Our Work: News & Updates

The First Day of the Rest of Her Life

The First Day of the Rest of Her Life

04/18/2014 – Stephanie was 26 with four small kids when she was sentenced. Even though the judge objected, a mandatory minimum law meant that she got life without the possibility of parole for being ...

What Captain America Has to Say About the NSA

What Captain America Has to Say About the NSA

04/18/2014 – SPOILER WARNING: This post discusses major plot points of the new Captain America movie. What is patriotism? Is it doing what the government says, or is it doing what you believe is ...

NSA Surveillance Unravels International Law

NSA Surveillance Unravels International Law

04/17/2014 – It wasn't long ago that President Obama announced on Reddit, "We will fight hard to make sure that the internet remains the open forum for everybody - from those who are expressing an ...

The Long and Short of Voting Lines in North Carolina

The Long and Short of Voting Lines in North Carolina

04/17/2014 – We know that cuts to early voting are bad for voters. But just how bad are they?

After 17 Years, I'm Bringing My Little Sister Home from Prison

After 17 Years, I'm Bringing My Little Sister Home from Prison

04/16/2014 – When we were little, we used to tell our mama she had good ears. My little sister and I would whisper under the covers in our bed after lights out, and somehow mom could always hear us. ...

ACLU Features ››

Border Communities Under Siege

The U.S.-Mexico border has been turned into a militarized zone, all in the name of "border security."

Out for Freedom

We now face an unprecedented opportunity to achieve the freedom to marry for same-sex couples ...

Time to Rein in the Surveillance State

The government is using provisions of the Patriot Act and the FISA Amendments Act to regularly track ...

A Living Death

For 3,278 people, it was nonviolent offenses like stealing a $159 jacket or serving as a middleman in ...