
inc. - the place
Go to http://www.official-inc.com for a free download of "The Place". Directed by inc. and...
published: 03 Oct 2012
author: incofficialVEVO
inc. - the place
inc. - the place
Go to http://www.official-inc.com for a free download of "The Place". Directed by inc. and Daniel Oh https://www.facebook.com/Inc.Life https://twitter.com/in...- published: 03 Oct 2012
- views: 153948
- author: incofficialVEVO

inc. - Angel
From the album "No World" - http://bit.ly/WXCNA3 "Rodeo Clowns" Directed by: Daniel Aged, ...
published: 31 Jul 2013
author: incofficialVEVO
inc. - Angel
inc. - Angel
From the album "No World" - http://bit.ly/WXCNA3 "Rodeo Clowns" Directed by: Daniel Aged, Andrew Aged, Ryan Kuhlman Producer: Lana Kim Director of Photograph...- published: 31 Jul 2013
- views: 96725
- author: incofficialVEVO

FKA x inc.
Written, performed & produced by FKA twigs and inc.
Video directed by Nick Walker and FKA ...
published: 25 Feb 2014
FKA x inc.
FKA x inc.
Written, performed & produced by FKA twigs and inc. Video directed by Nick Walker and FKA twigs. DOP: Jeff Bierman Make Up: Sara Uslan Editor: Blake Benham -Sawhorse LA Buy FKA x inc. here: http://smarturl.it/fkainc Pre-order FKA x inc. 7" and zine here: http://fka-x-inc.com http://f-k-a-twigs.tumblr.com https://twitter.com/FKAtwigs Instagram - @FKAtwigs http://www.official-inc.com https://twitter.com/inc_no_world- published: 25 Feb 2014
- views: 41014

Damn it Canada! - Plague Inc. Evolved with Panda #6
Thanks for watching guys leave a Like if you enjoyed!
Like what you see? Subscribe!...
published: 23 Mar 2014
Damn it Canada! - Plague Inc. Evolved with Panda #6
Damn it Canada! - Plague Inc. Evolved with Panda #6
Thanks for watching guys leave a Like if you enjoyed! -Panda Like what you see? Subscribe!: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=hybridpanda ___ T-shirts: http://www.gametee.co.uk/category/panda Music by Kevin Macleod http://www.imcompetech.com Panda Box info! "Panda Box PO BOX 5400 BRIGHTON BN50 8GS" Follow me on : Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HybridPandaMedia Tumblr: http://www.hybridpanda45.tumblr.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/#!/HybridPanda Livestream: http://twitch.tv/hybridpanda ___- published: 23 Mar 2014
- views: 35864

inc. - 5 days
inc. "5 days" forthcoming album "no world" out on 4AD. feb 2013. http://www.official-inc.c...
published: 13 Nov 2012
author: incmusicvideos
inc. - 5 days
inc. - 5 days
inc. "5 days" forthcoming album "no world" out on 4AD. feb 2013. http://www.official-inc.com http://www.facebook/inc.life http://www.twitter.com/inc_no_world.- published: 13 Nov 2012
- views: 128670
- author: incmusicvideos

でんぱ組.inc New Single「サクラあっぱれーしょん」
published: 28 Feb 2014
【未来を明るく照らすなんて、お茶の子さいさいさーい!】 でんぱ組.inc New Single「サクラあっぱれーしょん」 2014年3月12日発売 Director:志賀匠 ☆ 初回限定盤A CD+DVD(1.「サクラあっぱれーしょん」2.「ファンシーほっぺ♡ウ・フ・フ」) ☆ 初回限定盤B CD(1.「サクラあっぱれーしょん」2.「ファンシーほっぺ♡ウ・フ・フ」) 封入特典:ステッカー ※当たりには、チュッパチャプス×でんぱ組.incの生チェキも封入 ☆ 初回限定 相沢梨紗盤 (1.「サクラあっぱれーしょん」2.「Promise of the World ~我コソ世界の救世主~」) ☆ 初回限定 成瀬瑛美盤 (1.「サクラあっぱれーしょん」2.「トキメキ☆すちゃらかテキサス」) ☆ 初回限定 藤咲彩音盤 (1.「サクラあっぱれーしょん」2.「P and A」) ☆ 初回限定 古川未鈴盤 (1.「サクラあっぱれーしょん」2.「ソーリー、ロンリー。」) ☆ 初回限定 最上もが盤(1.「サクラあっぱれーしょん」2.「ニューロマンティック」) ☆ 初回限定 夢眠ねむ盤 (1.「サクラあっぱれーしょん」2.「あのね...実はわたし、夢眠ねむなんだ...♡」) ☆ 通常盤(1.「サクラあっぱれーしょん」2.「ファンシーほっぺ♡ウ・フ・フ」) 「サクラあっぱれーしょん」作詞・作曲・編曲/玉屋2060%(Wienners) 「ファンシーほっぺ♡ウ・フ・フ」作詞/かせきさいだぁ 作曲/カジヒデキ 編曲/カジヒデキ・橋本竜樹 「Promise of the World ~我コソ世界の救世主~」作詞/奥井雅美 作曲/きただにひろし 編曲/釣 俊輔 「トキメキ☆すちゃらかテキサス」作詞・作曲・編曲/NAOTO(ORANGE RANGE) 「P and A」作詞・作曲・編曲/PandaBoY 「ソーリー、ロンリー。」作詞/NOBE 作曲・編曲/RONZI(BRAHMAN) 「ニューロマンティック」作詞・作曲/Chara 編曲/ Chara・白根賢一 「あのね...実はわたし、夢眠ねむなんだ...♡」作詞・作曲・編曲/清竜人- published: 28 Feb 2014
- views: 34723

Afflicted, Inc.
The Creative Director at Afflicted, Inc. comes to a decision.
The man behind the monsters...
published: 24 Mar 2014
Afflicted, Inc.
Afflicted, Inc.
The Creative Director at Afflicted, Inc. comes to a decision. The man behind the monsters: http://youtube.com/BarnyardFX Written & Directed by Anna Akana Produced by Kaja Martin http://youtube.com/TheKajaMartin Director of Photography Lan Bui http://castandcrewcall.com/lanbui/ Assistant Director William Akana http://youtube.com/WillAkanaVlogs Starring Heidi Koling - http://HeidiKoling.com Megan Rosati - http://MeganRosati.com Sophie Bell - http://SophieTheBell.com Kaja Martin - http://youtube.com/TheKajaMartin Melissa Hunter - http://MelissaHunter.com Assistant Camera Misa Garcia http://MisaGarcia.com Sound Matt Burgette http://www.imdb.com/name/nm5102800 Associate Producer Chloe Mae http://castandcrewcall.com/chloe-mae-loop/ Make up by Barnyard FX Greg Aronowitz Alynne "Red 5" Schripsema Alison Korth http://www.youtube.com/BarnyardFX Hair Stylist Gwendolyn Grant http://www.facebook.com/gwendolina.rose Sound Editor / Sound Re-Recording Engineer David Schatanoff D Studios Productions http://www.dstudiosonline.com/ Music By Alexander Arntzen http://AlexanderArntzen.com Scoring Mixer Jordan King https://vimeo.com/jordankingsound Vocals Jess Disraeli https://soundcloud.com/jessdisraeli Special Thanks Aaron Dieppa Andrew Fillmore Print & Art Aronowtiz- published: 24 Mar 2014
- views: 108795

We Need Master Chief! - Plague Inc. Evolved #5
Thanks for watching guys leave a Like if you enjoyed!
Like what you see? Subscribe!...
published: 18 Mar 2014
We Need Master Chief! - Plague Inc. Evolved #5
We Need Master Chief! - Plague Inc. Evolved #5
Thanks for watching guys leave a Like if you enjoyed! -Panda Like what you see? Subscribe!: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=hybridpanda ___ T-shirts: http://www.gametee.co.uk/category/panda Music by Kevin Macleod http://www.imcompetech.com Panda Box info! "Panda Box PO BOX 5400 BRIGHTON BN50 8GS" Follow me on : Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HybridPandaMedia Tumblr: http://www.hybridpanda45.tumblr.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/#!/HybridPanda Livestream: http://twitch.tv/hybridpanda ___- published: 18 Mar 2014
- views: 21582

DUB INC - Chaque nouvelle page
DUB INC ALBUM "Paradise" - Oct 14th 2013
Pre-order itunes : http://bit.ly/1gCl310
published: 07 Oct 2013
DUB INC - Chaque nouvelle page
DUB INC - Chaque nouvelle page
DUB INC ALBUM "Paradise" - Oct 14th 2013 Pre-order itunes : http://bit.ly/1gCl310 Pre-order official Dub inc shop : www.shop-dubinc.org WEBSITE : www.dub-inc.com FACEBOOK : www.facebook.com/dubinc DEEZER : http://www.deezer.com/fr/artist/308253 Captation Maubeuge: Alexis, Jéronimo, Mano Réalisation & montage: Alexis pour Artbreakerz www.artbreakerz.com CHAQUE NOUVELLE PAGE Refrain A chaque nouvelle page, chaque jour son lexique, Notre histoire s'écrit en musique, Devant chaque paysage, puis chaque endroit que l'on quitte, Chaque sourire un souvenir magique. Donc on reprend le large Dans nos mémoires sont inscrits Ces regards sur vos visages Qui rendent toujours nostalgiques Ivre d'amour et de musique. Couplet 1 Une rivière de mots, qu'on lâche au micro C'est de la bonne zic, well dem. C'est ce qu'il nous faut sentir le niveau D'une salle qui s'agite so dem. Jouer dans le monde entier, voir le visage des gens me tarde, Rêver d'une salle blindée pouvoir m'approprier cette flamme. Non ce n'est pas systématique faut trouver la bonne technique, Pour faire bouger le public et trouver les mots. Même si parfois c'est bordélique loin de ces machines à fric, On a la formule magique, du cœur et des flots. Crier dans l'adversité pouvoir ainsi nourrir nos âmes De Bombay à Alger c'est une révolte que l'on propage. Refrain Couplet 2 Partager, se bouger, donner tout ce qu'on a, La chance de vivre de sa passion, de vivre comme on l'aime. Mi singing yes aya, positif roots ragga, Mon cœur se serre toujours sincère quand on retrouve la scène. La faire voyager sans prétention, Dans tous les pays, toutes conditions Chaque fois qu'il faut on installe le son Yagidiyo ! Artisanale est la production. Notre ambition, so well ! Rester libre et voler de nos propres ailes Découvrir la planète et user nos semelles Loin de leur industrie on reste naturel. Car la musique reste universelle On parle tous la même langue quand ces rythmes nous ressemble, sing again. Car c'est un langage universel, On est toujours ensemble si t'écoute t'es de la bande. Refrain Couplet 3 N'larbe n'larbe allami touran Ourdjire amkane Oufire ivardane N chtah n chtah alaminarian Oufire ivardan J'ai le réveil qui sonne, sonne, sonne, Il est temps de partir faire des bornes, bornes, bornes Voyager inspire ce que l'on donne donne, donne, Sur scène nous fait vivre ! Right now Donne moi le microphone que je le fume, C'est un pour les vibes deux pour les scène que l'on consume, On collectionne les bornes comme les big tunes, Toujours dans la place et là bien avant youtube. Branche le microphone monte le volume, Peu importe l'endroit, dans la nature sur le bitume, On ramène du son lourd comme une enclume, Soundbwoy méfie toi, la concurrence sera rude.- published: 07 Oct 2013
- views: 77528

【生きる場所なんてどこにもなかった】でんぱ組.inc「W.W.D」Full ver.
生きる場所なんてどこにもなかった ...マイナスからのスタート、舐めんな!全てメンバーの実話で構成された、渾身のノンフィクション作品!でんぱ組.inc New Single「W.W...
published: 12 Dec 2012
【生きる場所なんてどこにもなかった】でんぱ組.inc「W.W.D」Full ver.
【生きる場所なんてどこにもなかった】でんぱ組.inc「W.W.D」Full ver.
生きる場所なんてどこにもなかった ...マイナスからのスタート、舐めんな!全てメンバーの実話で構成された、渾身のノンフィクション作品!でんぱ組.inc New Single「W.W.D/冬へと走りだすお!」2013年1月16日 発売 初回限定盤A http://urx.nu/2KYa 初回限定盤B http:/...- published: 12 Dec 2012
- views: 864491

Plague Inc Evolved: Doctors Race to Stop Social Awkwardness!
Subscribe (http://bit.ly/1hTCETC) for more gaming content and read the description to fulf...
published: 19 Mar 2014
Plague Inc Evolved: Doctors Race to Stop Social Awkwardness!
Plague Inc Evolved: Doctors Race to Stop Social Awkwardness!
Subscribe (http://bit.ly/1hTCETC) for more gaming content and read the description to fulfil your dreams! Straight from the Highlands of Scotland Dr. Scottish Rage wipes out humanity with their worst fear! Enjoy! For exclusives, fun times and general shenanigans follow me on: Twitter: http://twitter.com/ragegamingvideo Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RageGamingVideos More life changing links! Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/RageGamingVideos Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/ragegamingvideos Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/RageGaming/ Email: ragegaminggeneral@gmail.com T-Shirts: http://www.redbubble.com/people/ragegamingvideo/shop I'm Rage. I make funny things, I make useful things and I end up in many improbable situations. If you've got this far in the description you are an intrepid explorer of boxes and I approve you as a comrade in curiosity. So join me on this adventure as I make multitudes of majorly magnificent videos as I be excessively modest and have a good time! Thanks for watching and reading, give yourself a cookie.- published: 19 Mar 2014
- views: 25754

Cthulu Rises! - Plague Inc. Evolved #4
Thanks for watching guys leave a Like if you enjoyed!
Like what you see? Subscribe!...
published: 14 Mar 2014
Cthulu Rises! - Plague Inc. Evolved #4
Cthulu Rises! - Plague Inc. Evolved #4
Thanks for watching guys leave a Like if you enjoyed! -Panda Like what you see? Subscribe!: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=hybridpanda Amazeballs art by Cerebrobullet! ___ T-shirts: http://www.gametee.co.uk/category/panda Music by Kevin Macleod http://www.imcompetech.com Panda Box info! "Panda Box PO BOX 5400 BRIGHTON BN50 8GS" Follow me on : Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HybridPandaMedia Tumblr: http://www.hybridpanda45.tumblr.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/#!/HybridPanda Livestream: http://twitch.tv/hybridpanda ___- published: 14 Mar 2014
- views: 8429

LET'S KILL EVERYONE!! Plague Inc. Evolved
Thanks for watching guys leave a Like if you enjoyed!
Like what you see? Subscribe!: http:...
published: 02 Mar 2014
LET'S KILL EVERYONE!! Plague Inc. Evolved
LET'S KILL EVERYONE!! Plague Inc. Evolved
Thanks for watching guys leave a Like if you enjoyed! Like what you see? Subscribe!: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=hybridpanda ___ T-shirts: http://www.gametee.co.uk/category/panda Music by Kevin Macleod http://www.imcompetech.com Panda Box info! "Panda Box PO BOX 5400 BRIGHTON BN50 8GS" Follow me on : Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HybridPandaMedia Tumblr: http://www.hybridpanda45.tumblr.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/#!/HybridPanda Livestream: http://twitch.tv/hybridpanda ___- published: 02 Mar 2014
- views: 41747
Vimeo results:

Artificial Paradise, Inc is an experimental film anticipating a future where a major corpo...
published: 16 Aug 2009
author: JP Frenay
Artificial Paradise, Inc is an experimental film anticipating a future where a major corporation has developed an unique software, based on organic virtual reality, which holds all the lost memories of humankind. A user connects to this database of the forgotten…what is he searching for?
Production : Condor & Jean-Paul Frenay
Director / editor / compositing : Jean-Paul Frenay
Main 3D artist / compositing : Sandro Paoli
3D artists : Sylvain Jorget and Sébastien Desmet
Additional 3D operators : Otto Heinen and Okke Voerman
Sound Design : Seal Phüric feat. Neptunian8
Distributed by Autour de Minuit and Onedotzero
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/jpfrenay
Awards & Recognitions//
• Second Place of the Non Narrative Category @ Cutout Festival, EM
• Honorable mention for Artificial Paradise, Inc @ Fargo Film Festival 2010, USA
• Nominated for Best technical Realisation @ Animago Award 2010, DE
Full Publications and Festivals list : http://frenayjp.be/#/artificial-paradise-inc/
Interview on Artificial Paradise, Inc made for Canal+ France : http://vimeo.com/25642156
Buy any frame of my video as a Limited and Numbered Fine Art Print @ Frame Factor : http://bit.ly/17Jxoif

Neurosonics Audiomedical Labs Inc.
This one's for my dad.
Neurosonics Audiomedical Laboratory footage.
Visit www.neurosonic...
published: 22 Aug 2009
author: Chris Cairns
Neurosonics Audiomedical Labs Inc.
This one's for my dad.
Neurosonics Audiomedical Laboratory footage.
Visit www.neurosonicsaudiomedical.com for more info and credits.
Kingdom of the unreal but also a higher state of being, ultimately free of the limitations of the material world through the agency of science, technology, and imagination.
Peep everyone here:

Colosse - A Wood Tale
Director: Yves Geleyn
Hornet Inc.
Executive Producer: Michael Feder
Producer: Zack Kortri...
published: 11 May 2012
author: Hornet Inc
Colosse - A Wood Tale
Director: Yves Geleyn
Hornet Inc.
Executive Producer: Michael Feder
Producer: Zack Kortright
Live Action Producer: Joel Kretschman
Director of Photography: Ivan Abel
Gaffer: Michael Yetter
1st AC: Jason Vandermer
Key Grip: Joe Mandeville
Fabrication: Connie Chan
Set: Halsey Rodman
Lead Puppeteer: Steven Widerman
Puppeteer: Billy Barkhurst
Robot Tech: Ben Phelan
CG Lead: Erwin Riau
CG Animator: Nicholas Johnnides
Editor: R.J. Glass
Compositor: Yussef Cole
Roto Artist: Mary Varn, Julien Koetsch
Music & Sounds Design: Huma-Huma
Youtube results:

楽しいことがなきゃバカ みたいじゃん!? でんぱ組.incが贈るお祭りソング! でんぱ組.inc「でんでんぱっしょん」2013年5月29日発売! http://urx.nu/3Uo...
published: 01 May 2013
楽しいことがなきゃバカ みたいじゃん!? でんぱ組.incが贈るお祭りソング! でんぱ組.inc「でんでんぱっしょん」2013年5月29日発売! http://urx.nu/3UoK 作詞/畑亜貴 作曲/玉屋2060%(Wienners) 編曲/釣俊輔.- published: 01 May 2013
- views: 887490

Panda-Flu Arrives! - Plague Inc. Evolved #2
Thanks for watching guys leave a Like if you enjoyed!
Like what you see? Subscribe!...
published: 05 Mar 2014
Panda-Flu Arrives! - Plague Inc. Evolved #2
Panda-Flu Arrives! - Plague Inc. Evolved #2
Thanks for watching guys leave a Like if you enjoyed! -Panda Like what you see? Subscribe!: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=hybridpanda ___ T-shirts: http://www.gametee.co.uk/category/panda Music by Kevin Macleod http://www.imcompetech.com Panda Box info! "Panda Box PO BOX 5400 BRIGHTON BN50 8GS" Follow me on : Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HybridPandaMedia Tumblr: http://www.hybridpanda45.tumblr.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/#!/HybridPanda Livestream: http://twitch.tv/hybridpanda ___- published: 05 Mar 2014
- views: 24682

Will Dick Butts Prevail? (Plague Inc. Evolved)
Raise your hand if you've ever wanted to kill off earth's population with an elaborate vir...
published: 18 Mar 2014
Will Dick Butts Prevail? (Plague Inc. Evolved)
Will Dick Butts Prevail? (Plague Inc. Evolved)
Raise your hand if you've ever wanted to kill off earth's population with an elaborate virus or bacterial strain. Yeah me too. ---------------------------------------------------------------- BUY MY SHIT! http://eatmydiction1.spreadshirt.com\ SIGN UP FOR LOOTCRATE! http://www.lootcrate.com/eatmydiction1 PROMO CODE: bears Apply for a YouTube partnership! http://www.unionforgamers.com/apply?referral=2tm23u67zpgqcx STALK ME ON THE INTERWEBS! http://twitter.com/#!/EatMyDiction1 http://www.facebook.com/EatMyDiction1 http://www.tumblr.com/EatMyDiction1 SECOND CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/user/EatMyETC1 Teamspeak, Mumble and Ventrilo hosting (Use coupon code EATMYDICTION for 30% off recurring) http://barbariannetworks.com/ NEVER MISS A VIDEO WITH THE EATMYDICTION BROWSER APP! http://myapp.wips.com/eatmydiction-s-channel-app-extension Want 10% off Kontrol Freeks!? (Promo Code: eatmydiction) http://www.kontrolfreek.com/default.asp?aff=5369 Outro Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIwtxmPX8q8- published: 18 Mar 2014
- views: 26993