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This plugin allows to add a watermark on your images uploaded.

This plugin allows to add a watermark on the images uploaded.

It applies watermark on new images as well as images already uploaded. By deactivating the plugin, the watermark will be removed on all images.

What makes this plugin a really powerful one, is that the watermark is placed on your images through a htaccess and php file. This means your images are actually not modified. You can still download them from your FTP, and they will not have any watermark.

The watermark is only visible if you try to download the images from a web browser.

You have to know that :

  • you need to be able to create a htaccess file in your uploads directory.
  • you need the GD library.
  • works only with JPG files (for now).

For support, please visit alti-Watermark plugin

Requires: 3.0.1 or higher
Compatible up to: 3.8.2
Last Updated: 2014-4-4
Downloads: 794


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