
SANANDAJ 2012 خیابان های سنندج 26 خرداد 1391
SANANDAJ 2012 خیابان های سنندج 26 خرداد 1391 ....
published: 25 Aug 2012
author: saman zirek
SANANDAJ 2012 خیابان های سنندج 26 خرداد 1391
SANANDAJ 2012 خیابان های سنندج 26 خرداد 1391
SANANDAJ 2012 خیابان های سنندج 26 خرداد 1391 .- published: 25 Aug 2012
- views: 6141
- author: saman zirek

sanandaj.hamid hamidi jabar kabodvand.
hamid hamidi .yadi har hamishe le delmana....
published: 16 May 2011
author: parviz1982
sanandaj.hamid hamidi jabar kabodvand.
sanandaj.hamid hamidi jabar kabodvand.
hamid hamidi .yadi har hamishe le delmana.- published: 16 May 2011
- views: 25448
- author: parviz1982

History of Sna Sine Sina Sanandaj - شاری سنە
Sna, Sina, or Sanandaj is an ancient city of the Eastern Kurdistan or Kurdistan of Iran an...
published: 20 Apr 2013
author: 525iM5X5
History of Sna Sine Sina Sanandaj - شاری سنە
History of Sna Sine Sina Sanandaj - شاری سنە
Sna, Sina, or Sanandaj is an ancient city of the Eastern Kurdistan or Kurdistan of Iran and the capital of Emirates of Ardalan, also considered as the capita...- published: 20 Apr 2013
- views: 904
- author: 525iM5X5

Sanandaj City-Iran-06-19-2011
http://www.presstv.com/section/3510515.html This edition of Iran by Arash Khalatbar takes ...
published: 20 Jun 2011
author: PressTVGlobalNews
Sanandaj City-Iran-06-19-2011
Sanandaj City-Iran-06-19-2011
http://www.presstv.com/section/3510515.html This edition of Iran by Arash Khalatbar takes us to the ancient city of Sanandaj, the capital of Kurdistan province.- published: 20 Jun 2011
- views: 8492
- author: PressTVGlobalNews

سنندج - سنە ، کورسان Sanandaj
(به کردی: سنە ، کورسان)، دومین شهر بزرگ کرد نشین و بیست و سومین شهر بزرگ ایران، مرکز استان...
published: 22 Jan 2014
سنندج - سنە ، کورسان Sanandaj
سنندج - سنە ، کورسان Sanandaj
(به کردی: سنە ، کورسان)، دومین شهر بزرگ کرد نشین و بیست و سومین شهر بزرگ ایران، مرکز استان کردستان در غرب ایران است. نام سنندج دگرگون شدهٔ سنهدژ است و زبان مردم، کردی سورانی اردلانی است. سنندج در ارتفاع ۱۴۵۰ تا ۱۵۳۸ متری از سطح دریا و در منطقهٔ کوهستانی زاگرس واقع شده و آب و هوای سرد و نیمهخشک دارد. این شهر از سمت غرب به کوه آبیدر، از سمت شمال به کوه شیخ معروف، از سمت جنوب به کوه سراج الدین، محدود شدهاست و در منطقهای بهوسعت ۶/۳۶۸۸ هکتار گسترده شدهاست.. جمعیت این شهر بر پایه سرشماری عمومی نفوس و مسکن سال ۱۳۸۵، برابر با ۳۱۱٬۴۴۶ نفر است. سنندج به لحاظ موقعیت جغرافیایی و فعالیتهای شهرسازی عصر صفوی و قاجار، از بافت شهری سنتی با ارزشی برخوردار است که بناهای مسکونی و عامالمنفعه متعددی مانند حمام، مساجد و بازار در آن باقیماندهاست. و دارای محدودهٔ بافت تاریخی فرهنگی با وسعتی معادل ۱۱۲ هکتار است.- published: 22 Jan 2014
- views: 68

Sanandaj سنه سنندج کردستان
نجمه غلامی سنه سنندج کردستان....
published: 11 Apr 2012
author: Navid Mardukh
Sanandaj سنه سنندج کردستان
Sanandaj سنه سنندج کردستان
نجمه غلامی سنه سنندج کردستان.- published: 11 Apr 2012
- views: 3192
- author: Navid Mardukh
Vimeo results:

"The Piggy Bank That I Found" // Iranian Films for Peace: A Series of Shorts Produced by Bahman Ghobadi
Towards the end of 2007, when our fears of a military conflict between the U.S. and Iran w...
published: 04 Nov 2010
author: Cultures of Resistance
"The Piggy Bank That I Found" // Iranian Films for Peace: A Series of Shorts Produced by Bahman Ghobadi
Towards the end of 2007, when our fears of a military conflict between the U.S. and Iran were at their peak, Make Films Not War resolved to use images and stories to continue building a cultural bridge between our two societies, even as our governments ratcheted up their language of war.
We made contact with award-winning Iranian filmmaker Bahman Ghobadi (HALF MOON, TURTLES CAN FLY, A TIME FOR DRUNKEN HORSES), and discussed how best to go about this. We decided to commission five up-and-coming Iranian filmmakers, two of them as young as 10 and 13, to produce a series of short videos on the themes of war and peace. Ghobadi's company, Tehran based MIJ Productions, co-produced.
We hope you enjoy these Video Postcards from Iran, and we encourage you to share them with your friends and family. As the political drama unfolds, and the threat of conflict remains all too real, Make Films Not War believes that we need more cultural exchange and more cross-cultural understanding to offset the efforts of those who would put us on a path to war.
About the Filmmaker:
Arsham Naghshbandi is 13 years old. He goes to school and is a top student in English. He plays guitar and he loves music. He has shot 14 short films with his digital camera. Arsham lives in Sanandaj, Iran.
About ‘The Piggybank That I Found…’
This piece by a young filmmaker is a poignant meditation on the impact of war and weaponry on youth. A young boy finds an unexpected prize while shaking apples out of a tree to the pond below. He rallies a friend to help him pry open the shiny blue object, which both think might hold buried treasure.
Director: Arsham Naghshbandi
Cast: Rosegar Najafi,
Taymur Maghsudi,
Sahand Maghsudi
Cameraman: Hamid Ghavami
Edited by: Hamid Reza Ghorbani
Sound: Kavoos Aghaie
Subtitles: Shabnam Mojtahedi

Hosein talks about his trade, Carpets.
Thanks to Chiman Rahimi for making the interview po...
published: 05 Sep 2009
author: Saman Gareeb
Hosein talks about his trade, Carpets.
Thanks to Chiman Rahimi for making the interview possible.
I filmed with Sony HVR-V1E 1080i.
One of the reasons for my great interest in the art of carpet, was because a great number of my family members and relatives were engaged in this job, hence I became fascinated by it.
When I was studying I spent all my free times going to my brother’s workshop and followed his works in repairing, washing and drying the carpets, and by concentrating on his work I was learning all these arts.
I can say approximately I was 10-11 years old when I started with that and as the time passed by I got more interested.
- For repairing the carpets, for their washing, for their dying and selecting the colours, Although they took a long time, but I learned all these techniques from my brother, because he was a real master in this field and made all efforts to teach me this art.
- This carpet that you see here its design originates from Tabriz, but it has been woven in Turkey. The ordinary eyes cannot distinguish that, only experts can see that and people who knows the carpets. The knots used in this carpet are Turkish knots. I must also tell you a little about the process of knot weaving in making carpets: depending on their forms there are several knots which are employed. Turkish knots and Persian knots. But in this kind of carpet the Turkish knots are used.
- For the material of its texture, it includes thread (cotton), and for the knots it is wool, and dye used in this carpet are partly chemical dyes and partly vegetable dyes. In the past for making carpets mostly the vegetable dyes were used. I must say here that it was an English scholar, English chemist Per King who introduced the chemical dyes in carpet industry, and since then in those areas which carpet weaving are carried out, especially in Iran, China , India, Afghanistan and Turkey and many other places with carpet industry employing chemical dyes are practised.
- This carpet is between 70- 80 years old. But as you see on account that it has been kept properly one may think that it has never been used, but as I said it is between 70- 80 years old. The dye of this carpet also is not totally made of vegetable dye, and as I told you as around 100 -120 years ago the chemical dye was introduced into making carpets, since then the carpet weavers and especially the dyers who use to dye the wool found it easier to use the chemical dyes and realise those colours that they had in mind. Because the vegetable dye takes longer time to get form, it takes longer time. Then the market was a factor as well for using chemical dye. Because the demand for the carpets grew and they should be supplied sooner. Although it effected the art somehow. For instance in the past before the introduction of chemical dye, any dyer had to spent at least 12 hours to form a single form of colour, the wool should have been socked completely , then after taking them from the dying containers they should lay down the wool under the sun, in order to get dry, and later the wool should have been washed a few other times. So there were lots of processes involved. But since the introduction of chemical dye, these processes are not there or they have been shortened. That is why such carpets that are around 70-80 years old part of their dye is according to the traditional way of dying and as they are woven in tribal areas, they weavers still use their traditional methods.
- This carpet that you see here also is an old carpet. It is about 80-90 years old. It is woven by Afshar tribe in Sirjan. It is dyed mostly with vegetable dye and partly with chemical dye.
The texture and knots are hundred per cent wool; there is no thread and cotton used in weaving that. The wool is hand woven. Most of the carpets in our stock are hand made by tribes. Of course these tribes are from different regions. From Shiraz, from Shahsévans of Azerbaijan, from Kurdistan. In these areas there live tribes who are not permanent settlers and they use to decamp from time to time.
- This carpet is not a new one also. It has its own history. It is also 70- 80 years old. Let me tell you its history. When it was bought it had some burns in several places. As I have the know how about repairing and washing the carpets and it is a tradition in our family and later we have become a carpet merchant, and because of my personal interest for this art, I could easily mend those faults. The repairing has been done very professionally that is why it is very difficult to see that it is a repaired carpet.
- I must add here when you want to repair a carpet, the dye that you want to form, it must match the original which has been used for the carpet at least 70- 90 years ago. Our repair could match as to 90 per cent to the original but it could not be identical with it. We have repaired this carpet about 15 years ago, and if we see a little change in the colour, it is

Do Navazi Kamancheh (Shour) - Ardeshir Kamkar & Matthaios Tsahouridis
Ardeshir Kamkar (Persian: اردشیر کامکار) (born 1962 in Sanandaj, Iran) is a Kur...
published: 18 Nov 2011
author: libertinesurrealist
Do Navazi Kamancheh (Shour) - Ardeshir Kamkar & Matthaios Tsahouridis
Ardeshir Kamkar (Persian: اردشیر کامکار) (born 1962 in Sanandaj, Iran) is a Kurdish musician from Iran.
Matthaios Tsahouridis (born 18 Sep 1978 in Veria, Greece) is a Greek musician who plays a range of stringed musical instruments.
daf & frame drums
Hossein Zahavi

Act 4 -- Babak Sharifi, Pejman Hadadi
Album : Release
Babak Sharifi: Divan (Baglama)
Pejman Hadadi: Tombak
Improvisations of B...
published: 18 Aug 2011
author: libertinesurrealist
Act 4 -- Babak Sharifi, Pejman Hadadi
Album : Release
Babak Sharifi: Divan (Baglama)
Pejman Hadadi: Tombak
Improvisations of Babak Sharifi (Divan) and Pejman Hadadi (Tombak) meet together based on Kurdish folk melodies from Iran, Turkey and Irak.
Babak Sharifi was born in 1978 in the city of Sanandaj. Through his famous Kurdish singer father, Hossein, he was introduced to music and started with the percussion instrument tombak.
His passion for music propelled him to pick up other musical instruments but none attracted him as much as baglama, which he has been playing for the past 15 years. He plays it in a unique way, which is based on traditional methods but different from the way this instrument is played today in Turkey, where it was originated.
Pejman (1969) began playing tombak at the age of ten with the masters Asadollah Hejazi and Bahman Rajabi. Upon immigration to the United States (1990), he began his professional career, performing and recording with ensembles of Persian classical music as well as Indian, Turkish and American musicians.
In 1995, Pejman Hadadi joined the famous Dastan Ensemble. Over the years, he has also perfomed with some of the masters of Persian music including Hossein Alizadeh, Shahram Nazeri, Hossein Omoumi, Parisa, Ali Akbar Moradi and Ardeshir Kamkar.
Pejman, recipient of the prestigious Durfee Foundation Master Musician Award, is also the founder of Neyreez World Percussion Academy in Southern California, where he teaches Tombak and Daf..
Youtube results:

Farshad Moradi 2013 kurdish song sanandaj
Farshad Moradi 2013 kurdish song sanandaj....
published: 27 Jan 2013
author: karwan130
Farshad Moradi 2013 kurdish song sanandaj
Farshad Moradi 2013 kurdish song sanandaj
Farshad Moradi 2013 kurdish song sanandaj.- published: 27 Jan 2013
- views: 1253
- author: karwan130

Morad song gorani qadimi kurdish sanandaj
Morad song gorani qadimi kurdish sanandaj....
published: 10 Mar 2013
author: karwan130
Morad song gorani qadimi kurdish sanandaj
Morad song gorani qadimi kurdish sanandaj
Morad song gorani qadimi kurdish sanandaj.- published: 10 Mar 2013
- views: 963
- author: karwan130