John Passant

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The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
Haven’t heard about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, a neoliberal and imperialist wet dream? Not surprising since it is being negotiated in secret and Abbott will try to spring it on us soon enough. I have written about it in the next Red Flag, due out on Wednesday. Subscribe now. And yes, we have digital subscriptions too. (1)

NSA hacks Rupert Murdoch's phones
In breaking news the NSA has confirmed it has hacked Rupert Murdoch’s private phones for eleven years. ‘The fight against terrorism knows no bounds,’ spokesthing Joseph Dzhugashvili said.  Barack Obama said ‘Of course.’ Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott denied Australia’s spy agencies had broken any AUSTRALIAN laws in helping the Americans. (0)

What firefighters really think of the Liberals
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="236" caption="Put the hypocrites last"][/caption] (0)

Operational reasons
For operational reasons this blog will be closed until further notice. Eric Blair, Secretary, Department of Home Affairs. (0)

Boozy feral pig dies
A boozy feral pig has died in a car accident. The name of the Abbott government minister has not yet been released. (0)

Your tax dollars hard at work

Put the slipper in
Barnaby Joyce: “This is not thousands of dollars. This is hundreds of dollars.” Like the $900 Peter Slipper claimed for his alleged wine tour you mean? Treat Brandis and Joyce like Slipper. Put them on trial too. (0)

Tuesday's interview
My interview on Tuesday morning with Sharon Firebrace on Razor Sharp on 3KND. (0)

Very naughty boys rule, OK?
Bill Shorten says the era of the Messiah is over. Yeah. Very naught boys rule, OK? (0)

Me on Razor Sharp last week
Me on Razor Sharp with Sharon Firebrace last week on 3 KND.



Archive for 'Economics'

Australian economy grows, but global crisis still threatens

For many workers in Australia times will be tougher than in the midst of the crisis. Rising interest rates, the end of the cash handouts and government cuts to rein in debt will hurt.


Crisis and the Left in Australia

I am a fairly excitable person. I can mistake the moment for the month; the ephemeral for the eternal. But I am not alone there. Capitalism regards itself as immutable,as something that will exist forever.  It mistakes now for the future and ignores the contradictory dynamics contained within the system. It also views the past through [...]

McDonald’s at the Louvre: the end of civilisation?

McDonald’s is going to the Louvre.  The new outlet to be opened in one of the stations of the Museum has outraged some of the cultural elite who view art as their domain, not ours. The Louvre was once a palace filled with the art works of kings and queens.  French Revolutionaries made it a museum for the public [...]

They party; we get the sack

While we face increasing unemployment and less working hours, the bosses party. What a sick society. What a rotten system.

Underemployment rising

We are not yet out of the woods. And if we are I suspect we are in a clearing before we go further into the heart of darkness.

Rudd’s message: all power to the casino capitalists

Rudd is going to hand back complete control to the casino capitalists and attack workers. What a great strategy for further disaster.

A W-shaped recession?

This might be a W-shaped recession, with the W moving towards a w.

The Budget: waiting for growtho

This is a Budget built on illusion – the idea that growth will rocket to 4.5 percent in 2 years time.  It won’t. The only people who might believe this, apart from Wayne Swann and Kevin Rudd, are Treasury.  They’ve analysed previous recessions in the 80s and 90s to come up with the runaway growth figure two years [...]

Will the global economy recover?

The IMF says that ‘the downturn is likely to be unusually severe, and the recovery is expected to be sluggish.’ In other words, even when the world economy stops shrinking, it is likely to find itself trapped in a long period of slow growth.

Real tax reform: a love letter to Ken Henry

We should look at taxation through the eyes of the working class. Tax labour lightly and capital heavily.