Wer zu Lebzeit gut auf Erden
wird nach dem Tod ein Engel werden
den Blick gen Himmel fragst du dann
warum man sie nicht sehen kann
Erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehn
kann man uns am Himmel sehn
wir haben Angst und sind allein
Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein
Sie leben hinterm Sonnenschein
getrennt von uns unendlich weit
sie mussen sich an Sterne krallen (ganz fest)
damit sie nicht vom Himmel fallen
Erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehn
kann man uns am Himmel sehn
wir haben Angst und sind allein
Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein
Erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehn
kann man uns am Himmel sehn
wir haben Angst und sind allein
Deck' mich mit deinen Flügeln zu
und laß' mich eine Weile ruh'n -
der Weg war weit,
der Weg war weit.
Als die Götter dich gesandt
hab' ich dich nicht einmal erkannt -
Du bist zu wahr,
um wahr zu sein.
Engel, laß' die Zeit stillsteh'n,
lehr mich zu versteh'n,
lehr mich dankbar sein!
Engel, laß' uns ein Wunder tun,
die Welt soll wissen, warum
sich zu lieben lohnt!
Engel, das wär schön.
Meine Seele war vereist
und mein Herz war längst vergreist -
alles, was ich dachte
war warum.
Du hast mich in Licht getaucht,
hast mir gezeigt, daß wenn ich glaub'
meine Sehnsucht
Sterne schmelzen kann.
Engel, laß' die Zeit stillsteh'n,
lehr mich zu versteh'n,
lehr mich dankbar sein!
Engel, laß' uns ein Wunder tun,
die Welt soll wissen, warum
sich zu lieben lohnt!
Engel, das wär schön.
Deck' mich mit deinen Flügeln zu
und laß' mich eine Weile ruh'n -
der Weg war weit,
der Weg war weit.
Engel - du beschützt mich
in der dunkelheit reichst du mir deine hand
halt mich
wenn ich träume, rette mich durch die nacht
wenn zweifel mich plagen dann trägst du mich
-schein engel und strahle zeig den weg für uns alle-
dein licht macht mir mut, dein
trost tut so gut, spürst du
diese sehnsucht nach geborgenheit, nach liebe bis in alle ewigkeit
-schein engel und stahle du zeigst den weg für uns alle-
du bist bei mir in dunklen zeiten
die nacht verrinnt bis der tag beginnt
erscheinst du mir und machst mich stark
*du musst wieder fliegen schenkst hoffnung und frieden
für alle die jetzt noch im dunkeln stehn*
-schein engel und strahle du zeigst den weg für uns alle-
Verse 1 (Bushido):
Mach deine Augen zu mein Kind, bitte schlaf ein
Ich verspreche, du wirst nie wieder im Schlaf weinen
Ich bin ein Engel, der nie wieder aus deinem Zimmer weicht
Weil dein Hilfeschrei bis hoch in den Himmel reicht
Gott hat mich geschickt, um dir deine Angst zu nehmen
Schenk mir dein Vertrauen, die Tr?ume werden angenehm
Glaub daran, dass dieser Engel hier dich lieb hat
Und schon morgen spielst du gl?cklich auf dem Spielplatz
Ich bin jetzt da f?r dich, guck hier kommt nichts B?ses rein
Nimm mich in dein Herz und du wirst immer fr?hlich sein
Wei?t du noch, du hast Mama schon nach mir gefragt
Und jetzt bin ich hier, Nacht f?r Nacht, Tag f?r Tag
Du hast nen Freund gefunden, jemand, der dich begleitet
Jemand, der, wenn du traurig bist, auch gerne mit der leidet
F?hlst du langsam wie der Schatten zu nem Lichtblick wird
Es gibt keinen Tag an dem der liebe Gott dich Kind nicht h?rt
Hook (Bushido):
Ich bin der Engel, der ?ber die Kinder wacht
Der Engel, der immer da ist in der Nacht
Der Engel, der, wenn du willst, auf deiner Schulter sitzt
Gib mir die Hand und du siehst, dass du nicht Schuld dran bist
Ich bin der Engel, der ?ber die Kinder wacht
Der Engel, der immer da ist in der Nacht
Der Engel, der, wenn du willst, auf deiner Schulter sitzt
Gib mir die Hand und du siehst, dass du nicht Schuld dran bist
Verse 2 (Bushido):
Hab keine Angst mehr, dein Kind ist in guten H?nden
Ich bin jetzt da f?r sie und alles wird im Guten enden
Der liebe Gott hat dich geh?rt, als du gebetet hast
Er hat mich hergeschickt, gute Frau ich regele das
Geh hoch und leg dich schlafen, denk dran ich k?mmere mich
Es ist normal, dass man Angst hat, wenn man j?nger ist
Such deinen Ehemann, sag ihm, dass er Fehler macht
Vielleicht kommt er zur Vernunft und wird wieder wach
Es geht um euer Kind, die Kleine braucht jetzt beide Seiten
Tut ihr nen Gefallen und vergesst jetzt eure Streitigkeiten
Das ist Familie und ihr tragt Verantwortung
Ihr m?sst euch dran gew?hnen, an die neue Rangordnung
Sie ist ein kleiner Mensch, sie hat ein kleines Herz
Doch ihre Angst nimmt von euch leider keiner ernst
Glaubt an die Liebe jetzt und tut euch beide besser zusammen
Hand in Hand durch das Leben und ihr bessert euch dann
Hook (Bushido):
Ich bin der Engel, der ?ber die Kinder wacht
Der Engel, der immer da ist in der Nacht
Der Engel, der, wenn du willst, auf deiner Schulter sitzt
Gib mir die Hand und du siehst, dass du nicht Schuld dran bist
Ich bin der Engel, der ?ber die Kinder wacht
Der Engel, der immer da ist in der Nacht
Der Engel, der, wenn du willst, auf deiner Schulter sitzt
Gib mir die Hand und du siehst, dass du nicht Schuld dran bist
Ich bin der Engel, der ?ber die Kinder wacht
Der Engel, der immer da ist in der Nacht
Der Engel, der, wenn du willst, auf deiner Schulter sitzt
Gib mir die Hand und du siehst, dass du nicht Schuld dran bist
Ich bin der Engel, der ?ber die Kinder wacht
Der Engel, der immer da ist in der Nacht
Der Engel, der, wenn du willst, auf deiner Schulter sitzt
Engel - du beschützt mich
in der dunkelheit reichst du mir deine hand
halt mich
wenn ich träume, rette mich durch die nacht
wenn zweifel mich plagen dann trägst du mich
-schein engel und strahle zeig den weg für uns alle-
dein licht macht mir mut, dein
trost tut so gut, spürst du
diese sehnsucht nach geborgenheit, nach liebe bis in alle ewigkeit
-schein engel und stahle du zeigst den weg für uns alle-
du bist bei mir in dunklen zeiten
die nacht verrinnt bis der tag beginnt
erscheinst du mir und machst mich stark
*du musst wieder fliegen schenkst hoffnung und frieden
für alle die jetzt noch im dunkeln stehn*
-schein engel und strahle du zeigst den weg für uns alle-
Deck mich mit deinen
Flügeln zu
und lass mich eine Weile
der Weg war weit
der Weg war weit
als die Götter dich
hab' ich dich nicht einmal
du bist zu wahr
um wahr zu sein
lass die Zeit
lehr mich zu verstehn
lehr mich dankbar sein
lass uns ein Wunder
die Welt soll wissen
sich zu lieben lohnt
das wär schön
Meine Seele war vereist
und mein Herz war längst
alles was ich dachte
war warum
Du hast mich in Licht
hast mir gezeigt
wenn ich glaub'
meine Sehnsucht
Sterne schmelzen kann
lass die Zeit
lehr mich zu verstehn
lehr mich dankbar sein
lass uns ein Wunder
die Welt soll wissen
sich zu lieben lohnt
das wär schön
Deck mich mit deinen
Flügeln zu
und lass mich eine Weile
der Weg war weit
Ich such' keine Heimat mehr
Vermiss' kein Zuhaus
Vertrau' keiner Wahrheit mehr
Kenn' mich nicht mehr aus
Weiß nur wenn ich bleibe
Dass ich bald erfrier'
Will sogar weg von mir
Die Wut längst erloschen
Die Tränen geweint
Ich such' keine Freunde mehr
Vergib' jedem Feind
Lass' mich nicht fallen
Werf' mich weg
Da läuft im letzten Augenblick
Mir ein Engel über'n Weg
Den Himmel brauch' ich nicht
Die Hölle kenne ich
Und Engel trifft man kaum
Und wenn dann nur im Traum
Sie seh'n nicht wie die Sünde aus
Sie gehen nie mit dir nach Haus
Sie bleiben nie bis früh um zehn
Sie sind im Leben nie so schön
Halt' ihn fest, lass' ihn nicht weg
Läuft dir ein Engel über'n Weg
Läuft dir ein Engel über'n Weg
Die glasklaren Träume
Geschmolzen wie Schnee
Man zwingt mich zu allem
Doch nie in die Knie
Lass' mich nicht fallen
Werf' mich nicht weg
Da läuft im lezten Augenblick
Mir ein Engel über'n Weg
Jeg går på skole og gjør det bra
jeg spiller fotball i fritida
jeg er jentenes innerste drøm
og alle mødrenes drømmesønn
Mine venner sier jeg er streit
men det er noe som de ikke veit om meg
Jeg er en engel ifra helvete
vinger ingen glorie
jævel satan egotripp
følelser er dritt
engel ifra helvete
jeg har ingen glorie
og jeg elsker det
jeg elsker det
Blant kjente går jeg helst i moteklær
i det private er det sort og lær
jeg er medlem av en menighet
men tilber satan som en sann profet
Jeg er ikke den som alle tror
men en engel som bedriver hor det er meg
Jeg er en engel ifra helvete
vinger ingen glorie
jævel satan egotripp
følelser er dritt
engel ifra helvete
jeg har ingen glorie
og jeg elsker det
jeg elsker det
Mine venner sier jeg er streit
men det er noe som de ikke veit om meg
Jeg er en engel ifra helvete
vinger ingen glorie
jævel satan egotripp
følelser er dritt
engel ifra helvete
jeg har ingen glorie
og jeg elsker det
jeg elsker det
jeg elsker det
Wer zu Lebzeit gut auf Erden,
Wird nach dem Tod ein Engel werden
Den Blick gen Himmel fragst du dann,
Warum man sie nicht sehen kann
Erst wenn die Wolken schlafen gehen
Kann man uns am Himmel sehen
Wir haben Angst und sind allein
Gott weiss, ich will kein Engel sein
Sie leben hinterm Sonnenschein,
Getrennt von uns unendlich weit
Sie müssen sich an Sterne krallen (ganz fest)
Damit sie nicht vom Himmel fallen
Erst wenn die Wolken schlafen gehen
Kann man uns am Himmel sehen
Wir haben Angst und sind allein
Gott weiss, ich will kein Engel sein
Gott weiss, ich will kein Engel sein
Gott weiss, ich will kein Engel sein
Erst wenn die Wolken schlafen gehen
Kann man uns am Himmel sehen
Wir haben Angst und sind allein
Gott weiss, ich will kein Engel sein
Gott weiss, ich will kein Engel sein
Gott weiss, ich will kein Engel sein
[ Original von Rammstein ]
Wie ein Trugbild, will es mir scheinen
Sollte Sie es wirklich sein
Ist sie das Licht vergangener Zeit
Ich sehe Ihr hinterher
Das Glas zerbricht in meiner Hand
Blut so rot wie Ihre Lippen tropft
Von meinen Fingerspitzen
Jetzt gehe ich zu Ihr
Sie sieht mich an
Die Zeit steht still
Wie oft in all den Jahren träumt
Ich fon diesem Augenblick
Sie gibt mir einen Kuszlig;
Und heiss brennt die Lust
Herr laß diesen Kelch nicht
An mir vorübergehen
Laß mich Ihre Sünde kosten
Und daran zugrunde gehen
Nach all der Zeit
Das Glück kommen muss
Die Tür zum Himmerleich
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah..
Baby jeg var solgt li' fra start.
Du var min drømmepige.
Fra stjernerne på himmlen,
Ingen tvivl du var min engel.
Og alle folk ku' se du var med mig,
Jeg var så fucking stolt.
Forvandlede mig fra drengerøv,
Til en mand langt om længe.
(Yeah Yeah)
Og planen den ku' ik' slå fejl.
Jeg sku' bli' gammel med dig.
Lykken var gjort, jeg skulle gør' dig til mor. (yeah)
Og ja, jeg har hørt om Nemesis,
Men troede vel egentlig at vi var kvit.
Jeg ville virkelig ønske at jeg ku' bli',
Men jeg er nød til at sige farvel..
Min engel
Min engel
Min engel
For evigt
For evigt
For evigt (sig farvel)
Jeg elsker
Jeg elsker
Jeg elsker
Kun dig
Farvel (sig farvel)
Min engel
Min engel
Min engel
For evigt
For evigt
For evigt (sig farvel)
Jeg elsker
Jeg elsker
Jeg elsker
Kun dig
Farvel, min engel
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.
Baby jeg var solgt lige fra start.
Ku' ik' gå hurtigt nok.
Jeg tog dig ind og lod dig bli',
En del af min familie.
Forelsket i en løgn, hvor var det rart.
Havde fundet ro i min krop,
Så du ku' ta' i byen og komme hjem når
Du ville.
"Skat jeg elsker dig", det sagde du,
Og tog med veninderne i sommerhus.
Nul spørgsmålstegn, (nej),
For jeg stolede på dig (ååh),
Men sjovt som alle dine veninder sad
På café nede i Istergade.
Jeg ringed' min du slukkede telefonen.
Er det sådan du vil sige farvel?
Min engel
Min engel
Min engel
For evigt
For evigt
For evigt (sig farvel)
Jeg elsker
Jeg elsker
Jeg elsker
Kun dig
Farvel (sig farvel)
Min engel
Min engel
Min engel
For evigt
For evigt
For evigt (sig farvel)
Jeg elsker
Jeg elsker
Jeg elsker
Kun dig
Farvel, min engel
Så uskyldig, du gjorde mig så lyk'lig.
Men sket er sket nu.
Dit kys er for sent nu.
(Sig farvel)
Min engel
Min engel
Min engel
For evigt
For evigt
For evigt (sig farvel)
Jeg elsker
Jeg elsker
Jeg elsker
Kun dig
Farvel (sig farvel)
Min engel
Min engel (ville have givet dig mit efternavn)
Min engel
For evigt
For evigt
For evigt (sig farvel)
Jeg elsker
Jeg elsker (men du havde lidt for travlt)
Jeg elsker
Kun dig
Farvel, min engel (sig farvel)
She's dressed in black
But still she shines
That light is coming here
It's fire in my eyes
There is a distance here
I can't erase
Why can't you see
That I am here to make it real?
Say what you will
I'll come to the end for you
Lead me away
I'll change the whole world
I stand on my knees
Giving my heart to you
Show me the way
I'll change the whole world
Her head is resting
Upon my lap
The eyes are closed
And I'm just staring at her face
I try to speak
Let the wind stroke her hair
I want to tell her
But I don't know what to say
Say what you will
I'll come to the end for you
Lead me away
I'll change the whole world
I stand on my knees
Giving my heart to you
Show me the way
I'll change the whole world
Say what you will
I'll come to the end for you
Lead me away
I'll change the whole world
I stand on my knees
Giving my heart to you
Show me the way
I'll change the whole world
The lust of life just ran away
Death seems to be the only way
Scared of what they do not know
Push me further down below
Beware of retribution
All is fair in war!
I scream out my anger for the ones
Who fuels this fire
I scream out my anger for the ones
Who runs this ride!
There's evil around us
They grab what they can
It's fuel on my fire
I'm breaking their chains!
This is how they run this world
The value of man
Counted in cash
Only one thing left to do
And it's do or die for me
I scream out my anger for the ones
Who fuels this fire
I scream out my anger for the ones
Who runs this ride!
There's evil around us
They grab what they can
It's fuel on my fire
There is no need to cry. you just have to ask why?
There's Answers that they don't want to give you.
Break up in a smile, It's okay to go wild.
You don't have to stay in your line.
You can't see the Sun,
You're afraid to go out.
You don't dare to Question Your Place.
It's all up to you
To find out what to do.
There's Answers that they don't want to give you.
You can't see the Sun,
You're afraid to go out.
You don't dare to Question Your Place.
Like a Fish on the Land, Like a Birde in the sand.
Your content... With the place they gave you!
Break up in a smile, It's okay to go wild.
You don't have to stay in your line.
You can't see the Sun,
You're afraid to go out.
Can You See Who's Standing Above
Looking Down On Something Grey
Casket Closing, You Can't Move
Biting Harder On That Gag
I Want You To Leave Me Far Behind
To Start Over And Create Something On Your Own
I Want You To Be Free From Me And Find
Someone Special To Call Your Own
There You Are, Flat On Your Back
Wondering How Did You End Up Here
When Your're Breathing Down Someone's Neck
You Should Find Out About Who That Is
I Want You To Leave Me Far Behind
To Start Over And Create Something On Your Own
I Want You To Be Free From Me And Find
Someone Special To Call Your Own
Casket Closing, You Can't Move
Biting Harder On That Gag
Casket Closing, You Can't Move
Trying To Scream But No One Is There
Soaking The Earth With Wine From His Hands
Creating A New Nile With Blood And Stains
Devouring And Binding Your Crowd As The Snake
No Halos, Just Swords Splitting A Child In Half
Stand Aside
Will You Remit With Me The Witness Of Your Deceit?
Stand Aside, Let Them Adore
I'm Undivine Yet The Perfect Paraclete
Blinded You Hear Me Preaching
For End-Times - The New Times To Come
Blinded You Try To Reach Him
That New Day...
Forged From Pawns - Forged To Crowns
Gleaming For All In This Sulphur Rain
Stand Aside, Let Them Adore
I'm Undivinde Yet The Perfect Paraclete
Blinded You Hear Me Preaching
For End-Times - The New Times To Come
Blinded You Try To Reach Him
Waking - here we go again
Basting pieces, de-skinning my bones
Wading through old blood and stains
Restructuring the crime
To reach the end of the line
Angelic choirs sing: am I forgiven?
Split my flesh to reveal
There's nothing left to curse
Tearing my wounds in vain
When seeking for myself in pain
Fading into a brand new day
Godless dreams breeds a hopeless wake
Scarring these old wounds again
Preparing my demise, yet expecting reprise
Demonic legions shriek: I am forsaken!
Split my flesh to reveal
There is nothing left to curse
Tearing my wounds in vain
Did you ever believe that this could be a way to think?
To open up your mind to something other than the way you were...
Jesus Christ is crawling in your head
I think I know the truth but your
Brainwashed mind ain't ready so
I brace myself to say
I am the one
For me today
I am the one
Take a walk with me
And listen to my thoughts
We can all do something
So they'll start to see the truth
Turn around their heads
Make them face the fact
We can all do something
So they'll start to see the truth
If you really need someone to put your
Beliefs in now
Turn your head at someone real
Yes, put your faith in me
You just try 'cause I
I am the one
Just say the phrase
Never think that you and I
Would come to this together
Wherever we go, wherever we look
It's always at the same things
You're the backup for me
I could never believe
The misery is mutal
What do we do to deserve
But the treasures ain't heard
But I always looking forward
(Oh) You and me fight together
Scream together
(Ah) I think I feel the power
Sense the fire!
The distance is cold
Our pleasures got old
The darkness is all over
You scrabble my world
When you shiver my spine
You left me one immortal
(Oh) You and me fight together
Scream together
(Ah) I think I feel the power
Sense the fire!
(Oh) You and me fight together
Scream together
(Ah) I think I feel the power
Sense the fire
(Oh) You and me fight together
Scream together
(Ah) I think you feel the power
Open Up, Tell The Truth
Give Me 5 So We Can Seal That Deal
Show Me Teeth, Say Those Words
(And) Enjoy Your High That Comes With That Sin
Send A Rope So I Can Choose,
Send A Rope So I Can Do The Biggest Choice Of All
Write The Rules Now - The Book Needs Closure
Make The Deed And Write Eulogies
Can You Smell It? The Fear Is Closing
Coming Fast To Get A Hold Of You
And Drag You Down
Send A Rope So I Can Choose,
To Climb Or Tie A Noose
Send A Rope So I Can Do
The Biggest Choice Of All
Every Inch Of Me Is Blue
The Fire's Licking Me Through And Through
Seven Choices, Seven Ends
Licking The Clothes Straight From My Skin
Tell Some Lies, That Will Make Me Smile
Tell Me Why, I Need To Make Mistakes
Every Inch Of Me Is Blue
The Fire's Licking Me Through And Through
Seven Choices, Seven Ends
Welcome In To My Burning World
Try To Stand And Feel The Pain
Can Never Deny Just Who I Am
Can Never Design Another Man
The Sulphur Is Raining On Me
I'm Bursting In Perfect Flames
I'm Falling, I'm Falling Down
To Far Down Below Where Mammon Is God
I'm Falling, I'm Falling Down
I Lie To Myself As My Ego Descends
Why Try To Exceed Your Own Design
Why Try To Be Everything In Time
I Got To Find My Place
Where Sulphur's Not Raining On Me
I'm Falling, I'm Falling Down
To Far Down Below Where Mammon Is God
I'm Falling, I'm Falling Down
We're Born With Masks And Bred To Lie
We're Burning Bridges, Burning Skies
A Nihilistic Genocide
You'll End Up Knee Deep In Filth
Exploding, Burning, Melting Down
Imploding, Bursting, Cracking Up
Annihilistic Genocide
Born At The Dawn Of Time
Strengthened With Weapons And Grenades
Strengthened With Bullets, Ropes And Blades
When Cornered, Whipped And Hunted Down
We're All That's Left Behind
Propagate This Venomous, Absolute Design
So, Get Your Guns Now, Let's Show Them How It's Done
We Need Your Guns Now To Show Them How It's Done
We're Born With Masks And Bred To Lie
We're Burning Bridges, Burning Skies
Put Trust In Us And You'll Survive
We Won't Die, We Multiply
Propagate This Venomous, Absolute Design
So, Get Your Guns Now, Let's Show Them How It's Done
You are the one who brings us here...
The reason of it all!
Unite the world and spread the word! [Low Growl]
That all of us are saints!
One is weak...
We are strong and we get stronger, night by night!
So come on in and unite with us,
and let your voice be heard!
We are here forever...
Because, the blood of saints!
We unite the world...
We are the blood of saints!
Pump that fist and join the cause!
Together we will rule the world!
Big or small, boy or girl... [Low Growl]
We welcome everyone!
We are here forever...
Because, the blood of saints!
We unite the world...
We are the blood of saints!
[Guitar Break]
We are here forever...
Because, the blood of saints!
We unite the world...
We are the blood of saints!
We are here forever... [Voice Static/Moan]
Because, the blood of saints! [Voice Static]
We unite the world...
I Never Realized That You're The One
That Will Teach Me To Be Dead
But You Never Understood That
I Will Twist Around Your Head
The Way I Live My Life I Know That
You Will Not Approve, But I Don't Give A Fuck
Because I Live Just The Way I Want To
Everytime I Close My Eyes I Hear Them Voices
Everytime I'm All Alone I See That Face
Calling Out So I'll Change My Ways
Working Hard To Turn Me In To Someone Else
They Don't See Why I Choose To Be Me
Trying Hard To End The Reason Of My Life
Now I Know Who The Fuck You Are
And What You Want To Do
You Think You Know The Truth About Me, But
That's Just Fucking Bull
Which One Of Us Do You Think Will Die
With A Big Fat Fucking Smile?
I Know I Will Do Because I
Lived Just The Way I Wanted To
Everytime I Close My Eyes I Hear Them Voices
Everytime I'm All Alone I See That Face
Calling Out So I'll Change My Ways
Working Hard To Turn Me In To Someone Else
They Don't See Why I Choose To Be Me
Trying Hard To End The Reason Of My Life
I'm Not Your Pain
I'm Not Your, No I'm Not Your Pain
Calling Out So I'll Change My Ways
Working Hard To Turn Me In To Someone Else
They Don't See Why I Choose To Be Me
A New Star Burning Bright
Through The Forests And Through The Sky
Trembling Both The Meek And Might
A New Redeemer Has Come To Die
Igniting The Earth
With His Passion And Wrath
This Ascendant Of Death Will
Show All Righteous Their Path
Embrace Ourselves With This...
Are We Not Done This Far?
Applaud The Coming Of... Shining
Brighter Than The Sun
Are We Not Done This Far?
Embrace Ourselves In This... Shining
Did We Smile, Our Work To See?
Did We Who Made The Lamb Make Thee?
The Blind And Deaf And Dumb Will Reap
This Rotten Seed
Our Prophet Now Attired
With Cloaks Made From Human Skin
Burning Bright As Fires Strike The Sky
Redeeming Us To Sin
Embrace Ourselves With This...
Are We Not Done This Far?
Applaud The Coming Of... Shining
Brighter Than The Sun
Are We Not Done This Far?
When I open up my eye
You look at me like you don't care
I just need you to believe
The words I say to you are true
'Cause I never remain
The little lover you once framed
'Cause you thought me to believe
That I am here for you to bleed
Every sin leaves a mark
Inside this blackened heart
Every sin leaves a mark
Oh, inside this scattered star
You give me riddles I can't solve
You leave me questions without cause
What I know is what I feel
I just cry when it gets real
'Cause I never will remain
The little lover you once framed
It's clear what I have to do
That I am here for you to bleed
Every sin leaves a mark
Inside this blackened heart
Every sin leaves a mark
Oh, inside this scattered star
Every sin inside my heart
Every sin leaves a mark
Inside this blackened heart
Every sin leaves a mark
So did you hear
You're no longer welcome here
So did you hear
If you come I'll show you fear
You know what you have done
The deed is done...
So now you know that you're not welcome here anymore
I'm throwing out my fear
You're the first out from my soul
Right now I'm getting clean
I'm back in my fearless home
Just stay away
My nightmare hand will crush your fate
You know what you have done
The deed is done...
So now you know that you're not welcome here anymore
I'm throwing out my fear
You're the first out from my soul
Right now I'm getting clean
I see your smile from across the room
I see that you're waiting for someone
I wanna be the one standing next to you
But you're holding the hand of another
I wanna be the one
To call when tears are falling down
To seek when the heart is crumbling down
I wanna be the one for you, I am falling
I never will give you up
I will fight to the end to get you
I wanna be the one
To call when tears are falling down
To seek when the heart is crumbling down
I wanna be the one for you, I am falling
So will you listen to me?
I wanna feel you now
So will you listen to me?
I wanna feel you now
I wanna be the one
To call when tears are falling down
To seek when the heart is crumbling down
I wanna be the one for you, I am falling
I wanna be the one
To call when tears are falling down
To seek when the heart is crumbling down
I'm riding alone on this Road.
This journey is supposed to take me Home.
Looking out through the broken Glass...
Oh, I know that we are far from Home
I didn't see the flipside, but I wouldn't change a thing, Oh No!
You cannor see the reason, but I can't live a Lie.
Something happens to Me.
You send what you can, It's my Energy!
Without your faith, I'll die in Vain.
with your shot full of Force I will step to the Plate.
I'm searching for reasons to Smile.
I'm lucky to find lots of Saints.
Searching for reasons to smile.
I'm lucky to find lots of Saints on the Way.
The tarmac is rushing Below,
This journey is supposed to take me home.
Without your Faith,
I'll feel the Pain.
I think I'd die in Vain!
May the Saint's,
Help me to find...
You tried to run away
From future marks in life
But you're not fast enough
To get away from us
You've got to prepare for the fight of your lives
'Cause we are going in, with elbows and knives
Why do you stay in hate?
When the opposite is closing in
Not wondering how things would be
Just let it embrace
I wonder how you feel inside, running away
I wonder how you'd feel inside, if you'd just stay
You tried to run away
From future marks in life
But you're not fast enough
To get away from us
You've got to prepare for the fight of your lives
'Cause we are going in, with elbows and knives
I wonder how you feel inside, running away
I wonder how you'd feel inside, if you'd just stay
Big boxes of hurt is coming closer
One is just for me
Wears down my soul into nothing
Got to make a fist
Tried to reach myself and find the true me
It doesn't work - I'm going down... down... down
I'm screaming empty words
I'm building bigger walls
I'm trying to be more
Oh - got to break my...
Break my walls
Dig down deep into the darkness
It's a long hard walk
To see the truth and get the feelings inside
I'll show you fear
Feelings inside
Feed me the fear
Feelings inside
Make me see
I'm screaming empty words
I'm building bigger walls
I'm trying to be more
Oh - got to break my...
We never thought that we were going down
Things just started falling
No straws to grip, no path to run
We were getting stuck
When we saw an opening we started to run
Took that chance to get away
No straws to grip, no path to run
We were getting stuck
'Til the skies are dry as dust
The great forever losing touch
This will have to last, last forever
'Til we drown in loneliness
Awaiting our deliverance
This will have to last, last forever
(Until eternity ends!)
Nothing's gonna change
You know it stays the same
You know they are telling us
You've got to fall in line
To see the real true crime
You know they are killing us
We are running away, further away
So that we might make it
Every time they say
Nothing's gonna change
You know they are killing us
'Til the skies are dry as dust
The great forever losing touch
This will have to last, last forever
'Til we drown in loneliness
Awaiting our deliverance
This will have to last, last forever
I think it's ridiculous
that you still want to be oblivious.
It's such a comedy
that you don't want an autopsy.
Take the easy way
and live like you've never been told.
Better to know
than to blindly follow:
Look for me, I'll be here.
come with me
I'll show you what's been wrong here.
Here on the frontline!
I'll be here!
Laughed at, spat on and ridiculed,
That is the peasant's way
Work for you... Work for you!
Tell him how to think.
Believe the words, don't question at all.
Rise and Shine.
A new day just like yesterday
Look for me, I'll be here.
come with me
I'll show you what's been wrong here.
Here on the frontline!
Walk on the border of sanity
Throw yourself to the left and right
Keep your head down in sleep until you find what you are searching for
Medicated - free from pain!
The ground is calling from the heights of the rooftop
Overrated to be sane
Keep me away from this personal hell
Lock all the doors
Oh no, no one can leave
Lock all the doors
All around we they scream and shout
Needless pills to zone them out
Strap them down and push it in
Then will you find yourself within
Feed the weak and tickle the sad
Give a hand to the fallen mad
This trip is rough and right on the edge
Try to look good even when dead
Bring me the tools so
I can feel and believe
All around they scream and shout
Nedless pill to zonw them out
Strap them down and push it in
One Good Thing I want to change,
Don't want to Cry.
Something dwells in me tonight.
I want to throw it far Away.
How can I make it one more day?
I'm tired, weak and not in Use.
Helpless, poor and lazy Too.
I don't know just what to Do
The only thing that's good is You.
Nurse me to skeep.
And sing your Rhymes.
So I can Close my Eyes.
Kiss on the Cheek.
If I wake up I want to see your Smile.
All alone I'm weak and blue You are the light inside my Soul.
You are the one that makes this Work.
Turns me around when I'm feeling Down.
All around, I'm going down.
The only thing that's good is you.
Nurse me to skeep.
And sing your Rhymes.
So I can Close my Eyes.
Kiss on the Cheek.
If I wake up I want to see your Smile.
Close window
I'll be the one to tell you
I'll bring the truth.
Stop trusting all they tell you
they get paid from Booze.
You have to stop
These Lies you feed us.
Their Evils ruling and
their greed guiding Them.
They puke out lies on TV
to make You numb.
The thing that scares them most
is When you start to Think.
Afraid of what will happen
If we use the Earth.
Take away the ban on Natue
will take us home
You have to stop
These Lies you feed us.
Their Evils ruling and
Through the door she walked right In,
High-heels and bloodred Lips.
Nails too long and skirt to Short.
Attention craving and nothing More.
Look at this, now he is Here.
Lots of ink the look is Rough.
Muscle-bound weak in mind.
A true bitch that sleeps Alone.
Try to look at whats within You,
Or is that something that you're scared Of?
No one needs a bitch like You,
A Drama Queen covered in Blue.
Choose your friends by their Looks.
A true bitch that sleeps Alone.
They loose their mind to look the Part.
Degrade yourself when the price is Right,
So all can see that you look Alright.
No one needs a Bitch like you.
There is only one thing left to do Then.
Oh no, here it comes again
Can't remember when we came so close to love before
Hold on, good things never last
Nothing's in the past, it always seems to come again
Again and again and again ooh again oh
Cry out to legions of the brave
Time again to save us from the jackals of the street
Ride out, protectors of the realm
Captain's at the helm, sail across the sea of lights
Circles and rings, dragons and kings
Weaving a charm and a spell
Blessed by the night, holy and bright
Called by the toll of the bell
Bloodied Angels fast descending
Moving on a never-bending light
Phantom figures free forever
Out of shadows, shining ever-bright
Neon Knights!
Neon Knights! All right!
Cry out to legions of the brave
Time again to save us from the jackals of the street
Ride out, protectors of the realm
Captain's at the helm, sail across the sea of lights
Again and again, again and again and again
Neon Knights!
Neon Knights!
Neon Knights!
With Sharpened Swords
To Last Man Standing
The Air Cathartic With Iron And Victory
This Static Show Of Force
Drenched In Paranoia
In This World Lethargic
You're Watching Us Peel
This Refreshing Stench Of Submission
Enough To Weaken The Strongest Of Men
Humiliated And Degraded
For The Greater Good
Swallowed Spit And Gagged On Blood
Awakened In Sin
Bow Down
Let All Your Fears Sink In
To Why We All Survive
Breathing Heavily
Sweating And Blood-Clotting
Building Character For Every Inch
This Profound Diabolic Learning
Is Invigorating As Your Cells They Flinch
Bow Down
Let All Your Fears Sink In
Ich glaub', es ist jetzt soweit
Es gibt kein zurück
Uns bleibt nicht mehr viel zeit
Denn dieser zug nimmt dich mit.
Ich würd dir gern so viel sagen
Doch wir schau'n uns nur an
Die tasche, die ich dir trage
Die bilder aus all den jahr'n, aus all den jahr'n
Engel begleiten deinen weg
Engel wissen immer, wohin du gehst
Wenn du mutlos bist
Wenn du einsam bist
Engel bewachen deinen traum
Und wenn deine kraft versiegt
Dann tragen sie dich ein stück.
Wir gingen schulter an schulter
Für so lange zeit
Es ist schwer zu versteh'n
Dass unser weg sich hier teilt
Ich weiß du warst noch nie für viel worte
Du handeltest stets
Und wo ich überlegte
Da warst du schon unterwegs, schon unterwegs
Du warst so selbstverständlich
Wer schließt jetzt unser'n kreis
Wer sagt ein wort in das schweigen
In dass dein abschied uns reißt.
Und die wolken zieh'n weiter
Was wird gescheh'n?
Wenn du jetzt fortgehst
Bis wir uns wieder seh'n, bis wir uns wieder seh'n
Take me in and let me show you how it works
I've got something on my mind for you to choke on
Every time she saw a chance to improve
Someone pulled the rug and laughed as she was falling
A girl so strong, she made me start believing
Who are they to judge her?
You know they misunderstood
Who are they to judge her?
She was misunderstood
Take me in and let me show
I got something for you to choke on
Now she's gone six feet deep
She's in my head and I will never forget her
A girl, so strong, she made me start believing
Who are they to judge her?
You know they misunderstood
Who are they to judge her?
She was misunderstood, whoa
She helped me to see the world
In a different way
She helped me to see the world
In a different way
Who are they to judge her?
You know they misunderstood
Who are they to judge her?
Did You Inhale The Dust?
Take A Deeper Breath?
Feel Safe? Let's Start Again
Ripping Apart The Seams
Controlled, Yet Now Collapsed
Is This When Time Implodes?
As We See, The Walls Came Down
Naked? Then Dry Our Tears
We're Wrapped Up In A Tight, Silky Web
Like The Larvae, Feeding Upon Remains
Open Our Mind And Let It Drift Away
This Endless Moment, Never To Raise Its Siege
Open Our Mind And Let It Drift Astray
There's No Awakening, Never Am I To Sleep
Being Baptized Again
Renamed To Cold And Hollow Words
But Do I
Want This To End?
Controlled, yet Now Collapsed
This Is When Time Implodes
The Hurricane Season's Here
Cover My Ears
We're Wrapped Up In A Tight, Silky Web
Like The Larvae, Feeding Upon Remains
Open Our Mind And Let It Drift Away
This Endless Moment, Never To Raise Its Siege
Open Our Mind And Let It Drift Astray
Monday Morning Feeling
I'm Just Walking By Myself
In A Crowd Of Thousand Heads
All Of Them Looking At My Face
Like Something's Missing In My Life
Oh Everything I've Been Fighting For
Is Behind The Next Closed Door
I've Been Fighting All My Life
I Want To Turn This Page Around
All These People Passing By
I Don't Think Anybody Smiles
It's Kind Of A Monday Morning Feeling
I've Got To Chase The Boredom Out
Oh Everything I've Been Fighting For
Is Behind The Next Closed Door
I've Been Fighting All My Life
I Want To Turn This Page Around
Turn The Page Now
Please Erase My
Monday Morning Feeling
Oh Everything I've Been Fighting For
Is Behind The Next Closed Door
I've Been Fighting All My Life
Start from zero and push the paste.
Go out hard and don't look back.
Next in line, it might be you?
There's one more thing...
Never back down!
Leave me alone or pray
That all will go ok
Haters; Breakers and other fucks,
Stand in the way with Sticks and Rocks.
Beat the bully and pass them fucks
The best thing is to...
Never back down!
Leave me alone or pray
That all will go ok
And if you decide to stay?
I know secrets about you, that's true, I do
I know something about you, you know, I do
Darkness, laughter and heartache, that's what we see
Can't stop thinking about you but now I am free
Don't wanna build on something old
Something crumbled, something gold
I can't just throw away these feelings
But what has been is not to come once again
I will never forget you, you know that's true
I will never regret you, it's true for you too
Fading pictures of lovers, it's all in me
You and I was too perfect to match in life
Don't wanna build on something old
Something crumbled, something gold
I can't just throw away these feelings
But what has been is not to come once again
Don't wanna build on something old
Something crumbled, something gold
I can't just throw away these feelings
Looking back at what I have done
Breathing heavy I think I am gone
I cannot breathe, I cannot see any more
Why am I still standing here?
The life in me is on the run
I cannon breathe, I cannot see any more
Everyone I've missed
Walking dead around
Everyone I've missed
Walking dead around
the pain has left in me
This is a song for the dead
Tears are falling for the young
All around I see them run
I cannot breathe, I cannot see anymore
Anger, pain and misery
That is all I have in me
I feel the need; this is it
A threnody
Everyone I've missed
Walking dead around
Everyone I've missed
Walking dead around
the pain has left in me
This is it - a threnody
Everyone I've missed
Walking dead around
The pain has left in me
This is a song for the dead
She was broken
Not defeated
Rotten sickness
Took her life
Everyone I've missed
Walking dead around
The pain has left in me
This is it - a threnody
Everyone I've missed
Walking dead around
The pain has left in me
You can try to break me but I won't give up
I got the feelings of unity and that will keep me up
When we stand united the rules belong to us
This fight is here for you and me, and for those who will resist
Come and see what's on the other side
This is something for the brave of mind, of mind
So don't just stand there, come on and raise your fist
This fight is here for you and me, and for those who will resist
Come and see what's on the other side
This is something for the brave of mind
Give the others one to think about
This is how we make the evening rise
Come and see what's on the other side
This is something for the brave of mind
Come and see what's on the other side
This is something for the brave of mind
Give the others one to think about
Don't be so Narrow-minded so biased and Small.
You're missing out on a whole brave new World
It's not that far, it's just outside your personal Wall.
Tear down your blindfold so you will see the Reality.
Spread your wings and ride the Rainbow.
Open your mind and you'll see so much More.
The darkness inside will drag you down, So
Spread your wings and ride the Rainbow
You've got to be proud of what you feel Inside.
It doesn't matter if you show what make you Glow.
Be sure that someone got a four letter word for you.
Tear away your Blindfold and you will see the reality
Spread your wings and ride the Rainbow.
Open your mind and you'll see so much More.
The darkness inside will drag you down, So
Straight from the Street
They state their Plee
With a guilty Smile
I just want them to Bleed.
I witness the decline of Humanity.
Salvation running from this World.
Mindless action is all we Breed,
Dragging us down, down to Nothing.
With broken hopes and broken Lives
The end is not near, it's already Here.
thinking only of Number 1,
That's the way we are taught to Be.
Kill the beauty, bring me Death
Dragging us down into Nothing.
With broken hopes and broken Lives
Every time you stare at me, you need to step aside
You've got to run another way and just leave me be
You still act so very strange
You made it to yourself
You need to find someone else to point your finger at
I'm feeling strong, I'm feeling fine
And I will try to stay this way
So realize you've got to roll the dice
And choose another game
Stand me closer to the fire
Leave me burning in these flames
You've got to go and find another
Leave me here so I can burn
Look inside and then you will find where the problem lies
Stop dragging me in misery
I won't go down like that
I am walking tall and still I will keep my head up high
So you can try to break my pride
But be prepared to fail
I'm feeling strong
I'm feeling fine
And I will try to stay this way
So realize you've got to roll the dice
And choose another game
Stand me closer to the fire
Leave me burning in these flames
You've got to go and find another