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Québec History 19 - The Patriots Rebellion 1837
Histoire du Québec 16 - Les Rébellions de 1837-1838
The Real Wild West 3/6 - Wild Bill Hickok 1837-1876
Octobre 1837, by Le Vent du Nord
Lo mejor de Émile Waldteufel (1837-1915)
American History - Part 062 -  Van Buren - Depression of 1837 - Canada Invades Maine
The Rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada
The Emily Brontë poem
Les Patriotes 1837-1838
Jyväskylä 175 vuotta -esittelyvideo: Kauppapaikasta 1837 mainio kaupunki
Public Lands and Claims in the American State Papers, 1789-1837
Nunes - H.R. 1837 Rule Debate


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Québec History 19 - The Patriots Rebellion 1837
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:28
  • Updated: 02 Aug 2013

Québec History 19 - The Patriots Rebellion 1837

Québec a Nation History Part 19 The Patriots Rebellion of Lower Canada (Québec) The Lower Canada Rebellion, La rébellion du Bas-Canada, is the name given to ...
  • published: 03 Aug 2009
  • views: 30596
  • author: Patriote17ébec History 19 - The Patriots Rebellion 1837
Histoire du Québec 16 - Les Rébellions de 1837-1838
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:36
  • Updated: 28 Jul 2013

Histoire du Québec 16 - Les Rébellions de 1837-1838

Histoire du Québec 16 - Les Rébellions de 1837-1838 Réalisé par Gilles Carle (1928-2009) La Rébellion des Patriotes, Rébellion du Bas-Canada, ou tout simplem...
  • published: 04 Dec 2010
  • views: 17054
  • author: Patriote17 du Québec 16 - Les Rébellions de 1837-1838
The Real Wild West 3/6 - Wild Bill Hickok 1837-1876
  • Order:
  • Duration: 43:26
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

The Real Wild West 3/6 - Wild Bill Hickok 1837-1876 Real Wild West 3/6 - Wild Bill Hickok 1837-1876
Octobre 1837, by Le Vent du Nord
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:30
  • Updated: 08 Jul 2013

Octobre 1837, by Le Vent du Nord

Octobre 1837, performed by Le Vent du Nord (www, In concert at Institute of Musical Traditions ( Monday Night Concert, Rock...
  • published: 27 May 2010
  • views: 24160
  • author: imtfolk 1837, by Le Vent du Nord
Lo mejor de Émile Waldteufel (1837-1915)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:09:22
  • Updated: 28 Jul 2013

Lo mejor de Émile Waldteufel (1837-1915)

Una pequeña selección de las mejores obras de este compositor poco conocido, también llamado el "Strauss francés" xDD no tienen desperdicio jeje Gracias.
  • published: 11 Dec 2011
  • views: 12655
  • author: seriglerom mejor de Émile Waldteufel (1837-1915)
American History - Part 062 -  Van Buren - Depression of 1837 - Canada Invades Maine
  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:11
  • Updated: 03 Jul 2013

American History - Part 062 - Van Buren - Depression of 1837 - Canada Invades Maine

US Gets a New President in 1837, and a Depression Welcome to THE MAKING OF A NATION -- American history in VOA Special English. Martin Van Buren was sworn-in... History - Part 062 - Van Buren - Depression of 1837 - Canada Invades Maine
The Rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:20
  • Updated: 05 Jul 2013

The Rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada

  • published: 26 Nov 2008
  • views: 14479
  • author: mtthwwbstr Rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada
The Emily Brontë poem
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:17
  • Updated: 30 Jul 2013

The Emily Brontë poem "November 1837" set to music and sung by Janet Jones

"November 1837" is a haunting and beautiful poem, about the wild moors, written by Emily Brontë when she was 19 years old. The CD "A Fresh Wind Waves" is a r...
  • published: 01 Jul 2011
  • views: 7252
  • author: jeana1001 Emily Brontë poem "November 1837" set to music and sung by Janet Jones
Les Patriotes 1837-1838
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:46
  • Updated: 09 Aug 2013

Les Patriotes 1837-1838

Québec Patriotes 1837-1838 Rébellion du Bas-Canada, ou tout simplement Rébellions de 1837-1838 sont deux noms donnés au ...
  • published: 06 Jul 2009
  • views: 15121
  • author: philbox17 Patriotes 1837-1838
Jyväskylä 175 vuotta -esittelyvideo: Kauppapaikasta 1837 mainio kaupunki
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:59
  • Updated: 03 Aug 2013

Jyväskylä 175 vuotta -esittelyvideo: Kauppapaikasta 1837 mainio kaupunki

Suunnittelu ja käsikirjoitus: Jussi Jäppinen ja Heli-Maija Voutilainen Valokuvat: Jussi Jäppinen, Keski-Suomen museon kuva-arkisto Video ja editointi: Mikko ...äskylä 175 vuotta -esittelyvideo: Kauppapaikasta 1837 mainio kaupunki
Public Lands and Claims in the American State Papers, 1789-1837
  • Order:
  • Duration: 37:29
  • Updated: 21 Oct 2012

Public Lands and Claims in the American State Papers, 1789-1837

Archives technician Chris Naylor will discuss the genealogical value of the Public Land and Claims classes of the American State Papers. The American State P... Lands and Claims in the American State Papers, 1789-1837
Nunes - H.R. 1837 Rule Debate
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:50
  • Updated: 12 Mar 2012

Nunes - H.R. 1837 Rule Debate

Congressman Devin Nunes speaks during House Floor debate on the Rule governing debate for H.R. 1837. - H.R. 1837 Rule Debate
Romantic Era 1789-1837
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:17
  • Updated: 13 Jul 2013

Romantic Era 1789-1837

Samantha Romantic Era. Era 1789-1837
Le Vent du Nord - Octobre 1837 - Cartagena HD
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:45
  • Updated: 17 Nov 2012

Le Vent du Nord - Octobre 1837 - Cartagena HD

Le Vent du Nord at the VI Cartagena Music Festival in Colombia Octobre 1837. Vent du Nord - Octobre 1837 - Cartagena HD

Québec History 19 - The Patriots Rebellion 1837

Québec a Nation History Part 19 The Patriots Rebellion of Lower Canada (Québec) The Lower Canada Rebellion, La rébellion du Bas-Canada, is the name given to ...
  • published: 03 Aug 2009
  • views: 30596
  • author: Patriote17

Québec His­to­ry 19 - The Pa­tri­ots Re­bel­lion 1837
Québec a Na­tion His­to­ry Part 19 The Pa­tri­ots Re­bel­lion of Lower Cana­da (Québec) The Lower ...
pub­lished: 03 Aug 2009
au­thor: Pa­tri­ote17
His­toire du Québec 16 - Les Rébel­lions de 1837-1838
His­toire du Québec 16 - Les Rébel­lions de 1837-1838 Réalisé par Gilles Carle (1928-2009) L...
pub­lished: 04 Dec 2010
au­thor: Pa­tri­ote17
The Real Wild West 3/6 - Wild Bill Hickok 1837-1876
pub­lished: 16 Feb 2013
Oc­to­bre 1837, by Le Vent du Nord
Oc­to­bre 1837, per­formed by Le Vent du Nord (www,leventdunord.​com). In con­cert at In­sti­tute...
pub­lished: 27 May 2010
au­thor: imt­folk
Lo mejor de Émile Wald­teufel (1837-1915)
Una pequeña se­lec­ción de las mejores obras de este com­pos­i­tor poco cono­ci­do, también llama...
pub­lished: 11 Dec 2011
au­thor: seriglerom
Amer­i­can His­to­ry - Part 062 - Van Buren - De­pres­sion of 1837 - Cana­da In­vades Maine
US Gets a New Pres­i­dent in 1837, and a De­pres­sion Wel­come to THE MAK­ING OF A NA­TION -- Ame...
pub­lished: 04 May 2013
The Re­bel­lions in Upper and Lower Cana­da
pub­lished: 26 Nov 2008
The Emily Brontë poem "Novem­ber 1837" set to music and sung by Janet Jones
"Novem­ber 1837" is a haunt­ing and beau­ti­ful poem, about the wild moors, writ­ten by Emily B...
pub­lished: 01 Jul 2011
au­thor: jeana1001
Les Pa­tri­otes 1837-1838
Québec Pa­tri­otes 1837-1838 http://​www.​resistancequebecoise.​org/​ Rébel­lion du Bas-Cana­da, o...
pub­lished: 06 Jul 2009
au­thor: philbox17
Jyväskylä 175 vuot­ta -esit­te­lyvideo: Kaup­pa­paikas­ta 1837 mainio kaupun­ki
Su­un­nit­telu ja käsikir­joi­tus: Jussi Jäppinen ja He­li-Mai­ja Vouti­lainen Val­oku­vat: Jussi Jä...
pub­lished: 22 Dec 2011
Pub­lic Lands and Claims in the Amer­i­can State Pa­pers, 1789-1837
Archives tech­ni­cian Chris Nay­lor will dis­cuss the ge­nealog­i­cal value of the Pub­lic Land an...
pub­lished: 02 Dec 2011
Nunes - H.R. 1837 Rule De­bate
Con­gress­man Devin Nunes speaks dur­ing House Floor de­bate on the Rule gov­ern­ing de­bate for ...
pub­lished: 29 Feb 2012
au­thor: RepDevin­Nunes
Ro­man­tic Era 1789-1837
Saman­tha Ro­man­tic Era....
pub­lished: 16 Nov 2010
Le Vent du Nord - Oc­to­bre 1837 - Carta­ge­na HD
Le Vent du Nord at the VI Carta­ge­na Music Fes­ti­val in Colom­bia Oc­to­bre 1837....
pub­lished: 15 Jan 2012
Youtube results:
Con­sta­ble - En­glish Ro­man­tic Painter John Con­sta­ble 1776 to 1837
John Con­sta­ble (11 June 1776 -- 31 March 1837) was an En­glish Ro­man­tic painter. Born in Su...
pub­lished: 17 May 2013
au­thor: Learn­Free2007
IMG 1837
pub­lished: 17 Feb 2014
HR 1837: Mc­Clin­tock Dis­mem­bers Sham States' Rights At­tack
Rep. Tom Mc­Clin­tock re­futes claims by HR 1837 op­po­nents which claim the bill at­tacks State...
pub­lished: 29 Feb 2012
au­thor: RepDevin­Nunes
IMG 1837
pub­lished: 16 Feb 2014
photo: NASA / JPL-Caltech/Cornell Univ./Arizona State Univ.
This image from the panoramic camera (Pancam) on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows before and after images of the Pinnacle Island that has been likened to a jelly doughnut.
14 Feb 2014
Where did the infamous rock that seemed to appear out of nowhere on Mars come from? The explanation, it turns out, is more simple than sci-fi. by. This before-and-after pair of images of the same patch of ground 13 days apart documents the arrival of a strange, bright rock in front of NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity. The rock, called "Pinnacle Island," is seen in the right image on January 8, 2014 ... (Credit ... (Credit ... Topics. Tags ... ....(size: 4.5Kb)
photo: World Press Photo / John Stanmeyer
African migrants on the shore of Djibouti city at night, raising their phones in an attempt to capture an inexpensive signal from neighboring Somalia—a tenuous link to relatives abroad.
Edit The New York Times
14 Feb 2014
In order to view this feature, you must download the latest version of flash player here. In a striking departure from past years, the World Press Photo top prize was given not for a hard-news image, but was awarded to John Stanmeyer for a photo of African migrants in Djibouti trying to capture a faint signal that provides a tenuous link to relatives in Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea. Showcase. The World Press Photo Contest ... Mr ... Mr ... Mr ... Mr ... ....(size: 8.4Kb)
photo: AP / Slamet Riyadi
A women walks on a road covered with volcanic ash following an eruption of Mount Kelud, in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Friday, Feb 14, 2014.
Edit The Guardian
14 Feb 2014
Ash cloud from Java island's Mount Kelud forces 100,000 people to flee their homes and international airports to close. Villagers covering their faces from volcanic ash after Mount Kelud's eruption. two people were killed overnight from falling debris. Photograph. Hafidz Novalsyah/AP ... Kediri, a normally bustling town about 19 miles (30km) from the mountain, was largely deserted as residents stayed indoors to avoid the choking ash ... ....(size: 4.0Kb)
photo: AP / Michael A. Mariant
Ellen Page
Edit E! Online
15 Feb 2014
Ellen Page wants to make a difference, and the first step in doing so, was revealing that she is gay. The actress came out as a homosexual woman during a personal speech delivered at Time to THRIVE, a conference to promote the welfare of LGBT youth held at Bally's Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nev ... PHOTOS ... X."....(size: 1.5Kb)
photo: USMC / Zachery B. Martin
Taliban: US will meet same fate as Soviets
Edit Independent online (SA)
15 Feb 2014
Kabul - The Taliban called on Afghans to expel the United States from Afghanistan on Saturday just as they said Afghan mujahideen fighters had done to Soviet forces 25 years ago to the day ...Today America is facing the same fate as the former Soviets and trying to escape from our country,” the Taliban said in a statement emailed to reporters by Qari Yousef Ahmadi, a spokesman for the group ... - Reuters. ....(size: 2.0Kb)

Edit The Examiner
17 Feb 2014
The original Terminus, Georgia was founded in 1837. It later was renamed Atlanta ... In 1837, a stake marked “Terminus” was driven in the ground to make the Zero Mile Post of a train line going from Georgia to the Midwest ... ....(size: 1.0Kb)
Edit Ohio
17 Feb 2014
CLEVELAND. Many clubs or organizations select members based on their financial position, social standing or other markers of success. But Mensa is an organization that brings together people from a variety of backgrounds based on a test score ... For those not yet laughing, Cheese Day refers to an 1837 initiative by President Andrew Jackson to bring ordinary citizens to the White House by offering them a slice from a giant block of cheese....(size: 3.9Kb)
Edit Business Insider
17 Feb 2014
Some of them hated it. Some of them loved it. All of them learned from it. Since George Washington's inauguration, 44 men have occupied the White House to perform one of the most difficult jobs in the world. Some defined their terms with great accomplishments or grave misjudgments; others barely made a mark on history ... George Washington, 1789-1797 ... John Adams, 1797-1801 ... Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837 ... Martin Van Buren, 1837-1841 ... Ulysses S ... OR ... ....(size: 14.6Kb)
Edit The Times of India
16 Feb 2014
CHENNAI ... U Sahayam, chairman of Co-Optex, received the award from Supreme Court judge J Chelameswar, also a Loyola alumnus ... Four Jesuits landed in Nagapatinam in 1837 and the society has grown over the years ... ....(size: 1.0Kb)
Edit Detroit Free Press
16 Feb 2014
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is the front-runner for the 2016 Democratic presidential ticket, according to most political pundits. The presidential hopeful's husband, former President Bill Clinton, has made millions on lucrative book deals and more than $100 million on the speaking circuit. Secretary Clinton has recently begun to earn that kind of money as well ... Four years ago, 24/7 Wall St ... 24/7 Wall St ... 10 ... 9 ... 8 ... 1829 to 1837....(size: 9.1Kb)
Edit The Guardian
15 Feb 2014
Forget selfies, belfies and twerking – practically every word in the English language has its own remarkable story ... Photograph. The Ronald Grant Archive ... ampersand ... "Adding insult to injury – as the parrot said when they not only took him from his native land, but made him talk the English langvidge arterwards" – or so says Sam Weller, Mr Pickwick's Cockney manservant in Charles Dickens' Pickwick Papers (1837) ... ....(size: 8.4Kb)
Edit Philadelphia Daily News
15 Feb 2014
0 comments. Gallery. Explore Phila.'s role in African American history. Travel Deals. $232 & up -- Aruba Hotels & Resorts. Save up to 45%.  . See all travel deals ». Posted. Sunday, February 16, 2014, 3.01 AM ... I completely agree ... Founded in 1837 to provide a classical education to young African Americans in Philadelphia, it was moved in 1907 to George Cheyney's farm in Delaware County and its name changed to Cheyney University ... Tanner....(size: 11.9Kb)
Edit The Salt Lake Tribune
14 Feb 2014
Jim Bridger, Jedediah Smith, Ettiene Provost, Kit Carson, and Peter Skene Ogden. And there was James Pierson Beckwourth, a black mountaineer and scout who either befriended or fought the Indians, and whose experiences epitomize all manner of western history, bloodshed, vengeance, legend and lore. Photos. Join the Discussion. Beckwourth was born in Fredericksburg, Va., in 1798 ... Louis ... Bonner ... Beckwourth participated in the 1837 Seminole War....(size: 4.2Kb)
Edit Lehigh Valley
14 Feb 2014
The following are the property transfers over $25,000 for Lehigh County from Jan. 13-17, 2014.. ALLENTOWN. Deutsche Bank National Trust Co., Morgan Stanley Capital I Inc. Trust 2006 NC2 Mortgage Pass Through Certificates Series 2006 NC2 and Wells Fargo Bank NA to McCullough, Aaron, $27,000, 118 Ridge Ave. Federal National Mortgage Assn., Weisberg, Marc S ... 9th St ... Bradford St ... and KML Law Group PC to Katechis, Keriake L., $43,500, 1837 S ... LWR....(size: 7.7Kb)
Edit Norway Today
14 Feb 2014
Eidsvoll House (Eidsvollsbygningen) is a house full of exciting history! For Norwegians it is one of the most important national symbols,, Vimeo ... This is why Eidsvoll House became Norway’s first national monument in 1837 ... Read more about The Eidsvoll House.  . Source ... ....(size: 1.5Kb)
Edit Philadelphia Daily News
14 Feb 2014
0 comments. Travel Deals. $232 & up -- Aruba Hotels & Resorts. Save up to 45%.  . See all travel deals ». Posted. Friday, February 14, 2014, 3.01 AM. Theater. Professional/semi-professional. 4000 Miles A young man moves in with his elderly grandmother, but getting along proves to be a challenge. Closes 2/23. Montgomery Theater, 124 N ... $10 ... Temple University - Temple Performing Arts Center, 1837 N Broad St.; Liacouras Center Box Office ... ....(size: 17.2Kb)
Edit Houston Chronicle
13 Feb 2014
The city of Houston has announced that the Comprehensive Kingwood Traffic Study will begin this month, according to a city press release ... These proposed solutions will then be presented to the community during a public meeting this summer ... The city was founded in 1836 and was incorporated as a city on June 5, 1837 ... Sam Houston ... ....(size: 1.5Kb)
Edit noodls
13 Feb 2014
(Source. Deere & Company). The 310K Backhoe Loader will be produced in John Deere's exclusive plant. John Deere will manufacture its excavators, in partnership with Hitachi Construction Machinery, in one of the plants ... Backhoe Loader. 310K Wheel Loaders. 524K, 544K, 624K, 644K and 724K ... Since 1837, John Deere has delivered innovative products of superior quality built on a tradition of ... (noodl....(size: 3.8Kb)

Year 1837 (MDCCCXXXVII) was a common year starting on Sunday (link will display the full calendar) of the Gregorian Calendar and a common year starting on Friday of the 12-day slower Julian calendar.

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James Butler Hickok (May 27, 1837 – August 2, 1876), better known as Wild Bill Hickok, was a folk hero of the American Old West. His skills as a gunfighter and scout, along with his reputation as a lawman, provided the basis for his fame, although some of his exploits are fictionalized.

Hickok came to the West as a stagecoach driver, then became a lawman in the frontier territories of Kansas and Nebraska. He fought for the Union Army during the American Civil War, and gained publicity after the war as a scout, marksman, actor, and professional gambler. Between his law-enforcement duties and gambling, which easily overlapped, Hickok was involved in several notable shootouts. He was shot and killed while playing poker in the Number Ten Saloon in Deadwood, Dakota Territory (now South Dakota).

Hickok was born in Homer, Illinois (now Troy Grove, Illinois) on May 27, 1837 of English ancestry. His birthplace is now the Wild Bill Hickok Memorial, a listed historic site under the supervision of the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency. Hickok was a good shot from a very young age and was recognized locally as an outstanding marksman with a pistol.

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Émile Waldteufel (9 December 1837 – 12 February 1915) was a French composer of dance music.

Émile Waldteufel (German for forest devil) was born in Strasbourg to a Jewish Alsatian family of musicians. His father Louis had a respected orchestra, and his brother Léon was a successful musician. When Léon won a place to study violin performance at the Conservatoire de Paris, the family followed him there. It was in Paris that Waldteufel spent the rest of his life.

Waldteufel studied the piano at the Conservatoire de Paris from 1853 to 1857. Among his fellow pupils was Jules Massenet. During his time at the conservatory, Louis Waldteufel's orchestra became one of the most famous in Paris, and Émile was frequently invited to play at important events. At the age of 27, Émile became the court pianist of the Empress Eugénie. After the Franco-Prussian War had dissolved the Second French Empire, the orchestra played at Presidential balls at the Élysée. At this time only a few members of the French high society knew of Émile; he was nearly 40 before he became better known.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -Émile_Waldteufel

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Emily Jane Brontë (play /ˈbrɒnti/; 30 July 1818 – 19 December 1848) was an English novelist and poet, best remembered for her solitary novel, Wuthering Heights, now considered a classic of English literature. Emily was the third eldest of the four surviving Brontë siblings, between the youngest Anne and her brother Branwell. She published under the pen name Ellis Bell.

Emily Brontë was born on 30 July 1818 in Thornton, near Bradford in Yorkshire, to Maria Branwell and Patrick Brontë. She was the younger sister of Charlotte Brontë and the fifth of six children. In 1824, the family moved to Haworth, where Emily's father was perpetual curate, and it was in these surroundings that their literary gifts flourished.

After the death of their mother in 1821, when Emily was three years old, the older sisters Maria, Elizabeth and Charlotte were sent to the Clergy Daughters' School at Cowan Bridge, where they encountered abuse and privations later described by Charlotte in Jane Eyre. Emily joined the school for a brief period. When a typhus epidemic swept the school, Maria and Elizabeth caught it. Maria, who may actually have had tuberculosis, was sent home, where she died. Emily was subsequently removed from the school along with Charlotte and Elizabeth. Elizabeth died soon after their return home.

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Janet-Marie Gretzky (born January 10, 1961) is an American actress. She is married to ice hockey icon Wayne Gretzky.

Jones performed in Annie (1982), Staying Alive (1983) and Snow White Live (1980), and had a bit part in The Beastmaster (1982). Her big break came in The Flamingo Kid (1984), which was followed by the film version of A Chorus Line (1985). Later in 1986, she appeared in American Anthem, co-starring gymnast Mitch Gaylord. In 1987, she appeared on the cover and in a semi-nude pictorial in the March issue of Playboy.

Other credits include 1988's Police Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach and the baseball film A League of Their Own (1992) with Geena Davis and Madonna.

Jones served as host of an infomercial for Jackie Chan and as the "master instructor" for a workout video produced by The FIRM. She and daughter Paulina were featured in the movie Alpha Dog.

Playing on her surname, she appeared in a 1986 TV commercial endorsing Jones Sausage along with other people who shared her last name.[citation needed]

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