Watergate: 784 Days That Changed America (complete) | EPWHITNEY.COM
In 1980, Nancy Dickerson founded the Television Corporation of America, through which she ...
published: 15 Jul 2013
author: E Pratt Whitney
Watergate: 784 Days That Changed America (complete) | EPWHITNEY.COM
Watergate: 784 Days That Changed America (complete) | EPWHITNEY.COM
In 1980, Nancy Dickerson founded the Television Corporation of America, through which she produced documentaries for PBS and others. Most notable among these...- published: 15 Jul 2013
- views: 73
- author: E Pratt Whitney
Watergate Third Rate Burglary
published: 01 Jun 2013
author: zoki zokac
Watergate Third Rate Burglary
Poland's Watergate Scandal - Max Kolonko MaxTV
Afera podsłuchowa, Rewolucja w Europie i JKM, Bauman broni skazanych we Wroclawiu, Kogo wy...
published: 23 Jun 2014
Poland's Watergate Scandal - Max Kolonko MaxTV
Poland's Watergate Scandal - Max Kolonko MaxTV
Afera podsłuchowa, Rewolucja w Europie i JKM, Bauman broni skazanych we Wroclawiu, Kogo wysłać w kosmos i dlaczego nie było otwarcia WORLDCUP w TVP PETYCJA O DYMISJE TUSKA - https://secure.avaaz.org/pl/petition/Do_Sejmu_Rzeczypospolitej_Polskiej_o_dymisje_Premiera_Donalda_Tuska_i_wylonienie_nowego_rzadu/?mtgOLhb PETYCJA O ZAMIANE WYROKU w spr. BAUMANA https://secure.avaaz.org/pl/petition/Prezydent_Miasta_Wroclawia_R_Dutkiewicz_o_zamiane_kar_wiezienia_na_prace_spoleczne_dla_skazanych_w_sp_Baumana/?mtgOLhb WSPIERAJ MaxTV!- http://maxkolonko.com/main/mmk/?p=1106- published: 23 Jun 2014
- views: 78273
Watergate: The Conspiracy Crumbles (2of3) DC
This video uses copyrighted material in a manner that does not require approval of the cop...
published: 21 Nov 2013
Watergate: The Conspiracy Crumbles (2of3) DC
Watergate: The Conspiracy Crumbles (2of3) DC
This video uses copyrighted material in a manner that does not require approval of the copyright holder. It is a fair use under copyright law. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. The media material presented in this production is protected by the FAIR USE CLAUSE of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of commentary, criticism, and education.- published: 21 Nov 2013
- views: 7
The Watergate Scandal: Timeline and Background
This was one of the biggest political scandals in American history, and led to the resigna...
published: 11 Jan 2012
author: WatchMojo
The Watergate Scandal: Timeline and Background
The Watergate Scandal: Timeline and Background
This was one of the biggest political scandals in American history, and led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon. http://www.WatchMojo.com learns mo...- published: 11 Jan 2012
- views: 38102
- author: WatchMojo
Watergate The Conspiracy Crumbles
published: 01 Jun 2013
author: zoki zokac
Watergate The Conspiracy Crumbles
El informe final (The Final Report) - Watergate
Documental del Canal Historia, dentro de "El informe final" (The Final Report), dedicado a...
published: 24 May 2013
El informe final (The Final Report) - Watergate
El informe final (The Final Report) - Watergate
Documental del Canal Historia, dentro de "El informe final" (The Final Report), dedicado al caso Watergate, que acabó con el presidente Richard Nixon presentando su dimisión en 1974.- published: 24 May 2013
- views: 212
Watergate Spelled Out
A description of the Watergate scandal, as complete as possible given the 15-minute time l...
published: 16 Aug 2011
author: Ari Hoptman
Watergate Spelled Out
Watergate Spelled Out
A description of the Watergate scandal, as complete as possible given the 15-minute time limit here.- published: 16 Aug 2011
- views: 9646
- author: Ari Hoptman
A Look Back at the Senate Watergate Hearings
Watergate began with a burglary in June 1972 and ended with a president's resignation in A...
published: 17 May 2013
author: MacNeil Lehrer
A Look Back at the Senate Watergate Hearings
A Look Back at the Senate Watergate Hearings
Watergate began with a burglary in June 1972 and ended with a president's resignation in August 1974. In between, during the summer of 1973, a special Senate...- published: 17 May 2013
- views: 7802
- author: MacNeil Lehrer
WATERGATE X - THE MOVIE (full length)
Zehn Jahre sind eine lange Zeit -- Zeit für nicht enden wollende Nächte, nach denen auch w...
published: 04 Dec 2013
WATERGATE X - THE MOVIE (full length)
WATERGATE X - THE MOVIE (full length)
Zehn Jahre sind eine lange Zeit -- Zeit für nicht enden wollende Nächte, nach denen auch wirklich die Sonne aufgeht. Zeit für House, Zeit für Drum'NBass, vor allem Zeit für wirklich gute Musik. Für Auf- und Umbau, LED, Sound, Künstler, Tänzer und Macher. Drinnen und draußen, Vorhang auf, Vorhang zu. Für Freundschaften, für eine Stadt im Wandel -- und wir so mitten drin. Der Watergate X Film, 2012 auf der "10 Jahre Watergate" DVD erschienen, zeigt, was wir lieben, und was wir tun, weil wir es lieben. Einige unserer langjährigen Freunde kommen darin zu Wort -- jetzt könnt ihr ihn euch online gratis ansehen. Cheers, und auf die nächsten 10 Jahre! --------------------------------------- Ten years is a long time - never-ending nights where the sun rises. time for house, time for dum 'n bass and especially time for good music. setup and dismantle, LED, sound, artists, dancers, doers. Inside and outside, closing the curtains, opening them. For friendships and for a city in changes - and us inbetween. The Watergate X movie, released 2012 on our "Ten year Watergate" DVD, shows what we love, what we do, because we love it. Some of our longterm friends get to speak - now you can watch it online. Cheers and to the next ten years! A film by Stathis Klotsikas Additional production: Stassymedia, Mindatlarge, Easydoesit, Regenfrei Produktion Watergate X - limited edition Box: http://www.water-gate.de/watergate-box.html INCLUDING 2 CD'S, DVD, PHOTOBOOK, 3 x LP, POSTER & GUEST LIST TICKET WATERGATE CLUB FOR TWO! Tracklisting: M.A.N.D.Y. vs Lopazz - Full Off 12 - Watergate Records SIS - Talking To The Birds - Watergate Records Soul Clap & Baby Prince - The Neverending Quest For Inspiration - Watergate Records Sebo K & Metro pres. Freefall Inc. - Night Drive - Watergate Records Ruede Hagelstein - Silence - Watergate Records Fritz Zander & Martin Dawson - Sleepwalking - Watergate Records Butch - LED Ceiling - Watergate Records Guillaume & The Coutu Dumonts - The Drums - Watergate Records Osunlade - Envisions (Âme Acoustic Version) - Innervisions Maceo PLex - Why - Watergate Records Oliver Koletzki - Oh Shine - Watergate Records Lee Jones - Lost Decade - Watergate Records Matthias Meyer - Fallin' - Watergate Records Martyn - Elden St (Sebo K Watergate Edit) - Watergate Records Solomun - Kackvogel - Watergate Records Jesse Rose - String Thing - Watergate Records Marco Resmann & Kiki _ Beggin' For The Heat (Pan-Pot Remix) - Watergate Records Tiefschwarz - Corporate Butcher (Fritz Zander Remix) - Watergate Records Catz'N Dogz & SLG - Loud Sandra - Watergate Records Mathias Kaden - Sion - Watergate Records Henrik Schwarz / Âme / Dixon feat. Derrick L. Carter - Where We At (Version 3) - Sonar Kollektiv dOP - Cold World - Watergate Records Henrik Schwarz - Take Words In Return - Watergate Records- published: 04 Dec 2013
- views: 30378
Mariusz Max Kolonko "Mówi jak jest" - Polskie Watergate
Mariusz Max Kolonko mówi o reakcji USA na wypowiedź szefa MSZ Radosława Sikorskiego z tak ...
published: 26 Jun 2014
Mariusz Max Kolonko "Mówi jak jest" - Polskie Watergate
Mariusz Max Kolonko "Mówi jak jest" - Polskie Watergate
Mariusz Max Kolonko mówi o reakcji USA na wypowiedź szefa MSZ Radosława Sikorskiego z tak zwanej afery podsłuchowej. Jakie są w istocie stosunki polsko-amerykańskie?- published: 26 Jun 2014
- views: 1123
Poland's Watergate Scandal explained - Max Kolonko Mówi Jak Jest
CC ENGLISH O co chodzi w polskiej aferze Watergate
PETYCJA O DYMISJE TUSKA - https://secur...
published: 26 Jun 2014
Poland's Watergate Scandal explained - Max Kolonko Mówi Jak Jest
Poland's Watergate Scandal explained - Max Kolonko Mówi Jak Jest
CC ENGLISH O co chodzi w polskiej aferze Watergate PETYCJA O DYMISJE TUSKA - https://secure.avaaz.org/pl/petition/Do_Sejmu_Rzeczypospolitej_Polskiej_o_dymisje_Premiera_Donalda_Tuska_i_wylonienie_nowego_rzadu/?mtgOLhb WSPIERAJ MaxTV!- http://maxkolonko.com/main/mmk/?p=1106- published: 26 Jun 2014
- views: 31762
Youtube results:
[2012] Watergate - Die Unbestechlichen
In der Nacht zum 17. Juni 1972 verhaftete die Polizei in Washington fünf Männer. Sie hatte...
published: 21 Mar 2014
[2012] Watergate - Die Unbestechlichen
[2012] Watergate - Die Unbestechlichen
In der Nacht zum 17. Juni 1972 verhaftete die Polizei in Washington fünf Männer. Sie hatten versucht, in das Watergate-Gebäude einzubrechen. Dort befand sich die Parteizentrale der Demokraten. Einer der größten Politskandale in der Geschichte der USA nahm seinen Lauf. Robert Redford produzierte diese Dokumentation über die Hintergründe. In dem Film "Die Unbestechlichen" (1976) spielte er an der Seite von Dustin Hoffman einen der zwei Reporter, die Nixons Machenschaften aufdeckten. Die fünf Einbrecher, so stellte sich heraus, wollten in den Büros der Parteizentrale der Demokraten Abhörgeräte installieren. Bob Woodward und Carl Bernstein (Bild), zwei Journalisten der Washington Post, witterten eine Jahrhundert-Story und begannen zu rechieren. Mithilfe eines anonymen Informanten, der den legendären Decknamen "deep throat" erhielt, fanden sie heraus, wer hinter dem Einbruch steckte: Die Spuren führten direkt ins Weiße Haus. Der Skandal rief eine tiefgreifende politische Vertrauenskrise hervor und zwang Richard Nixon 1974 zum Rücktritt, bis heute der einzige Rücktritt eines US-Präsidenten. Die Dokumentation erzählt die Geschichte der Watergate-Affäre. Zu Wort kommen viele Zeitzeugen, darunter auch Bob Woodward und Carl Bernstein sowie Robert Redford und Dustin Hoffman. 2013 wurde die Dokumentation für einen Prime Time Emmy nominiert.- published: 21 Mar 2014
- views: 1
Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein, Barry Sussman and Ben Bradlee reflect on The Washington Post...
published: 26 Apr 2012
author: InvestigatingPower
Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein, Barry Sussman and Ben Bradlee reflect on The Washington Post reporting that uncovered the Watergate scandal and brought down a ...- published: 26 Apr 2012
- views: 21153
- author: InvestigatingPower
David Frost confronts Richard Nixon on Watergate scandal
David Frost confronts Richard Nixon on Watergate scandal...
published: 01 Sep 2013
David Frost confronts Richard Nixon on Watergate scandal
David Frost confronts Richard Nixon on Watergate scandal
David Frost confronts Richard Nixon on Watergate scandal- published: 01 Sep 2013
- views: 1
Watergate: What did the president know? - Howard H. Baker Jr.
As co-chairman of the Watergate Committee, Howard Baker put partisan politics aside for th...
published: 27 Jun 2014
Watergate: What did the president know? - Howard H. Baker Jr.
Watergate: What did the president know? - Howard H. Baker Jr.
As co-chairman of the Watergate Committee, Howard Baker put partisan politics aside for the good of the country. This clip is narrated by Senator Fred Thompson and contains the famous Baker soundbite, "What did the president know, and when did he know it?"- published: 27 Jun 2014
- views: 111