The Ocean - Demersal:Cognitive Dissonance
The Ocean - Demersal:Cognitive Dissonance
The Ocean - Demersal:Cognitive Dissonance
Great song!
The Ocean "Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance" (LIVE VIDEO)
The Ocean "Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance" (LIVE VIDEO)
The Ocean "Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance" (LIVE VIDEO)
The Ocean performs "Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance" live on The Summer Slaughter Tour 2013 at The Rave in Milwaukee, WI. Also, guest vocalist Chris "CJ" McMa...
Demersal - Joie De Vivre
Demersal - Joie De Vivre
Demersal - Joie De Vivre
The dreams – are hands –
groping in the dark
Hoping – one day –
to bathe in the light of stars
And though, we can't see clear for dust and bones
And we find ourselves always standing at a crossroad
we can look, to the moon, to the sun and to the stars
and seek guidance by their light
The dreams – are hands –
groping in the dark
Hoping – one day –
to bathe in the light of stars
We carry the flag of our fathers,
and keep it always close at heart
a constant reminder of what went wrong
but still we try
- to carry on
Motherly decline
Builds cages around t
Catch limitation in demersal seine fishing
Catch limitation in demersal seine fishing
Catch limitation in demersal seine fishing
Fishing vessels using demersal seine sometimes get larger catches than they can handle, both in relation to safety and in ability to maintain catch quality. ...
Demersal Jigging
Demersal Jigging
Demersal Jigging
A little edit of me demersal jigging and hooking up to a 16kg perth dhufish on jig out from mindaire in 45m of water NOTE: Please watch in 1080p.
Demersal on jig
Demersal on jig
Demersal on jig
July 2014 - Solo mission fishing off Two Rocks. Went out without bait, determined to catch fish on jig only. For the first time I managed to get my bag limit...
Depeche Mode - Halo [ demersal edit ] HQ
Depeche Mode - Halo [ demersal edit ] HQ
Depeche Mode - Halo [ demersal edit ] HQ
remixed and produced by naweed www.naweedonline.com | rive production.
The Ocean @ Summer Breeze 2014 feat. David (EpitomE) "Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance"
The Ocean @ Summer Breeze 2014 feat. David (EpitomE) "Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance"
The Ocean @ Summer Breeze 2014 feat. David (EpitomE) "Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance"
A short guestvocal appearance of David (EpitomE) on the OCEANs song "Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance" . Performed at the Summer Breeze 2014
Demersal - Ruby
Demersal - Ruby
Demersal - Ruby
Releasing Sub-legal Atlantic Cod in the Demersal Longline Fishery
Releasing Sub-legal Atlantic Cod in the Demersal Longline Fishery
Releasing Sub-legal Atlantic Cod in the Demersal Longline Fishery
This video was produced May 2002. This video with a running time approximately 12 minutes, details how a typical demersal longline fishing vessel for Chatham...
Demersal Fishing in the Kimberly, Western Australia
Demersal Fishing in the Kimberly, Western Australia
Demersal Fishing in the Kimberly, Western Australia
Deepwater bottomfishing for ruby and flame snappers (Etelis carbunculus and E. coruscans) in the north of Western Australia.
Hake Demersal Longline setting: Namibia
Hake Demersal Longline setting: Namibia
Hake Demersal Longline setting: Namibia
The video display the setting procedures for hake bottom longline fishing gear which target hake fisheries.
THE OCEAN - Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance. Tomsk, Russia, 22.09.13
THE OCEAN - Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance. Tomsk, Russia, 22.09.13
THE OCEAN - Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance. Tomsk, Russia, 22.09.13
the very end of "Demersal - Cognitive Dissonance" in Tomsk, Siberia, on Sunday, 22.09.2013
Artsseleksjon i snurrevad / Species selection in a demersal seine
Artsseleksjon i snurrevad / Species selection in a demersal seine
Artsseleksjon i snurrevad / Species selection in a demersal seine
Seperation of cod and haddock in a demersal seine.
Seleksjonsanordninger for å skille torsk fra hyse i snurrevad ble testet på fiskefelt august - september 2014. Et nettpanel av store kvadratiske masker deler den bakerste delen av nota i øvre og nedre del. Hyse har sterk tendens til å søke opp og går igjennom kvadratmaskepanelet, mens torsken holder seg nede. I praksis kan en da la den ene arten svømme fritt ut av snurrevaden mens en fanger den andre arten. I forsøkene ble en øvre og en nedre sekk med lik maskestørrelse montert bak skillepanelet. Mesteparten av torsken havnet i den nederste sekken, og mesteparten av hyse i den øverste.
Twitchy crew slow jigging for demersal and pelagic species off the coast of Geraldton WA 2013.
Lots of live hook ups and slow jigging techniques in this video.
¡Demersal Rehearsal!
¡Demersal Rehearsal!
¡Demersal Rehearsal!
Ensayo de Demersal entre el guitarrista y el baterista porque los demás no pudieron presentarse
SeapiX demersal fish with 3D biomass extraction
SeapiX demersal fish with 3D biomass extraction
SeapiX demersal fish with 3D biomass extraction
SeapiX provides biomass extraction closed to the bottom from its fully configurable (opening and Tilt) multiple Echograms. It assess fish shoal as a biomass layer, presented in 2D and 3D view to increase understanding of the skipper. Then he can optimize maneuvring stage to target and secure catches.
Pink Floyd - In the Flesh? (Cover by Demersal)
Pink Floyd - In the Flesh? (Cover by Demersal)
Pink Floyd - In the Flesh? (Cover by Demersal)
Esto es un poco de nuestro más reciente ensayo, próximamente estaremos subiendo más de nuestras canciones, más covers y contenido para ustedes. Muchas gracias por el apoyo.
PD. Falta Juanito, el baterista y un nuevo integrante de la banda: Sasha.
The Ocean - Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance @ Urban Metal #10 @ fabrica
The Ocean - Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance @ Urban Metal #10 @ fabrica
The Ocean - Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance @ Urban Metal #10 @ fabrica
Clip live filmat de catre http://mahmur.info
Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance (Instrumental Version)
Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance (Instrumental Version)
Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance (Instrumental Version)
Demersal: Cognitive Dissonance (Instrumental Version)
The Ocean
℗ 2013 Metal Blade Records Inc
Released on: 2013-04-30
Music Publisher: Metal Skull Music
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Restore Florida Bay: Water Levels and Demersal Fish
Restore Florida Bay: Water Levels and Demersal Fish
Restore Florida Bay: Water Levels and Demersal Fish
Please visit http://www.RestoreFloridaBay.org for more information on Audubon's work in the Southern Everglades and Florida Bay.
The Lake Huron Deepwater Demersal Fish Community
The Lake Huron Deepwater Demersal Fish Community
The Lake Huron Deepwater Demersal Fish Community
Reserach Fishery Biologist Dr. Jeff Schaeffer of USGS gives an overview of prey fish trends in Lake Huron and touches on predator diets.
Redesign of demersal wetfish trawler processing decks by Sæmundur Elíasson
Redesign of demersal wetfish trawler processing decks by Sæmundur Elíasson
Redesign of demersal wetfish trawler processing decks by Sæmundur Elíasson
Redesign of demersal wetfish trawler processing decks by Sæmundur Elíasson from Matís and Torfi Þorsteinsson from HB Grandi in Iceland. From a workshop on "N...