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Fossil hunting with PaleoAdventures - in the quarry at last!
Top Ten Dino and Fossil Discoveries with Steve Brusatte - Walking With Dinosaurs
Bill Nye: The Science Guy - Fossils (Full Episode)
Fossil Found in Kitchen Counter
Fossil Rock Anthem
The Story of the World's Favorite Fossil
How to Fossil Hunt
Fossil Preparation Series:  Preparing a Trilobite - Season 1/Episode 1
Видео обзор наручных часов FOSSIL CH2565 от Сотмаркета
Praise the Helix Fossil
Earth's rarest and ancient fossils - BBC


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Fossil hunting with PaleoAdventures - in the quarry at last!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 24:15
  • Updated: 04 Aug 2013

Fossil hunting with PaleoAdventures - in the quarry at last!

We finally reach the purpose of our trip! Digging fossil in the South Dakota "Hellcreek" formation with paleontologist Walter Stein of PaleoAdventures. for m... hunting with PaleoAdventures - in the quarry at last!
Top Ten Dino and Fossil Discoveries with Steve Brusatte - Walking With Dinosaurs
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:24
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

Top Ten Dino and Fossil Discoveries with Steve Brusatte - Walking With Dinosaurs

Palaeontologist, Steve Brusatte, takes us on a whistle-stop tour of his favourite dinosaur moments, from the first ever dinosaur discovery to Archaeopteryx, ... Ten Dino and Fossil Discoveries with Steve Brusatte - Walking With Dinosaurs
Bill Nye: The Science Guy - Fossils (Full Episode)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 23:04
  • Updated: 01 Jan 2014

Bill Nye: The Science Guy - Fossils (Full Episode)

Most dead animals and plants break up, get decomposed, and become part of the soil, but some turn into fossils. A fossil forms when a plant or animal dies, and gets buried. If conditions are right, water gets into the fossil bed, and chemical reactions preserve the impressions for thousands or millions of years. There are different types of fossils — imprints of animals, black carbon outlines, hardened bones, or actual animals and plants that have been trapped in ice or hardened tree sap. Virtually all the information scientists have about life millions of years ago -- what animals and plants looked like, how they moved around, and what they ate is from fossils. Scientists have used fossils to figure out that there have been some mass extinctions in the past, short periods of time where almost all animals and plants on Earth died. Scientists have even discovered that, out of the millions of different animals and plants that have lived on Earth, only a small number are still around today. It's not hard to learn about fossils when Bill Nye's doing the digging. For a playlist of Bill Nye awesomeness, click here:;=PLUklsb8QozXy_AJlG-HL632Vxd-oBhQJH
  • published: 01 Jan 2014
  • views: 34 Nye: The Science Guy - Fossils (Full Episode)
Fossil Found in Kitchen Counter
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:32
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

Fossil Found in Kitchen Counter

After a factory had found a 40-million-year-old whale fossil in a limestone kitchen counter, researchers investigated the stone's fossil-packed quarry, which... Found in Kitchen Counter
Fossil Rock Anthem
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:16
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

Fossil Rock Anthem

The song parodies "Party Rock Anthem" by LMFAO. The instrumental was made by DJ Lisan ( in San Francisco. Female vocals by Nicole... Rock Anthem
The Story of the World's Favorite Fossil
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:41
  • Updated: 25 Oct 2013

The Story of the World's Favorite Fossil

What is the world's favorite fossil? Why the orthoceras of course! Hank will tell why that is in this episode of SciShow. Find out how you can get your very own orthoceras fossil. ----------- Like SciShow? Want to help support us, and also get things to put on your walls, cover your torso and hold your liquids? Check out our awesome products over at DFTBA Records: Or help support us by subscribing to our page on Subbable: -- Looking for SciShow elsewhere on the internet? Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Thanks Tank Tumblr: -------------- Sources for this episode:
  • published: 25 Oct 2013
  • views: 101653 Story of the World's Favorite Fossil
How to Fossil Hunt
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:16
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

How to Fossil Hunt Learn how to Do Fossil Hunting on the Peace River as your host Chad Crawford gives you step by step instructions http://howtodoflor... to Fossil Hunt
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:35
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013


DinosaurDays is an entertaining, visually stunning and challenging online and CD-based resource that tells the story about the rise and fall of the dinosaurs... ARE FOSSILS?
Fossil Preparation Series:  Preparing a Trilobite - Season 1/Episode 1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:17
  • Updated: 05 Aug 2013

Fossil Preparation Series: Preparing a Trilobite - Season 1/Episode 1

We prepare a trilobite from start to finish in 10 minutes utilizing micro-sandblasting and air scribes. The work is done through a microscope properly, rathe... Preparation Series: Preparing a Trilobite - Season 1/Episode 1
Видео обзор наручных часов FOSSIL CH2565 от Сотмаркета
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:10
  • Updated: 16 May 2013

Видео обзор наручных часов FOSSIL CH2565 от Сотмаркета

Купить наручные часы FOSSIL CH2565 и узнать дополнительную информацию можно на сайте магазина: Fossil CH2565 из коллекции Chronograph производства США - отличные кварцевые часы для мужчин, имеющие современный стильный дизайн. Циферблат аналоговый, со стрелками, время отображается в формате 12/24 часа. Питание осуществляется от батарейки, которой вам хватит не на один год бесперебойной работы. Часы в «авиаторском» стиле потрясающе элегантно смотрятся на запястье и прекрасно впишутся в мужественный имидж. Корпус часов выполнен из нержавеющей стали. Ремешок из натуральной кожи, обеспечит максимальный комфорт при носке и плотное прилегание к руке.
  • published: 16 May 2013
  • views: 681Видео обзор наручных часов FOSSIL CH2565 от Сотмаркета
Praise the Helix Fossil
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:24
  • Updated: 16 Feb 2014

Praise the Helix Fossil

In honour of the mighty Helix Fossil that shall lead us to glory on the Twitch stream, I give you a retelling of the battle between the forces of Good and Misty the Oppressor.
  • published: 16 Feb 2014
  • views: 4383 the Helix Fossil
Earth's rarest and ancient fossils - BBC
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:10
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

Earth's rarest and ancient fossils - BBC

A five-hour drive out of Adelaide in Australia takes Dr Iain Stewart to the site of some of Earth's rarest and most ancient fossils. Once a thriving ocean, 6...
  • published: 24 Apr 2010
  • views: 47670
  • author: BBCEarth's rarest and ancient fossils - BBC
Twitch Plays Pokemon Epic Moments: The Helix Fossil Is Retrieved!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:08
  • Updated: 18 Feb 2014

Twitch Plays Pokemon Epic Moments: The Helix Fossil Is Retrieved!

The chat is delayed a little bit, sorry, and my zoom-n-pan decided to mess up at the end, so you see more than what is needed. However, this video is how we dug out of the game corner and decided to retrieve the Helix Fossil! Visit the stream here:
  • published: 18 Feb 2014
  • views: 2730 Plays Pokemon Epic Moments: The Helix Fossil Is Retrieved!
Fossils Song
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:34
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

Fossils Song

Here is a song I created to help my 6th grade students study. I hope you enjoy. When life leaves us, when they die Fossils may form in their site Gives us in...
  • published: 23 Mar 2013
  • views: 15946
  • author: ParrMr Song
  • Fossil hunting with PaleoAdventures - in the quarry at last!
    Fossil hunting with PaleoAdventures - in the quarry at last!
  • Top Ten Dino and Fossil Discoveries with Steve Brusatte - Walking With Dinosaurs
    Top Ten Dino and Fossil Discoveries with Steve Brusatte - Walking With Dinosaurs
  • Bill Nye: The Science Guy - Fossils (Full Episode)
    Bill Nye: The Science Guy - Fossils (Full Episode)
  • Fossil Found in Kitchen Counter
    Fossil Found in Kitchen Counter
  • Fossil Rock Anthem
    Fossil Rock Anthem
  • The Story of the World's Favorite Fossil
    The Story of the World's Favorite Fossil
  • How to Fossil Hunt
    How to Fossil Hunt
  • Fossil Preparation Series:  Preparing a Trilobite - Season 1/Episode 1
    Fossil Preparation Series: Preparing a Trilobite - Season 1/Episode 1
  • Видео обзор наручных часов FOSSIL CH2565 от Сотмаркета
    Видео обзор наручных часов FOSSIL CH2565 от Сотмаркета
  • Praise the Helix Fossil
    Praise the Helix Fossil
  • Earth's rarest and ancient fossils - BBC
    Earth's rarest and ancient fossils - BBC
  • Twitch Plays Pokemon Epic Moments: The Helix Fossil Is Retrieved!
    Twitch Plays Pokemon Epic Moments: The Helix Fossil Is Retrieved!
  • Fossils Song
    Fossils Song

Fossil hunting with PaleoAdventures - in the quarry at last!

We finally reach the purpose of our trip! Digging fossil in the South Dakota "Hellcreek" formation with paleontologist Walter Stein of PaleoAdventures. for m...

Fos­sil hunt­ing with Pa­le­oAd­ven­tures - in the quar­ry at last!
We fi­nal­ly reach the pur­pose of our trip! Dig­ging fos­sil in the South Dako­ta "Hell­creek" f...
pub­lished: 31 Jul 2013
Top Ten Dino and Fos­sil Dis­cov­er­ies with Steve Brusat­te - Walk­ing With Di­nosaurs
Palaeon­tol­o­gist, Steve Brusat­te, takes us on a whis­tle-stop tour of his favourite di­nosaur...
pub­lished: 26 Dec 2012
Bill Nye: The Sci­ence Guy - Fos­sils (Full Episode)
Most dead an­i­mals and plants break up, get de­com­posed, and be­come part of the soil, but so...
pub­lished: 01 Jan 2014
Fos­sil Found in Kitchen Counter
After a fac­to­ry had found a 40-mil­lion-year-old whale fos­sil in a lime­stone kitchen counte...
pub­lished: 29 May 2009
Fos­sil Rock An­them
The song par­o­dies "Party Rock An­them" by LMFAO. The in­stru­men­tal was made by DJ Lisan (www...
pub­lished: 22 Oct 2012
The Story of the World's Fa­vorite Fos­sil
What is the world's fa­vorite fos­sil? Why the or­tho­ceras of course! Hank will tell why that...
pub­lished: 25 Oct 2013
How to Fos­sil Hunt
http://​howtodoflorida.​com Learn how to Do Fos­sil Hunt­ing on the Peace River as your host C...
pub­lished: 23 Feb 2011
Di­nosaur­Days is an en­ter­tain­ing, vi­su­al­ly stun­ning and chal­leng­ing on­line and CD-based res...
pub­lished: 21 May 2011
Fos­sil Prepa­ra­tion Se­ries: Prepar­ing a Trilo­bite - Sea­son 1/Episode 1
We pre­pare a trilo­bite from start to fin­ish in 10 min­utes uti­liz­ing mi­cro-sand­blast­ing and...
pub­lished: 11 Apr 2012
au­thor: Gold­bugsvideo
Видео обзор наручных часов FOS­SIL CH2565 от Сотмаркета
Купить наручные часы FOS­SIL CH2565 и узнать дополнительную информацию можно на сайте магаз...
pub­lished: 16 May 2013
Praise the Helix Fos­sil
In hon­our of the mighty Helix Fos­sil that shall lead us to glory on the Twitch stream, I g...
pub­lished: 16 Feb 2014
Earth's rarest and an­cient fos­sils - BBC
A five-hour drive out of Ade­laide in Aus­tralia takes Dr Iain Stew­art to the site of some o...
pub­lished: 24 Apr 2010
au­thor: BBCEarth
Twitch Plays Poke­mon Epic Mo­ments: The Helix Fos­sil Is Re­trieved!
The chat is de­layed a lit­tle bit, sorry, and my zoom-n-pan de­cid­ed to mess up at the end, ...
pub­lished: 18 Feb 2014
Fos­sils Song
Here is a song I cre­at­ed to help my 6th grade stu­dents study. I hope you enjoy. When life ...
pub­lished: 23 Mar 2013
au­thor: Par­rMr
Youtube results:
Minecraft: Fos­sil Arche­ol­o­gy Mod 1.4.7
Minecraft Fos­sil Arche­ol­o­gy Mod HERE - http://​www.​minecraftforum.​net/​topic/​1667403-147ssps...​
pub­lished: 06 Feb 2013
au­thor: iHas­Cupquake
CON­SULT THE FOS­SIL - Twitch­PlaysPoke­mon
GUIDE US, OH GREAT HELIX FOS­SIL! Made in Source Film­mak­er and Sony Vegas. Steam ID: High...
pub­lished: 17 Feb 2014
What are fos­sils and how do they form
pub­lished: 11 Sep 2011
au­thor: dava­hak
Pix­el­mon - Fos­sil Poke­mon - Part 3
Hello ev­ery­body and wel­come to the brand new let's play on Pix­el­mon! Pix­el­mon is a minecra...
pub­lished: 14 Oct 2013
photo: AP / Ng Han Guan
A relative of a Chinese passenger aboard the Malaysia Airlines MH370, cries after being told the latest update in Beijing, China, Monday, March 24, 2014. A new analysis of satellite data indicates the missing Malaysia Airlines plane crashed into a remote corner of the Indian Ocean, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said Monday. The news is a major breakthrough in the unprecedented two-week struggle to find out what happened to Flight 370, which disappeared shortly after takeoff from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 passengers and crew aboard on March 8.
Edit Longview News Journal
24 Mar 2014
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — A new analysis of satellite data indicates the missing Malaysia Airlines plane crashed into a remote corner of the Indian Ocean, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said Monday. The news is a major breakthrough in the unprecedented two-week struggle to find out what happened to Flight 370, which disappeared shortly after takeoff from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 passengers and crew aboard on March 8....(size: 3.6Kb)
photo: AP / The Seattle Times, Lindsey Wasson, Pool
A demolished house sits in the mud on Highway 530, Sunday, March 23, 2014 the day after a giant landslide occurred near Oso, Wash.
Edit Yahoo Daily News
23 Mar 2014
ARLINGTON, Wash. (AP) — Eighteen people were unaccounted for a day after a terrifying wall of mud, trees and debris destroyed as many as 30 houses in rural northwestern Washington state and killed at least three people, authorities said Sunday. Because of the quicksand-like mud, authorities said it was too dangerous to send rescuers into the stricken area ... Some of the missing may have been able to get out on their own, authorities said....(size: 5.5Kb)
photo: Creative Commons / Washington State Patrol
Oso mudslide
Edit Longview News Journal
25 Mar 2014
OSO, Wash. (AP) — The search for survivors of a deadly Washington state mudslide grew Monday to include scores of people who are still unaccounted for, raising fears that the deep muck could have claimed many more lives than the eight bodies found so far. In a race to find loved ones, family members and neighbors used chain saws and their bare hands to dig through wreckage that was tangled by the mud into piles of filthy debris ... ....(size: 4.0Kb)
photo: AP / Khalil Hamra
Egyptian protesters throw stones at riot police, not seen, and use scrap metal to deflect stones being returned by security forces during clashes near Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Jan. 25, 2013.
Edit Daily Press
24 Mar 2014
CAIRO (Reuters) - An Egyptian court sentenced 529 members of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood to death for murder and other offences on Monday, in a sharp escalation of a crackdown on the movement that is likely to fuel instability. Family members stood outside the courthouse screaming after the verdict - the biggest mass death sentence handed out in Egypt's modern history, defence lawyers said. Armed Conflicts. Elections. Justice System....(size: 5.2Kb)
photo: WN / Agnieszka Dziubinska
Russia wants to keep contact with G8 nations
Edit Canoe
25 Mar 2014
THE HAGUE/MOSCOW - Russia and the West sought to draw a provisional line under the Ukraine crisis on Tuesday after major industrialised nations warned Moscow of tougher economic sanctions if it goes beyond the seizure of Crimea ... "The Russian side continues to be ready to have such contacts at all levels, including the top level ... ECONOMIC CONCERNS ... There were no casualties ... U.S ... official said ... "Crimea is an integral part of Ukraine ... ....(size: 6.5Kb)

Edit Newstrack India
26 Mar 2014
London, March 26 (IANS) In a first, scientists have investigated the chemistry of 50 million-year-old fossil plant by bombarding the fossils with X-rays brighter than a million suns - produced by synchrotron particle accelerators. The work showed that the distribution of copper, zinc and nickel in the fossil leaves was almost identical to that in modern leaves....(size: 2.5Kb)
Edit Denver Post
26 Mar 2014
CHEYENNE — A Colorado man must serve two years of supervised probation on a federal felony conviction of conspiring to smuggle fossils from China into the United States, a federal judge ordered Tuesday ... Rolater had sold fossils through two By Nature Gallery ......(size: 1.4Kb)
Edit Newstrack India
26 Mar 2014
Paleontologists have assembled a giant turtle's bone from fossil discoveries made centuries apart ... That surprising puzzle assembly occurred in the fall of 2012, when Jason Schein, assistant curator of natural history at the New Jersey State Museum, visited the Academy's research collections to better identify and describe a recently-unearthed fossil ... Parris also thought the fossil looked extremely familiar....(size: 2.9Kb)
Edit Yahoo Daily News
26 Mar 2014
man must serve two years of supervised probation on a federal felony conviction of conspiring to smuggle fossils from China into the United States, a federal judge ordered Tuesday ... Rolater had sold fossils through two By Nature Gallery stores, one in Jackson, Wyoming, and one in Avon, Colorado ... by fossils dealer Eric Prokopi, authorities said....(size: 4.2Kb)
Edit The Daily Telegraph Australia
26 Mar 2014
Kids will get a kick out of creating these fossils and then 'digging' for them later. Also cute to do at a dinosaur themed or adventure party!<img src="http.//" height="1" width="1"/> ....(size: 0.3Kb)
Edit The Christian Science Monitor
26 Mar 2014
When amateur paleontologist Gregory Harpel stumbled ......(size: 0.3Kb)
Edit noodls
26 Mar 2014
26 Mar 2014 Scientists have used one of the brightest lights in the Universe to expose the biochemical structure of a 50 million-year-old fossil plant to stunning visual effect ... "The synchrotron has already shown its potential in teasing new information from fossils, in particular our group's previous work on pigmentation in fossil animals....(size: 5.8Kb)
Edit Fox News
26 Mar 2014
Share This Article. ....(size: 0.2Kb)
Edit The Wichita Eagle
26 Mar 2014
Another advantage to renewable energy is that it removes the painful price volatility we so often see with fossil fuels. Wind and solar fuel costs are essentially zero, while fossil-fuel prices can increase because of weather, geopolitical unrest and a variety of other factors ... Kansas lawmakers should reject the fossil-fuel interests’ disinformation efforts and do what’s right for our future. ....(size: 2.1Kb)
Edit noodls
26 Mar 2014
The first hearing was focused on the Department of Energy's Applied Energy Programs, with Assistant Secretaries from the Offices of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Nuclear Energy, Fossil Energy, and Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability testifying.  The second hearing was focused on the Department of Energy's Office of Science, with Acting Director Dr....(size: 3.1Kb)
Edit Tampa Bay Online
26 Mar 2014
If you go. What. Camp Bayou Spring Open House. Where. 4140 24th Street SE, Ruskin. When. Saturday, March 29. Cost. Free admission; fossil dig, $5; lunch, $7; canoe rental, $10. Information. (813) 641-8545 or ... to 1 p.m. ... There will be something for everyone, she said ... Fred Hendershot will man the Paleo Preserve Fossil Museum and offer fossil digs for kids for $5 ... And then there will be “wild” lunch at noon ... ....(size: 3.5Kb)
Edit The Siasat Daily
26 Mar 2014
lLos Angeles, March 26.. Socialite Kim Kardashian says she takes items from rapper-fiance Kanye West's wardrobe for their nine-month-old baby North ... Recommend Twitter. Comments(0) ... Latest News ... 75 million-year-old giant turtle's bone from fossil discoveries ass... Paleontologists have assembled a giant turtle's bone from fossil discoveries made centuries apart ... Related News ... ....(size: 1.8Kb)
Edit The Siasat Daily
26 Mar 2014
New Delhi, March 26.. A 19-year-old woman was allegedly raped by four men, of which three have been arrested, police officials said on Wednesday ... Recommend Twitter. Comments(0). next>>&nbsp;  ... 75 million-year-old giant turtle's bone from fossil discoveries ass... Paleontologists have assembled a giant turtle's bone from fossil discoveries made centuries apart ... ... ....(size: 2.0Kb)

Fossils (from Latin fossus, literally "having been dug up") are the preserved remains or traces of animals (also known as zoolites), plants, and other organisms from the remote past. The totality of fossils, both discovered and undiscovered, and their placement in fossiliferous (fossil-containing) rock formations and sedimentary layers (strata) is known as the fossil record.

The study of fossils across geological time, how they were formed, and the evolutionary relationships between taxa (phylogeny) are some of the most important functions of the science of paleontology. Such a preserved specimen is called a "fossil" if it is older than some minimum age, most often the arbitrary date of 10,000 years ago. Hence, fossils range in age from the youngest at the start of the Holocene Epoch to the oldest from the Archaean Eon, up to 3.4 billion years old. The observations that certain fossils were associated with certain rock strata led early geologists to recognize a geological timescale in the 19th century. The development of radiometric dating techniques in the early 20th century allowed geologists to determine the numerical or "absolute" age of the various strata and thereby the included fossils.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

William Sanford "Bill" Nye (born November 27, 1955), popularly known as Bill Nye the Science Guy, is an American science educator, comedian, television host, actor, mechanical engineer, and scientist. He is best known as the host of the Disney/PBS children's science show Bill Nye the Science Guy (1993–1998) and for his many subsequent appearances in popular media as a science educator.

William Sanford Nye was born in Washington, D.C., the son of Jacqueline (née Jenkins; c. 1920–2000), a codebreaker during World War II, and Edwin Darby "Ned" Nye (died 1997), also a World War II veteran whose experience in a Japanese prisoner of war camp led him to become a sundial enthusiast. Nye is a fourth-generation Washington, D.C. resident on his father's side of the family. After attending Lafayette Elementary and Alice Deal Junior High in the city, he was accepted to the private Sidwell Friends School on a partial scholarship, graduating in 1973. He studied mechanical engineering at Cornell University, where one of his professors was Carl Sagan, and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in 1977. He was awarded an honorary doctorate by The Johns Hopkins University in May 2008. In May 2011, Nye was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Science degree from Willamette University where he was the keynote speaker for that year's commencement exercises.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Telah Ku Jalani Hidup Bersamamu
Setauku Ini Akan Bahagia
Ternyata Aku Telah Salah Menilaimu
Sebenarnya Dirimu Yang Tak Bisa Mencintaiku
Kau Memintaku
Kau Paksa Aku
Untuk Akhiri Ikatan Ini
Untuk Melepasmu
Sebenarnya Dirimu Yang Tak Bisa Mencintaiku
Kau Memintaku
Kau Paksa Aku
Untuk Akhiri Ikatan Ini
Untuk Melepasmu

Begitu berat melangkah
Melihat kau bersamanya
Adakah aku yg salah
Atau hanya helah saja
Ku masih mencintai diri kamu
Walau kau menjauh
Ku rindu
Kau bagaikan udara
Yang membantu aku untuk terus hidup diatas dunia
Tanpamu ku lemah
Pasti aku tak berdaya
Kerna kau mahakarya cinta
Biarpun kau tidak mahu
Menerima kasih daku
Ku kan setia bersamamu
Sehingga ke akhir waktu
Ku tetap menyayangi diri kamu
Biar kau berlalu
Ku rindu
Kau bagaikan udara
Yang membantu aku untuk terus hidup diatas dunia
Tanpamu ku lemah
Pasti aku tak berdaya
Kerna engkau mahakarya
Kau takkan dapat aku lupakan
Kerna kau lah punca cinta kita
Mengajarkan ku erti bahagia
Temanilahku semula
Kau bagaikan udara
Yang membantu aku untuk terus hidup diatas dunia
Tanpamu ku lemah
Pasti aku tak berdaya
Kerna kau mahakarya cinta
Tanpamu ku lemah
Pasti aku tak berdaya
Kerna kau mahakarya cinta
Dengarlah pesanan daku
