Portugal - The Decline of a Colonial Power | Global 3000
Along with Greece and Ireland, Portugal was the third EU member to receive an internationa...
published: 27 Mar 2012
author: deutschewelleenglish
Portugal - The Decline of a Colonial Power | Global 3000
Portugal - The Decline of a Colonial Power | Global 3000
Along with Greece and Ireland, Portugal was the third EU member to receive an international bailout. It's now deep in recession, forcing a generation to go a...- published: 27 Mar 2012
- views: 3000
- author: deutschewelleenglish
Jobs market slides further in Portugal and Greece - economy
http://www.euronews.com/ Portuguese unemployment has risen again in the first quarter to 1...
published: 09 May 2013
author: Euronews
Jobs market slides further in Portugal and Greece - economy
Jobs market slides further in Portugal and Greece - economy
http://www.euronews.com/ Portuguese unemployment has risen again in the first quarter to 17.7 percent. The new record is bad enough, but pity the young in th...- published: 09 May 2013
- views: 642
- author: Euronews
Portugal Economy Sinks, State Clings to Bailout's Austerity Terms
Wouter De Broeck: Creditors breathe a sigh a relief and ordinary people pay big price over...
published: 26 Jul 2013
author: TheRealNews
Portugal Economy Sinks, State Clings to Bailout's Austerity Terms
Portugal Economy Sinks, State Clings to Bailout's Austerity Terms
Wouter De Broeck: Creditors breathe a sigh a relief and ordinary people pay big price over deal, while no political party is seen as credible before disconte...- published: 26 Jul 2013
- views: 1289
- author: TheRealNews
I-talk: Portugal's struggles - italk
Portugal is struggling under the grip of austerity as it battles to get its economy back o...
published: 01 Jul 2013
author: Euronews
I-talk: Portugal's struggles - italk
I-talk: Portugal's struggles - italk
Portugal is struggling under the grip of austerity as it battles to get its economy back on track.... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subsc...- published: 01 Jul 2013
- views: 58
- author: Euronews
Portuguese political crisis cooled but not cured - economy
A political crisis has been averted in Lisbon with the result that Portugal is back on tra...
published: 22 Jul 2013
author: Euronews
Portuguese political crisis cooled but not cured - economy
Portuguese political crisis cooled but not cured - economy
A political crisis has been averted in Lisbon with the result that Portugal is back on track to... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscrib...- published: 22 Jul 2013
- views: 351
- author: Euronews
Veronique de Rugy Discusses Portugal's Economy on Varney and Company
Veronique de Rugy Discusses Portugal's Economy on Varney and Company...
published: 30 Jul 2013
Veronique de Rugy Discusses Portugal's Economy on Varney and Company
Veronique de Rugy Discusses Portugal's Economy on Varney and Company
Veronique de Rugy Discusses Portugal's Economy on Varney and Company- published: 30 Jul 2013
- views: 46
Portugal's political turmoil puts bailout at risk - economy
Portugal's political crisis has continued to deepen, moving it closer to needing a second ...
published: 11 Jul 2013
author: Euronews
Portugal's political turmoil puts bailout at risk - economy
Portugal's political turmoil puts bailout at risk - economy
Portugal's political crisis has continued to deepen, moving it closer to needing a second bailout.... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subsc...- published: 11 Jul 2013
- views: 965
- author: Euronews
economy of portugal
ismaili marouan, sadki rachid, dyaz tarik....
published: 09 Jul 2006
author: sandirimine
economy of portugal
economy of portugal
ismaili marouan, sadki rachid, dyaz tarik.- published: 09 Jul 2006
- views: 1178
- author: sandirimine
Portugal Economy Probe - Interview by Miguel Athayde Marques to RTP
published: 18 Sep 2012
author: PortugalEconomyProbe
Portugal Economy Probe - Interview by Miguel Athayde Marques to RTP
Portugal Economy Probe - Interview by Miguel Athayde Marques to RTP
- published: 18 Sep 2012
- views: 170
- author: PortugalEconomyProbe
3/3/2013 Mass economic protests Portugal & Spain. "Europe ECONOMIC CRISIS" 2013
The sooner the better.This is the begining of FALL of Europe. 2 March 2013 Breaking News M...
published: 04 Mar 2013
author: Endza50
3/3/2013 Mass economic protests Portugal & Spain. "Europe ECONOMIC CRISIS" 2013
3/3/2013 Mass economic protests Portugal & Spain. "Europe ECONOMIC CRISIS" 2013
The sooner the better.This is the begining of FALL of Europe. 2 March 2013 Breaking News Mass economic protests Portugal & Spain - End Times News Update - 3-...- published: 04 Mar 2013
- views: 2030
- author: Endza50
La crise au Portugal inquiète les marchés financiers européens - economy
L'instabilité politique actuelle au Portugal qui fait craindre des élections anticipées et...
published: 03 Jul 2013
author: euronewsfr
La crise au Portugal inquiète les marchés financiers européens - economy
La crise au Portugal inquiète les marchés financiers européens - economy
L'instabilité politique actuelle au Portugal qui fait craindre des élections anticipées et une... euronews, la chaîne d'informations la plus regardée en Euro...- published: 03 Jul 2013
- views: 154
- author: euronewsfr
Portugal: Seeking Help from the Neighbors | European Journal
Portugal's economic crisis is affecting its health care system. More and more of its citiz...
published: 03 Jan 2013
author: Deutsche Welle
Portugal: Seeking Help from the Neighbors | European Journal
Portugal: Seeking Help from the Neighbors | European Journal
Portugal's economic crisis is affecting its health care system. More and more of its citizens are heading for Spain to go to the doctor or to the hospital. R...- published: 03 Jan 2013
- views: 1213
- author: Deutsche Welle
OCDE : le Portugal sur la bonne voie - economy
http://fr.euronews.com/ Les efforts du Portugal n'auront pas été vains. C'est la conclusio...
published: 14 May 2013
author: euronewsfr
OCDE : le Portugal sur la bonne voie - economy
OCDE : le Portugal sur la bonne voie - economy
http://fr.euronews.com/ Les efforts du Portugal n'auront pas été vains. C'est la conclusion d'un rapport de l'OCDE publié ce mardi. Selon l'Organisation de c...- published: 14 May 2013
- views: 73
- author: euronewsfr
In sinking economy "Made in Portugal" kayaks still afloat
The "Made in Portugal" label will dominate the waters at the London Olympics in July and A...
published: 15 Jul 2012
author: AFP
In sinking economy "Made in Portugal" kayaks still afloat
In sinking economy "Made in Portugal" kayaks still afloat
The "Made in Portugal" label will dominate the waters at the London Olympics in July and August, with the country's kayak-canoe industry prospering despite a...- published: 15 Jul 2012
- views: 232
- author: AFP
Youtube results:
EU helps Cyprus, Portugal and Ireland over bailouts - economy
http://www.euronews.com/ Eurozone ministers - meeting in Dublin - have given their backing...
published: 12 Apr 2013
author: Euronews
EU helps Cyprus, Portugal and Ireland over bailouts - economy
EU helps Cyprus, Portugal and Ireland over bailouts - economy
http://www.euronews.com/ Eurozone ministers - meeting in Dublin - have given their backing to a 10 billion euro bailout plan for Cyprus. But they will not le...- published: 12 Apr 2013
- views: 227
- author: Euronews
Portugal's latest cut - the finance minister - economy
In a surprise move, Portugal's Finance Minister, Vitor Gaspar, has resigned. ... euronews,...
published: 01 Jul 2013
author: Euronews
Portugal's latest cut - the finance minister - economy
Portugal's latest cut - the finance minister - economy
In a surprise move, Portugal's Finance Minister, Vitor Gaspar, has resigned. ... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily d...- published: 01 Jul 2013
- views: 288
- author: Euronews
Portugal : budget 2014 à haut risque pour le gouvernement - economy
Des coupes sévères dans les dépenses publiques c'est une nouvelle fois ce qui caractérise ...
published: 15 Oct 2013
Portugal : budget 2014 à haut risque pour le gouvernement - economy
Portugal : budget 2014 à haut risque pour le gouvernement - economy
Des coupes sévères dans les dépenses publiques c'est une nouvelle fois ce qui caractérise le... euronews, la chaîne d'informations la plus regardée en Europe. Abonnez-vous et recevez notre sélection quotidienne d'actualités internationales:http://eurone.ws/YhnkpY Euronews est disponible en 13 autres langues: http://eurone.ws/17mq3VK http://fr.euronews.com/2013/10/15/portugal-budget-2014-a-haut-risque-pour-le-gouvernement Des coupes sévères dans les dépenses publiques c'est une nouvelle fois ce qui caractérise le projet de budget du gouvernement portugais version 2014 qui a été présenté mardi devant le parlement. Il n'y a pas d'alternative à la réduction des dépenses a commenté le chef du gouvernement Pedro Passos Coelho, ajoutant : "si nous n'arrivopns pas à atteindre nos objectifs, le prix à payer sera beaucoup plus élevé". Pour la ministre portugaises des finances les mesures budgétaires vont dans le bon sens. 126 "Nous sommes convaincus que ce sont les bonnes mesures. Elles ont été établies après une étude rigoureuse sur le besoin de réduire les dépenses publiques, a expliqué Maria Luis Albuquerque. Et la façon dont les européens ont parlé du risque d'un veto constitutionnel, ça n'était pas une critique. C'était l'évaluation objective d'un aspect qui pourrait amener des changements dans les progrès du programme de relance". 155 Le gouvernement portugais a déjà essuyé un refus constitutionnel sur certaines des mesures d'austérité qu'il avait retenues et le risque d'un nouveau refus est patent. Le Portugal a du s'engager à baisser son déficit public à 4% du PIB en 2014 contre 5,5% cette année. 209 "De l'austérité, toujours plus d'austérité qui touche toujours les mêmes personnes, dénonce Paulo Sa, chef du groupe communiste à l'assemblée. Si c'est ça la voie que trace le gouvernement portugais, ça ne produira pas d'autres résultats que ceux des deux dernières années et obtenus avec la même politique". 224 Retrouvez nous sur : Youtube http://bit.ly/zr3upY Facebook http://www.facebook.com/euronews.fans Twitter http://twitter.com/euronewsfr- published: 15 Oct 2013
- views: 18
Future of Euro: crisis in Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal. Economy speaker - Banking Keynote
http://www.globalchange.com Euro crisis in Greece. Monetary union constraints in high infl...
published: 06 Mar 2010
Future of Euro: crisis in Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal. Economy speaker - Banking Keynote
Future of Euro: crisis in Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal. Economy speaker - Banking Keynote
http://www.globalchange.com Euro crisis in Greece. Monetary union constraints in high inflation or deflation. Role of European Central Bank in balancing need...- published: 06 Mar 2010
- views: 4341
- author: Patrick Dixon Futurist YouTube Videos