9 min 37 sec
Maryland State Police Pursuit 02/08/2011
published: 18 Apr 2014
Maryland State Police Pursuit 02/08/2011
Maryland State Police Pursuit 02/08/2011
http://www.daggerpress.com/2012/05/09/exclusive-maryland-state-police-release-video-of-february-2011-high-speed-chase-on-interstate-95/ http://www.daggerpress.com © 2012 DAGGER PRESS LLC.- published: 18 Apr 2014
41 min 9 sec
LCPD:FR Kentucky State Police *Bonus Chase*
"Like" me on Facebook for content updates and more!
published: 18 Apr 2014
LCPD:FR Kentucky State Police *Bonus Chase*
LCPD:FR Kentucky State Police *Bonus Chase*
"Like" me on Facebook for content updates and more! https://www.facebook.com/Yotelex "Follow" me on Twitter for up to date information and insightful inspiration.. https://twitter.com/Y0TELEX This episode hit's home with the Kentucky State Police & Lexington Police! Bonus chase at the end. Special thanks to Lccop on lcpdfr.com for the skins/uniform! http://www.lcpdfr.com/user/13885-lccop/ Enjoy! ↓Check out other Code Zero Gamer Channels today! www.youtube.com/aVsG1rl - Avs www.youtube.com/bcexp105 - Mike www.youtube.com/Bayareabuggs - Buggs www.youtube.com/jfavignano - Jeff www.youtube.com/bobbarker2020 - Zach www.youtube.com/dudrickunit113 - Dudrick ** The views and or actions in this video do not necessarily represent the views/opinions/and or actions of the agency or agencies used in this video. Remember it's just a game! **- published: 18 Apr 2014
10 min 22 sec
Trucker Versus Virginia State Police
UPDATE 4/4/12 : Just so everyone can rest a little easier, i removed the K-40 System that ...
published: 18 Apr 2014
Trucker Versus Virginia State Police
Trucker Versus Virginia State Police
UPDATE 4/4/12 : Just so everyone can rest a little easier, i removed the K-40 System that resulted in this traffic stop. So in reality, i have not divulged any information or given away my secrets. Watch as a daringly witty Car-Hauler out smarts Virginia State Police ! Make sure your volume is turned up to hear all the action !- published: 18 Apr 2014
49 min 6 sec
Dash Cam Video Shows Florida State Trooper Pulling Miami Cop Over At Gunpoint (full video)
On October 11, 2011, Florida Highway Patrol Trooper D. J. Watts engages in a high-speed pu...
published: 18 Apr 2014
Dash Cam Video Shows Florida State Trooper Pulling Miami Cop Over At Gunpoint (full video)
Dash Cam Video Shows Florida State Trooper Pulling Miami Cop Over At Gunpoint (full video)
On October 11, 2011, Florida Highway Patrol Trooper D. J. Watts engages in a high-speed pursuit of off-duty Miami Police Officer Fausto Lopez and removes Officer Lopez from his vehicle at gunpoint. This video records the verbal exchange between Trooper Watts and Officer Lopez. This video is the entire 49 min encounter. We finally received Ofc. Lopez's Email-Soon we will post his Internal Affairs File. Tune in for more updates and videos: Fausto.Lopez@miami-police.org Public feedback is important! Please contact the Acting Chief of the Miami Police Department to let him know what you think about the actions of Officer Lopez. Miami Police Department Manuel Orosa Interim Chief 400 N.W. 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33128 Telephone: (305) 603-6100 Fax: (305) 372-4609 Email: manuel.orosa@miami-police.org- published: 18 Apr 2014
1 min 51 sec
State Police Unveil New Cruisers
RI State Police are rolling out new cruisers after two decades of using Ford Crown Victori...
published: 18 Apr 2014
State Police Unveil New Cruisers
State Police Unveil New Cruisers
RI State Police are rolling out new cruisers after two decades of using Ford Crown Victorias.- published: 18 Apr 2014
3 min 18 sec
Virginia State Police Driver Training Complex—Training Course Video
Virginia State Police Driver Training Complex-Training Course Video
Blackstone, Virginia
published: 18 Apr 2014
Virginia State Police Driver Training Complex—Training Course Video
Virginia State Police Driver Training Complex—Training Course Video
Virginia State Police Driver Training Complex-Training Course Video Blackstone, Virginia Ronald Rice, Virginia State Police Program Director Some of our main goals for this facility is when these trooper trainees come here and when they graduate, they will have the skills that they need in the real world. So when they're driving, when they get in some emergency pursuit situations they feel comfortable that they have received the training they need so they can do the job as they should be. The facility is sort of broken up into sections so to speak. We have the high-speed pursuit course, we have the skid pan, we have the urban course, and of course, we have the large parking area where we can set up cones and they can do all kinds of things with that. We can have people on each section at the same time using each facility. We have a very nice skid pan is what we call it. Basically polished concrete that we can flood with water and pretty much duplicate exactly what you would experience driving on ice. We have a high-speed course to train on because as you know there can be one person out there in some pretty high-speed pursuits and we have exit- and on-ramps just like you would see on an interstate. Ken Wagner, Dewberry Project Manager Another feature that we've put here at the site is an urban course, which is more like a city block layout. It has a five-point intersection, it has a railroad crossing, it has various off-set alleyways, cul-de-sacs. An element that we also incorporated into this project was trying almost getting a connectivity between the various features that they could go from the interstate roads, into the rural setting, into the precision courses, into the skid pans, into the urban features since they are all inner-connected. [Rice] We need to make sure that we know where everybody, what section of the track they're using. The observation tower is sort of our central control facility when we are actually using the track to communicate with them and that's where the dispatch will be is at the observation tower. We have our own garage where we can actually do some minor repairs to these vehicles. We have our own fueling station here. They're quite impressed with the track and support facilities, the administrative building. Everyone is quite pleased with what we have. We feel very fortunate to have it. Full Case Study: http://www.dewberry.com/About/CaseStudy/A_New_Driver_Training_Complex_for_Virginia_State_Police- published: 18 Apr 2014
3 min 39 sec
Idaho State Police Harrassment
I was driving on Interstate 84 through Boise when I suddenly heard a very load noise comin...
published: 18 Apr 2014
Idaho State Police Harrassment
Idaho State Police Harrassment
I was driving on Interstate 84 through Boise when I suddenly heard a very load noise coming from my car. I pulled off at the next available exit and noticed an Idaho State Police vehicle which already had somebody pulled over. Not wanting to interfere or be too close to them, I stopped on the off ramp about 1000 feet behind them. At that time I proceeded to find a few tools, pop the hood of my car, and make a quick roadside repair. By the time I had finished and was getting back in my car, sure enough, the State Troopers had turned their car around, drove the wrong direction down the off ramp, and pulled in behind me with their lights on. At first they acted like they were just concerned for my safety and asked if everything was OK. I told them it was, but then they wanted to know where I was going and what I was doing when I got there. I didn't want to be a jerk, so I simply told them it was for business. That was when they asked for my ID and I told them no. Normally, when you are driving, and stopped by the police, you must give them your ID. Police can't stop you, while you are driving, and just ask for your ID. They need to have a reason. These Idaho State Troopers had no reason! I told them that over and over. We argued back and forth for a couple of minutes and then the State Trooper in charge threatened me with going to jail. It wasn't so much the threat of jail that made me comply; It was more that I just didn't have the time to spend a day in jail as I was on my way to a business appointment. I gave them my ID, registration, and insurance. Then I turned my video camera on them and recorded the rest. TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242 Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnaping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death. Here is the full video from the Idaho State Trooper's car: http://youtu.be/9343oWQO7Yk- published: 18 Apr 2014
%s hours 1 min 13 sec
Alex Jones Movie (1999) - Police State 1 - 2000 - Full version
Run by Kurt Nimmo
Run by Paul...
published: 18 Apr 2014
Alex Jones Movie (1999) - Police State 1 - 2000 - Full version
Alex Jones Movie (1999) - Police State 1 - 2000 - Full version
Visit: http://www.infowars.com/ Run by Kurt Nimmo http://www.prisonplanet.com/ Run by Paul Watson http://prisonplanet.tv/ Run by Paul Watson http://jonesreport.com/ Run by Aaron Dykes http://www.infowars.net/ Run by Steve Watson http://www.truthnews.us/ Run by kurt Nimmo http://www.wearechange.org/ http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/ http://911truth.eu/en/ http://911truth.org/ http://www.letsroll911.org/phpwebsite/ http://www.scholarsfor911truth.org/ http://www.davidicke.com/index.php/ http://www.ae911truth.org/ http://pilotsfor911truth.org/ http://www.patriotsquestion911.com/ PL: http://www.prawda2.info/ T@GS WTC pentagon conspiracy theory freemasons new world order nwo illuminati alex jones 911 september 11 ron paul ronpaul2008 election freedom truth candidate government liberty police state america constitution President bush Ron Paul illuminati new world order 9/11 911 9.11 11.09.2001 alex jones rosie Aaron Russo operation northwoods false flag david icke inside job christianity Iran Iraq Afganistan usa United Nations 911truth wtc pentagon strike shankesville osama bin laden terrorist George Walker Bush Condoleezza Rice Donald Henry Rumsfeld Richard Bruce Cheney Rudolph Giuliani inside job conspiracy theory neocon JFK Jr. Martin Luther King Oklahoma City Skull & Bones Bohemian Grove Reichstag nazists hitler blame prawda o 11 Września teoria spisku spiskowa spisek terroryzm Tarcza Akt patriotyczny Lądowanie na księżycu Niewygodne fakty Patriotic act moon landing wtc7 wtc1 wtc2 wtc6 fake videos loose change 911:in plane site September Clues justice for 911 TerrorStorm Martix of Evil The Order of Death Alex Jones Predicts 911 Police State 2000 Police State 2: The Takeover 911 The Road To Tyranny Masters Of Terror Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State Bilderberg group Alex Jones gets arrested for asking George W. Busha question America freedom to fascism dark secrets inside Bohemian Grove Fetzer Charlie Sheen America Wake Up or Waco Police State 3 Total Enslavement Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed 77 Mind The Gap Bush Family Fortunes Money, Banking and The Federal Reserve Secret History of the Credit Card The Big Buy Tom Delays Stolen Congress pentacon witness eyewitness cover up investigation of 911 spending ron paul revolution ronpaul2008 Photo Radar endgame Gordon Brown malcolm x noam chomsky anti-christ zionism Cold Fusion dvd cd rip 911 chronicles truth rising the obama deception wielkie oszustwo symblizm FBI CIA EDOMITES TRUTH LIE WMD WEAPONS MASS DESTRUCTION FREEDOM LAW LEGAL ILLEGAL PATRIOT ILLUMINATI BLAIR IRAQ ISRAEL ATF CHILDREN CONSPIRACY EVIL GOOD MEN GOVERNMENT TRUTHFUL AUTHORITY BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS RUBY RIDGE WAR GOLD FRINGE FLAG RICO WE THE PEOPLE MEDIA TRUTH MEDIA LIES MEDIA CONTROL FCC FAA HLS HOMELAND SECURITY TERROR TERRORIST PATRIOT ACT MOOSE CFR BRANCH DAVIDIANS RIGHTS CONSTITUTION KBG COMMUNIST ASHCROFT MIDDLE EAST RUMSFELD CHENEY SARS EUSTACE MULLINS TERRI MICHAEL SCHIAVO LEAKGAT ELECTION VOTE IMMIGRATION SOLDIERS HALLIBURTON JUDGE MOORE RINGWIND MOCKINGBIRD WAR JFK LBJ OIL SNIPER VOTE MAD COW WELLSTONE SADDAM HUSSEIN VETERANS WMD KAL 007 VETERAN OKC IMMIGRATION VACCINE USS LIBERTY USS LIBERTY FLIGHT 77 PAUL O'NEILL NASA MILITARY RECORDS KERRY YELLOWSTONE BOHEMIAN GROVE TERRY NICHOLS REAGAN ABU GHRAIB BEHEADED RFID MENTALLY HEALTH SADDAM HUSSEIN ELECTION RFID EDWARDS KERRY CHENEY VACCINE ELECTION POLICESTATE VOTE FRAUD SIBEL EDMONDS DRAFT GANNON NEGROPONTE GONZALES CINDY SHEEHAN CRAWFORD, TEXAS HURRICANE KATRINA FEMA IMMIGRATION PROTESTORS KARL ROVE SCOOTER LIBBY JUDGE HOGAN PATRICK FITZGERALD JUDITH MILLER WOODWARD LIBBY IMMIGRATION NSA SPYING BORDER WAR ISRAEL HEZBOLLAH LEBANON MIDDLE EAST CRISIS BEIRUT WWIII -NORTH AMERICAN UNION - MILITARY COMMISSION ACT HABEAS CORPUS TORTURE DU DEPLETED URANIUM IRAN BLACKWATER SURGE 2008 VIDEOS IMPEACHMENT DEMOCRATS REPUBLICANS KEITH OLBERMANN VeriChip Big Brother George Orwell 1984 dont talk about the weather nie rozmawiaj o pogodzie military industrial complex- published: 18 Apr 2014
26 min 44 sec
State Trooper (1957)
Professionally scripted and produced through the sponsorship of Ford Motor Company, an upd...
published: 18 Apr 2014
State Trooper (1957)
State Trooper (1957)
Professionally scripted and produced through the sponsorship of Ford Motor Company, an updated public relations film entitled "State Trooper" was released for public viewing following a premiere showing at East Lansing's Kellogg Center in July 1957. The 16 millimeter black-and-white film used a mostly amateur cast of department personnel to showcase state police activities with a dramatic flair. Cpl. Donald Hermansen, Tpr. Edward Trahan and Tpr. George Bays portrayed a murderous trio of bank bandits in a robbery scene staged and filmed on location at the Walled Lake branch of Community National Bank. The film's only professional actor portrayed the bank president while the actual branch manager acted as a cashier who was slain in the holdup. The amateur villains and the entire film were big hits with audiences.- published: 18 Apr 2014
8 min 30 sec
Michigan State Police Pursue Ex-Sheriff Deputy - Dashcam Video
This is dashcam video of a police pursuit that occurred in Muskegon County on October 15, ...
published: 18 Apr 2014
Michigan State Police Pursue Ex-Sheriff Deputy - Dashcam Video
Michigan State Police Pursue Ex-Sheriff Deputy - Dashcam Video
This is dashcam video of a police pursuit that occurred in Muskegon County on October 15, 2012. The call came in as a hit and run in the round-about at M37 & M46. The suspect was an ex-Allegan County Sheriff Deputy that was fired a few years ago due to alcohol problems. The caller stayed behind the truck until a Michigan State Police Trooper located the vehicle. When the Trooper attempted to stop the truck, it fled westbound on Apple ave. This video is from a MSP Trooper who joined the pursuit at Apple ave. & Carr Rd. A Muskegon County Sheriff Deputy was able to deploy stop sticks at Marquette Ave. & Dangl Rd. and right after that the lead pursuit vehicle was able to PIT the vehicle, but the vehicle continued on. The pursuit ended when the truck crashed into an old school building at Apple ave. & Dangl Rd. The suspect was taken into custody and lodged in the Muskegon County Jail. This video was obtained through a FOIA request to Michigan State Police.- published: 18 Apr 2014
29 min 43 sec
LCPDFR New York State Police
"Like" me on Facebook for content updates and more!
published: 18 Apr 2014
LCPDFR New York State Police
LCPDFR New York State Police
Enjoy! "Like" me on Facebook for content updates and more! https://www.facebook.com/Yotelex "Follow" me on Twitter for up to date information and insightful inspiration.. https://twitter.com/Y0TELEX Check out other Code Zero Gamer Channels today! AVS-- https://www.youtube.com/aVsG1rl BUGGS https://www.youtube.com/Bayareabuggs JEFF https://www.youtube.com/jfavignano ZACH https://www.youtube.com/bobbarker2020 TIM https://www.youtube.com/Timcall1 DUDRICK http://www.youtube.com/dudrickunit113 ** The views and or actions in this video do not necessarily represent the views/opinions/and or actions of the agency or agencies used in this video. Remember it's just a game! **- published: 18 Apr 2014
2 min 31 sec
State police release video of trooper stopping wrong-way driver
Maine State Police have released video of a state trooper who had to stop a wrong-way driv...
published: 18 Apr 2014
State police release video of trooper stopping wrong-way driver
State police release video of trooper stopping wrong-way driver
Maine State Police have released video of a state trooper who had to stop a wrong-way driver using his cruiser. News 8's Norm Karkos reports.- published: 18 Apr 2014
43 min 37 sec
MUST see - BANNED! Jesse Ventura : Police State Full Episode [HD]
The Truth is here, not out there http://www.TopSecretWorld.com TruTv Conspiracy Theory wit...
published: 18 Apr 2014
MUST see - BANNED! Jesse Ventura : Police State Full Episode [HD]
MUST see - BANNED! Jesse Ventura : Police State Full Episode [HD]
The Truth is here, not out there http://www.TopSecretWorld.com TruTv Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, Banned from television. Here is the full length version in high definition suitable for downloads and private viewing. Watch this : - BREAKING NEWS FLASH : Unbelievable MASONIC Truck Hauling FEMA Coffins September 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGNavpLkmGw The Truth is Here, not out there http://TopSecretWorld.com !!- published: 18 Apr 2014