Economic Growth in Romania - Using people for the core
If we follow our dreams and develop our skills, we become the wheels of an economic engine...
published: 17 Dec 2013
Economic Growth in Romania - Using people for the core
Economic Growth in Romania - Using people for the core
If we follow our dreams and develop our skills, we become the wheels of an economic engine with over 20 million components. To be more specific, if more Romanians realize their potential, Romania's economy will become stronger. Let's find out how is this possible, and in the process have a quick look at some of the key drivers of economic growth.- published: 17 Dec 2013
- views: 114
Made in Germany | German Investors in Romania
Romania is an increasingly attractive place for Western Europeans to invest. This year it'...
published: 28 Nov 2008
author: deutschewelleenglish
Made in Germany | German Investors in Romania
Made in Germany | German Investors in Romania
Romania is an increasingly attractive place for Western Europeans to invest. This year it's estimated that Western companies will pump more than 10 billion e...- published: 28 Nov 2008
- views: 4157
- author: deutschewelleenglish
Romanian economy in critical condition
More than two decades after the toppling of Communist rule and almost four years after joi...
published: 24 Aug 2010
author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Romanian economy in critical condition
Romanian economy in critical condition
More than two decades after the toppling of Communist rule and almost four years after joining the European Union, Romania remains one of the continent's poo...- published: 24 Aug 2010
- views: 4806
- author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Elena Chobanyan - Interview with Minister of Economy of Romania
Online Broadcast of author. A fragment of the Interview with Minister of Economy of Romani...
published: 09 Jul 2013
author: Elena \' s Broadcast
Elena Chobanyan - Interview with Minister of Economy of Romania
Elena Chobanyan - Interview with Minister of Economy of Romania
Online Broadcast of author. A fragment of the Interview with Minister of Economy of Romania, V. Vosganyan, about the Armenian and Romanian Bilateral Relati...- published: 09 Jul 2013
- views: 107
- author: Elena \' s Broadcast
Competitive Cities - Engine of Romania's Economic Development
Did you know that competitive cities are the main engine of economic development? Did you ...
published: 17 Dec 2013
Competitive Cities - Engine of Romania's Economic Development
Competitive Cities - Engine of Romania's Economic Development
Did you know that competitive cities are the main engine of economic development? Did you know that density, distance and division matter? In Romania people and firms also concentrate around high density cities. For example, Bucharest generates approximately 25% of the country's GDP, although it amasses only 10% of the total population. Learn about the link between economic development and urbanization and about how Romania can become truly competitive.- published: 17 Dec 2013
- views: 35
Architectural symbolism: "The Economy of Romania in the Victorian era" - a decorative panoply
This video is a detailed description of the great decorative panoply, inspired from the Gr...
published: 24 Feb 2011
author: periodhouses
Architectural symbolism: "The Economy of Romania in the Victorian era" - a decorative panoply
Architectural symbolism: "The Economy of Romania in the Victorian era" - a decorative panoply
This video is a detailed description of the great decorative panoply, inspired from the Greek-Roman mythology, adorning the pediment of the Ministry of Agric...- published: 24 Feb 2011
- views: 481
- author: periodhouses
Elderflowers help Romania's rural economy blossom
The delicate white elderflower has become a beloved ingredient for sodas and sweet drinks ...
published: 18 Jun 2013
author: AFP
Elderflowers help Romania's rural economy blossom
Elderflowers help Romania's rural economy blossom
The delicate white elderflower has become a beloved ingredient for sodas and sweet drinks sold all over the world. As a result, harvesting the flower in Roma...- published: 18 Jun 2013
- views: 212
- author: AFP
The World without Romania HD
Romania dated: Roumania; or Rumania; Romanian: România [romɨˈni.a] is a country located at...
published: 06 Oct 2012
author: DarkCrysess
The World without Romania HD
The World without Romania HD
Romania dated: Roumania; or Rumania; Romanian: România [romɨˈni.a] is a country located at the intersection of Central and Southeastern Europe, bordering on ...- published: 06 Oct 2012
- views: 1722
- author: DarkCrysess
Romania, mobilità e capitali in Europa - real economy
Bucarest, Romania. Real Economy si occupa di mercato unico e della crescita dell'Europa.
published: 09 Apr 2014
Romania, mobilità e capitali in Europa - real economy
Romania, mobilità e capitali in Europa - real economy
Bucarest, Romania. Real Economy si occupa di mercato unico e della crescita dell'Europa. Lazlo Andor, Commissario europeo, risponde ad alcune domande sulla libera circolazione delle persone all'interno dell'Europa e sui migranti dell'Est Europa; al centro del dibattito, il Regno Unito. Prima di tutto, ci occupiamo di aspetti economici e di come fare affari con i nuovi stati dell'Est, membri dell'Unione europea. 20 anni di mercato unico ci hanno abituato a cose, che diamo per scontate. Ecco, ... ALTRE INFORMAZIONI: http://it.euronews.com/2014/04/08/romania-mobilita-e-capitali-in-europa Quali sono le notizie di oggi? Clicca per vedere: http://eurone.ws/1lC0ztq euronews: il canale di informazione più seguito in Europa. Abbonati ! http://eurone.ws/17uYNV4 euronews è disponibile in 14 lingue: http://eurone.ws/XyJjNW In italiano: Sito web: http://it.euronews.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/euronews Twitter: http://twitter.com/euronewsit- published: 09 Apr 2014
- views: 47
ROMANIA GOVERNMENT COLLAPSE! Unrest Economy Record Cold Snow Feb.2012. Prediction.
SUBSCRIBE FOR FORCAST OF EVENTS THAT MAY AFFECT YOU - - Feb.2012 the government of Romania...
published: 07 Feb 2012
author: HarvestArmy
ROMANIA GOVERNMENT COLLAPSE! Unrest Economy Record Cold Snow Feb.2012. Prediction.
ROMANIA GOVERNMENT COLLAPSE! Unrest Economy Record Cold Snow Feb.2012. Prediction.
SUBSCRIBE FOR FORCAST OF EVENTS THAT MAY AFFECT YOU - - Feb.2012 the government of Romania buckles under the economic and political pressure that has inu...- published: 07 Feb 2012
- views: 823
- author: HarvestArmy
Crescita, Romania e Lettonia trainano l'Unione europea - economy
Tra gli ultimi ad entrare, ma primi nella corsa dell'economia. Mentre i Paesi del blocco e...
published: 04 Dec 2013
Crescita, Romania e Lettonia trainano l'Unione europea - economy
Crescita, Romania e Lettonia trainano l'Unione europea - economy
Tra gli ultimi ad entrare, ma primi nella corsa dell'economia. Mentre i Paesi del blocco euro... Euronews, il canale all news più seguito in Europa. Abbonati a euronews e ricevi ogni giorno una selezione delle nostre notizie:http://eurone.ws/17uYNV4 euronews è disponibile in 13 altre lingue :http://eurone.ws/XyJjNW http://it.euronews.com/2013/12/04/crescita-romania-e-lettonia-trainano-l-unione-europea Tra gli ultimi ad entrare, ma primi nella corsa dell'economia. Mentre i Paesi del blocco euro annaspano (confermata la frenata nel terzo trimestre ad un flebile +0,1%) ecco la sorpresa: il "gruppo di testa" della crescita è composto da Paesi di recente adesione all'Unione europea come Romania, Lettonia e Ungheria. A dirlo sono gli ultimi dati Eurostat, che registrano per Bucarest, Riga e Budapest una crescita del prodotto interno lordo rispettivamente dell'1,6%, dell'1,2% e dello 0,8%. Fa eccezione la Repubblica Ceca, -0,5%. La seconda lettura sottolinea quindi la sostanziale fragilità dell'economia di Eurolandia dopo l'emersione dalla recessione nel periodo aprile-giugno. L'Italia migliora ma è ancora al -0,1%. Come la Francia, "scivolata" in territorio negativo. Si seguono: Su Youtube http://bit.ly/wV2enX Su Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/euronews.fans Twitter: http://twitter.com/euronewsit- published: 04 Dec 2013
- views: 26
Romanian Economy Romania prezinta Oana Andoni
TV News Romania Television Presenter Economia Romaniei Economie Romanian Industry Romanian...
published: 07 Nov 2010
author: DoinaDor
Romanian Economy Romania prezinta Oana Andoni
Romanian Economy Romania prezinta Oana Andoni
TV News Romania Television Presenter Economia Romaniei Economie Romanian Industry Romanians People Country Report Statistici Statistica.- published: 07 Nov 2010
- views: 1103
- author: DoinaDor
Knowledge Based Economy Project in Romania by Siveco Romania
IPMA International Project Excellence Award 2010 Finalits in the category Medium....
published: 14 Nov 2010
author: IPMAAwardOffice
Knowledge Based Economy Project in Romania by Siveco Romania
Knowledge Based Economy Project in Romania by Siveco Romania
IPMA International Project Excellence Award 2010 Finalits in the category Medium.- published: 14 Nov 2010
- views: 147
- author: IPMAAwardOffice
Youtube results:
Immigration Why The UK Appeals To Romanians
Romania may have joined the EU six years ago, but many of its citizens feel they are treat...
published: 16 Oct 2013
Immigration Why The UK Appeals To Romanians
Immigration Why The UK Appeals To Romanians
Romania may have joined the EU six years ago, but many of its citizens feel they are treated like second-class Europeans, shunned by wealthier members of the club. Lazy stereotypes, confusing Romanians with the ethnic Romani people, have been bolted on to fears of immigration waves swamping local services and stealing jobs from European neighbours. In January, a temporary annual cap limiting the number of Romanian and Bulgarian low and unskilled workers entering the UK to 25,000 will expire. The pressure group Migration Watch UK, which claims to be non-political but is concerned about immigration levels, is estimating 70,000 people a year from those countries could now travel to the UK in search of work. The problem for those advocating further controls is simple - the EU enshrines in its treaties the fundamental right of citizens to travel freely between member states. With such an intense political debate surrounding the relaxing of restrictions, why do so many Romanians want to come to Britain? When we travelled to the capital Bucharest, I assumed the problem was unemployment - that the prospect of more work opportunities or access to the UK's universal benefits system would be the main draw. But it is not the lack of jobs in Romania that has caused the exodus - the employment rate is better than that in the UK. It is how much people get paid. Salaries are at least a quarter of equivalent positions in the UK. A police officer's monthly wage is a little over £250 after tax. So while some in the UK fret about the implications of thousands of unskilled workers pouring into Britain's still stuttering economy, the Romanian government has a different concern - a drain of its brightest talent. We interviewed Labour Minister Mariana Campeanu in her office, the double glazing barely dampening the sounds of a demonstration by police officers outside, demanding better pay and conditions. "Unfortunately, young qualified Romanians are the ones who move to these countries because they want to get better-paid jobs, not because they want to take advantage of their benefits," she told Sky News. "We have many people who study in universities across Europe and they usually find better paid jobs there. We hope the Romanian economy improves so we can offer higher salaries for those who want to come back." And that, of course, is the central idea behind the EU, that free movement of goods and services, coupled with billions of euro in structural funds will help level the playing field and expand the single market both geographically and economically. But the playing field is a long way from being level, and it is that central imbalance which has led hundreds of thousands to leave. Since accession in 2007, Romania represents 8% of the emigration wave around the EU, second only to Poland. Andrei Iosep, one of Romania's star water polo players, is planning to move to the UK in January after Team GB approached him for help in training the national team. He says he intends to return home eventually, but wants to take advantage of the relaxation of immigration controls and improve the image of Romanians abroad. "I was in a club in Italy a few years ago and tried to chat with a girl. She asked me where I'm from and when I told her Romania, she just turned her back on me and left," he recalled. "I was shocked and felt very bad," he said. "I've had some unfortunate experiences around Europe. The fact that we were treated differently compared to others upset me." We also spoke to Daniel Rusu, who intends to come to the UK to work on building sites and believes some Britons are overstating the concerns of people moving just to access benefits. "Unfortunately, some of the stories are true and I am talking about those who go to Britain to beg, steal or have no plans to get hired. Their numbers are tiny, but they have a huge influence on opinion," he told Sky News. "British people link them to the majority of Romanian immigrants who really want to work legally and make a future there." The Government will be monitoring the influx closely. It is sure to be a political issue before the next general election and feeds into the much wider debate about Britain's relationship with Europe.- published: 16 Oct 2013
- views: 3
Romania- Concern about the US Economy - Part 5
Yes, quite rightly everyone should be concerned about the US economy, because in the shift...
published: 05 Apr 2011
author: Gill Wallace Hope
Romania- Concern about the US Economy - Part 5
Romania- Concern about the US Economy - Part 5
Yes, quite rightly everyone should be concerned about the US economy, because in the shift from the industrial age to the knowledge economy, then a lot of Am...- published: 05 Apr 2011
- views: 44
- author: Gill Wallace Hope