
2010 China - Shanghai , Ningpo
2010 August 9~14 summer vacation on Shanghai,Ningpo with my family it is hot every day....
published: 17 Aug 2010
author: Summerblacky
2010 China - Shanghai , Ningpo
2010 China - Shanghai , Ningpo
2010 August 9~14 summer vacation on Shanghai,Ningpo with my family it is hot every day.- published: 17 Aug 2010
- views: 239
- author: Summerblacky

published: 04 May 2013
author: Jamyang Tashi Yangki

20100403 B - Mount Promise, Yinchow, Ningpo 15
Mount Promise, Yinchow, Ningpo, Chekiang....
published: 16 Jan 2013
author: Jeremy Shih
20100403 B - Mount Promise, Yinchow, Ningpo 15
20100403 B - Mount Promise, Yinchow, Ningpo 15
Mount Promise, Yinchow, Ningpo, Chekiang.- published: 16 Jan 2013
- views: 7
- author: Jeremy Shih

Ningpo Port dust suppression sprayer model DS-60
Guangdong Fenghua Environment Protection Machinery Co.,Ltd. www.fegnhua001.com dustsuppres...
published: 12 Mar 2013
author: FengHuaEnvironment
Ningpo Port dust suppression sprayer model DS-60
Ningpo Port dust suppression sprayer model DS-60
Guangdong Fenghua Environment Protection Machinery Co.,Ltd. www.fegnhua001.com dustsuppression@yahoo.cn skype: zengelaine.- published: 12 Mar 2013
- views: 18
- author: FengHuaEnvironment

Обзор игры Ningpo Mahjong Deluxe (BronZe Deagle) Часть 1 из 1
published: 16 Apr 2011
author: Obzorshik666
Обзор игры Ningpo Mahjong Deluxe (BronZe Deagle) Часть 1 из 1
Обзор игры Ningpo Mahjong Deluxe (BronZe Deagle) Часть 1 из 1
- published: 16 Apr 2011
- views: 434
- author: Obzorshik666

My trip in Ningpo June 2009
Created on July 25, 2009 using FlipShare....
published: 25 Jul 2009
author: Candice Chang
My trip in Ningpo June 2009
My trip in Ningpo June 2009
Created on July 25, 2009 using FlipShare.- published: 25 Jul 2009
- views: 57
- author: Candice Chang

Ningpo Depa Rinpoche IX
A short introduction of Ningpo Depa Rinpoche IX-A great Rinpoche from Qing Hai....
published: 10 Aug 2006
author: humarnursalim
Ningpo Depa Rinpoche IX
Ningpo Depa Rinpoche IX
A short introduction of Ningpo Depa Rinpoche IX-A great Rinpoche from Qing Hai.- published: 10 Aug 2006
- views: 2147
- author: humarnursalim

jien bing ningpo
Mama was clean and efficient and cooks it neatly and with no fuss and always gives change ...
published: 26 Mar 2008
author: harveyc08
jien bing ningpo
jien bing ningpo
Mama was clean and efficient and cooks it neatly and with no fuss and always gives change to the exact fraction of a Kwai from a total cost of 2.4Y.- published: 26 Mar 2008
- views: 5824
- author: harveyc08

Chinese man storms first class with economy class ticket
Chinese tourists are not the only Chinese that like to cause a scene. They like to cause a...
published: 23 Jan 2014
Chinese man storms first class with economy class ticket
Chinese man storms first class with economy class ticket
Chinese tourists are not the only Chinese that like to cause a scene. They like to cause a raucous domestically as well. One Chinese man unreasonably requested to have a seat in first class. The problem was that he only bought an economy class ticket from Ningpo to Beijing on Jan 20. Another mishap occurred on another domestic Chinese flight when a man opened the exit door without permission before landing. That flight was delayed for nearly five hours. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to TomoNews, where we animate the most entertaining news on the internets. Come here for an animated look at viral headlines, US news, celebrity gossip, salacious scandals, dumb criminals and much more! Subscribe now for daily news animations that will knock your socks off. Check out our official website: http://us.tomonews.net/ For news that's fun and never boring, visit our channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TomoNewsUS Subscribe to stay updated on all the top stories: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TomoNewsUS Stay connected with us here: Facebook http://www.facebook.com/TomoNewsUS Twitter @tomonewsus http://www.twitter.com/TomoNewsUS Google+ http://gplus.to/TomoNewsUS- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 1699

일본의 오우치가문의 비밀 《The secret of Japanese lineage, Ouchi clan》 3/3
Ōuchi clan (大内氏 Ōuchi-shi?) was one of the most powerful and important families in Japan d...
published: 08 Feb 2014
일본의 오우치가문의 비밀 《The secret of Japanese lineage, Ouchi clan》 3/3
일본의 오우치가문의 비밀 《The secret of Japanese lineage, Ouchi clan》 3/3
Ōuchi clan (大内氏 Ōuchi-shi?) was one of the most powerful and important families in Japan during the reign of the Ashikaga shogunate in the 12th to 14th centuries descended of the king of Baekje on the Korean Peninsula. Their domains, ruled from the castle town of Yamaguchi, comprised six provinces at their height, and the Ōuchi played a major role in supporting the Ashikaga in the Nanboku-cho Wars against the Imperial Court. The Ōuchi remained powerful up until the 1560s, when they became eclipsed by their vassals, the Mōri clan. Based in Suō Province, towards the western end of Honshū, the Ōuchi were among the primary families to be involved in foreign trade and relations, particularly with China. Following the Ōnin War (1467--1477), a strong rivalry developed between the Ōuchi and the Hosokawa family, who were now in power. The two clashed at Ningpo in 1523, and as a result the Chinese closed Ningpo to Japanese traders. By the time the Ōuchi were again allowed to send a ship a few years later, the trade was dying out. The family's trade with China fully came to an end by 1548, their monopoly broken by merchants from the seaport of Sakai. The Ōuchi also housed the Spanish Jesuit missionary Francis Xavier for a time in 1551. As a result of their wealth and trading contacts, the Ōuchi gained renown in the worlds of art and culture as well. They possessed countless items of cultural and artistic significance and beauty, from Japan and China, as well as from further abroad. Particularly famous was the invitation by Ōuchi Masahiro of the famous painter Sesshū to Yamaguchi in 1486. 오우치 씨(大内氏, 大内氏 おおうちし)는 일본의 성씨 중 하나이다. 본성은 다타라 씨(多々良氏). 근대 일본의 막부를 형성한 귀족으로 백제 왕실의 후손이었다.일본의 무가는 소위 겐페이도시쓰(源平藤橘, 고대 이래 일본의 명문가라 칭해지는 미나모토 씨· 다이라 씨·후지와라 씨·다치바나 씨의 총칭) 또는 그 외의 중앙 귀족의 후손을 자칭하는 경우가 많으나, 오우치 씨는 백제 성왕의 셋째 아들 임성태자를 시조로 칭하였다. 임성태자가 일본으로 건너와, 스오 국 다타라하마(多々良浜)에 기착하였기 때문에, 다타라 씨(多々良氏)라 이름하고, 후에 오우치 촌(大内村)에 거주하게 되어 오우치 씨라고 칭하게 되었다고 한다. 오우치 가문은 조선왕조실록에 기록된 통교기사만 150년간 에 걸쳐 200회가 넘을 정도로 활발하게 조선과 교역하였다. 오우치 요시히로(大內義弘)는 조선 왕 정종에게 특별히 사신을 통해 요청한 것이 있었는데, 이는 임성태자의 기록이 잃어버려 조상이 백제 성왕의 아들 임성태자임을 입증해달라는 요청이었다. "나는 백제의 후손입니다. 일본 나라 사람들이 나의 세계(世系)와 나의 성씨(姓氏)를 알지 못하니, 갖추어 써서 주시기를 청합니다.[1]" 정종실록 1년 7월 10일 중에서 스오 국의 실무 지방 관료에서 대두하여 슈고 다이묘, 센고쿠 다이묘까지 성장하였다. 스오 국, 나가토 국, 이와미 국, 부젠 국, 지쿠젠 국의 슈고직에 보임되는 등 전성기에는 6개 구니를 영유하였다. 1400년 전 '日 오우치家' 탄생의 비밀 http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD∣=sec&sid1;=106&oid;=038&aid;=0002013929 한국 찾아온 백제 임성태자 45대손 http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD∣=sec&sid1;=103&oid;=082&aid;=0000219825 과거를 한껏 품은 '규슈의 현관' 北九州 http://www.kookje.co.kr/news2011/asp/newsbody.asp?code=1600&key;=20120706.22030190101 '조선왕조실록'에 등장하는 百濟 왕자의 후손 http://www.newdaily.co.kr/news/article.html?no=128859 쿠다라 오우치(타타라) 가문 http://enjoyjap.egloos.com/viewer/1879572 조선시대 일본의 조공기록 http://enjoyjap.egloos.com/viewer/848597 토요타 가문은 백제계 후손 http://blog.daum.net/david872/16482714 http://www.gasengi.com/main/board.php?bo_table=commu05≀_id=105405- published: 08 Feb 2014
- views: 75

World's largest container ship arrives in Europe
The world's largest container ship, the CMA CGM Marco Polo, arrived in Southampton Sunday ...
published: 10 Jan 2013
author: NMANewsDirect
World's largest container ship arrives in Europe
World's largest container ship arrives in Europe
The world's largest container ship, the CMA CGM Marco Polo, arrived in Southampton Sunday on its maiden voyage. The container ship set sail from Ningbo, Chin...- published: 10 Jan 2013
- views: 1769
- author: NMANewsDirect
Youtube results:

Emotional police dog cries for its fellow after seeing it shot and killed
A police dog arrived in a village of Ningpo, China with police officers to track a vicious...
published: 18 Jun 2013
author: AppleDailyEnglish
Emotional police dog cries for its fellow after seeing it shot and killed
Emotional police dog cries for its fellow after seeing it shot and killed
A police dog arrived in a village of Ningpo, China with police officers to track a vicious dog which had attacked many people and poultry. It shed emotional ...- published: 18 Jun 2013
- views: 2651
- author: AppleDailyEnglish

2013.07.21 China League 乒超男團第一階段 - Ma Long馬龍 vs Zhang Chao張超
2013.07.21 China Super League Men's Group Competition - 1st Stage NingPo vs ShanTung - Mat...
published: 24 Jul 2013
author: ppball
2013.07.21 China League 乒超男團第一階段 - Ma Long馬龍 vs Zhang Chao張超
2013.07.21 China League 乒超男團第一階段 - Ma Long馬龍 vs Zhang Chao張超
2013.07.21 China Super League Men's Group Competition - 1st Stage NingPo vs ShanTung - Match 2 Ma Long馬龍vs Zhang Chao張超.- published: 24 Jul 2013
- views: 327
- author: ppball

2013.07.21 China League乒超: Yan An閆安 vs Fang Bo方博
First match in 2013.07.21 ShanTung vs NingPo
Yan An vs Fang Bo 方博 VS 閆安...
published: 23 Jul 2013
2013.07.21 China League乒超: Yan An閆安 vs Fang Bo方博
2013.07.21 China League乒超: Yan An閆安 vs Fang Bo方博
First match in 2013.07.21 ShanTung vs NingPo Yan An vs Fang Bo 方博 VS 閆安- published: 23 Jul 2013
- views: 169

THE CHING DYNASTY, typical of most families in China that have a long history
Based on published reports and family genealogical records and the remains of the family c...
published: 02 Dec 2008
author: Joe Ching
THE CHING DYNASTY, typical of most families in China that have a long history
THE CHING DYNASTY, typical of most families in China that have a long history
Based on published reports and family genealogical records and the remains of the family castle in Ningpo, an account of the past 700 some years and the futu...- published: 02 Dec 2008
- views: 939
- author: Joe Ching