
Ireland, people and landscape. music: "The Blood Of Cu Chulainn" by Mychael Danna & Jeff D...
published: 28 Feb 2007
author: shastasheene
Ireland, people and landscape. music: "The Blood Of Cu Chulainn" by Mychael Danna & Jeff Danna.- published: 28 Feb 2007
- views: 584867
- author: shastasheene

THE END OF AN ÉIRE (full length documentary)
The End of an Éire documentary film by Mark Higginbotham and Thomas Sheridan. THE END OF A...
published: 27 Jun 2013
author: TheSolodragon
THE END OF AN ÉIRE (full length documentary)
THE END OF AN ÉIRE (full length documentary)
The End of an Éire documentary film by Mark Higginbotham and Thomas Sheridan. THE END OF AN EIRE IS THE BEGINNING OF A NEW EIRE (Note:This film contains crea...- published: 27 Jun 2013
- views: 8497
- author: TheSolodragon

álainn Éire
beautiful ireland photos property of me music by Academy of Irish Music....
published: 08 Jul 2007
author: SpeiVecordia
álainn Éire
álainn Éire
beautiful ireland photos property of me music by Academy of Irish Music.- published: 08 Jul 2007
- views: 23907
- author: SpeiVecordia

GARDA OUTLAWS, abduction of mother in éire
in this act of war (terrorism) against our community to obtain bodies for HSE OUTLAWS for ...
published: 05 Nov 2013
GARDA OUTLAWS, abduction of mother in éire
GARDA OUTLAWS, abduction of mother in éire
in this act of war (terrorism) against our community to obtain bodies for HSE OUTLAWS for profit by providing an unwanted service, and in the process destroying families. the MALE GARDA who entered into the cage with the abductee (ewa), is the same PERSON as was commanded to attend this community éire court to stand trial for crimes against ewa, who then lied in the commercial administration court in attempt to deceive, coerce and obtain ewa's consent and thereby obtain a contract for DISTRICT COURT no. 19.- published: 05 Nov 2013
- views: 2354

National Anthem of Ireland (Éire) - "Amhrán na bhFiann!" [IRISH VERSION]
Amhrán na bhFiann es el himno nacional de la Re...
published: 20 Mar 2014
National Anthem of Ireland (Éire) - "Amhrán na bhFiann!" [IRISH VERSION]
National Anthem of Ireland (Éire) - "Amhrán na bhFiann!" [IRISH VERSION]
●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩ESPAÑOL۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● [IRLANDÉS] Amhrán na bhFiann es el himno nacional de la República de Irlanda. También conocido por su traducción al inglés como A Soldier's Song (la Canción de un soldado). Asimismo es conocido como Amhrán Náisiúnta na hÉireann/National Anthem of Ireland (Himno Nacional de Irlanda). La letra de la canción es de Peadar Kearney y la música de Kearney y Patrick Heeney. Compuesto en 1907 y publicado por primera vez en Irish Freedom en 1912, la traducción al irlandés fue hecha por Liam Ó Rinn en 1923. Es el himno nacional oficial desde 1926, cuando reemplazó al himno no oficial God Save Ireland. Se canta en irlandés y solo el estribillo. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩ENGLISH۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● [IRISH] "Amhrán na bhFiann" ("The Soldiers' Song") is the Irish national anthem. The music was composed by Peadar Kearney and Patrick Heeney, the original English lyrics (as "A Soldiers' Song") by Kearney, and the Irish language translation by Liam Ó Rinn. The song has three verses, but only the choral refrain was officially designated the national anthem. The Presidential Salute, played when the President of Ireland arrives at an official engagement, consists of the first four bars of the national anthem immediately followed by the last five. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩DEUTSCH۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● [IRISCHE] Amhrán na bhFiann (The Soldier's Song) ist die Nationalhymne der Republik Irland. Sie wurde 1907 von Peadar Kearney, einem Onkel des bekannten Liedertexters Brendan Behan, auf Englisch geschrieben und 1926 ins Irische übersetzt. Die Melodie wurde von Peadar Kearney und Patrick Heeney komponiert. Als Nationalhymne gilt nur der Refrain, nicht die Strophen des Liedes. Gewöhnlich wird die irischsprachige Version gesungen. Vorläufer von Amhrán na bhFiann war das Lied God Save Ireland, das 1867 von Timothy Daniel Sullivan im Gedenken an drei in England hingerichtete irische Freiheitskämpfer verfasst worden war. Es galt seit dem Osteraufstand des Jahres 1916 als inoffizielle Nationalhymne der Irischen Republik. Amhrán na bhFiann ist die Nationalhymne lediglich der Republik Irland, Nordirland als solches fühlt sich durch dieses Lied nicht repräsentiert. Für gesamtirische Belange wird es daher nicht als geeignet angesehen. Daher wurden für solche Fälle andere Lösungen gefunden. So intoniert etwa die gesamtirische Rugby Union-Nationalmannschaft anstelle des Amhrán na bhFiann vor einem Spiel in der Regel das Lied Ireland's Call.- published: 20 Mar 2014
- views: 159

National Anthem of Ireland (Poblacht na hÉireann) - "Amhrán na bhFiann"
Amhrán na bhFiann es el himno nacional de la Repú...
published: 09 Dec 2013
National Anthem of Ireland (Poblacht na hÉireann) - "Amhrán na bhFiann"
National Anthem of Ireland (Poblacht na hÉireann) - "Amhrán na bhFiann"
●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩ESPAÑOL۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● [INGLES] Amhrán na bhFiann es el himno nacional de la República de Irlanda. También conocido por su traducción al inglés como A Soldier's Song (la Canción de un soldado). Asimismo es conocido como Amhrán Náisiúnta na hÉireann/National Anthem of Ireland (Himno Nacional de Irlanda). La letra de la canción es de Peadar Kearney y la música de Kearney y Patrick Heeney. Compuesto en 1907 y publicado por primera vez en Irish Freedom en 1912, la traducción al irlandés fue hecha por Liam Ó Rinn en 1923. Es el himno nacional oficial desde 1926, cuando reemplazó al himno no oficial God Save Ireland. Se canta en irlandés y solo el estribillo. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩ENGLISH۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● [ENGLISH] "Amhrán na bhFiann" ("The Soldiers' Song") is the Irish national anthem. The music was composed by Peadar Kearney and Patrick Heeney, the original English lyrics (as "A Soldiers' Song") by Kearney, and the Irish language translation by Liam Ó Rinn. The song has three verses, but only the choral refrain was officially designated the national anthem. The Presidential Salute, played when the President of Ireland arrives at an official engagement, consists of the first four bars of the national anthem immediately followed by the last five. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩DEUTSCH۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● [Englisch] Amhrán na bhFiann (The Soldier's Song) ist die Nationalhymne der Republik Irland. Sie wurde 1907 von Peadar Kearney, einem Onkel des bekannten Liedertexters Brendan Behan, auf Englisch geschrieben und 1926 ins Irische übersetzt. Die Melodie wurde von Peadar Kearney und Patrick Heeney komponiert. Als Nationalhymne gilt nur der Refrain, nicht die Strophen des Liedes. Gewöhnlich wird die irischsprachige Version gesungen. Vorläufer von Amhrán na bhFiann war das Lied God Save Ireland, das 1867 von Timothy Daniel Sullivan im Gedenken an drei in England hingerichtete irische Freiheitskämpfer verfasst worden war. Es galt seit dem Osteraufstand des Jahres 1916 als inoffizielle Nationalhymne der Irischen Republik. Amhrán na bhFiann ist die Nationalhymne lediglich der Republik Irland, Nordirland als solches fühlt sich durch dieses Lied nicht repräsentiert. Für gesamtirische Belange wird es daher nicht als geeignet angesehen. Daher wurden für solche Fälle andere Lösungen gefunden. So intoniert etwa die gesamtirische Rugby Union-Nationalmannschaft anstelle des Amhrán na bhFiann vor einem Spiel in der Regel das Lied Ireland's Call.- published: 09 Dec 2013
- views: 120

Mise Éire | I am Ireland | Patrick Pearse | Pádraig Mac Piarais
Stephen James Smith: http://www.stephenjamessmith.com Arise & Go! on iTunes: https://itune...
published: 16 Oct 2011
author: Stephen James Smith
Mise Éire | I am Ireland | Patrick Pearse | Pádraig Mac Piarais
Mise Éire | I am Ireland | Patrick Pearse | Pádraig Mac Piarais
Stephen James Smith: http://www.stephenjamessmith.com Arise & Go! on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/arise-and-go!/id575042730 Arise & Go! on cdbab...- published: 16 Oct 2011
- views: 5702
- author: Stephen James Smith

Mise Éire, Súil Siar,Lorg na gCos,Seán Ó Riada,documentary film,Ireland,archive footage,history,TG4
Click "Show more" below for ++ eolas / info ! 19/10/2011 Cúlra, comhthéacs agus cuimh...
published: 23 Mar 2014
Mise Éire, Súil Siar,Lorg na gCos,Seán Ó Riada,documentary film,Ireland,archive footage,history,TG4
Mise Éire, Súil Siar,Lorg na gCos,Seán Ó Riada,documentary film,Ireland,archive footage,history,TG4
Click "Show more" below for ++ eolas / info ! 19/10/2011 Cúlra, comhthéacs agus cuimhní cinn ar an scannán ceannródúil faisnéise Gaeilge "Mise Éire" a léirigh George Morrison do Ghael Linn i 1960 agus a thuill cáil dó féin agus don chumadóir óg ceoil, Seán Ó Riada. Baineann an clár seo, a scríobh agus a stiúraigh Colm Bairéad, leas as ábhar cartlainne agus agallaimh nua le tráchtairí, lucht scannán agus le George Morrison féin agus é ar bhóithrín na smaointe agus ag filleadh ar áiteanna a bhí lárnach i léiriú an scannáin. Roinneann an bheirt eile a mhaireann ón fhoireann léiriúcháin, Louis Marcus agus Catherine O'Brien, a gcuimhní féin ar an togra agus ar a thionchar ar a saol ina dhiaidh sin. Feicfear freisin mac an Riadaigh, Peadar, i mbun stiúradh ar an gCeolfhoireann Shiansach Náisiúnta agus í ag seinm an cheoilriain iontach sin a chum agus a chóirigh a athair don scannán. Léiriú le Midas Productions, Cleona Ní Chrualaoi. midasproductions.ie "Lorg na gCos - Súil Siar ar Mise Éire" This documentary tells the unique story of Ireland's most famous documentary film, Mise Éire, both as a logistical endeavour and as a key cultural moment in the history of the Irish State. Written and directed by Colm Bairéad, it weaves a rich tapestry of archive and location footage with considered analysis from both experts, ordinary citizens and key creative personnel behind the film, the documentary explores the fascinating story of how the Irish-language film came to be and paints a vivid social, cultural and psychological portrait of the country into which the film was released in 1960. More than fifty years on, Lorg na gCos follows the film's director, George Morrison as he goes on a journey of rediscovery, retracing the steps he took in the creation of Mise Éire - visiting many of the locations featured in the film and relating stories of how he sourced archive material for the film covering three decades of political change in Ireland from the 1890s to 1918. The only two other surviving members of the production team, assistant editors, Louis Marcus and Catherine O'Brien talk of their own personal involvement in the making of the film and their pride at its enormous success while relatives of two of the Easter Rising leaders executed in 1916 speak for the first time about the only moving footage that exists of James Connolly and Thomas Clarke and features in Mise Éire. In a fitting tribute, a commemorative rendition of Seán Ó Riada's now-legendary score for the film is performed by members of the National Symphony Orchestra in the National Concert Hall and conducted by his son, Peadar. And past meets present as former school friends are reunited to share their memories of seeing the film during their schooldays in 1960 and students in UCD who study Mise Éire offer their reflections on the historic film that strikes a resonance to this day. Produced by Midas Productions, Cleona Ní Chrualaoi. midasproductions.ie "Lorg na gCos" wins in London. This TG4 commissioned-programme took one of the top przes at a major film festival in London. In being named 'Best Use of Footage in an Arts Production', 'Lorg na gCos - Súil Siar ar Mise Éire' defeated such productions as BBC's 'Arena: Dickens on Film' and Norway's 'Liv and Ingmar - Painfully Connected'. Director Colm Bairéad and producer Cleona Ní Chrualaoi accepted the award in the London Lancaster Hotel, in what are widely considered the most complete archive awards in the world." http://www.tg4.ie/en/corporate/news-releases/2013/080513.html An nasc seo: http://youtu.be/JmL5WD6JT9A 206182089 http://www.TG4.ie !! Sásta nó míshásta ? Botúin ? ... scríobh chugamsa,Ciarán.,, Ríomhphost: TG coa 1 gmail com TG4 has a fabulous free, high quality, Video on Demand, VOD, service available globally; it is also on BSB Sky in Europe. TG4 Player allows viewers everywhere to watch great programming in Irish on TG4 live and also some previously aired programmes on demand for some weeks (occasional programmes with rights issues may not be available). And no, this is not TG4, just a fan.- published: 23 Mar 2014
- views: 13

Mise Éire's Ireland - U.C.D. School of History and Archives. M.A. Film.
A film exploring the evolving narrative of Irish nationalism from Mise Éire to 2016....
published: 18 Jan 2013
author: history hub
Mise Éire's Ireland - U.C.D. School of History and Archives. M.A. Film.
Mise Éire's Ireland - U.C.D. School of History and Archives. M.A. Film.
A film exploring the evolving narrative of Irish nationalism from Mise Éire to 2016.- published: 18 Jan 2013
- views: 638
- author: history hub

Éire Agri - Spreading Slurry For DavidTractorMad
Eire Agri At The Slurry
Video By: DylanAlcorn
Music: Thin Lizzy - Boys are back in town,...
published: 30 Oct 2013
Éire Agri - Spreading Slurry For DavidTractorMad
Éire Agri - Spreading Slurry For DavidTractorMad
Eire Agri At The Slurry Video By: DylanAlcorn Music: Thin Lizzy - Boys are back in town, John Cougar - Hurts so good- published: 30 Oct 2013
- views: 450

Community Éire Court Command To Attend (HSE, GARDA, SOLICITORS)
published: 03 Nov 2013
Community Éire Court Command To Attend (HSE, GARDA, SOLICITORS)
Community Éire Court Command To Attend (HSE, GARDA, SOLICITORS)
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Brehon-Jury-%C3%89ire/191374091013579 http://www.facebook.com/awaken.bailefeitheain ________________________________________________________ éire service to agent is service to principal; service to principal is service to agent you man acting as under-named PERSON are hereby commanded to attend Ballyphehane Community Centre at 9am on 5th day november 2013 AD to stand trial regarding complaints of ewa: wiatrak against you the under-named PERSON regarding your part in invasion of the affairs of ewa: wiatrak and thereby have engaged in act or acts of terriorism against ewa: wiatrak and jan: rehman, your failure to attend shall be accepted by éire court as your agreement all complaints by ewa: wiatrak are true and you do agree to forthwith and without any further notice forfeit to ewa: wiatrak your ESTATE and further do agree to forthwith leave éire and never return and you do accept all penalties decided by éire court, named PERSONS: HEALTH SERVICE EXECUTIVE, PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE: Ms BARBARA MARSHALL CHILD PROTECTION PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE: Ms SHEILA CAHALANE PRESCHOOL: Ms SINEAD MORRISSEY GARDAI: GARDA KEN O'CONNELL CONSULTANT PSYCHIATRIST: Dr ANN DUANE CONSULTANT PAEDIATRICIAN: Dr DEIRDRE MURRAY LIME TREE PROJECT: Ms MARIE O'RIORDAN LIME TREE PROJECT: Ms EMMA O'DRISCOLL LIME TREE PROJECT: Ms EITHNE NI LONGPHUIRT LIME TREE PROJECT: Ms LOUISE KELLEHER MENTAL HEALTH SOCIAL WORKER: Ms CARMEL CRONIN SOCIAL WORKER: Ms JEN COLLENDER TEAM LEADER: Ms EMER SAUNDERS SOCIAL WORKER: Ms AOIFE GORMALLY CHAIRPERSON FOR CPC: Ms ANN O'SULLIVAN MINUTES TAKEN BY: Ms MARY KELLEHER REGISTRAR: Dr IONA DIANA MARIS SOCIAL WORKER CORK UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL: MARK FENTON COMYN KELLEHER TOBIN SOLICITORS: THOMAS TOBIN, ARTHUR COMYN, EAMON G HARRINGTON, KATHARINE KELLEHER, DIARMUID CUNNINGHAM, DENISE KIRWAN, DEBORAH A MOORE, EMMA COMYN, CONOR LUPTON, MARY BOLAND, DAVID MCCOY, AOIFE MCCANN, JONATHAN HURLEY, PATRICE O'KEEFFE, KAREN TOBIN, DAVID TAYLOR, SINÉAD FITZGERALD, DEIRDRE MALONE, MARTINA TURNER ACA ________________________________________________________________- published: 03 Nov 2013
- views: 301

Europa Universalis IV OST | Éire
The soundtrack for Europa Universalis IV is composed by Andreas Waldetoft....
published: 11 Aug 2013
Europa Universalis IV OST | Éire
Europa Universalis IV OST | Éire
The soundtrack for Europa Universalis IV is composed by Andreas Waldetoft.- published: 11 Aug 2013
- views: 262
Youtube results:

Arnold Bax - Éire Trilogy: Into the Twilight (1/3)
Éire Trilogy I. Into the Twilight (1908) Éire is a triptych of three early symphonic poems...
published: 25 Nov 2010
author: musicanth
Arnold Bax - Éire Trilogy: Into the Twilight (1/3)
Arnold Bax - Éire Trilogy: Into the Twilight (1/3)
Éire Trilogy I. Into the Twilight (1908) Éire is a triptych of three early symphonic poems by English composer Arnold Bax (1883-1953). In 1902, when Bax disc...- published: 25 Nov 2010
- views: 4677
- author: musicanth

Mael Mórdha - The Doom of the Races of Éire
Mael Mórdha's The Doom of the Races of Éire, from the 2010 album Manannán....
published: 13 Dec 2010
author: ulvhedhnar
Mael Mórdha - The Doom of the Races of Éire
Mael Mórdha - The Doom of the Races of Éire
Mael Mórdha's The Doom of the Races of Éire, from the 2010 album Manannán.- published: 13 Dec 2010
- views: 8455
- author: ulvhedhnar

'Howld yer Whist' - Scary Eire
Scary Éire were pioneers of hip hop in Ireland. They have toured with U2 (as did Marxman),...
published: 10 Jun 2009
author: ActivServiceUnit
'Howld yer Whist' - Scary Eire
'Howld yer Whist' - Scary Eire
Scary Éire were pioneers of hip hop in Ireland. They have toured with U2 (as did Marxman), and opened for acts such as Gang Starr, Beastie Boys (with whom th...- published: 10 Jun 2009
- views: 15128
- author: ActivServiceUnit

Arnold Bax - Éire Trilogy: Rosc-catha (3/3)
Éire Trilogy III. Rosc-catha (1910) Éire is a triptych of three early symphonic poems by E...
published: 25 Nov 2010
author: musicanth
Arnold Bax - Éire Trilogy: Rosc-catha (3/3)
Arnold Bax - Éire Trilogy: Rosc-catha (3/3)
Éire Trilogy III. Rosc-catha (1910) Éire is a triptych of three early symphonic poems by English composer Arnold Bax (1883-1953). In 1902, when Bax discovere...- published: 25 Nov 2010
- views: 1548
- author: musicanth