Top Fails - Day 298 (League of Legends)
►► Learn the League: http://www.jumpinthepack.com/learn/
►► Submit Replay: http://www.jump...
published: 22 Mar 2014
Top Fails - Day 298 (League of Legends)
Top Fails - Day 298 (League of Legends)
►► Learn the League: http://www.jumpinthepack.com/learn/ ►► Submit Replay: http://www.jumpinthepack.com/submit.php ►► Enjoy the video? Subscribe!: http://bit.ly/1fjidQK Music: Approaching Nirvana - Shadows' vigilante iTunes: http://bit.ly/qegBwK Artist channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/ApproachingNirvana- published: 22 Mar 2014
- views: 66143
[ Dota2 ] Navi vs Alliance - D2 Champions League S2 - Thai Caster
D2 Champions League S2 - Semi Final - BO5
Chat :: http://chatwing.com/twitch
TGPL :: https...
published: 28 Mar 2014
[ Dota2 ] Navi vs Alliance - D2 Champions League S2 - Thai Caster
[ Dota2 ] Navi vs Alliance - D2 Champions League S2 - Thai Caster
D2 Champions League S2 - Semi Final - BO5 Chat :: http://chatwing.com/twitch TGPL :: https://www.facebook.com/TGPLtv DossierChannel :: https://www.facebook.com/dossierchannel Dota2Mania :: http://dota2mania.com/- published: 28 Mar 2014
- views: 1462
Sounds of the Game (Episode 9, League of Legends)
Previous Episode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoOMqiuFacM. MrTacticious bringing you a ...
published: 27 Mar 2014
Sounds of the Game (Episode 9, League of Legends)
Sounds of the Game (Episode 9, League of Legends)
Previous Episode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoOMqiuFacM. MrTacticious bringing you a video filled with Sounds of the Game (or known as Listen-in) moments from LCS games. This weeks video includes moments from Week 9 of the EU and NA LCS (SuperWeek!). Enjoy! DISCLAIMER - Gambit/Roccat are often not shown on streams because they speak in their native language - Russian/Polish therefore not shown by Riot. Remember to support the series by liking/commenting if you enjoyed it! Artist: Fox Stevenson Song: Turn It Up Genre: Drum and Bass Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsWmhOkw3tw Director: http://www.youtube.com/user/MrTacticious ------------- Subscribe to Realm, click here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=machinimarealm On Twitter? Search @MachinimaRealm to follow our account! On Facebook? Search MachinimaRealm for our page! If you notice an issue, possibly an error in the title or description or credits for plays, feel free to send us a YouTube private message or Tweet so we can fix that problem!- published: 27 Mar 2014
- views: 37668
League of Legends - Team Builder
Team Builder is a new queue where you come together as a team playing the champions you wa...
published: 26 Mar 2014
League of Legends - Team Builder
League of Legends - Team Builder
Team Builder is a new queue where you come together as a team playing the champions you want to play in the roles you want to play them in. http://teambuilder.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/teambuilder/ http://teambuilder.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/teambuilder/ http://teambuilder.eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/teambuilder/ http://teambuilder.oce.leagueoflegends.com/en/teambuilder/- published: 26 Mar 2014
- views: 5246
Top 5 LoL Fails - Episode 24 (League of Legends)
Previous Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMWBW8jAgz8. You can submit your play to...
published: 26 Mar 2014
Top 5 LoL Fails - Episode 24 (League of Legends)
Top 5 LoL Fails - Episode 24 (League of Legends)
Previous Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMWBW8jAgz8. You can submit your play to Top5LoLFails@gmail.com. Your email should include a high-quality YouTube upload of the clip (no music please), a replay file of the clip if you have it, and any other information you would like to include. Be sure to include your player name and a short description of the clip. #5 http://youtu.be/sfvZC3Ye1c8 #4 http://youtu.be/-ylVQDWP7po #3 http://youtu.be/yJbT-zWdc78 #2 http://youtu.be/xpRdJdJh0Bw #1 http://youtu.be/2g17yst9iD8 Kevin MacLeod - One-Eyed Maestro (http://incompetech.com/) Kevin MacLeod - Scheming Weasel (http://incompetech.com/) Believe In Me - Jon Brooks Music Supplied by Monstercat: Artist Name: Stephen Walking Video Link: http://youtu.be/lLYrqEbHyTA Artist Name: Day One Video Link: http://youtu.be/eXPV50Hx6V8 Album Download Link: http://bit.ly/16pKyAo Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/MonstercatMedia Director: http://youtube.com/IPocketIsland ------------- Subscribe to Realm, click here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=machinimarealm On Twitter? Search @MachinimaRealm to follow our account! On Facebook? Search MachinimaRealm for our page! If you notice an issue, possibly an error in the title or description or credits for plays, feel free to send us a YouTube private message or Tweet so we can fix that problem!- published: 26 Mar 2014
- views: 105558
Random LoL Moments - Episode 221 (League of Legends)
Previous Episode: http://youtu.be/NYGlB-MkSeA. Have an epic clip or play that should be on...
published: 27 Mar 2014
Random LoL Moments - Episode 221 (League of Legends)
Random LoL Moments - Episode 221 (League of Legends)
Previous Episode: http://youtu.be/NYGlB-MkSeA. Have an epic clip or play that should be on Realm? You should include a high-quality YouTube upload of the clip (no music please), a replay file of the clip if you have it, and any other information you would like to include. Be sure to include your player name and a short description of the clip if you would like to go above-and-beyond. You can submit your play to randomlolmoments@machinima.com. -Replay 1 sent by PizzaTimee http://youtu.be/M00EfgULmJU Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/PizzaTimee -Replay 2 sent by SirGodricus http://youtu.be/w-NxTSB7S1s Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/SirGodricus -Replay 3 sent by Zed wasgod http://youtu.be/f6n2I22CpdA Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/TheZedisGod Stream http://www.twitch.tv/zed_is_god -Replay 4 sent by Shewfasa http://youtu.be/u5deSCy5Es4 Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/tyson666ism -Replay 5 sent by a_Psychologist http://youtu.be/Mq--PVf3lwU Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEku7UqfTBmMrldwz9UAyIQ + Vicenzo Bosa - School Of Wizards https://soundcloud.com/vicenzobosa/schoolofwizards + Jedborg - Nightmare https://soundcloud.com/jedborg/jedborg-nightmare + Lost at Sea by Jonathan Rich https://soundcloud.com/jonathan-rich/lost-at-sea http://www.jonathanrich.net + Music Supplied by Monstercat Media: Artist Name: Razihel - Seeking of the Truth (feat. Taryn Manning) Video Link: http://youtu.be/7qDGTVbOyO8 Album Download Link: http://bit.ly/15yXos6 Channel: http://www.youtube.com/MonstercatMedia + Getsix - Helix (Original Mix) http://youtu.be/dKz6rpOzhD4 https://soundcloud.com/getsixofficial/getsix-helix-original-mix Director: http://www.youtube.com/TheSupremeNTM ------------- Subscribe to Realm, click here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=machinimarealm On Twitter? Search @MachinimaRealm to follow our account! On Facebook? Search MachinimaRealm for our page! If you notice an issue, possibly an error in the title or description or credits for plays, feel free to send us a YouTube private message or Tweet so we can fix that problem!- published: 27 Mar 2014
- views: 163816
League of Legends - Voy a la jungla!! - 27 de marzo -
TOP LOL SEMANAL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sazp5Zi7qbE
Vamos a por los 1.500 likes a...
published: 27 Mar 2014
League of Legends - Voy a la jungla!! - 27 de marzo -
League of Legends - Voy a la jungla!! - 27 de marzo -
TOP LOL SEMANAL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sazp5Zi7qbE Vamos a por los 1.500 likes antes de que acabe el directo! Llegaremos? BOOST MY PC 2ª EDICIÓN: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nk50hdiqYU Redes Sociales: ================================================ Twitter - http://bit.ly/13h180k Facebook - http://on.fb.me/13i1LHW Blog - http://bit.ly/1406kps G+ - http://bit.ly/183h6lW ================================================ Normas del chat: ============================== El chat es una vía de comunicación destinada a todos aquellos usuarios que quieran comentar el streaming discutir sobre el juego, conocer a otros jugadores, pedir ayuda, o simplemente para charlar y divertirse. Es por ello que, para que ésto funcione y el chat permanezca como tal, es necesario respetar un conjunto de reglas: Los spams de cualquier tipo no están permitidos. No está permitido el "flood", es decir, escribir el mismo mensaje de manera repetitiva en un corto período de tiempo. No está permitido escribir comentarios completamente en mayúsculas. (Excepto HO-LA, siglas y nombres propios). Abstenerse de utilizar un lenguaje obsceno, sucio, lascivo o excesivamente violento. No acoses, insultes, te burles, provoques, o humilles personalmente a otro usuario del chat. Se amable incluso si los demás no lo son. La sanción en caso de infracción a estas reglas de conducta, son la expulsión definitiva del chat (ban). Los moderadores advierten directamente en el chat y también te pueden expulsar del mismo. ==============================- published: 27 Mar 2014
- views: 255
Advanced Zed Tips - 3 Outplay Techniques - League of Legends
→Subscribe Here: http://full.sc/1gukNqq
→My Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/RedmercyLoL
→Zed ...
published: 26 Mar 2014
Advanced Zed Tips - 3 Outplay Techniques - League of Legends
Advanced Zed Tips - 3 Outplay Techniques - League of Legends
→Subscribe Here: http://full.sc/1gukNqq →My Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/RedmercyLoL →Zed Guide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3F5C_xGIbH4 →Friends' LoL Channel + Comp Deals: http://www.youtube.com/user/ThePoqito If you like my videos, and want to help out more, donations are accepted! Thanks! https://www.streamdonations.net/c/redmercylol →Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedmercyLoL →Twitter: http://twitter.com/RedmercyLoL →My Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/RedmercyLoL →Anook: http://www.anook.com/redmercy →2nd YouTube Channel! : https://www.youtube.com/redmercygaming →Chat/Game with your friends, Razer Comms: http://rzr.to/jAdIQ Hope you enjoy and please sub rate and comment!!! :)- published: 26 Mar 2014
- views: 54840
Bronze Moments - Episode 3 (League of Legends)
Previous Episode - http://youtu.be/E69BeT1N1rw. Have an epic clip or play that should be o...
published: 25 Mar 2014
Bronze Moments - Episode 3 (League of Legends)
Bronze Moments - Episode 3 (League of Legends)
Previous Episode - http://youtu.be/E69BeT1N1rw. Have an epic clip or play that should be on Realm? You should include a high-quality YouTube upload of the clip (no music please), a replay file of the clip if you have it, and any other information you would like to include. Be sure to include your player name and a short description of the clip if you would like to go above-and-beyond. You can submit your play to randomlolmoments@machinima.com. - Replay 1-3 by: DeviantImmortal Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/DeviantImmortal - Replay 4 by: Squeebus http://youtu.be/KG2-o_ercUM Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/SqueebusLoL - Replay 5 by: Deamonized http://youtu.be/0ZBS3yRyiOE Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Deamonized11 - Replay 6 by: BFTG http://youtu.be/8fC8Sd7Udxg Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/BabyfaceTheGreat Music (in order): Circus Tent Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Super Friendly Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Bassline Kickin - Pegboard Nerds (Dzeko & Torres Remix) Video - http://youtu.be/OozC7xkhbu0 Album Download - http://monster.cat/1fsmpQy Amazing Plan Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Outcast" DOCTOR VOX http://youtu.be/3OFVKjYmy9A SoundCloud - https://soundcloud.com/doctor-vox Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/doctorvox Director: https://www.youtube.com/user/DeviantImmortal ------------- Subscribe to Realm, click here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=machinimarealm On Twitter? Search @MachinimaRealm to follow our account! On Facebook? Search MachinimaRealm for our page! If you notice an issue, possibly an error in the title or description or credits for plays, feel free to send us a YouTube private message or Tweet so we can fix that problem!- published: 25 Mar 2014
- views: 301
Allardyce stunned by boos and UEFA announce 'Nations League' in today's Paper Talk
UEFA have approved the introduction of a new 'Nations League' to start in 2018 to replace ...
published: 27 Mar 2014
Allardyce stunned by boos and UEFA announce 'Nations League' in today's Paper Talk
Allardyce stunned by boos and UEFA announce 'Nations League' in today's Paper Talk
UEFA have approved the introduction of a new 'Nations League' to start in 2018 to replace international friendlies, while Sam Allardyce was left confused as West Ham were booed off last night, in spite of beating 10-man Hull City. Elsewhere, the Football Association has been left disappointed with Sport England's decision to cut £1.6m in funding from grassroots football. Subscribe to Sky Sports Official for the best videos from Sky Sports! http://www.youtube.com/SkySportsOfficial About Sky Sports Official: Sky Sports Official is the home of Sky Sports on YouTube, bringing you the best sports videos from around the world. From amazing pieces of action and 'How To' tutorials from some of the biggest names in sport, (including David Beckham, Andy Murray and Jessica Ennis-Hill) to the latest news, features, documentaries from our live and magazine shows, including Soccer AM, The Fantasy Football Club, Game Changers, Monday Night Football and Super Sunday. Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/skysports and https://twitter.com/skysportsnews Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/skysports For more great content head to www.skysports.com- published: 27 Mar 2014
- views: 10
Top Fails - Day 299 (League of Legends)
►► Learn the League: http://www.jumpinthepack.com/learn/
►► Submit Replay: http://www.jump...
published: 25 Mar 2014
Top Fails - Day 299 (League of Legends)
Top Fails - Day 299 (League of Legends)
►► Learn the League: http://www.jumpinthepack.com/learn/ ►► Submit Replay: http://www.jumpinthepack.com/submit.php ►► Enjoy the video? Subscribe!: http://bit.ly/1fjidQK Music: Approaching Nirvana - Shadows' vigilante iTunes: http://bit.ly/qegBwK Artist channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/ApproachingNirvana- published: 25 Mar 2014
- views: 110718
Top 5 LoL Plays - Week 26 (League of Legends)
Previous Episode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UysYtVcZmQg. Have an epic clip or play th...
published: 24 Mar 2014
Top 5 LoL Plays - Week 26 (League of Legends)
Top 5 LoL Plays - Week 26 (League of Legends)
Previous Episode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UysYtVcZmQg. Have an epic clip or play that should be on Realm? You should include a high-quality YouTube upload of the clip (no music please), a replay file of the clip if you have it, and any other information you would like to include. Be sure to include your player name and a short description of the clip if you would like to go above-and-beyond. You can submit your play to randomlolmoments@machinima.com. Submissions: 5) Submitted 4) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxiq-FY3mU0 3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85ZumzxHHBw 2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4OtfGloq3k 1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V3aGBB4Uoo Music By Adrian Von Ziegler: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZIm3uJfWVk Director: http://www.youtube.com/redmercy ------------- Subscribe to Realm, click here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=machinimarealm On Twitter? Search @MachinimaRealm to follow our account! On Facebook? Search MachinimaRealm for our page! If you notice an issue, possibly an error in the title or description or credits for plays, feel free to send us a YouTube private message or Tweet so we can fix that problem!- published: 24 Mar 2014
- views: 73711
Newcastle United vs Everton 0-3 Premier League 25.03.2014
Newcastle United vs Everton 0-3 Premier League 25.03.2014
Newcastle United vs Everton 0-3 ...
published: 26 Mar 2014
Newcastle United vs Everton 0-3 Premier League 25.03.2014
Newcastle United vs Everton 0-3 Premier League 25.03.2014
Newcastle United vs Everton 0-3 Premier League 25.03.2014 Newcastle United vs Everton 0-3 Premier League 25.03.2014 Newcastle United vs Everton 0-3 Premier League 25.03.2014 Newcastle United vs Everton 0-3 Premier League 25.03.2014 ◘▬▬▬[A]▬▬▬◘ ❤ Like ✎ Comment ✓ Subscribe ● ★ Subscribe if you haven't araldy! also punch my like button:) Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/FlyboyHDGaming Subcribe to my channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/minecraftThatsModded?feature=mhee ◘▬▬▬[A]▬▬▬◘ ❤ Like ✎ Comment ✓ Subscribe ● ★ Newcastle United vs Everton 0-3 Premier League 25.03.2014 Newcastle United vs Everton 0-3 Premier League 25.03.2014 Newcastle United vs Everton 0-3 Premier League 25.03.2014 Newcastle United vs Everton 0-3 Premier League 25.03.2014 Newcastle United vs Everton 0-3 Premier League 25.03.2014 Newcastle United vs Everton 0-3 Premier League 25.03.2014 Newcastle United vs Everton 0-3 Premier League 25.03.2014 Newcastle United vs Everton 0-3 Premier League 25.03.2014- published: 26 Mar 2014
- views: 17125
Francesa rips 'bum' Knicks for loss to 'D-League' Lakers
Mike Francesa rips 'bum' Knicks for loss to 'D-League' Lakers. New York gave up 51 points ...
published: 26 Mar 2014
Francesa rips 'bum' Knicks for loss to 'D-League' Lakers
Francesa rips 'bum' Knicks for loss to 'D-League' Lakers
Mike Francesa rips 'bum' Knicks for loss to 'D-League' Lakers. New York gave up 51 points to L.A. in the third quarter.- published: 26 Mar 2014
- views: 9745
Vimeo results:
ALPINE: HANDS (Official Video)
New single from Melbourne's Alpine. Available now from iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/au/...
published: 20 Nov 2011
author: Ivy League Records
ALPINE: HANDS (Official Video)
New single from Melbourne's Alpine. Available now from iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/au/album/hands-single/id474390114
Directed by Luci Schroder.
Goblin Release Show HD
published: 25 May 2011
author: The League
Goblin Release Show HD
Trash League: Bulgaria
A couple of weeks ago we took two weeks out of an amazing Ontario winter to travel to a co...
published: 12 Feb 2014
author: Trash League
Trash League: Bulgaria
A couple of weeks ago we took two weeks out of an amazing Ontario winter to travel to a country we knew next to nothing about. It turned out to be a really good decision as we got to experience summer like weather in the city of Sofia, deep snow at Pamporovo Mountain Resort, and the very mellow attitude of locals towards snowboarding in cities. Having no expectations going into the trip we couldn't be more happy with the time we got to spend with the Stinky Socks and Ninja Squad family. We can't thank them enough for all of their hospitality and can guarantee we will be seeing them again in the future.
Snowboarding: Mike Chmil and Mark Goodall
Facebook: Facebook.com/TrashLeague
Instagram: Instagram.com/TrashLeague
A Trash League Christmas
A little Christmas cheer from the preseason park at Blue Mountain to the streets of Southe...
published: 23 Dec 2013
author: Trash League
A Trash League Christmas
A little Christmas cheer from the preseason park at Blue Mountain to the streets of Southern Ontario.
Featuring: Gordon Birnie, Mike Chmil, Denny Duquette, Chris Fellner, Danny Glibota, Mark Goodall, and Ben Poechman
Edit: Mike Chmil
Additional Footage: Dallas Ianni
Youtube results:
NFL bans goalpost dunks: No Fun League says dunking now a penalty
The No Fun League has made it a point to take most of the fun out of the game. On Tuesday ...
published: 26 Mar 2014
NFL bans goalpost dunks: No Fun League says dunking now a penalty
NFL bans goalpost dunks: No Fun League says dunking now a penalty
The No Fun League has made it a point to take most of the fun out of the game. On Tuesday owners passed a rule banning the dunking of the football over the goalpost. According to the league's vice president of officiating, players will no longer be allowed to dunk the ball over the goalpost after touchdowns. Dean Blandino confirmed the new rule in a radio interview with "The Dan Patrick Show" on Tuesday. Blandino told the listening audience that dunking the ball over the crossbar will now be counted as a foul along with other touchdown celebrations that involve props. The goalpost dunk had previously been grandfathered in as acceptable celebration, along with the Lambeau Leap. "We grandfathered in some, the Lambeau Leap and things like that, but dunking will come out," Blandino said, according to NFL.com. "Using the ball as a prop or any object as a prop, whether that's the goalpost, the crossbar, that will come out and that will be a foul next season." The move was popularized by Tony Gonzalez, but it appears Saints Jimmy Graham was the inspiration for the rule after Graham twice knocked the uprights off balance. This deals a huge blow to all the NFL players that had been working on new goalpost dunks this offseason. What's next, is the NFL going to ban chest bumping, butt slapping and trash talking? The NFL has bigger problems it should be worried about. At least 49ers tight end Vernon Davis is happy about the new rule change.- published: 26 Mar 2014
- views: 361
Funny Tribunal Cases: Great Comebacks (League of Legends)
Previous Episode: http://youtu.be/3fGw8ygqk8I. A collection of great comebacks taken strai...
published: 24 Mar 2014
Funny Tribunal Cases: Great Comebacks (League of Legends)
Funny Tribunal Cases: Great Comebacks (League of Legends)
Previous Episode: http://youtu.be/3fGw8ygqk8I. A collection of great comebacks taken straight from the League of Legends tribunal. Regardless of who got reported, these clips are about who got owned (verbally). Sound: Videoblocks Mining by Moonlight by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Music from LoL Director: http://www.youtube.com/nplagma ------------- Subscribe to Realm, click here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=machinimarealm On Twitter? Search @MachinimaRealm to follow our account! On Facebook? Search MachinimaRealm for our page! If you notice an issue, possibly an error in the title or description or credits for plays, feel free to send us a YouTube private message or Tweet so we can fix that problem!- published: 24 Mar 2014
- views: 98489
League Easter Eggs - Super Galaxy Rumble interactions with Tristana - Episode #5
Previous Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MP8a9ySiYbI. This Episode features Super...
published: 26 Mar 2014
League Easter Eggs - Super Galaxy Rumble interactions with Tristana - Episode #5
League Easter Eggs - Super Galaxy Rumble interactions with Tristana - Episode #5
Previous Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MP8a9ySiYbI. This Episode features Super Galaxy Rumble interactions with Tristana. Music: Pulsefire Ezreal Login Screen Music. Director: https://www.youtube.com/user/LoLeaks ------------- Subscribe to Realm, click here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=machinimarealm On Twitter? Search @MachinimaRealm to follow our account! On Facebook? Search MachinimaRealm for our page! If you notice an issue, possibly an error in the title or description or credits for plays, feel free to send us a YouTube private message or Tweet so we can fix that problem!- published: 26 Mar 2014
- views: 28331
Rox.KIS vs Fnatic Game 2 - joinDOTA League - Capitalist & Basskip
The joinDOTA League is created for the purpose of developing the community teams, going th...
published: 27 Mar 2014
Rox.KIS vs Fnatic Game 2 - joinDOTA League - Capitalist & Basskip
Rox.KIS vs Fnatic Game 2 - joinDOTA League - Capitalist & Basskip
The joinDOTA League is created for the purpose of developing the community teams, going through a division system with the top divisions playing for lions share of the prize money. The DOTA TV ticket for sale will have 50% of the ticket price go directly to the prize pool (100% of the profits). ----- Commentator: @DotaCapitalist & @Basskip Event: joinDOTA League Season 1 Coverage Page: http://www.joindota.com/en/coverages/6417-joindota-league-season-1 ------------ http://www.joinDOTA.com http://www.facebook.com/joinDOTA http://www.facebook.com/TobiWanDOTA http://www.twitter.com/TobiWanDOTA- published: 27 Mar 2014
- views: 6361