Welcome to UNDP United Arab Emirates


UAE Standard Basic Framework Agreement (SBFA)

UNDP UAE Country Programme Document (CPD) 2008-2012

UNDP Strategic Plan 2008-2011

UNDP is the UN’s global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in 166 countries, working with them on their own solutions to global and national development challenges. As they develop local capacity, they draw on the people of UNDP and our wide range of partners. Progress towards the achievement, by 2015, of the Millennium Development Goals is an integral part of UNDP's works.

UNDP is a neutral and trusted partner, which draws on its mandate, wide pool of knowledge and comparative advantages to enhance national capacities in line with national priorities and objectives. UNDP works with a wide variety of partners including Government, civil society organization and private sector, the UN system and other international partners.

UNDP's focus in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for the period 2008-2011 is to make a positive contribution towards the attainment of the national development objectives in the following areas:

UNDP programme in the UAE is governed by the country programme (CP 2008-2011), and all decisions that pertain to the CP/Projects are approved by the Resident Representative in consultation with national authorities (federal or emirate) level inline with their developmental priorities and aspirations

During the last Country Cooperation Framework 2002-2006, UNDP programme implemented projects in the value of 14 million USD. The projected delivery under the current cycle 2008-2011 is estimated to reach 15 million USD. The Government of the UAE is the main contributor to UNDP-UAE programme as a Net Contributor Country.



2014 State of Energy Report Launched between UNDP and Dubai

The Dubai Supreme Council of Energy (DSCE) unveiled the first-ever edition of its new State of the Energy Report for Dubai. With sustainable energy emerging at the top of the global development agenda, and 2014 set to launch the International Decade of Sustainable Energy, a key challenge will be to move from global dialogue to local action.

The inaugural State of Energy Report for Dubai stands as an example of this effort, one of the world’s first sub-national reports to capture trends and opportunities in the drive for a sustainable energy future. Developed in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme and the Dubai Carbon Centre for Excellence, the State of the Energy Report highlights the drive by Dubai to emerge as a centre of innovation, investment and technology in the Arab region.

The State of Energy Report is a flagship initiative in support of the UAE National Green Economy for Sustainable Development Strategy launched in 2012, and serves as a platform of partnerships to spur new green economy opportunities. As noted by HH Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Chairman of DSCE, the partnership between the Government and UNDP is a matter of pride for the Emirate of Dubai but also an enabler to share and improve the relevance of energy within sustainable development.”

As highlighted in the report, the UAE has set a target of achieving 5% of its energy mix from renewable energy by 2030 while also seeking to reduce energy intensity by 30%. Like a number of countries in the Arab region, it seeks to place sustainable energy solutions at the centre of a new sustainable development pathway. As shown in the results of a Greenhouse Gas Inventory captured in the report, Dubai makes up 25% of the UAEs total GHG emissions. Overall the top sources of UAE’s emission are electricity and water (35%), transport (26%), industry (21%), among other sources.

To assess trends towards sustainable energy goals, the report brings together 50 leading thinkers on sustainable energy solutions to highlight specific trends and challenges in areas such as models for energy governance and low-carbon strategies, new financing models, catalysts and incentives for solar energy expansion, reducing energy intensity through end-use energy efficiency measures, and clean technology applications for green buildings and sustainable transport. Contributors include leading figures from the UAE and Dubai Government, UNDP, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the Middle East Solar Industry Association,  the World Wide Fund for Nature and the Masdar Institute, to name a few.

At the launch of the report, Kishan Khoday, UNDP Regional Practice Leader for Energy & Environment noted how “the emergence of local leadership for sustainable energy will be key to achieving global goals. A need exists to bring forth best practices and lessons learned as local partners like Dubai pursue sustainable energy. Cooperation with emerging economies like the UAE can support progress to reduce energy intensity locally, while new global partnerships can be forged as well to bring these new levels of innovation and investment to bear on sustainable energy goals in developing countries around the world.”

UNDP is currently working with countries across the Arab region, from Palestine and Iraq, to Egypt, Tunisia and Sudan, to expand the use of renewable energy as a source of social, economic and environmental triple-wins in development.
