
Praxis presents Datacide @ Subversiv e.V. Berlin 14-06-2014

June 3rd, 2014











Cut-Up-Marx Six

May 28th, 2014

of living labour
in the womb
are placed
And likewise
the world
of capital
returns to
its own


Vinyl Meltdown

May 16th, 2014

In the first of two parts, the dialectic of noise as both pacifier and intensifier is set against the ongoing transition from vinyl to digital sound carriers.

‘music represents at once the immediate manifestation of impulse and the locus of its taming’ (Adorno; 288)


Vinyl as a format for distributing cutting-edge noise is continuing to decline. Trying to find more than a handful of releases to review for this issue of Datacide made this clear. Preference has always been given at Datacide to reviewing physical sound-carriers, and in particular vinyl, as it offers the best possible reproduction of sound. Noise reveals itself throughout history as having the ability to pacify or stimulate listeners, and therefore the production and distribution medium of noise can be viewed as a site of struggle. How should the move from vinyl to intangible sound carriers be viewed in terms of the potential for intensification?

Chances are Necessary – Tom Clancy, Computer Games and Blue America

May 2nd, 2014


To play a game is to engage in a certain kind of interaction. War is a game. The rules have to be rules of a game, and it may be initially regarded as a gamble. The more chances you have, the less skills are necessary, and vice versa. Therefore, chances are necessary. So it is, of course, always heartening to see one´s field of study find use in another one.

The doctrine of decision-making in a game is a doctrine based on an opponent’s capabilities. A gamer is enjoined to select the course of action which offers the greatest promise of success in view of the enemy’s capabilities. The process of decision-making is formalized in analysis. Let´s call it an Estimate of the Situation. These steps must be followed: Step 1 – the Mission, Step 2 – Situation, Step 3 – Analysis of the Opposing Courses of Action, Step 4 – Comparison of Available Courses of Action, Step 5 – Decision.

However, most people are not (born) players. So the question arises how to convince the majority to play. [Read more →]

Datacide Nine second edition out NOW

May 2nd, 2014

datacide nine 2014 reprint

Right on time for the Radical Bookfair we re-publish Datacide Nine from 2006! The new edition contains all original texts, but has been thoroughly proof read newly laid out.

We’re happy to have this long deleted issue back in print; it features some of the most read articles on the datacide web site that are still relevant and of interest today. The original editorial reflects the particular historical situation in which the issue originally appeared: The repression against Teknivals as well as the particular (wider) political situations, while technological developments and economic problems are covered in passing. Out of the ensuing crisis of the already completely marginalized counter culture developed the desire to start something new, and we announced that Datacide Ten would be the last issue. This has of course not been the case. Instead, we felt re-invigorated enough after the 2008 issue of Datacide Ten and the accompanying conference to keep going, and the last few years have seen a consolidation of our release schedule and an expansion in size and content.

Only 100 copies are being printed, of which about 80 will be for sale. There may or may not be further reprints, so best order your copy now! Price is EUR 5.00 including world wide shipping.

If you are a subscriber and would like to have Datacide 9 included in your subscription, please send a mail! The reprint is not automatically sent to subscribers, as they may already have the original edition.

To purchase please send EUR 5.00 via paypal to datacide ( at ), or order it through the PRAXIS STORE.

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