
GM Motorama Exhibit 1956
GM's Motorama exhibit in 1956 featured a film that looked into the far distant future of 1...
published: 25 Jan 2013
author: mrpitv
GM Motorama Exhibit 1956
GM Motorama Exhibit 1956
GM's Motorama exhibit in 1956 featured a film that looked into the far distant future of 1976 with predicted a jet age future with electronic digital display...- published: 25 Jan 2013
- views: 4145
- author: mrpitv

1984 - 1956 Version DVD (FULL)
Nineteen Eighty-Four (mostly written 1984) is a 1948 dystopian fiction written by George O...
published: 06 Aug 2012
author: havoctrend
1984 - 1956 Version DVD (FULL)
1984 - 1956 Version DVD (FULL)
Nineteen Eighty-Four (mostly written 1984) is a 1948 dystopian fiction written by George Orwell (Eric Arthur Blair), about a society ruled by an oligarchical...- published: 06 Aug 2012
- views: 14267
- author: havoctrend

Lincoln Assassination Eyewitness (Feb 9, 1956)
No tobacco-related comments approved. Lincoln Assassination Witness appears on "I've Got a...
published: 11 Apr 2009
author: GiveMeBlackandWhite
Lincoln Assassination Eyewitness (Feb 9, 1956)
Lincoln Assassination Eyewitness (Feb 9, 1956)
No tobacco-related comments approved. Lincoln Assassination Witness appears on "I've Got a Secret". The panelists on this show were, left to right (in order ...- published: 11 Apr 2009
- views: 1332200
- author: GiveMeBlackandWhite

Cricket Balls (1956)
This is a duplicate of item 53.24 - check for best quality.
Southborough, Tunbridge, Ke...
published: 13 Apr 2014
Cricket Balls (1956)
Cricket Balls (1956)
This is a duplicate of item 53.24 - check for best quality. Southborough, Tunbridge, Kent. There's a catch to this kitchen says the commentary - it's cricket balls being cooked not apples. This looks like a kitchen but is part of a small craft workshop. M/S man at an old style stove stirring a saucepan. C/U shot of red cricket ball pulled out of the pan of hot water. C/U tray of part made cricket balls. C/U string being wound around cork. M/S Charlie Tingley 's face concentrating, as he hammers the ball into shape. He puts the ball onto a scale to check the weight. M/S as another man works on the red leather cowhide to encase ball. C/U stitching. C/U as the ball is held in a vice to be worked on. C/U as the leather is stitched with white thread. A man takes a tray of red balls to the oven. More stitching. C/U of tray of red cricket balls, with Twort gold stamp. 90,000 historic films, all SEARCHABLE on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/britishpathe Join us on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/britishpathe Tweet us @britishpathe FILM ID:3448.01- published: 13 Apr 2014
- views: 119438

「PARTNERS IN FREEDOM,1956」という題名のアメリカ空軍制作の映画(1956年(昭和31年)6月公開)より抜粋。
published: 29 Nov 2013
「PARTNERS IN FREEDOM,1956」という題名のアメリカ空軍制作の映画(1956年(昭和31年)6月公開)より抜粋。 有楽町で建設中のよみうりホール(現:有楽町ビックカメラ)、銀座、歌舞伎座、皇居周辺、浅草仲見世などを何度も撮影しています。- published: 29 Nov 2013
- views: 716

Last footage from Laurel & Hardy ever! In 1956!
You will see a home movie that was taken at the house from stan. Ollie was visit Stan in 1...
published: 03 Mar 2007
author: klukhuhntje
Last footage from Laurel & Hardy ever! In 1956!
Last footage from Laurel & Hardy ever! In 1956!
You will see a home movie that was taken at the house from stan. Ollie was visit Stan in 1956. The footage is in color. Enjoy!- published: 03 Mar 2007
- views: 1001121
- author: klukhuhntje

NVA Parade 1. Mai 1956 in Berlin
erste Parade der neuen "Nationalen Volksarmee" am 1. Mai 1956 in Berlin
0:44 - 1:16 ?
published: 22 Sep 2013
NVA Parade 1. Mai 1956 in Berlin
NVA Parade 1. Mai 1956 in Berlin
erste Parade der neuen "Nationalen Volksarmee" am 1. Mai 1956 in Berlin 0:44 - 1:16 ? 1:36 - 1:55 ? 2:00 - 3:45 Yorckscher Marsch / Marsch des Yorck'schen Korps (als Präsentiermarsch) (Ludwig van Beethoven) 3:46 - 3:53 Parademarsch der Spielleute 3:54 - 5:56 Revue Marsch (August Reckling) 5:57 - 7:10 Elisabether Marsch / Geschwindmarsch nach Motiven aus Quadrillen (Johann Strauß (Sohn) ) 7:11 - 8:03 Revue Marsch (August Reckling)- published: 22 Sep 2013
- views: 188

Spectacular New York, 1956
A tour of New York in 1956 in color.To purchase a clean DVD or digital download of this fi...
published: 19 Jun 2009
author: travelfilmarchive
Spectacular New York, 1956
Spectacular New York, 1956
A tour of New York in 1956 in color.To purchase a clean DVD or digital download of this film for personal home use or educational use contact us at questions...- published: 19 Jun 2009
- views: 201881
- author: travelfilmarchive

Making Tracks (1956)
A short film showing how railway track was laid in the days before 'elf and safety went ma...
published: 06 Mar 2011
author: David Bromage
Making Tracks (1956)
Making Tracks (1956)
A short film showing how railway track was laid in the days before 'elf and safety went mad. Published Crown copyright material has protection for 50 years f...- published: 06 Mar 2011
- views: 56831
- author: David Bromage

1956 - Hungarian Revolution
A magyar forradalom emlékére (Ludwig van Beethoven: Egmont-nyitány)...
published: 19 Oct 2006
author: Bálint Sebestyén
1956 - Hungarian Revolution
1956 - Hungarian Revolution
A magyar forradalom emlékére (Ludwig van Beethoven: Egmont-nyitány)- published: 19 Oct 2006
- views: 207736
- author: Bálint Sebestyén

Die Gründung der NVA - erste feierliche Vereidigung der NVA am 30. April 1956
Die erste Vereidigung der NVA und Übergabe der ersten Regimentsfahne an das 1. mechanische...
published: 18 Oct 2013
Die Gründung der NVA - erste feierliche Vereidigung der NVA am 30. April 1956
Die Gründung der NVA - erste feierliche Vereidigung der NVA am 30. April 1956
Die erste Vereidigung der NVA und Übergabe der ersten Regimentsfahne an das 1. mechanische Regiment am 30. April 1956 1:28 - 2:10 erster Schwur der Nationalen Volksarmee der DDR (1956 - 1959): "Ich schwöre Meinem Vaterland, der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, allzeit treu zu dienen, sie auf Befehl der Arbeiter- und Bauernregierung unter Einsatz meines Lebens gegen jeden Feind zu schützen!" 0:00 - 0:20 Marsch des York'schen Korps / Yorkscher Marsch (Ludwig van Beethoven) 1:00 - 1:27 Auferstanden aus Ruinen (Hanns Eisler) 2:10 - 3:14 ? 3:15 - 4:01 Marsch des York'schen Korps / Yorkscher Marsch (Ludwig van Beethoven)- published: 18 Oct 2013
- views: 222

Pathe News Reviews 1956 - Year Of Turmoil (1956)
Pathe News reviews 1956 - a year of turmoil.
LV. Snow covered English countryside scene...
published: 13 Apr 2014
Pathe News Reviews 1956 - Year Of Turmoil (1956)
Pathe News Reviews 1956 - Year Of Turmoil (1956)
Pathe News reviews 1956 - a year of turmoil. LV. Snow covered English countryside scene. GV. Snow covered countryside with the sun rising in the background. CU. Snow on farm gate. SV. Pan up Eros statute in Piccadilly covered in icicles. GV. People skating on the frozen Seine in Paris. CU. Man falls on ice and into camera. GV. Man walking across the frozen Baltic to ship. AS. Ship frozen solid in the ice. GV. Snowed up Times Square in New York. CU. Snow falling on policeman in Rome. GV. Snow blizzard blowing in the centre of Rome. SV. Pan down to ski jump in Cortina, skier jumps. SV. Pan, skier in the air pan, as he lands. SV. One of the Monte Carlo Rally cars skidding along ice bound road on route to Monte Carlo. SV. Pan another car skidding along ice bound road. GV. Monte Carlo with cars arriving. SV. Winners of the Monte Carlo Rally being congratulated. British trio won the Rally, Adams, Biggar and Johnstone. GV. Comet III arriving home after victorious round the world flight at London Airport. SCU. 'Cats Eyes' Cunningham and Peter Bugge, the pilots, at microphones. GV. Students running riot in Cyprus. LV. Soldiers running to meet them as stones are thrown down at them. SV. Shot man lying on the road whilst stretcher is brought out of ambulance. GV. Greek Cypriot leader Archbishop Makarios, surrounded by followers walking through street on way to being deported. GV. Tribesmen parading before the Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip the Duke of Edinburgh, at the Royal Durbar in Nigeria. CU. Tribesmen on horseback. SV. Queen and the Duke watching from dais. SV. Group of dancers dressed in beads etc. CU. Black faced dancer. SCU. Queen and the Duke watching. LV. Pan tribesmen charging down on their horses before the Queen and the Duke. SV. Air to air shot of the 'Fairey Delta II' in flight, piloted by Peter Twiss. SV. A group of men at instruments recording air speed record. GV. Looking towards sky as the plane streaks across the sky for the record run leaving behind a vapour trail. SCU. Officials looking through binoculars. GV. Looking towards sky as Peter Twiss makes second air speed record across sky. SV. Peter Twiss smiling after the record. GV. Massed crowds at the Grand National course at Aintree. SV. Track shot with the Grand National horses racing. They jump over jump No 1. Travel shot continued, the horses jump No 2 jump. AS. The Queen Elizabeth II and the Queen Mother looking through binoculars. GV. The leading horses coming up the straight to the finish with Devon Loch leading. CU. Devon Loch racing. He makes his dramatic fall and E.S.B. comes into the picture, past Devon Loch and pass the post. GV. Crowds outside the Russian Embassy in London. SV. Interior, Britain's Prime Minister, Sir Anthony Eden and Soviet Premier Mr Nikolai Bulganin, seated together at the luncheon table. GV. The luncheon in progress. SV. Mr Rab Butler and Soviet Communist Party Leader Mr Nikita Khruschev at the table. Kruschev smiles as he selects a bottle of wine from the waiter. CU. Sir Anthony Eden smiling, pan to Bulganin smiling. GV. Russian warships at Portsmouth. SV. Commander Crabbe, Naval frogman who mysteriously disappears, putting on his diving equipment. CU. Frogmen's feet, pan up to Commander Crabbe adjusting diving gear. GV. Harbour at Monaco. SV. Interior of church, Prince Rainier of Monaco and American film star Grace Kelly, kneeling before the alter during their wedding ceremony. CU. Grace Kelly kneeling before the alter. GV. Massed crowd cheering at Wembley Cup Final. GV. Footballer Revvy racing up with the ball, he passes the ball to Clarke who receives it and passes it back to Revvy, who side foots it and Hayes rushes in and slams the ball into the net. GV. Massed crowd cheering. LV. Johnson coming through to score Manchester City's third goal. Ball in the net. CU. Crowd cheering. SV. Birmingham attacking and Bert Trautmann being bowled over in collision with player. CU. Worried looking girl in crowd. SV. Bert Trautmann being helped up on his feet and holding his neck. Manchester City wins the Cup (3-1). GV. Massed crowd at the Derby at Epsom. SV. Horses race round Tattenham Corner. GV. Horses racing up to the straight and Lavendin passes the post. GV. Parade of V.C.'s in Hyde Park - Queen's review of the 300 holders of Victoria Cross. Royal party watching from dais (Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Margaret, Queen Mother and Prince Philip the Duke of Edinburgh). SV. V.C.'s in wheelchairs being pushed past the dais. GV. Ken Rosewall and Lew Hoad in play in the Wimbledon Men's Finals - winning point to Hoad. They run to the net to shake hands, amidst applause. SV. Hoad and Rosewall shake hands over the net. GV. Applauding crowd. SCU. Shirley Fry and Angela 90,000 historic films, all SEARCHABLE on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/britishpathe Join us on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/britishpathe Tweet us @britishpathe FILM ID:621.23- published: 13 Apr 2014
- views: 2
Vimeo results:

Home Movies At DisneyLand - 1956
Shot by my grandfather on his Bell & Howell Filmo using 16mm Kodachrome film stock. This f...
published: 09 Aug 2009
author: Jeff Altman
Home Movies At DisneyLand - 1956
Shot by my grandfather on his Bell & Howell Filmo using 16mm Kodachrome film stock. This footage was taken a year after the California theme park opened.
It was quite a surprise going through this and seeing my grandmother meeting Walt Disney himself! I've been doing my best to find out what they were shooting at the front of the park. So far I've been unsuccessful.
Transferred to HD (1080PsF 23.98) myself off a Spirit and Color Corrected using a da Vinci 2k Plus. Slowed to 18fps to match the original film speed.

Home Movies At DisneyLand - 1956 **Part Two**
The previous film had such a positive response that I felt compelled to post the rest.
published: 22 Aug 2009
author: Jeff Altman
Home Movies At DisneyLand - 1956 **Part Two**
The previous film had such a positive response that I felt compelled to post the rest.
In these short clips you see more of an interaction between my grandparents. As someone who never really knew his grandfather; these reels of film have really let me feel related to him and the rest of my family, too.
Thank you to all the positive comments and support!

Le Mystère Picasso (1956)
A film by Henri-Georges Clouzot...
published: 05 Oct 2013
author: Icosahedron
Le Mystère Picasso (1956)
A film by Henri-Georges Clouzot

Japan 1956
This is 8mm film of my dad in Japan with his family, circa 1956....
published: 08 Jul 2008
author: Dan Asahi
Japan 1956
This is 8mm film of my dad in Japan with his family, circa 1956.
Youtube results:

Nightmare 1956 ^ Edward G. Robinson
I do not own. No copyright infringement intended. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 o...
published: 14 May 2013
author: onlymoviesandmovies
Nightmare 1956 ^ Edward G. Robinson
Nightmare 1956 ^ Edward G. Robinson
I do not own. No copyright infringement intended. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purp...- published: 14 May 2013
- views: 4456
- author: onlymoviesandmovies

The History of Ballon D'or Winners 1956-2012
List with All FIFA Ballon D'or Winners....
published: 11 Jan 2013
author: BVB1992PAO
The History of Ballon D'or Winners 1956-2012
The History of Ballon D'or Winners 1956-2012
List with All FIFA Ballon D'or Winners.- published: 11 Jan 2013
- views: 16751
- author: BVB1992PAO

Jubal (1956) Glenn Ford, Ernest Borgnine, Rod Steiger. Western
A new foreman rejects the sexual advances of a frustrated rancher's wife, and that leads t...
published: 13 Jan 2014
Jubal (1956) Glenn Ford, Ernest Borgnine, Rod Steiger. Western
Jubal (1956) Glenn Ford, Ernest Borgnine, Rod Steiger. Western
A new foreman rejects the sexual advances of a frustrated rancher's wife, and that leads to conflicts which could get him killed. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0048233/- published: 13 Jan 2014
- views: 4