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KJS 24 Rajd Podkarpacki - Krosno - 2012-10-28 HD
best of crashes vol 4 - 2012 - - dzwony kjs crash rally hd
KJS Super OeS Barbórka 2013 - Gorlice 2013-12-08 HD
KJS Zimowy Super OeS - Gorlice - 2014-02-23 HD
KJS Lędziny 2013 - The Best Of by OesRecords
best of crashes vol 5 - 2013 - - dzwony kjs crash rally hd
KJS Rajd Biecki
KJS Lutomia 2013 by RosciszowRallyVideo
KJS Rzeszów - 2013-10-06 HD
best of crashes vol 2 - 2010 - - dzwony kjs crash rally
KJS 25 Rajd Podkarpacki - Krosno Korczyna - 2013-12-01 HD


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KJS 24 Rajd Podkarpacki - Krosno - 2012-10-28 HD
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:15
  • Updated: 30 Jul 2013

KJS 24 Rajd Podkarpacki - Krosno - 2012-10-28 HD - nagrania przejazdow wszystkich startujacych KJS 24 Rajd Podkarpacki Krosno - 2012-10-28 HD.
  • published: 30 Oct 2012
  • views: 15858
  • author: fukku666 24 Rajd Podkarpacki - Krosno - 2012-10-28 HD
best of crashes vol 4 - 2012 - - dzwony kjs crash rally hd
  • Order:
  • Duration: 18:49
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

best of crashes vol 4 - 2012 - - dzwony kjs crash rally hd - nagrania przejazdow wszystkich startujacych best of crashes vol 4 - 2012 www.rally...
  • published: 16 Dec 2012
  • views: 1022304
  • author: fukku666 of crashes vol 4 - 2012 - - dzwony kjs crash rally hd
KJS Super OeS Barbórka 2013 - Gorlice 2013-12-08 HD
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:40
  • Updated: 11 Dec 2013

KJS Super OeS Barbórka 2013 - Gorlice 2013-12-08 HD - nagrania przejazdow wszystkich startujacych KJS SuperOeS Barbórka 2013 - Gorlice 2013-12-08 rajd
  • published: 11 Dec 2013
  • views: 1538 Super OeS Barbórka 2013 - Gorlice 2013-12-08 HD
KJS Zimowy Super OeS - Gorlice - 2014-02-23 HD
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:47
  • Updated: 28 Feb 2014

KJS Zimowy Super OeS - Gorlice - 2014-02-23 HD

KJS Zimowy Super OeS - Gorlice - 2014-02-23 HD Automobilklub Biecki I Eliminacja Mistrzostw Powiatu Gorlickiego w Super OeS-ie 2014 nagrania przejazdów wszystkich startujących
  • published: 28 Feb 2014
  • views: 1638 Zimowy Super OeS - Gorlice - 2014-02-23 HD
KJS Lędziny 2013 - The Best Of by OesRecords
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:18
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2013

KJS Lędziny 2013 - The Best Of by OesRecords

Posiadamy nagranie każdej załogi w jakości HD. Zamówienia na Nazwisko Imię Kierowca pilot, auto, nr startowy Lędziny 2013 - The Best Of by OesRecords
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:17
  • Updated: 14 Sep 2013

KJS "XIII Rajd Mielecki Targum" - 2013-09-08 Mielec HD - nagrania przejazdow wszystkich startujacych KJS "13 Rajd Mielecki Targum" - 2013-09-08 Mielec HD IV RUNDA MISTRZOSTW OKRĘGU RZESZOWSKIEGO W KJS II RUNDA MISTRZOSTW MIELCA
  • published: 14 Sep 2013
  • views: 1570 "XIII Rajd Mielecki Targum" - 2013-09-08 Mielec HD
best of crashes vol 5 - 2013 - - dzwony kjs crash rally hd
  • Order:
  • Duration: 19:25
  • Updated: 15 Dec 2013

best of crashes vol 5 - 2013 - - dzwony kjs crash rally hd - nagrania przejazdów wszystkich startujących best of crashes vol 5 - 2013 - dzwony kjs crash rally amator hd spin fail pure sound drift poland autocross
  • published: 15 Dec 2013
  • views: 22332 of crashes vol 5 - 2013 - - dzwony kjs crash rally hd
KJS Rajd Biecki
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:15
  • Updated: 23 Jul 2013

KJS Rajd Biecki "Barbórka 2012" - Biecz - 2012-12-09 HD - nagrania przejazdow wszystkich startujacych KJS Rajd Biecki "Barbórka 2012" - Biecz - 201...
  • published: 11 Dec 2012
  • views: 15508
  • author: fukku666 Rajd Biecki "Barbórka 2012" - Biecz - 2012-12-09 HD
KJS Lutomia 2013 by RosciszowRallyVideo
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:20
  • Updated: 24 Nov 2013

KJS Lutomia 2013 by RosciszowRallyVideo

Chcesz zobaczyć swój przejazd? Posiadamy nagrania każdej załogi w jakości HD.Pisz na: lub
  • published: 24 Nov 2013
  • views: 1202 Lutomia 2013 by RosciszowRallyVideo
KJS Rzeszów - 2013-10-06 HD
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:40
  • Updated: 09 Oct 2013

KJS Rzeszów - 2013-10-06 HD - nagrania przejazdow wszystkich startujacych
  • published: 09 Oct 2013
  • views: 1920 Rzeszów - 2013-10-06 HD
best of crashes vol 2 - 2010 - - dzwony kjs crash rally
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:25
  • Updated: 14 Aug 2013

best of crashes vol 2 - 2010 - - dzwony kjs crash rally dzwon dzwony crash crashes wypadek wypadki kjs amatorskie rajdy rally wyscigi samochodowe rsmp pzm rpp mor too fast na 110% amat...
  • published: 24 Dec 2010
  • views: 1005933
  • author: fukku666 of crashes vol 2 - 2010 - - dzwony kjs crash rally
KJS 25 Rajd Podkarpacki - Krosno Korczyna - 2013-12-01 HD
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:07
  • Updated: 03 Dec 2013

KJS 25 Rajd Podkarpacki - Krosno Korczyna - 2013-12-01 HD - nagrania przejazdow wszystkich startujacych
  • published: 03 Dec 2013
  • views: 2592 25 Rajd Podkarpacki - Krosno Korczyna - 2013-12-01 HD
KJS Magurski Super OeS - GŁADYSZÓW - 2013-10-13 HD
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:46
  • Updated: 21 Oct 2013

KJS Magurski Super OeS - GŁADYSZÓW - 2013-10-13 HD

KJS Magurski Super OeS - GŁADYSZÓW - 2013-10-13 HD - nagrania przejazdow wszystkich startujacych
  • published: 21 Oct 2013
  • views: 1662 Magurski Super OeS - GŁADYSZÓW - 2013-10-13 HD
Wyścig Brzeziny - 3 Runda SZK - 2013-07-14 HD ( kjs dzwon rally crashes )
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:59
  • Updated: 26 Jul 2013

Wyścig Brzeziny - 3 Runda SZK - 2013-07-14 HD ( kjs dzwon rally crashes ) - nagrania przejazdow wszystkich startujacych akstomil Dębica Wyścig Brzeziny - Samo...
  • published: 14 Jul 2013
  • views: 5616
  • author: fukku666ścig Brzeziny - 3 Runda SZK - 2013-07-14 HD ( kjs dzwon rally crashes )

KJS 24 Rajd Podkarpacki - Krosno - 2012-10-28 HD - nagrania przejazdow wszystkich startujacych KJS 24 Rajd Podkarpacki Krosno - 2012-10-28 HD.
  • published: 30 Oct 2012
  • views: 15858
  • author: fukku666

KJS 24 Rajd Pod­karpac­ki - Kros­no - 2012-10-28 HD
http://​www.​rallyvideo.​prv.​pl - na­gra­nia prze­jaz­dow wszys­t­kich star­tu­ja­cych www.​youtube.​com...
pub­lished: 30 Oct 2012
au­thor: fukku666
best of crash­es vol 4 - 2012 - www.​rallyvideo.​prv.​pl - dz­wony kjs crash rally hd
http://​www.​rallyvideo.​prv.​pl - na­gra­nia prze­jaz­dow wszys­t­kich star­tu­ja­cych http://​www.​yout...
pub­lished: 16 Dec 2012
au­thor: fukku666
KJS Super OeS Barbórka 2013 - Gor­lice 2013-12-08 HD
http://​www.​rallyvideo.​prv.​pl - na­gra­nia prze­jaz­dow wszys­t­kich star­tu­ja­cych http://​www.​you...
pub­lished: 11 Dec 2013
KJS Zi­mowy Super OeS - Gor­lice - 2014-02-23 HD
KJS Zi­mowy Super OeS - Gor­lice - 2014-02-23 HD Au­to­mo­bilk­lub Biec­ki I Elim­i­nac­ja Mis­tr­zost...
pub­lished: 28 Feb 2014
KJS Lędziny 2013 - The Best Of by Oes­Records
Posi­adamy na­granie każdej załogi w jakości HD. Zamówienia na oesrecords@​oesrecords.​pl Nazw...
pub­lished: 10 Mar 2013
au­thor: TheOes­Records
KJS "XIII Rajd Mi­elec­ki Tar­gum" - 2013-09-08 Mi­elec HD
http://​www.​rallyvideo.​prv.​pl - na­gra­nia prze­jaz­dow wszys­t­kich star­tu­ja­cych http://​www.​you...
pub­lished: 14 Sep 2013
best of crash­es vol 5 - 2013 - www.​rallyvideo.​prv.​pl - dz­wony kjs crash rally hd
http://​www.​rallyvideo.​prv.​pl - na­gra­nia prze­jazdów wszys­t­kich star­tujących http://​www.​you...
pub­lished: 15 Dec 2013
KJS Rajd Biec­ki "Barbórka 2012" - Biecz - 2012-12-09 HD
http://​www.​rallyvideo.​prv.​pl - na­gra­nia prze­jaz­dow wszys­t­kich star­tu­ja­cych www.​youtube.​com...
pub­lished: 11 Dec 2012
au­thor: fukku666
KJS Lu­to­mia 2013 by Roscis­zowRal­lyVideo
Chcesz zobaczyć swój prze­jazd? Posi­adamy na­gra­nia każdej załogi w jakości HD.​Pisz na: rosc...
pub­lished: 24 Nov 2013
KJS Rzeszów - 2013-10-06 HD
http://​www.​rallyvideo.​prv.​pl - na­gra­nia prze­jaz­dow wszys­t­kich star­tu­ja­cych http://​www.​you...
pub­lished: 09 Oct 2013
best of crash­es vol 2 - 2010 - www.​rallyvideo.​prv.​pl - dz­wony kjs crash rally
http://​www.​rallyvideo.​prv.​pl dzwon dz­wony crash crash­es wypadek wypad­ki kjs am­a­torskie raj...
pub­lished: 24 Dec 2010
au­thor: fukku666
KJS 25 Rajd Pod­karpac­ki - Kros­no Ko­r­czy­na - 2013-12-01 HD
http://​www.​rallyvideo.​prv.​pl - na­gra­nia prze­jaz­dow wszys­t­kich star­tu­ja­cych http://​www.​you...
pub­lished: 03 Dec 2013
KJS Magurs­ki Super OeS - GŁADYSZÓW - 2013-10-13 HD
KJS Magurs­ki Super OeS - GŁADYSZÓW - 2013-10-13 HD http://​www.​rallyvideo.​prv.​pl - na­grani...
pub­lished: 21 Oct 2013
Wyścig Brzeziny - 3 Runda SZK - 2013-07-14 HD ( kjs dzwon rally crash­es )
http://​www.​rallyvideo.​prv.​pl - na­gra­nia prze­jaz­dow wszys­t­kich star­tu­ja­cych http://​www.​yout...
pub­lished: 14 Jul 2013
au­thor: fukku666
Youtube results:
KJS Do­brzeń Wiel­ki 2013 by Roscis­zowRal­lyVideo
Chcesz zobaczyć swój prze­jazd? Posi­adamy na­gra­nia każdej załogi w jakości HD.​Pisz na: rosc...
pub­lished: 10 Nov 2013
KJS Rajd Biec­ki - 2013-07-28 Biecz HD
http://​www.​rallyvideo.​prv.​pl - na­gra­nia prze­jaz­dow wszys­t­kich star­tu­ja­cych http://​www.​yout...
pub­lished: 30 Jul 2013
au­thor: fukku666
Best of KJS 2007-2008 by RallyAd­dict & VRT
facebook.​com/​RallyAddict KJS is a Pol­ish short­cut for "Con­test in Driv­ing a Car", so it si...
pub­lished: 22 Dec 2011
au­thor: rallyad­dict
KJS 23 Rajd Pod­karpac­ki - Kros­no - 2011-10-23 HD
http://​www.​rallyvideo.​prv.​pl - na­gra­nia prze­jaz­dow wszys­t­kich star­tu­ja­cych, in­dy­wid­u­alne p...
pub­lished: 26 Oct 2011
au­thor: fukku666
photo: AP / Cristian Viveros
A fire burns at a restaurant after an earthquake in Iquique, Chile, Tuesday, April 1, 2014.
Edit Canberra Times
02 Apr 2014
Locals sit on the street following a tsunami alert after a powerful 8.0-magnitude earthquake. Photo. AFP. Chile earthquake. as it happened. Santiago. A major earthquake has struck off the coast of Chile, triggering a tsunami, causing landslides that blocked highways and leading to at least five deaths. The earthquake of magnitude 8.2 struck at 8.46pm local time, and triggered a tsunami that hit the northern part of the country ... Photo ... ....(size: 3.1Kb)
photo: US DoS
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov climb the stairs in the Russian Ambassador's house in Paris, France, on March 30, 2014, before a meeting focused on Ukraine.
01 Apr 2014
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. Instead of being overly alarmed with Crimea's popular and democratic referendum to join Russia, or as some in the West would say Russia's military incursion into Ukraine, the real concern should be if the United States and western Europe will again misread Russian objectives. Starting right after World War I and continuing through to the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan, the U.S ... ....(size: 5.8Kb)
photo: AP / Cristian Viveros
A view of the city of Iquique, Chile, after an earthquake struck late Tuesday, April 1, 2014.
Edit Newstrack India
02 Apr 2014
Tweet. Normal life in Chile come to a halt when it witnesses a magnitude-8.0 earthquake to its cost which has been assume for a warnings of Tsunami for all of Latin America's Pacific coast. The US Geological Survey (USGS) has said that it can be a warning for Tsunami for the region. However there was no immediate report of any damage ... Chilean authorities, however, reportedly registered the quake as 7.9 magnitude ... ) .. ). ... . . . . . .. . . ....(size: 2.3Kb)
photo: AP / Ramon Espinosa
Students gather behind a business looking for a Internet signal for their smart phones in Havana, Cuba, Tuesday, April 1, 2014.
Edit BBC News
03 Apr 2014
3 April 2014 Last updated at 18.53 BST. The US created a text-message social network designed to foment unrest in Cuba, according to an investigation by the Associated Press news agency ... "This was a programme that has been invested in and debated by in Congress," Mr Carney said ... Read more. US created 'Cuban Twitter' to stir unrest ... ....(size: 2.2Kb)
photo: AP / Cristian Vivero
People evacuate their homes after a strong aftershock in Iquique, Chile, early Thursday, April 3, 2014.
Edit Skynews
03 Apr 2014
A second powerful earthquake has struck off northern Chile, a day after the region was hit by a deadly 8.2-magnitude tremor. The 7.6-magnitude quake rattled buildings and triggered a new round of evacuations, although a tsunami alert issued for coastal communities was soon lifted ... Authorities estimate about 2,500 homes were damaged by Tuesday's quake ... ....(size: 1.9Kb)

Edit Canberra Times
28 Mar 2014
Besides,  even if you’re not a regular fast food buyer, there are those  times when  you’re  travelling way beyond  Australia’s metropolitan areas  with only fast  food between you and starvation  and it  helps to know that at 1320 kJs, a McCafe orange and poppy seed muffin is skinnier than the   healthy sounding banana bread  with  2570 kJs....(size: 4.5Kb)
Edit Business Wire
17 Mar 2014
IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--American Industrial Systems, Inc. (AIS), a leader in HMI multi-touch displays, panel PC and operator interface technologies has announced the addition of their new PoE multi-touch conference room scheduling system ... AIS Open System HMI Technology Fosters “Internet of Things” and M2M Communications ... ... WebKit's HTML and JavaScript code began as a branch of the KHTML and KJS libraries from KDE ... About AIS ... ....(size: 11.2Kb)
Edit Sun Star
28 Feb 2014
He said the suspects forced the victim to board a Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) with registered plate number KJS-723 and which fled toward east from the PhilHealth building ... ....(size: 0.9Kb)
Edit noodls
19 Feb 2014
(Source. NCDEX - National Commodity & Derivative Exchange Ltd). çlsslssl. foKfIr. ,ulhMssDssDl ussss. ckt++k+k+kj essaassaa. iss'ss'k fd;k. viuh rjg dk vuBwwBww. k flYoj gsstsst. dk¡¡V¡¡VªªªªSSDSSDV. vuqqcqqcUèk dssss. fofunZZ'ssZZ'ss k %. • fVdj çrhd & SILVRHEDGE. • dkjkcs. kj bdkbZ & 15 fdxzk. • vkèkkj % ,Dl&vgenkckn;] lhek&'kqYd] LFkkuh; fcØh dj@oSV@pqxa. 'kqYd ;k mn~xzg.k 'kkfey ugha. h ,oa dkbs ... kjh ... ,oa [kjs eYw....(size: 4.5Kb)
Edit Jakarta Post
13 Feb 2014
A mother carrying her baby shows a Jakarta Health ......(size: 0.3Kb)
Edit Berita Jakarta
04 Feb 2014
 . Jakarta Provincial Government is going to build a modern General Hospital (RSUD) in Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta. Its construction, which dedicated special for third-class patients or Jakarta Health Card (KJS) users, will take 15 months ... In that occasion, Jokowi also pressed a button that marked Pasar Minggu RSUD groundbreaking ... Translator ...   11/03/2009 ... No. Maybe       ... Jl....(size: 2.1Kb)
Edit Berita Jakarta
04 Feb 2014
 . After had been delayed for more than three months, Jakarta Cleanliness Department finally paid the salary of janitors via DKI Bank account ... The salary is adapted to the janitor’s performance ... Based on the mandate of Jakarta Governor Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo and Vice Governor Basuki T Purnama, every janitor must have health insurance and other insurance, such as Jakarta Health Card (KJS) and Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) ... Translator ... No ... Jl....(size: 2.9Kb)
Edit noodls
27 Jan 2014
(Source. Chandigarh District Administration) iz'kkld ds lykgdkj. Jh ds-ds- 'kekZ]vkbZ-,-,l-. dk. x.kra=krk fnol Hkk"k.k&2014. x.krU=k fnol Hkk"k.k & 2014. 1- esjs fiz; ukxfjdksa (lkFkh ukxfjdksa)] izfrf"Br esgeku] iz'kklu ls esjs lg;ksxh] ehfM;k&fe;=kx.k] nsfo;ksa&lTtuksa; ,oa I;kjs cPpksa--------. 2- 65osa x.krU=k fnol ds bl 'kqHk volj ij eSa vki lcdks gkfnZd ... gksrh gSA ... cukus dk dk;Z Hkh ys jgk gSA. 9- ... vkSj....(size: 13.6Kb)
Edit Jakarta Globe
24 Jan 2014
By Detimega Purnamasari, Lenny Tristia Tambun & Fana FS Putra on 9.01 am January 24, 2014. Category Featured, News. Tags. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, Jakarta Education System ... The Jakarta administration launched the scheme, known as KJP, in December ... “He would continue to do it if he is not dismissed,” Basuku said angrily ... It’s clear that he had bad intentions.” ... The city administration last year also launched the Jakarta Health Card (KJS) ... ....(size: 4.9Kb)
Edit The Times of India
08 Jan 2014
PUNE ... The CDP will help the cantonment board get funds from the state and Union government under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). Speaking to TOI, KJS Chauhan, KCB's chief executive officer, said, "The cantonment requires huge funds to implement development projects. We have been demanding that the cantonment be included under the JNNURM scheme ... ....(size: 1.7Kb)
Edit DNA India
07 Jan 2014
An exclusive Zee Business investigation into illegal coal mining in Orissa has exposed a Rs 60,000 crore scam involving the Naveen Patnaik government and companies including Tata Steel andAditya Birla group companies. The report shows how rules and laws have been manipulated by many such companies with the connivance of the Patnaik government ... Free booty. Close to Rs60 thousand crore illegal mining in Odisha ... KJS Ahluwalia 1201cr ... ....(size: 2.8Kb)
Edit Jakarta Globe
04 Jan 2014
By Jakarta Globe on 10.35 am January 4, 2014. Category Featured, Health, Health & Science, News. Tags. BPJS Social Security Organizing Body, JKN, KJS Jakarta Health Card. The new scheme of universal health care coverage was launched on Jan. 1, 2014. (JG Photo/Safir Makki) ... The program is targeted to cover at least 121.6 million Indonesians by the end of this year ... “Makassar, for example, only saw some 400 people register.” ... 1, 2015 ... ....(size: 8.6Kb)
Edit Jakarta Globe
02 Jan 2014
BPJS Social Security Organizing Body, health care, KJS Jakarta Health Card ... “Why do we have a new one when the KJS [Jakarta Healthy Card] system is still pretty new? I don’t understand.” ... “From what I understand, the KJS will be replaced by the BPJS, but I don’t understand the details,” she says....(size: 3.9Kb)

KJS may stand for:

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im gonna strike while the irons hot tonight
you got somrthing you wanna talk about
well i got something i cant live without
here comes your night in shining armor again
and thats me baby
yes i know
im just like all the rest
and you know
ill never pass that test
yes i know
im just like all the rest
no-no-nobodys perfect ma-ma-mabe i come awfuly close
no-no-nobodys perfect
mabey its time to take off your clothes
take em off babe
go ahead
flip a coin is it heads or tails tonight
you cant bring this boy to his knees
i guess im guilty baby if you please
if im goin down in flames
baby im goin in style
oh yeah
yes i know
you hope were not all the same
and you know
im just playin the game
yes i know
im just like all the rest
no-no-nobodys perfect
ma-ma-mabey i come awfuly close
no-no-nobodys perfect

Sometimes you say you don't want my love today
But oh baby I know what you're aiming at
And I know, well I see everything that's in store for me
Well baby here's your big surprise, yeah
I've got X-ray eyes
And I can see right through your lies
One day you'll see, you'll come crawling back to me
I'm your one and only, that's a fact, yeah
Well I'm the one, the one and only, in the end baby you'll be lonely
I've got no time for silly goodbyes, yeah
I've got X-ray eyes
(X-ray eyes)
And I can see right through your lies, yeah
I've got X-ray eyes
(X-ray eyes)
And I can see right through your lies, yeah, yeah
Ooh and I know, well I see everything that's in store for me
Well baby here's your big surprise, yeah
I've got X-ray eyes
(X-ray eyes)
And I can see right through your lies, yeah
I've got X-ray eyes
(X-ray eyes)
And I can see right through your lies, yeah
I've got X-ray eyes
(X-ray eyes)
And I can see right through your lies, yeah
I've got X-ray eyes
(X-ray eyes)

- Paul Stanley, Desmond Child, Jean Beauvoir
Ooh, you look good tonight
Standing there in your own world
Baby, talk to me with your eyes
Before the moment dies
I want to say to you
Time is just passing us by
You keep waiting for something called love
Wake up in the middle of the night
Nobody's gonna make it alright
Who wants to be lonely, who wants to be with you tonight, oh, oh
Who wants to be lonely, who wants to be holding you tight, oh, oh
Ooh yeah
Open yourself to me
Let me show you what it can be like
Baby, giving it all that you've got
Nothing can hold you back
Some things can stand alone
A mountain can feel no desire
But a heart isn't made out of stone
Wake up in the middle of the night
Nobody's gonna make it alright
Who wants to be lonely, who wants to be with you tonight, oh, oh
Who wants to be lonely, who wants to be holding you tight, oh, oh
Who wants to be lonely, ooh
Who wants to be lonely, all by yourself
Who wants to be lonely, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Wake up in the middle of the night
Nobody's gonna make it alright
I want to say to you
Time is just passing us by
You keep waiting for something called love
Who wants to be lonely, who wants to be with you tonight, oh, oh
Who wants to be lonely, who wants to be holding you tight, oh, oh
(Ooh yeah) Who wants to be lonely
(Yeah) Who wants to be with you tonight, oh, oh (tell me tonight)
(Yeah) Who wants to be lonely (oh yeah)
Who wants to be holding you tight, oh, oh (tell me tonight)
(Tell me tonight) Who wants to be lonely (yeah)
Who wants to be with you tonight, oh, oh (Tell me tonight, tell me)
Who wants to be lonely, who wants to be holding you tight, oh, oh

You are not alone and how long can you run?
It's much to late if you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone
Once upon a time you were a child but that was yesterday
Believed that magic in your heart would never fade away
But hold your head up high and let your spirits fly
Keep hope alive, yes deep inside and your dreams will never die
We are one
Everywhere I go, everyone I see
And I see my face looking back at me
We are one
Everything I know, what I know is true
Everyone of us is inside of you
We are one
We are one
Ohh, take a breath, close your eyes, you're on the road again
And then you realize they've brought you back to life again
Something's never change but if you fantasize
You'll feel it deep inside yourself and then you'll realize
When you feel it coming, when you hear the sound
You'll always laugh when you wanna cry
And that you'll know it deep inside
We are one
Everywhere I go, everyone I see
And I see my face looking back at me
We are one
Everything I know, what I know is true
Everyone of us is inside of you
We are one
We are one
You are me, I am you
What you see is all true
It's all true
(It's all true)
You are me, I am you
What you see is all true
It's all true
(It's all true)
You are me, I am you
(We are one)
What you see is all true
(We are one)
It's all true
(It's all true)
You are me, I am you
(We are one)
What you see is all true
(We are one)
It's all true
(It's all true)
We are one
Everywhere I go, everyone I see
And I see my face looking back at me
We are one
Everything I know, what I know is true
Everyone of us is inside of you
We are one
Everywhere I go, everyone I see
(We are one)
And I see my face looking back at me
We are one
Everything I know, what I know is true
Everyone of us is inside of you

I was there through the ages, chained slaves to their cages
I have seen you eat your own
I'm the cycle of pain, of a thousand year old reign
I'm suicide and salvation, the omen to nations
That you worship on all fours
I'm the infection and famine, that's knockin' at your door
That's why you're feeling so
Yeah, I was created by man, you know I'm
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I am the incubus, I lay the egg in you
The worm that burrows through your brain
But you are the beast, that calls me by my name
You send your children to war
To serve bastards and whores
So now you know
You created me on the day that you were born
Yeah, I was created by man, you know I'm
From the left hand of power comes the father of lies, yeah
Unholy, unholy
I lay you down to sleep, your soul to keep
Better cross your heart before you die
Now you know, know that you are mine
That's why you're feeling so

I've met some ladies and then some girls
But they don't tell you, they just want a whirl
It's kind of funny, a little sad
'Cause they're not happy, they're just kinda glad
To be with me for just a night
And maybe even turn out the lights, we'll turn out the lights
I need time to ease my mind
Make up my mind, which one to find
Two sides of the coin to choose from
Two sides of the coin, they are mine
Two sides of the coin, I'm gettin' weary
Which one should I choose, I need time?
I'd like to say a word or two
About the women we all seem to know
They're all around us, they're everywhere
You meet them this place and then meet them there
Then you decide to pick a mate
Because you're tired of all those dates, of all those dates
I need time to ease my mind
Make up my mind, which one to find
Two sides of the coin to choose from
Two sides of the coin, they are mine
Two sides of the coin, I'm gettin' weary
Which one should I choose, I need time?
Choose one!
Two sides of the coin to choose from
Two sides of the coin, they are mine
Two sides of the coin, I'm gettin' weary
Which one should I choose, I need time?
Two sides of the coin to choose from
Two sides of the coin, they are mine
Two sides of the coin, I'm gettin' weary
Which one should I choose, I need time?
Choose one!

I couldn't sleep at all last night
Just a-thinkin' 'bout you
Baby, things weren't right
'Cause I was
Tossin' and turnin', turnin' and tossin'
Tossin' and turnin', tossin' and turnin' all night
I kicked the blankets on the floor
Turned my pillow upside down
I never felt this way before
'Cause I was
Tossin' and turnin', turnin' and tossin'
Tossin' and turnin', tossin' and turnin' all night
Jumped out of bed, turned on the lights
Pulled down the shade, went to the kitchen for a bite
Rolled up the shade, turned down the lights
(Rolled up the shade)
I jumped back into bed, was the middle of the night
The clock downstairs was strikin' three
Couldn't get you off my mind
I heard the milkman on the street
'Cause I was
Tossin' and turnin', turnin' and tossin'
Tossin' and turnin', tossin' and turnin' all night
Jumped out of bed, turned on the lights
Pulled down the shade, went to the kitchen for a bite
Rolled up the shade, turned down the lights
(Rolled up the shade)
Jumped back into bed, was the middle of the night
The clock downstairs was strikin' three
Couldn't get you off my mind
I heard the milkman on the street
'Cause I was
Tossin' and turnin', turnin' and tossin'
Tossin' and turnin', tossin' and turnin' all night
Tossin' and turnin'
(Tossin' and turnin')
Tossin' and turnin'
(Tossin' and turnin')
Turnin' and tossin'
(Turnin' and tossin')
Tossin' and turnin'
(Tossin' and turnin')
Tossin' and turnin'
(Tossin' and turnin')
Turnin' and tossin'
(Tossin' and turnin')
Tossin' and turnin'
(Tossin' and turnin')
Tossin' and turnin'
(Tossin' and turnin')
Turnin' and tossin'
(Tossin' and turnin')
(Tossin' and turnin')
Tossin' and turnin'
(Tossin' and turnin')
Turnin' and tossin'
(Tossin' and turnin')

Here I go, down below
The sun is goin' down, a jungle comes alive
The beast is wakin' up, to take another life
I can't sleep, in too deep
The man with nothing left, without a place to hide
Will take a final breath and tumble in the night
Yeah, someone's safe at home
Someone dies alone, someone's fallen prey
Yeah, some will take their fill
Like lions to the kill, livin' day to day
Whoa, the jungle
Mothers mourn, fathers groan
The child takes a hit and then he starts to cry
A mother never hears her baby's last goodbye
Yeah, someone's safe at home
Someone dies alone, someone's fallen prey
Yeah, some will take their fill
Like lions to the kill, livin' day to day
Whoa, the jungle
The sun is comin' up, a city comes alive
The lamb will never see a jungle in the sky
Yeah, someone's safe at home
Someone dies alone, someone's fallen prey
Yeah, some will take their fill
Like lions to the kill, livin' day to day
Yeah, someone dies alone
Someone's safe at home
All is flesh and bone

I didn't want you, did not need you
Sure wouldn't mean to kick you down
You know I love you, I really love you
Sure do wish you'd come around
'Coz you're the kind of sugar papa likes
And when you do it, it drives me crazy
(Drives me crazy)
And I don't know if I'm up or down
Lost or found with you
You shoulda told me, I'm not the only
Man to love you twice
But since I know now, I think I'll go now
And find someone who'll love me right
But you're the kind of sugar papa likes
And when we do it, it drives me crazy
(Drives me crazy)
And I don't know if I'm up or down
Lost or found with you
But you're the kind of sugar papa likes
And when you do it, it drives me crazy
(Drives me crazy)
Well, I don't know if I'm up or down
Lost or found with you
'Coz you're the kind of sugar papa likes
And when you do it, it drives me crazy
(Drives me crazy)
Well, I don't know if I'm up or down
Lost or found with you
(You're the kind of sugar papa likes)
With you
(You're the kind of sugar papa likes)
(You're the kind of sugar papa likes)
It drives me crazy
(You're the kind of sugar papa likes)
Drives me crazy
(You're the kind of sugar papa likes)
Yes you, baby
(You're the kind of sugar papa likes)
Drives me crazy
(You're the kind of sugar papa likes)
And you're pretty, baby
(You're the kind of sugar papa likes)
Drives me crazy
(You're the kind of sugar papa likes)
Drives me crazy
(You're the kind of sugar papa likes)
Drives me crazy
(You're the kind of sugar papa likes)
Drives me crazy
(You're the kind of sugar papa likes)
Drives me crazy
(You're the kind of sugar papa likes)
Drives me crazy
(You're the kind of sugar papa likes)

I read your mind like an open book
You lost the fire in your eyes
You turn to me with a different look
And then it's raining, looks like it's raining
Oh no, tears are falling
Oh no, tears are falling
Oh no, tears are falling
Somethin' is wrong as I hold you near
Somebody else holds your heart yeah
You turn to me with your eyes in tears
And then it's raining, feels like it's raining
Oh no, tears are falling
Oh no, tears are falling, whoo oo oh
Oh no, tears are falling, whoo oo ooh
And now it's raining, yeeaahh
looks like it's raining (someone stole your heart)
And now it's raining
Feels like it's raining
Oh no, tears are falling...

My leathers fit tight around me
Whip is always beside me
You want the same thing everyday
I'll teach you love a different way
You'll learn to love me
And my sweet pain
My love will drive you insane
Sweet pain
My love will drive you insane
And pain has got its reason
And if you don't stop your teasin', baby
I'm gonna show you now
You'll get your lovin' anyhow, anyhow
And you'll get to love me
And my sweet pain
My love will drive you insane
Ahh, sweet pain
My love will drive you insane
Ahh, you got to love me any way I say
Ahh, you got to love me and my sweet pain
Pain has got it's reason
You find it pleasin', yes you do, yes you do
And I'm gonna show you now
You'll get to love it anyhow, anyhow and
You'll get to love me
And my sweet pain
My love will drive you insane
Ahh, sweet pain
My love will drive you insane
Sweet pain
My love will drive you insane
Sweet pain
My love will drive you insane
Ahh, sweet pain
(Sweet pain)
My love will drive you insane
Sweet pain
(Sweet pain)
My love will drive you insane
Sweet pain
(Sweet pain)
My love will drive you insane
Sweet pain
(Sweet pain)

I've been up and down, I've been all around
I was mystified, almost terrified
But late at night I still hear you call my name
I've been on my own, I've been all alone
I was hypnotized, I felt paralyzed
But late at night I still want you just the same
I've been a gambler, but I'm nobody's fool
And I sure know something, sure know something
You showed me things they never taught me in school
And I sure know something, sure know something
No one can make me feel the way that you do
And I sure know something, aha
I was seventeen, you were just a dream
I was mesmerized, I felt scared inside
You broke my heart and I still can feel the pain
I've been counted out, I've had fear and doubt
I've been starry eyed, never satisfied
'Cause late at night I still need you just the same
Just the same
I've been a gambler, but I'm nobody's fool
And I sure know something, sure know something
You showed me things they never taught me in school
And I sure know something, sure know something
No one can make me feel the way that you do
And I sure know something, aha
I've been counted out, I've had fear and doubt
I've been starry eyed, never satisfied
'Cause late at night I still need you just the same
Just the same, yeah
I've been a gambler, but I'm nobody's fool
And I sure know something, sure know something
You showed me things they never taught me in school
And I sure know something, sure know something
No one can make me feel the way that you do
And I sure know something, sure know something
No one can tell me till I hear it from you
And I sure know something, sure know something
I've been a gambler, but I'm nobody's fool
Sure know something, sure know something
You showed me things they never taught me in school
Sure know something, sure know something

Got no manners
And I'm not too clean
But I know what I like
If you know what I mean
What'll people say?
Well, Mister can't you see
It don't mean spit to me
Aaa ooo
Hot damn and Lord above
Wanna lotta woman
With a lotta love
Well, thin is in
But it's plain to see
It don't mean spit to me
Hey baby
Hey baby
I need
Big hips, sweet lips
Make a man outta me
The bigger the cushion
The better the pushin'
(Most definitely)
(I need a whole lotta woman)
Aaa ooo, to keep me satisfied
(I need a whole lotta woman)
Ba-ba-baby, for ride after ride after ride
(I need a whole lotta woman)
Yeah, 'cause what you are is what you eat
And I need somethin' sweet
(I need somethin' sweet)
Just lock the windows
Close a doors
Then she gets down on all fours
Let the neighbors talk
But can't you see?
It don't mean spit to me
Aaa ooo
Ohh yea
Taa raa taa, taa taa taa raa ruu
Taa raa taa, taa raa ruu
Aaa ooo
(I need a whole lotta woman)
Yes I do, to keep me satisfied
(I need a whole lotta woman)
Yea yea yea yea yea, for ride after ride after ride
(I need a whole lotta woman)
Aaa ooo, I'm tellin' you, 'cause what you are is what you eat
Yes, I need somethin' sweet
(I want somethin')
(I need a whole lotta woman)
Yeah, 'cause meatless girls don't satisfy me
(I need a whole lotta woman)
Mama Mama, for ride after ride after ride
(I need a whole lotta woman)
Yeah, that's right, what you are is who you eat
(I need a whole lotta woman)
And I need something
(I need a whole lotta woman)
Aaa ooo, I need a whole lotta woman
(I need a whole lotta woman)
Take it, Bruce
(I need a whole lotta woman)
Woh ooo woh ooo woh ooo woh

I ain't lookin' like nobody's fool
Save it for somebody else
And I ain't makin' any desperate move
Till I'm satisfied myself
I ain't waitin' for no invitation
I just wanna walk on thru
I never needed anybody
And like my daddy said
I wasn't born with a silver spoon
Nowhere to hide in a crowded room
I see the attitude that's in your eyes
I got no reason to apologize
'Cause what's so special 'bout a girl like you
With a silver spoon
In a city where the buildings rise
I was just another face
But mama told me when somebody dies
No one else can take your place
I never needed anybody
And like my daddy said
I wasn't born with a silver spoon
Nowhere to hide in a crowded room
I see the attitude that's in your eyes
I got no reason to apologize
'Cause I've got something for a girl like you
With a silver spoon
I always knew I'd be somebody
I kept it in my head
I never needed anybody
And like my daddy said
I wasn't born with a silver spoon
Nowhere to hide in a crowded room
I see the attitude that's in your eyes
I got no reason to apologize
'Cause what's so special 'bout a girl like you
A girl like you, a girl like you
With a silver spoon
Don't try to tell me where you had gone
What you are doing, where are you from
Everybody stand by, hey
You got every kind of [Incomprehensible]
I wasn't born with a silver spoon
Everything you wanted [Incomprehensible]
I wasn't born with a silver spoon
You got every kind of [Incomprehensible]
I wasn't born with a silver spoon
Everything you wanted [Incomprehensible]
I wasn't born with a silver spoon

She walks by moonlight
No one really knows
Enchanted starlight
Never goin' home
I know she's goin' down, goin'
Everybody knows she's so good
Doin' well for others
She doesn't really know
The powers are within her
As she takes off her clothes
I know she's goin' down, goin'
Everybody knows she's so good
Doin' well for others
She doesn't really know
The powers are within her

I just can't pretend no more
I keep runnin' out of lies
Lovin' you is killin' me inside
Every time I find the words to end it
Something in your eyes won't let it
Shandi, tonight must last us forever
Forever we say goodnight and go home
But you know me very well and I know you
You can't tell me goodnight
We been holding on so tight
We're afraid to let it go
Shake it loose, we both could use the ride
Here's another mess I got myself in
And when you touch me you ain't helpin'
Shandi, tonight must last us forever
Forever we say goodnight and go home
But you know me very well and I know you
You can't tell me goodnight
Say goodnight when we should say goodbye, oo yeah
Shandi, tonight must last us forever and ever
Forever we say goodnight and go home
Shandi, Shandi, tonight must last us forever

Some ladies love me
Some ladies don't
But I know what you're gonna do
Even when you say you won't
I know you want me
You got desire
Out of the frying pan
Into the fire
You're drawn to the flame
Your hands are tied
You wanna take me, baby
All up inside
You feel the hunger
But it's much too much
You can look baby
Uh, uh, uh, but you just can't touch
This is Russian Roulette-One pull of the trigger
Is all you're gonna get-The deck is loaded
And I like what I see-You're gonna lose it all Eventually
You got me where you want me
Go on, take a bite
Open up, let your backbone slip
Such a pretty sight
You try to talk
Buth you just can't speak
Your pulse is strong
But your knees are weak

I saw my pictures hangin' on her wall
She cut it out of that magazine
It was a hot day she wore lingerie
And nothin' else in between, ooh
She had long hair and thigh high, snake skin boots
And she was all over me like a cheap suit
Then she bared herself, aha
And stripped my soul
Began to shake, rattle, and roll
Then I took control, yeah
But I know she's secretly cruel
I ain't nobody's fool
Yeah, I know she's secretly cruel
Just when I thought it was safe
She puts her lips to my face
She's secretly, secretly cruel
Well she grabbed my hair and I began to rise
I could tell what she wanted by that look in her eyes
Ow, by that look in her eyes, yeah
I said, "Come here babe and make it quick"
She said, "Not so fast" and had a drink
Well it ain't just luck
But I better knock on wood
She's gonna give me everythin'
Somehow I knew she would
Oh, but I know she's secretly cruel
I ain't nobody's fool
Well, I know she's secretly cruel
I said, "Baby you're the fire, but I am the fuel"
She's secretly, secretly cruel
Yeah, so cruel
Well it ain't just luck
(Ain't just luck)
But I better knock on wood, yeah
She's gonna give me everythin'
Somehow, I knew she would
Oh, but I know she's secretly cruel
I ain't nobody's fool, nobody's fool
She's so cruel
I'm in love but I don't play the fool
She's so cruel
So cruel
I know she's
She's so cruel
So cruel
I know she's
She's so cruel
She's so
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(Secretly, secretly)

Come on
I'm feelin' low, no place to go and I'm a-thinking that I'm gonna scream
Because a hotel all alone is not a rock and roll star's dream
But just when I'm about to shut the light and go to bed
A lady calls and asks if I'm too tired or if I'm just to dead for
Room service, baby I could use a meal
Room service, you do what you feel
Room service, I take the pleasure with the pain
I can't say no
My plane's delayed and I'm afraid
They're gonna keep me waiting here till nine
Then a stewardess in a tight blue dress says
"I got the time"
But just as I'm about to take my coat and get my fly
She says, "Oh please", she's on her knees
And one more time before I leave I get some
Room service, baby I could use a meal
Room service, you do what you feel
Room service, I take the pleasure with the pain
I can't say no, I can't say no
In my home town, I'm hangin' 'round
With all the ladies treatin' me real good
The sweet sixteen, lookin' hot and mean says
I wish you would
But just as I'm about to tell her, "Yes, I think I can"
I see her dad, he's getting mad
All the time he knows that I'm in need of
Room service, baby I could use a meal
Room service, you do what you feel
Room service, I take the pleasure with the pain
I can't say no
Room service, baby I could use a meal
Room service, you do what you feel
Room service, I take the pleasure with the pain
I can't say no, I can't say no
Room service, baby I could use a meal
Room service, you do what you feel
Room service, you take the pleasure with the pain

I'm flyin' in a 747, I'm passing by the pearly gates
And I'm comin' real close to Heaven
And my guitar just can't wait
It just can't wait
In France really had the chance
Yeah, there was plenty romance
I've been to England too, there wasn't much to do
One thing I know is true, What I would rather do is
Rockin' in the U.S.A
Nowhere else I'd rather stay
Rockin' and rollin' rockin' and rollin'
Rockin' in the U.S.A
Germany was really neat
Just wasn't much to eat
And Denmark was great
But I just can't wait, rockin' in the U.S.A
Rockin' in the U.S.A
Nowhere else I'd rather stay
Rockin' and rollin' rockin' and rollin'
Rockin' in the U.S.A
Rockin' in the U.S.A
Nowhere else I'd rather stay
Rockin' and rollin' rockin' and rollin'
Rockin' in the U.S.A
Rockin' in the U.S.A
Nowhere else I'd rather stay
Rockin' and rollin' rockin' and rollin'
Rockin' in the U.S.A
Rockin' in the U.S.A
Nowhere else I'd rather stay
Rockin' and rollin' rockin' and rollin'

Lady space, you like the way
I make you feel inside
Take a rocket ride
From the start you wanted to fly
I got the rocket and you want the ride
Take a rocket ride
Baby wants it fast, baby wants a blast
She wants a rocket ride, she wants a rocket ride
Baby wants it fast, baby wants a blast
She wants a rocket ride, she wants a rocket ride
Lady space, you better wake up fast
Countdown is comin' on
Take a rocket ride
The gravity that used to hold you down
Just don't exist no more
Take a rocket ride
Baby wants it fast, baby wants a blast
She wants a rocket ride, she wants a rocket ride
Baby wants it fast, baby wants a blast
She wants a rocket ride, she wants a rocket ride
Come on, grab a hold of my rocket
Baby wants it fast, baby wants a blast
She wants a rocket ride, she wants a rocket ride
Baby wants it fast, baby wants a blast
She wants a rocket ride, she wants a rocket ride
Baby's on her knees, baby wants to please
She wants a rocket ride, she wants a rocket ride
Baby's on her knees, baby wants to please

Been under fire sixteen years, just waitin' for his time to come
He fought the lies, fought back the tears, can't wait to hear that starting gun
There ain't nobody gonna step on his dreams
So he held his hands high and screamed
Get me out of this rock and roll hell, take me far away
Get me out of this rock and roll hell
Get me out of this rock and roll hell, I need to get away
Get me out of this rock and roll hell
He's on the edge, he can feel it in his heart
This time the pressure's really on
He's gonna fight it, might even steal a guitar
This time tomorrow he'll be gone
There ain't nobody gonna tell him what to do
Think he's a little like me and you
He's on the run, won't stand for second place, but his turn may never come
He's not a victim, you can see it in his face
But he can't see what he's become
Well, he wants it bad, but he wants no charity
He seems to think it's his destiny
Get me out of this rock and roll hell, I need to get away
Get me out of this rock and roll hell

You show us everything you've got
You keep on dancin' and the room gets hot
And you drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy
And you say you wanna go for a spin
The party's just begun, we'll let you in
You drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy
You keep on shoutin', you keep on shoutin'
I wanna rock 'n roll all nite and party every day
I wanna rock 'n roll all nite and party every day
I wanna rock 'n roll all nite and party every day
I wanna rock 'n roll all nite and party every day
You keep on saying you'll be mine for a while
You're lookin' fancy and I like your style
And you drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy
And you show us everything you've got
Baby, baby that's quite a lot
And you drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy
You keep on shoutin', you keep on shoutin'
I wanna rock 'n roll all nite and party every day
I wanna rock 'n roll all nite and party every day
I wanna rock 'n roll all nite and party every day
I wanna rock 'n roll all nite and party every day
You keep on shoutin', you keep on shoutin'
I wanna rock 'n roll all nite and party every day
I wanna rock 'n roll all nite and party every day
I wanna rock 'n roll all nite and party every day

Out of love, there's nobody around, all I hear is the sound of a broken heart
Out of time, no more waitin' for you
Now the hurtin's through, and a new day starts
And I feel a change in my life, I sailed into dark and endless nights
And made it alive
Everybody's got a reason to live, baby
Everybody's got a dream and a hunger inside
Everybody's got a reason to live, but it can't be your love
Out of touch, with myself for so long, now a feelin' so strong comin' over me
Down the line, there's a lesson I've learned
You can love and get burned, if it has to be
And I see a change in my life, and I'm not alone when I'm strong inside
And I realize
And I feel a change in my life
And I'm not alone when I'm strong inside and I realize
chorus repeats 2x
No it can't be your love, no it can't be your love

Who cares, I'm in a trance, I got no hope, I don't stand a chance
But it's all right, yes it's all right
Who knows, well I don't care, 'cause I don't fit in anywhere
But it's all right, yes it is all right
Well, I'm numb but that's my style, I've been numb for a little while
But it's all right, yes it's all right
I checked out yesterday, well there's nothing left to say
But it's all right, yes it's all right
Don't see nothin' in my eyes
Man I've been lobotomized
Cold inside, anesthetized
Llife has got me paralyzed
Who says I have to pay? I didn't want this anyway
But it's all right, yes it's all right
Who says life is good? Love thyself, well I never could
But it's all right, yes it is all right
I'm here dressed in black, waiting for a heart attack
But it's all right, yes it's all right
I try to talk, I just can't speak, the urge is strong, but my brain is weak
And it's all right, yes it's all right
Don't see nothin' in my eyes
Man I've been lobotomized
Cold inside, anesthetized
Life has got me paralyzed
And who say life is good? Love thyself, well I never could
But it's all right, yes it's all right
I checked out yesterday, well there's nothing left to say
But it's all right, yes it's all right
Don't see nothin' in my eyes
Man I've been lobotomized, I'm paralyzed
Cold inside, anesthetized
Yea, got the feelin' otherwise, I'm paralyzed
Don't see nothin' in my eyes
Man I've been lobotomized, I'm paralyzed
Cold inside, anesthetized

Before I had a baby
I didn't care anyway
I thought about the back door
I didn't know what to say
But once I got a baby
I, I tried every way
She didn't wanna do it
But she did anyway
But baby please don't refuse
You know you got nothin' to lose
You got nothin' to lose
You got, got nothin' to lose, well nothin'
You got, got nothin' to lose, yeah baby
You got, got nothin' to lose
You got, got nothin' to lose, you g-g-g-g-got nothin'
You got, got nothin' to lose, well come on mama
You got, got nothin' to lose, yeah shake your
You got, got
You got, you got, you got nothin' to lose
So now I've got a baby
And we've tried every way
You know she wants to do it
And she does anyway
But baby please don't refuse
You know you got nothin' to lose
You got nothin' to lose
You got, got nothin' to lose, yeah baby
You got, got nothin' to lose, yeah
You got, got nothin' to lose, you feel so good
You got, got nothin' to lose, well come on mama
You got, got nothin' to lose, ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch yeah
You got, got nothin' to lose, well come on
You got, got
You got, you got you, got nothin' to lose
You got, got nothin' to lose
You got, got nothin' to lose, ooh baby
You got, got nothin' to lose, yeah
You got, got nothin' to lose, yeah
You got, got nothin' to lose, oh you g-g-got, baby
You got, got nothin' to lose, shake it honey
You got, got nothin' to lose, oh you know you're a sweet thing
You got, got nothin' to lose, oh really mama
You got, got nothin' to lose, yeah you really can move it
You got, got nothin' to lose, oh you g-g-got nothin'
You got, got nothin' to lose,
Yeah shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it
You got, got nothin' to lose
You got, got nothin' to lose

Oh the heat is on, and my back's against the wall
You know it's tough to be strong, in a world that makes you crawl
I'm never gonna stop, I'm never gonna give up in the fight
'Cause after the battle is done, all you've got left is your pride
I'm gonna talk like I talk, walk like I walk my way
I'm gonna go where I go, ain't takin' no my way
Here in the danger zone, it's a jagged edge we climb
But if you take it like stone, and stand on your own
You can make the grade in time
I'm never gonna run, I'm never gonna tell myself a lie
'Cause after it's all said and done, I won't be wonderin' why
And I'll know that under the gun, I am the one who's got the right to decide
And if you don't play my game I won't play, I'm gonna do it my way
I'm never gonna run, I'm never gonna tell myself a lie
'Cause after it's all said and done, I've got the right to decide
chorus repeats 3x

Hey, with a sleight of hand and then a word of mouth
She's a cat been caged too long and now she's breakin' out
Well, get it straight, you better cross your heart
'Cause sparks are gonna fly, let me tell you what it's all about
Better run for cover, babe
She's gonna make her move
You know she could, she's a get rich bitch
You better get her while the gettin's good
She's a vision in leather
Like salt on a wound
Just a turn of a knob
And she's real fine tuned
(She's murder in high-heels)
She ain't the girl next door worth waitin' for
Well you're playin' with the fire, a pool of sweat's lyin' on the floor
She'll bring you to your knees, when you're laid to rest
She's gonna give you something, she's just gonna get it off her chest
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
She's a vision in leather
Like salt on a wound, oh yeah
Just a turn of a knob
And she's real fine tuned, here she comes
He's a vision in leather
Like salt on a wound
Just a turn of a knob, oh yeah
And she's real fine tuned

I never said I was more than I am
Do what I want, I don't give a damn
You're all so weak, you know it makes me ill
Don't like you now and probably never will
You cheat and lie and wonder why
You can't sleep at night
You're not well, oh, Mr. Blackwell
And we can tell
You're not well, oh, Mr. Blackwell
Why don't you go to Hell?
I am a sinner who just loves to sin
I am a fighter who just loves to win
I am the truth about this crummy hole
There's nothing here that can't be bought or sold
You're cold and mean and in between
You're rotten to the core
You're not well, oh, Mr. Blackwell
And we can tell
You're not well, oh, Mr. Blackwell
Why don't you go to Hell?
You're a victim, a real disgrace
You should be banished from the human race
We'll drink to sorrow, then we'll drink to waste
We'll drink a toast to the inhuman race
Here's to the world and the times we're in
Here's to the kid, a real man among men
You're cold and mean and in between
You're rotten to the core
You're not well, oh, Mr. Blackwell
And we can tell
You're not well, oh, Mr. Blackwell

Life, a movie in my head
A page of lines we read
The words remain unsaid
Time, a race you never win
Look back at where we've been
And throw the towel in
Every time I see a sign
Tell me what's the bottom line, tell me
I just wanna take my turn
Now before I crash and burn, yeah
Hope, a candle burning bright
A temporary light
Till we return tonight
Love, the mighty drug we crave
The master and the slave
Will rule us to our grave
Every time I see a sign
Tell me what's the bottom line, tell me
I just want a place to rest
Count to four and catch my breath
One, two, three, four
I don't know what to feel
Don't know what to say
Don't know what to do
I don't know where to go
Don't know who to be
Don't know who to know
Life is never what it seems
It shakes you from your dreams
Wake up and start to
Every time I see a sign
Tell me what's the bottom line, tell me
I just want a place to rest
Stop and let me catch my breath
Every time I see a sign
Tell me what's the bottom line, tell me
Forget all that I've been told
I just wanna lose control
Every time I see a sign
Tell me what's the bottom line, tell me
I just wanna take my turn

I been up, down, and all around, tell you what I'm feelin'
I been hurt and I've found, been pushed around, it's how I got this feelin'
I never thought I could hurt so good, no no
I never thought I could lose myself, but I just can't hide it
They never let you down easy, now listen
Sometimes love is like a slap in the face, you been burned and still
It's the same old mistake
If you want my opinion, I'll give it to you straight
Love is like a slap in the face
Singin' na na na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na na na
Love's got a hold on me, I can't believe it, but it's plain to see
Turns me upside down and inside out
Don't know why it never fails to make you scream and shout
I never knew I could fool myself, no no, I never thought I could hurt so good
But I just can't hide it, guess I'm feelin' no pain, now listen
Sometimes love is like a slap in the face, you been burned and still
It's the same old mistake
If you want my opinion, I'll give it to you straight
Love is like a slap in the face
Singin' na na na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na na na
I never knew I could hurt so good, no no, I never thought I'd say nonono, no no
But I'm here babe, I got a secret inside
Sometimes love is like a ball and chain
Keeps you up at night, why is it always the same
If you wanna know the truth, it's something I can't explain
Yeah love is like a ball and chain

I know you write me sexy letters
And you send your pictures for my wall
You found the hotel where I'm stayin'
And you built up the nerves and then you called
I'm living in sin
(At the Holiday Inn)
At the Holiday Inn, yeah
(Living in sin)
I'm living in sin
(At the Holiday Inn)
At the Holiday Inn
(Just living in sin)
You tell me, you want me to protect you
But sometimes my love can go too far
Deep in your heart you wanna love me
Come closer, I know who you are
I'm living in sin
(At the Holiday Inn)
At the Holiday Inn, yeah
(Living in sin)
I'm living in sin
(At the Holiday Inn)
At the Holiday Inn
(Just living in sin)
Deep in your heart you wanna love me
Come closer, I know who you are, I know who you are
I know you write me sexy letters
But sometimes my love can go too far
I'm living in sin
(At the Holiday Inn)
At the Holiday Inn, yeah
(Living in sin)
I'm living in sin
(At the Holiday Inn)
At the Holiday Inn
(Just living in sin)
(Living in sin)
I'm living in sin
(Holiday, at the Holiday Inn)
(Living in sin)
At the Holiday Inn, yeah
(Holiday, living in sin)
(Living in sin)
Won't you open the door?
(Holiday, at the Holiday Inn)
(Living in sin)
Won't you come on?
(Living in sin)
I'm living in sin
(Holiday, at the Holiday Inn)
(Living in sin)
At the holiday inn, yeah
(Holiday, living in sin)
(Living in sin)
Won't you open the door?
(Holiday, at the Holiday Inn)
(Living in sin)
Won't you come on?

Do it
She was just 19 but in her eyes
She was old enough to know
We were caught between two city streets
Like a bad dream
We could barely survive in the world outside
Where the writing's on the wall
Still she lets me know, we just can't let go
And she takes my heart away
When she tells me, I want it
I go crazy, I need it
When she touches, I feel it
Right there in her eyes
I'm the King of Hearts
Livin' out a fantasy
The King of Hearts
When she's layin' next to me
Shinin' like a jewel tonight
Love is gonna rule tonight
Yeah, I'm gonna be the only one
The King of Hearts
Like a neon light, the shadows flash
Across my empty room
We could leave tonight
And save ourselves from a bad scene
When we walk on by with our heads up high
All the faces turn our way
Yeah, it's in their eyes, they realize
We can make our getaway
When she tells me, I want it
I go crazy, I need it
When she touches, I feel it
When she looks at me
I'm the King of Hearts
Livin' out a fantasy
I'm the King of Hearts
When she's layin' next to me
Shinin' like a jewel tonight
Love is gonna rule tonight
Yeah, I'm gonna be the only one
The King of Hearts
When she tells me, I want it
I go crazy, I need it
When she touches, I feel it
Right there in her eyes
I'm the King of Hearts
I'm the King of Hearts
When she's layin' next to me
The King of Hearts
Livin' out a fantasy
The King of Hearts
I'm in a fantasy
I'm the King of Hearts
She's lyin' next to me

I know just where you come from
Where all your yesterdays are gone
And now you're done
But you've only just begun
It's time you opened up the door
And now it's all very clear
This is a journey of 1.000 years
Can you feel it coming?
Can you hear the sound?
Can you feel it coming?
Or is it the roar of the crowd?
Can you feel it coming?
Can you hear it?
Or is it the roar of the crowd?
Did you sleep without dreams?
Did you fly without wings?
Did you touch without feel?
Where nothing is real?
Did you feel it coming?
Did you hear it?

I'm losing power
And I don't know why
Not really sure
If I'll live or die
I wanna leave
But I can't get away
It's a strange sensation
Out of control
Being by myself
I feel this gravitation
Caught like a magnet
And I'm being pulled
Into the void
I wanna get away, get away
Into the void
I'm being pulled, being pulled down
Into the void
This place is spinning, spinning me round
Into the void
Feel like I'm being pulled
Into a black hole
This crazy feelings
Screwing with my head
I'm overloaded
And my gauges are red
State of confusion's
Gotta hold on me
I feel a hesitation
I'm being drawn, falling right off the track
Don't like this situation
Caught like a magnet
And I'm being pulled
Into the void
I wanna get away, get away
Into the void
My head is spinning, spinning me round, round
Into the void
This force is getting, getting me stronger
Into the void
I feel like I'm being pulled
Into a black holeInto the void
Into the void
Don't like this feeling, I'm being pulled down
Into the void
I wanna get away, get away
Into the void
Feel like I'm spinning, spinning around
Into the void
I'm being pulled, being pulled down
Down, down, down
Into the void
Get away, get away
Into the void
Feel like I'm being pulledInto a black hole

I've been working at my job slaving like a dog all day
I've been thinking about you, girl and watching the minutes slip away
Yeah, and I know there's someone inside me that nobody sees
And I know in the darkness you're gonna be reaching for me
I'm a legend tonight gonna make you feel right
When you reach for the light I'm a legend tonight
I'm a legend tonight, gonna make you feel right
When you reach for the light, I'm a legend tonight
You know they try to slow me, sometimes I think I'm gonna stop
But I gotta keep on going, believing in 5 o' clock, yeah
And on the edge of the darkness we'll be living in another world
And I know that a part of your's gonna be part of me, girl
I'm a legend tonight gonna make you feel right
When you reach for the light I'm a legend tonight
I'm a legend tonight gonna make you feel right
When you reach for the light I'm a legend tonight
Look at me
I don't know what happens when the race is run
I don't know what tells me if I've lost or won
But I know that I'll make it through the day alright
And girl, you're gonna find out
I'm a legend tonight gonna make you feel right
When you reach for the light I'm a legend tonight
I'm a legend tonight gonna make you feel right
When you reach for the light I'm a legend tonight
I'm a legend tonight gonna make you feel right
When you reach for the light I'm a legend tonight
I'm a legend tonight gonna make you feel right
When you reach for the light I'm a legend tonight
I'm a legend tonight gonna make you feel right

Tonight I wanna give it all to you
In the darkness, there's so much I wanna do
And tonight I wanna lay it at your feet
'Cause girl, I was made for you
And girl, you were made for me
I was made for lovin' you baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can't get enough of you baby
Can you get enough of me?
Tonight I wanna see it in your eyes
Feel the magic, there's something that drives me wild
And tonight we're gonna make it all come true
'Cause girl, you were made for me
And girl, I was made for you
I was made for lovin' you baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can't get enough of you baby
Can you get enough of me?
I was made for lovin' you baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can't give it all to you baby
Can you give it all to me?
Can't get enough
I can't get enough
I can't get enough
I was made for lovin' you baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can't get enough of you baby
Can you get enough of me?
Oh, I was made, you were made
I can't get enough
No, I can't get enough
I was made for lovin' you baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can't get enough of you baby
Can you get enough of me?
I was made for lovin' you baby
You were made for lovin' me

I know deep inside of me
There's a place but it's not plain to see
I belong where no on else can be
I'm searching for myself again
And here I'm all alone and when
I close my eyes and no one else can see
I walk alone, can't you see?
I don't belong, let me be
Everything I've dreamed of being is me
And I've got myself to lean on
I've got both my feet on the ground
And you don't know me and I don't know me
I can't see you, you can't see me
Close my eyes and leave the world behind
So I got no heart and I got no home
I got no somewhere I belong
And I don't know if everything is just fine
I walk alone, can't you see?
I don't belong, let me be
Everything I've dreamed of being
And I don't belong, can't you see?
I walk alone, let me be
Everything I've dreamed of being is me
And I've got myself to lean on
I've got both my feet on the ground
So I got no heart and I got no home
And I got no somewhere I belong
But I don't know if everything is just
And I've got myself to lean on
I've got both my feet on the ground
And I've got myself to lean on
And I've got both my feet on the ground
'Cause I know deep inside of me
There's a place but it's not plain to see
Where I belong where no one else can be
And I'm searching for myself again
And here I'm all alone and when

Lookin' back yeah I feel alright
Gettin' more than my expectations
Yeah my future looks clear and bright and I'm
Livin' up to my reputation
Yeah I'm satisfied
Yeah until the day I die
I gave my blood and I gave my soul
I stood my ground and I took control
The legend's growin' as the story's told
I pledge allegiance to the state of Rock'n Roll
I've been a rebel for all my life
I never cared about regulations
I only went for the things I liked
And my guitar was my inspiration
Yeah we pay a price
Yeah I made the sacrifice
I gave my blood and I gave my soul
I stood my ground and I took control
The legend's growin' as the story's told
I know that heaven's gotta wait
I pledge allegiance to the state of Rock'n Roll
Yeah I'm satisfied
Yeah until the day I die
I gave my blood and I gave my soul
I stood my ground and I took control
The legend's growin' as the story's told
I know that heaven's gotta wait
I gave my blood and I gave my soul
I stood my ground and I took control
The legend's growin' as the story's told
I know that heaven's gotta wait
I pledge allegiance to the state of Rock'n Roll

Stand up, you don't have to be afraid
Get down, love is like a hurricane
Street boy, no I never could be tamed, better believe it
Guilty, 'til I'm proven innocent
Whiplash, heavy metal accident
Rock on, I wanna be President
'Cause I love it...
Loud, I wanna hear it loud, right between the eyes
Loud, I wanna hear it loud, I don't want no compromise
Turn it up, hungry for the medicine
Two fisted to the very end
No more treated like idiots
We're not gonna take it
No lies, no more alibis
Turn it up, got me hypnotized
Rock on, I won't be tranquilized
'Cause I love it...
Loud, I wanna hear it loud, right between the eyes
Loud, I wanna hear it loud, I don't want no compromise
I Love it...
Loud, I wanna hear it loud, right between the eyes
Loud, I wanna hear it loud, I don't want no compromise
Turn it up!
Headline: Jungle is the only rule
Front page, roar of the nation cool
Turn it up, this is my attitude
Take it or leave it
Loud, I wanna hear it loud, right between the eyes (I love it)
Loud, I wanna hear it loud, I don't want no compromise (I love it)
Loud, I wanna hear it loud, right between the eyes (I love it)
Loud, I wanna hear it loud, I don't want no compromise (I love it)
Loud, I wanna hear it loud, right between the eyes (I love it)
Loud, I wanna hear it loud, I don't want no compromise (I love it)
Loud, I wanna hear it loud, right between the eyes (I love it)
Loud, I wanna hear it loud, I don't want no compromise (I love it)
[Fade out]

Night falls on the city, finds me all alone
Makes me wonder should I just go on home
And I walk up the stairs to see if you're sill there
Would you mind if I found you alone
Then a cold wind came callin'
Strange how it knew it'd bother me
See the night would fade but the pain's gonna stay
Makes me wonder, have you ever made love to me
I can't stop the rain, here it comes again
Lightnin' strikes across the sky
Oh, I can't stop the rain, here it comes again
Lightnin' only blinds my eyes
Ain't it sad, when the only love I ever had
Just slips away, right through my fingers
Ain't it a shame when I think of your name
The only memory I have is it
I can't stop the rain, here it comes again
Lightnin' strikes across the sky
Oh, I can't stop the rain, here it comes again
It takes a witch to curse that goddamn sky
I can't stop the rain, here it comes again
Lightnin' strikes across the sky
Oh, I can't stop the rain, here it comes again
'Cause lightnin' only blinds my eyes
Oh, I can't stop the rain, here it comes again
'Cause lightnin' only blinds my eyes

My granny, she said I was a hooligan
Runnin' 'round like a fool again
I went down to the candy store
If I had a nickel, I'd buy some more
And I'm oh so sad, yeah
Oh so bad
So sad, but it's true
Baby, what can I do
My mama, she said I was a black sheep
My baby, she said I was a creep
And I'm oh so sad, yeah
Oh so bad
So sad, but it's true
Baby, what can I do
I got a '35 Chevy on a '55 frame
Can't even spell my name
Dropped out of school when I was 22
What can I do to satisfy you
I'm a hooligan
Won't go to school again
I'm a hooligan
Won't go to school again, won't go no
I got a '35 Chevy on a '55 frame
Can't even spell my name
Dropped out of school when I was 22
What can I do to satisfy you
I'm a hooligan, yeah
Won't go to school again
(I mean you know how cool I am)
I'm a hooligan
(I am a hooligan)
Won't go to school again, won't go, no
I'm a hooligan
(I mean like I'm so bad)
Won't go to school again
(Yeah, ha, ha)
I'm a hooligan
(And like every chick in town loves me)
Won't go to school again, won't go no

Johnny saw her riding on a street car named desire
His fate was sealed
She could see him coming like a hundred other liars
It was no big deal
Rosa had a lover on the shady side of town
Tito, he was king of the streets
And she was his possession like a jewel on his crown
Johnny better run, better run
Better hide your heart, better hold on tight
Say your prayers, 'cause there's trouble tonight
When pride and love battle with desire
Better hide your heart, 'cause you're playing with fire
The ride was over but the story doesn't end
He took her heart
She looked him in the eye and said they couldn't meet again
You could see the trouble start
The word went out that Rosa's messin' with someone
It was on the street
Tito looked for Johnny with a vengeance and a gun
Johnny better run, better run
Better hide your heart, better hold on tight
Say your prayers, 'cause there's trouble tonight
When pride and love battle with desire
Better hide your heart, 'cause you're playing with fire, come on
Yes, Johnny's holdin' Rosa on a rooftop in the night
As time stood still
They couldn't hear him coming 'til he had them both in sight
You could feel a chill
A shot ran out like thunder and the blood was on her hands
With nothing won
When someone lies dying, lovers finally understand
Baby hide your heart, better hold on tight
Say your prayers, 'cause there's trouble tonight
When pride and love battle with desire
Better hide your heart, 'cause you're playing with fire, come on
Better hide your heart, hold on tight
'Cause when pride and love battle with desire
Hide your heart, 'cause you're playing with fire
Hide your heart, hold on tight
Say your prayers, 'cause there's trouble tonight
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Pride and love battle with desire
Hide your heart, 'cause you're playing with fire

I rode the highway to heartache
I took a trip on the ship of fools, woah yeah!
And I've paid the price to have my way
Cause money makes the rules, yeah!
Sing it!
Lay down!
I'm looking through ya'
Stay down!
You got what you should
Hey now!
I'm the new number one, it feels good!
Hell or hallelujah!
No matter what you do, I'm running through ya'
You said that lust never lasted
We surrender our hearts to fools, yeah!
Turns out there's nobody askin'
This time I get to choose!
Lemme hear ya!
Lay down!
Don't say you're sorry
Stay down!
I knew that you would
Hey now!
Don't say you're misunderstood, it feels good
Hell or hallelujah!
No matter what you do, I'm running through ya'
One more time!
Hell or hallelujah!
C'mon c'mon
The rest is up to you
It's overdue, yeah
One heart is breakin'
One chance I'm takin'
No lie, no fakin'
Goodbye, feels like it should!
It feels good!
Oh yeah
Hey, one heart is breakin'
One chance I'm takin'
No lie, no fakin'
Goodbye, feels like it should!
Yeah, lemme tell ya' how it feels... it feels good!
Hell or hallelujah!
No matter what you do, I'm running through ya'
C'mon c'mon
Hell or hallelujah!
The rest is up to you

It ain't love, but it ain't so bad
She ain't nothin' like you ever had
Face of a woman, hands of a child, yeah
Been a long time comin', now she's goin' wild
Well I know she ain't the girl next door
She ain't the girl she was before
She's a good girl gone bad, one kiss can driv
Good girl - come on - show me the way
The girl can't help it, she's out of control
I gotta have her, she's so hot to hold, yeah
She's gettin' her way, but I'm havin' my fun
Steamin' up the window with the radio on
She ain't searchin', she knows the score, it ain't love she's lookin' for
But now she's gone too far, she found love in the back of my car
She's a good girl gone bad, one kiss can drive me mad
Good girl - come on - show me the way
She's a good girl gone bad, the best love I ever had
Good girl - come on - take me away, oh, take me away, take me away
She ain't searchin', she knows the score, it ain't love she's lookin' for
But now she's gone too far, I know
She's a good girl gone bad, one kiss can drive me mad
Good girl, come on, show me the way
She's a good girl gone bad, the best love I ever had

Alive 3
God Gave Rock 'n' Roll To You Ii
God gave rock and roll to you, gave rock and roll to you
Put it in the soul of everyone
Do you know what you want? You don't know for sure
You don't feel right, you can't find a cure
And you're gettin' less than what you're lookin' for
You don't have money or a fancy car
And you're tired of wishin' on a falling star
You gotta put your faith in a loud guitar
God gave rock and roll to you, gave rock and roll to you
Gave rock and roll to everyone (oh yeah)
God gave rock and roll to you, gave rock and roll to you
Put it in the soul of everyone
"Now listen"
If you wanna be a singer, or play guitar
Man, you gotta sweat or you won't get far
Cause it's never too late to work nine-to-five
You can take a stand, or you can compromise
You can work real hard or just fantasize
But you don't start livin' till you realize - "I gotta tell ya!"
God gave rock and roll to you, gave rock and roll to you
Gave rock and roll to everyone
God gave rock and roll to you, gave rock and roll to you
Put it in the soul
(Instrumental break)
God gave rock and roll to you (to everyone he gave the song to be sung)
Gave rock and roll to you, gave rock and roll to everyone
God gave rock and roll to you (to everyone he gave the song to be sung)
Gave rock and roll to you, saved rock and roll for everyone
Saved rock and roll
chorus repeats out...
"I know life sometimes can get tough! And I know life sometimes can be a drag!
But people, we have been given a gift, we have been given a road

Ain't a cardinal sin, baby let me in
Girl, I'm gonna treat you right
Well, goodness sakes
My snake's alive and it's ready to bite
Hornet's nest, lay me down to rest
Ooh, I wanna shed my skin
I got the urge to merge
You're as cold as ice, baby, won't you lemme in
Night scenes, wet dreams
Enough to make you drool
And fire, fire, fire for the fuel
Don't like to dress, talk too good
But I found my queen
Not too clean, know what I like
If you know what I mean
Baby, baby, guess you win the prize
Maybe, baby, where the sun never shines
This must be love, fits like a glove
Well, it must be love, it must be love
Fits like a glove, fits like a glove
Feel the heat, driver's seat
My blessing is my curse
Think I'm gonna burst
I'm gonna burst, I'm gonna burst
Night scenes, wet dreams
Enough to make you drool
And fire, fire, fire for the fuel
Ooh, baby, babe, fits like a glove
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Fits like a glove, fits like a glove
'Cause when I go through her
It's just like a hot knife
Through butter, ooh yeah
Baby, baby, guess you win the prize
Maybe, baby, where the sun never shines
Fits like a glove, well it must be love
It must be love, fits like a glove
Fits like a glove, well it must be love
It must be love, fits like a glove

Tryin' to say I'm sorry, didn't mean to break your heart
And find you waitin' up by the light of day
There's a lot I want to tell you, but I don't know where to start
And I don't know what I'd do if you walked away
Ooh, baby I tried to make it, I just got lost along the way
But every time I look at you, no matter what I'm goin' thru, it's easy to see
And every time I hold you, the things I never told you, seem to come easily
'Cause you're everything to me
I never really wanted to let you get inside my heart
I wanted to believe this would soon be ending
I thought it wouldn't matter, if it all just came apart
But now I realize I was just pretending
Ooh, baby, I know I hurt you, but you can still believe in me
It's gonna take a little time to show you, just what you mean to me, oh yeah
It seems the more I get to know you, the more I need to make you see
You're everything I need, yeah
(Instrumental break)
Oho, I need ya, I need ya, I need ya...
Ooh, baby, baby, baby, I know I hurt you, but you can still believe in me

Close your eyes and take a look at your life
Do you like what you see?
My eyes are open but I feel like I'm blind
It's all returned tomeI want to know
Does a frozen river flow
Things we said
Fill my head
Lying in a cold and empty bed
I'm only dreamin'
Between the darkness and the light
I'm only dreamin, uh huh dreamin'
Can't tell the daylight from the night
I'm only dreamin', dreamin'
I feel the sunlight shining down on my face
Not a cloud in my mind
I get my wake up
But it never comes in time
My prayers are spoken
And I wait to receive
'cos there's a fine line between the truth
And how we want it to be
I'm only dreamin'
Between the darkness and the light
I'm only dreamin, uh huh dreamin'
Can't tell the daylight from the night
I'm only dreamin', dreamin'
I'm sailing like a ship on the sea
I don't care if I'm lost in the haze
I hear the angels singing softly to me
Time's the enemy that you never see
Won't you come and slip away
I'm only dreamin', I'm only dreamin', I'm only dreamin'
I'm only dreamin', I'm only dreamin', I'm only dreamin'

Let's make up or break up
'cause we've seen better days
Yeah, they'll have to drag you
Kicking and screaming off the stage
Don't do me favors
Don't show your face
Don't tell me what to play
It's not your place
The fans wanted us to play
We hear and we obey
You wanted the best
And you got the best
Aah Aah Aah
Aah Aah Aah
Don't give me glances
Don't give me sights
Well then, don't give me
Sweet talk, Pete, just testify
Hey, you live in fairy tales
You're just a fallin' star
Right, and who died and made you king
Just who do you think you are?
Everything's gotten way out of hand
But your wish is our command
You wanted the best
And you got the best
Aah Aah Aah
Aah Aah Aah
Everything's gotten way out of hand
But your wish is our command
You wanted the best
And you got the best
Aah Aah Aah
