Mulligan can be:
Mulligans is a 2008 Canadian romantic drama film written by actor/writer Charlie David and directed by Chip Hale.
Tyler Davidson invites his college buddy Chase home for summer break on Prospect Lake. The Davidson Family appears practically perfect in every way to Chase, in contrast to his own dysfunctional family whom he is not close to. After continued attempts by Tyler to set up Chase with local girls, Chase comes out to Tyler and tells him he is gay. The family attempts to support Chase, and Tyler's father Nathan in particular begins to spend substantial time with him. Soon Nathan begins to realize that his own long-suppressed feelings toward men are resurfacing, and he has become attracted to Chase. These attractions turn in to a brief affair, which is soon witnessed by Nathan's wife Stacey and later by Tyler. Once in the open, Nathan and Chase try to come to terms with the effect of their actions on others, as the friendship between Tyler and Chase is ruined, and Nathan attempts to keep his family together. Nathan ultimately decides to leave Stacey, Tyler, and their daughter at the family's summer home, while he drives off to re-evaluate his life alone.
Mulligan can be:
Independent online (SA) | 01 Sep 2020
CNN | 02 Sep 2020
The Motley Fool | 01 Sep 2020
Sputnik | 02 Sep 2020
CNN | 02 Sep 2020
The Times of India | 02 Sep 2020