
Ferocious Peccary vs 2 Jaguars
Higher resolution version and not chopped like my previous version was 3 years ago, when I...
published: 11 Apr 2012
author: Mark Galavan
Ferocious Peccary vs 2 Jaguars
Ferocious Peccary vs 2 Jaguars
Higher resolution version and not chopped like my previous version was 3 years ago, when I could not upload anything over 10 mins long. Plus, YouTube mpg-to-...- published: 11 Apr 2012
- views: 8225
- author: Mark Galavan

Discovery Channel Born Animal Mark Fraser Collared Peccary
The Collared Peccary is also called the "Javilina" pronounced (Have-ah-Leena). They are an...
published: 01 Aug 2009
author: nwwmark
Discovery Channel Born Animal Mark Fraser Collared Peccary
Discovery Channel Born Animal Mark Fraser Collared Peccary
The Collared Peccary is also called the "Javilina" pronounced (Have-ah-Leena). They are an amazing animal that currently lives in parts of South and Central ...- published: 01 Aug 2009
- views: 128209
- author: nwwmark

White-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari) herd in Peru Amazon Rainforest
Award winning Rainforest Expeditions' guide, Aldo Malaga, holds us in suspense as he calls...
published: 04 May 2011
author: djdavej
White-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari) herd in Peru Amazon Rainforest
White-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari) herd in Peru Amazon Rainforest
Award winning Rainforest Expeditions' guide, Aldo Malaga, holds us in suspense as he calls in a herd of 60+ White-lipped peccaries (heavy wild bush pigs) on ...- published: 04 May 2011
- views: 1932
- author: djdavej

Baby Javalinas Peccaries of Sedona, Arizona
For those of you who don't have Javalinas or Peccaries in your area, or do but seldom see ...
published: 21 May 2009
author: marjamada
Baby Javalinas Peccaries of Sedona, Arizona
Baby Javalinas Peccaries of Sedona, Arizona
For those of you who don't have Javalinas or Peccaries in your area, or do but seldom see them, I put a few clips together of some very young ones begging fo...- published: 21 May 2009
- views: 11063
- author: marjamada

Jaguar hunting 3 Peccary's and a Caiman.
Jaguar killing 3 Peccary's and a Caiman....
published: 02 Dec 2008
author: Roy Burnson
Jaguar hunting 3 Peccary's and a Caiman.
Jaguar hunting 3 Peccary's and a Caiman.
Jaguar killing 3 Peccary's and a Caiman.- published: 02 Dec 2008
- views: 42040
- author: Roy Burnson

Chacoan Peccary Dinner Time at the LA Zoo
A zookeeper tossing feed to the Chacoan Peccaries at the LA Zoo....
published: 16 Mar 2013
author: missyscove
Chacoan Peccary Dinner Time at the LA Zoo
Chacoan Peccary Dinner Time at the LA Zoo
A zookeeper tossing feed to the Chacoan Peccaries at the LA Zoo.- published: 16 Mar 2013
- views: 65
- author: missyscove

Birth of a peccary.AVI
A collared peccary (Pecari tajacu) gives birth on the grounds of the La Selva Biological S...
published: 12 Sep 2012
author: Carlos Luis de la Rosa
Birth of a peccary.AVI
Birth of a peccary.AVI
A collared peccary (Pecari tajacu) gives birth on the grounds of the La Selva Biological Station, in Costa Rica.- published: 12 Sep 2012
- views: 512
- author: Carlos Luis de la Rosa

Peccary Pups at the San Francisco Zoo
Brace yourself for cuteness. The San Francisco Zoo is proud to announce the birth of two l...
published: 04 Nov 2013
Peccary Pups at the San Francisco Zoo
Peccary Pups at the San Francisco Zoo
Brace yourself for cuteness. The San Francisco Zoo is proud to announce the birth of two litters of Chacoan peccary pups. Two of the pups were born on October 27 and four were born on October 29. That makes a total of six pups for this endangered species!- published: 04 Nov 2013
- views: 738

Frank Zappa, The Adventures of Greggery Peccary
Hi there, folks! This is my first upload on the tube, so I figured it should be something ...
published: 23 Nov 2008
author: GreggaryPeccary
Frank Zappa, The Adventures of Greggery Peccary
Frank Zappa, The Adventures of Greggery Peccary
Hi there, folks! This is my first upload on the tube, so I figured it should be something special. I bring to you the adventures of my namesake Greggery Pecc...- published: 23 Nov 2008
- views: 30995
- author: GreggaryPeccary

Attack of the white-lipped peccaries
On day 6 of our Bladen expedition we suddenly found ourselves in the path of a herd of 150...
published: 22 Mar 2008
author: laustinspace
Attack of the white-lipped peccaries
Attack of the white-lipped peccaries
On day 6 of our Bladen expedition we suddenly found ourselves in the path of a herd of 150 stampeding juari! (white-lipped peccaries). Check out the sounds t...- published: 22 Mar 2008
- views: 3826
- author: laustinspace

FRANK ZAPPA / JEAN LUC PONTY Sweden 1973 Greggery Peccary- rare dvd
send email to lifesongalex@yahoo.com for my huge rare live dvd list! segments from a great...
published: 27 Feb 2013
author: alex lifesong
FRANK ZAPPA / JEAN LUC PONTY Sweden 1973 Greggery Peccary- rare dvd
FRANK ZAPPA / JEAN LUC PONTY Sweden 1973 Greggery Peccary- rare dvd
send email to lifesongalex@yahoo.com for my huge rare live dvd list! segments from a great 60 minute dvd filmed in sweden in 1973. get this dvd!- published: 27 Feb 2013
- views: 3899
- author: alex lifesong

Jungle Hunt Mexico White Lipped Peccary
The next show coming up for "Where in the World is Colorado Buck?" Outfitter: Balam Outfit...
published: 16 Apr 2012
author: Colorado Buck
Jungle Hunt Mexico White Lipped Peccary
Jungle Hunt Mexico White Lipped Peccary
The next show coming up for "Where in the World is Colorado Buck?" Outfitter: Balam Outfitters, Old Mexico www.heycoloradobuck.com Shot and edited by: Larry ...- published: 16 Apr 2012
- views: 1579
- author: Colorado Buck

The Chacoan peccary or Tagua (Catagonus wagneri) is a species of peccary found in the Gran...
published: 11 Feb 2012
author: musselshell
The Chacoan peccary or Tagua (Catagonus wagneri) is a species of peccary found in the Gran Chaco of Paraguay, Bolivia and Argentina. About 3000 exist in the ...- published: 11 Feb 2012
- views: 1074
- author: musselshell

Frank Zappa - Wazoo - 08 The Adventures of Greggery Peccary.wmv
published: 18 May 2012
author: sergio benedetti
Frank Zappa - Wazoo - 08 The Adventures of Greggery Peccary.wmv
Frank Zappa - Wazoo - 08 The Adventures of Greggery Peccary.wmv
- published: 18 May 2012
- views: 2428
- author: sergio benedetti
Vimeo results:

Nature in the Tropics - Trópico Media Reel
Trópico Media's nature reel is the result of hundreds of filming hours in the forests of C...
published: 07 Dec 2013
author: Federico Pardo
Nature in the Tropics - Trópico Media Reel
Trópico Media's nature reel is the result of hundreds of filming hours in the forests of Colombia, Perú and Ecuador between 2010 and 2013. One of out main goals is to document and share the amazing diversity that thrives in the tropics and we feel very proud to have worked with National Geographic, Proyecto Tití, The Field Museum and Omacha Foundation, and to be able to bring you these images.
Travel with us to the fragile dry forests of Colombia's Caribbean coast, home of the endangered cotton-top tamarin, swim in a river of the Orinoco flatlands to witness unique armadillo images, and finish the journey accompanied by deer and white-lipped peccaries in one of the best kept secrets of the Amazon, the clay licks or collpas.
El reel de naturaleza de Trópico Media es el resultado de muchas horas de filmación en bosques de Colombia, Ecuador y Perú, entre 2010 y 2013. Documentar y divulgar la increíble diversidad de los trópicos es uno de nuestros objetivos principales y nos sentimos muy orgullosos de haber trabajado con National Geographic, Fundación Proyecto Tití, el Field Museum de Chicago y Fundación Omacha, y así poder compartir estas imágenes con ustedes.
Viaje con nosotros a los frágiles bosques secos del Caribe colombiano donde habita el tití Cabeciblanco, sumérjase en los ríos del Orinoco para ver imágenes únicas del armadillo de 9 bandas, y termine la travesía junto con venados y pecaríes de labio blanco en uno de los secretos más preciados de la Amazonía, los salados o collpas.

YEAR - Independent Feature-Length Dramatic Film
YEAR premiered in the 2006 San Francisco Independent Film Festival.
Content Note: This f...
published: 12 Jun 2012
author: Mike Carroll
YEAR - Independent Feature-Length Dramatic Film
YEAR premiered in the 2006 San Francisco Independent Film Festival.
Content Note: This film is Not-Rated, but contains some language and adult themes. This is not recommended for children.
It is a product of one-man filmmaking.
Produced by Bonnie Bennett, Michael Dryhurst, Mike Carroll
Written, produced, directed, photographed & edited by Mike Carroll
Music is by Erik Wollo from his CD "Wind Journey" available on Spotted Peccary Records spottedpeccary.com
Starring Hazel Johnson, Bonnie Bennett, Christine Nicholson, Carol Miranda, Katherine Pappa, Kristen Elisabeth, Savannah Swain, Blair Leatherwood, Eric Wheeler, David Harris, Michael Dryhurst, Cheantell Munn, Kelley DuHain
The DVD is available on Amazon with audio commentary, making-of features and alternately edited sequences.
Filmed in Sacramento and San Francisco, California, as well as Reno, Nevada and New York City.
Shot on Panasonic DVX 100A in 24p
Edited on an Emac on Final Cut Pro 6
For more information on one-man filmmaking and how YEAR and Mike Carroll's other films DOG SOLDIERS and NIGHTBEATS were made visit his site mikecarrollfilms.com and read his book "NAKED FILMMAKING: How To Make A Feature-Length Film-Without A Crew-For $10,000 Or Less."

Yawá • A história do povo Yawanawá
Documentário sobre a historia do povo Yawanawá.
Os Yawanawa (yawa/queixada; nawa/gente) s...
published: 01 Apr 2010
author: Missawa
Yawá • A história do povo Yawanawá
Documentário sobre a historia do povo Yawanawá.
Os Yawanawa (yawa/queixada; nawa/gente) são um grupo pertencente à família lingüística pano que ocupa atualmente a T.I. Rio Gregório. "Yawanawa" aparece nas fontes escrito de formas diversas: Yawavo ou Yauavo, Jawanaua, Yawanaua, Iawanawa. A grafia "Yawanawa" que nós utilizamos é a que aparece nas cartilhas e outros documentos de autoria indígena.
A comunidade Yawanawa é na realidade um conjunto que inclui membros de outros grupos: Shawanawa (Arara), Iskunawa (atualmente conhecidos como Shanênawa, moram em uma aldeia próxima à cidade de Feijó), Rununawa, Sainawa (conhecidos geralmente como Jaminawa e que moram na região do Bagé), e Katukina. Esta configuração é o resultado de uma dinâmica sociológica própria de muitos grupos pano — alianças através de casamentos, raptos de mulheres no contexto de conflitos bélicos, migrações de famílias — e uma série de contingências históricas, especialmente as mudanças ocorridas a partir da chegada do homem branco — epidemias, alterações demográficas... Por meio destes processos foram se incorporando pessoas de outros povos que mantiveram relações com os Yawanawa no passado.
Entre os Yaminawa da TI Cabeceira do Rio Acre existe um subgrupo que recebe também o nome de Yawanawa. No entanto, os Yawanawa do Gregório não têm conhecimento deste outro grupo homônimo.
The Yawanawá (yawa/white-lipped peccary; nawa/people) are a group belonging to the Pano linguistic family who today occupy the Gregório River IT. The name ‘Yawanawá’ appears in historical sources written in various ways: Yawavo or Yauavo, Jawanaua, Yawanaua or Iawanawa. The form ‘Yawanawá’ used here follows the orthography employed in school texts books and other documents of indigenous authorship. The Yawanawá community is in reality a conjunction of people that includes members from other groups: Shawanawa (Arara), Iskunawa (nowadays known as Shanênawa, who live in a village close to the town of Feijó), Rununawa, Sainawa (generally known as Jaminawa, who live in the Bagé river region), and Katukina. This configuration is the end result of a sociological dynamic common to many Pano groups – alliances through marriage, capture of women during warfare conflicts, the migration of families – and a series of historical contingencies, especially those changes brought about by the arrival of non-Indians, including epidemics and demographic alterations. These processes led to the incorporation of people from other populations who in the past used to maintain relations with the Yawanawá.
Among the Yaminawa of the Acre River Headwaters IT there is a subgroup that also bears the name Yawanawá. However, the Yawanawá on the Gregório river have no knowledge of this other homonymous group.
extraido de :

Camera Traps
A few short clips stitched together of wildlife caught on remote camera by Fauna Forever r...
published: 04 Oct 2011
author: george
Camera Traps
A few short clips stitched together of wildlife caught on remote camera by Fauna Forever researchers whom we work alongside on our workshops. It just shows what is out there..
In the clips you will see: Collared peccaries, white-lipped peccaries, Amazon red squirrel, agouti, paca, crab-eating racoon, coatis, pale-winged trumpeter, chachalaca and ocelot!
Youtube results:

The Adventures of Greggery Peccary Pt 1
Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA September 24, 1972....
published: 25 Apr 2011
author: sallymick27
The Adventures of Greggery Peccary Pt 1
The Adventures of Greggery Peccary Pt 1
Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA September 24, 1972.- published: 25 Apr 2011
- views: 2472
- author: sallymick27

Plucky Peccaries Pig Out
Jack Hubley explains how pigging out can go a long, twisting way toward making a greener j...
published: 23 Oct 2007
author: wgaltv
Plucky Peccaries Pig Out
Plucky Peccaries Pig Out
Jack Hubley explains how pigging out can go a long, twisting way toward making a greener jungle.- published: 23 Oct 2007
- views: 12544
- author: wgaltv

Chacoan Peccary Babies Get Frisky at the San Diego Zoo
Three Chacoan peccary piglets were born at the San Diego Zoo on June 19, adding to the cur...
published: 03 Jul 2013
author: San Diego Zoo
Chacoan Peccary Babies Get Frisky at the San Diego Zoo
Chacoan Peccary Babies Get Frisky at the San Diego Zoo
Three Chacoan peccary piglets were born at the San Diego Zoo on June 19, adding to the current population of nine Chacoan peccaries currently at the Zoo. The...- published: 03 Jul 2013
- views: 8294
- author: San Diego Zoo

Frank Zappa - Greggary Peccary - 1972, Berlin (audio)
All three movements. FZ & Grand Wazoo. Berlin, Deutschlandhalle, 1972-09-15. Audience reco...
published: 23 Aug 2010
author: YourArf
Frank Zappa - Greggary Peccary - 1972, Berlin (audio)
Frank Zappa - Greggary Peccary - 1972, Berlin (audio)
All three movements. FZ & Grand Wazoo. Berlin, Deutschlandhalle, 1972-09-15. Audience recording. Frank Zappa - lead guitar, band leader Tony Duran - slide gu...- published: 23 Aug 2010
- views: 6966
- author: YourArf