trojans! Myotatic reflex- to R. Kelly's "Remix to Ignition" Lyrics by Pierre Clay I'm gonna tap your knee a myotatic reflex we'll see It will start with a stretch and ends when it contracts It happens in the PNS as well as in the CNS They are all involuntary, as we will see in the knee So gimme that tap tap and I'll show you my reflex Makin' my muscle stretch out, and make my knee kick about, It's 'cause it's about reflexive routes When muscle fibers get lengthened, spindle fibers get lengthened Afferent 1As not 2s -- sense quick muscle length as good news The spinal cord gets this news then it splits up in twos Alpha motor efferent's cause agonists to contract TAP- KICK TAP-KICK TAP-KICK *We be kickin' our knee when they tappin' our knee it's all involuntary Now there's some inhibition- it puts antag.s in submission We have inhib. INs they connect to alpha MNs Both these paths will inhibit antagonists will prohibit Reflexive contraction in myotatic reflex What will happen when our muscles will shorten And muscle spindles get slack, what receptor will act? The GTO turns on and the 1Bs get squished We bring 'em both together then the gamma will turn on So after the reflex it's the upper neuron And after the upper it's muscle spindle <b>...</b>
Golgi Organ Theory and Muscle Spindles
Golgi Organ Theory and Muscle Spindles
Cass Talks to Anna and the Golgi (Italian Scientist) Organ Theory
The Stretch Reflex
The Stretch Reflex
This is a step by step description of the Stretch Reflex involving muscle spindles.
Descending Neurological Pathways
Descending Neurological Pathways
In this episode of neuromechanics weekly, Dr Waerlop discusses the descending motor pathways and their route to the muscle spindle, as well as its impact and importance.
Respiratory Control: Reflexes
Respiratory Control: Reflexes
Regulation of Breathing; the reflexes' contribution to respiratory control, including Hering-Breuer inflation reflex, deflation reflex, Head's paradoxic reflex, vagovagal reflex and irritant receptors, J-receptors, peripheral proprioceptors and muscle spindles Text reference: 'Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care, 9th ed.' by Wilkins, Stoller and Kacmarek
Myofascial Release with The Foam Roller by Tuan Tran
Myofascial Release with The Foam Roller by Tuan Tran
Self-Myofascial Release Techniques Would you believe that your client's function could be improved for less than $20? Sound too good to be true? By performing Self-Myofascial Release techniques on a simple piece of foam, your clients can improve flexibility, function, performance, and reduce injuries. In a nutshell, your clients use their own body weight to roll on the round foam roll, massaging away restrictions to normal soft-tissue extensibility. And your clients can perform this program at home, maximizing their recovery time. KINETIC CHAIN CONCEPTS For the health and fitness professional to understand how this "magical" foam roll does all that, a basic understanding of the kinetic chain must be acknowledged. The kinetic chain is made up of the soft tissue system (muscle, tendon, ligament, and fascia), neural system (nerves and CNS), and articular system (joints)6. The kinetic chain works as an integrated functional unit. All components of the kinetic chain exist interdependently. If one segment is not functioning efficiently, then the other components must compensate, leading to tissue overload, fatigue, faulty movement patterns, and finally initiates the Cumulative Injury Cycle3,5,10,12. For example, muscle tightness restricts the range of motion that a joint may be moved. Because of muscle restriction (tightness, soft tissue adhesions, and neural-hyperactivity), joint motion is altered, thus changing normal neural feedback to the CNS (central nervous system <b>...</b>
Muscle Receptor Spindle
Muscle Receptor Spindle
CLICK HERE for this guys channel www.youtube.com This is not my lessons!!!!!
SMR Foam Rolling- by Fitness Foundry
SMR Foam Rolling- by Fitness Foundry
Self Myofascia Release (SMR) Foam Roll: Self Myofascia Release - Myo refers to muscle, fascia to the tissue that surrounds the muscle fibers. By applying pressure on tender areas along the muscle tissue, the golgi tendon organs help trigger the relaxation of the muscle spindles, helping to dissipate the adhesions, increase blood flow, and enhance overall movement. The foam roll is a great recovery tool for all training programs. Complete SMR Foam Roll Techniques in Maximum Boost Workout© Book. For details visit www.fitnessfoundry.net
Learn Barboza's Spinning Kick Knockout - BIOMECH Breakdown
Learn Barboza's Spinning Kick Knockout - BIOMECH Breakdown
CHECK HERE FOR MORE INFO Edson Barboza's spinning wheel kick knockout of Terry Etim at UFC 142 in RIO was one of the most spectacular knockouts in the UFC ever. Not only did he pull off an amazing technique, but he pulled it off in the 3rd round, where very few knockouts happen. The stretch shortening cycle, or SSC is how you generate maximum power in your kicks and punches. It occurs due to elastic properties in the muscle and surrounding tissues and neuromuscular reflexes such as the myotatic stretch reflex that is modulated by muscle spindles. Another powerful component of this kick is Barboza's effective He also maximizes his rotational velocity going into the kick by keeping his body tight during the rotation and then effectively uses the principle of SUMMATION OF FORCES to maximize the speed at which his foot travels. I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope to see more crazy knockouts like this in the UFC in the future! Eric www.EricWongMMA.com - get articles and videos not found on YouTube here
The Gait Guys talk about Stretching
The Gait Guys talk about Stretching
Muscles and spindles and tendons, oh my! Dr Ivo gives the hard facts about stretching. Does stretching make a difference? Does it enhance or inhibit performance? Today's discussion is not fiction or merely our opinion, you should know by now that The Gait Guys are not about presenting misinformation, we are about presenting the facts. Today's dialogue is based on hard, solid, peer-reviewed research and neurophysiology principles. If you feel you disagree with us, please present your research papers so we can begin a productive dialogue amongst us. Join Dr Ivo in this weeks neuromechanics to explore these questions and more. Also check out past episodes of neuromechanics weekly on our Youtube channel: "The Gait Guys" Also check us out on our blog at thegaitguys.tumblr.com
How To Prevent A Cramp
How To Prevent A Cramp
Cramps occur when the muscle spindles in your legs get fatigued. Do these moves twice a week after runs to condition those spindles and prevent cramps.
TUTORIAL: Using Foam Roller for Knee Pain Prevention
TUTORIAL: Using Foam Roller for Knee Pain Prevention
Hello my lovely hoopers/dancers/active beings out there! I'm here dorky as ever sharing a VERY important preventative technique! I am explaining how to roll out your quads, IT bands and calves. How does rolling my muscles on a piece of foam actually help? Here comes the SCIENCE behind it :) The external pressure stimulates receptors located throughout the muscle and connective tissues to override the dysfunctional, yet protective, mechanism caused by the cumulative injury cycle. It has been shown that static tension placed on the unit activates the inhibitory response to the muscle spindle and decrease gamma loop activity. The practical significance is that by holding pressure on the tender areas of tissue (trigger point) for a sustained period of time, trigger point activity can be diminished! This will then allow the application of stretching(lengthening) to increase muscle extensibility of the shortened, tight muscles and reset the lengths to provide optimal length-tension relationships. aka a HAPPY Human Movement System! Using a foam roller before and after hooping will help reduce and prevent any pain from over-use during your hoop practice! The roller come in different densities. Be aware that if you are sensitive to pain, you should start with the white ones and eventually work up to the blue or black foam rollers which are a thicker density and are much harder! Check your local physical therapy clinic or sporting good store to purchase yours! Or purchase online <b>...</b>
BIOSC 139 Dixon - Nervous Tissue
BIOSC 139 Dixon - Nervous Tissue
Purkinje Cells, Pyramidal Cells, Astrocytes, Dorsal Root Ganglia, Ependymal Cells, Muscle Spindle, Meissener Corpuscle, Olfactory Cells, Pacinian Corpuscle, Circumvallate (Taste Buds), Retina, Cochlea
The Law of Reciprocal Inhibition and One80 PT
The Law of Reciprocal Inhibition and One80 PT
The Law of Reciprocal Inhibition is a vital piece of the One80 Physical Therapy thought process when it comes to preventing and recovering from injury. Watch as Dr. Rhett Polka explains what it is and how it applies to injury recovery and prevention.