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The Australian
SOUTH Africa's workplaces are still heavily racially skewed 20 years after the fall of apartheid, with only one fifth of top executive positions held by blacks, says a new report....
BBC News
A review of the best commentary on and around the world... Today's must-read President Barack Obama and former Presidents George W Bush, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter are...
The practice of taking selfies may be banned from the White House after U.S. President Barack Obama took exception to Samsung advertising stunts involving self-directed snaps....

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov walk through the Russian Ambassador's house in Paris, France, on March 30, 2014, before a meeting focused on Ukraine.
US Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian counterpart have agreed on the need to resolve the security situation in eastern Ukraine peacefully, officials say. It comes as pro-Russia activists continue to occupy state buildings in eastern cities...
photo: US DoS
File - Afghan President Hamid Karzai takes the stage to speak at the National Military Academy's (NMA) third graduation ceremony at the NMA in Kabul, Afghanistan, March 22, 2011.
KIM GAMEL Associated Press= KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Afghan central government authorities on Wednesday began questioning the police commander who killed an Associated Press photographer and wounded an AP reporter, a day after he was transferred...
photo: US Navy / MCS2 John Fischer
A man, center, supervises a dancing group during a mass folk dance in front of the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium in Pyongyang, North Korea, Monday, April 15, 2013.
North Korea's newly elected parliament met for the first time Wednesday to rubber-stamp a reshuffle of high-ranking officials, including the re-election of leader Kim Jong-un. Military politburo chief Choe Ryong-hae was elected as vice chairman of...
photo: AP / Alexander F. Yuan
In this Aug. 18, 2010 file photo, Palestinian students visit the Hall of Names at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial during their tour in Jerusalem. Six decades after the German Nazis murdered 6 million Jews, Israel's national Holocaust memorial has launched a new effort to educate the country's Arab minority, many of whom either deny the horror or undermine its scope.
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Wednesday warned several state legislatures against initiatives that would punish the state-owned French railway company SNCF for carrying out Holocaust-era deportations to Nazi death and labor camps....
photo: AP / Tara Todras-Whitehill, file
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chairs the weekly cabinet meeting in his office in Jerusalem, Sunday, April 6, 2014.
The moves came a day after US Secretary of State John Kerry blamed Israel for derailing the process by announcing new settlement construction. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered ministers to limit contact with their Palestinian...
photo: AP / Gali Tibbon, Pool
A man browsing through the internet using a laptop computer
A major new security vulnerability referred to as Heartbleed was disclosed late Monday night with severe implications for the entire Web. Hundreds of thousands of web and email servers worldwide could easily have this software flaw that lets...
photo: WN / Trigedia
Pakistan army soldiers patrol in the vicinity of the army training camp in Mardan near Peshawar, Pakistan  Thursday, Feb. 10, 2011. A teen suicide bomber in a school uniform attacked soldiers during morning exercises at a Pakistani army training camp killing many troops and injuring dozens of others, police and the military said.
A bomb has ripped through a passenger train in southwest Pakistan, killing at least 14 people. Police say Tuesday&aposs; blast occurred after the train stopped...
photo: AP / Mohammad Sajjad
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  • Play next
  • #PledgeToVote with Mr. Shyam Negi...2:35
  • Flight 370 : Chinese Ship Discovers Black Box Ping Detected In Indian Ocean - 5 April 2014...3:16
  • War on Women: DR Congo Rape...3:09
  • Pennsylvania High School Stabbing: More than 20 injured at Franklin Regional High...1:36
  • Arab League Donates 100 Million Dollar For Palestine...3:37
  • Lautenberg Responds After GOP Blocks Paycheck Fairness Act...2:05
  • Oscar Pistorius Trial: Wednesday 9 April 2014, Session 1...1:34:49
  • Bombing in Pakistan fruit market kills 22...2:03
  • Al-Qaeda-Linked Force Captures Fallujah Amid Rise in Violence in Iraq...1:40
  • Kerry says Russia stirs 'chaos' in Ukraine...1:56
  • Malaysian Plane Search: No Pings Since Sunday...0:52
  • India's expats shaping general election #BBCtrending - BBC News...1:43
  • Deadly Ebola Virus Spreading Across Guinea...3:44
  • The REAL Reason Flight 370 Disappeared...6:54
add video playlist Shyam Saran Negi, 97yrs old. India's first voter and a believer in democracy since 1951. Watch his true story. (Use captions to translate in 15 languages.) The upcoming Indian Elections will be the largest democratic election in history, with over 800 million voters. This is the true story of a man who never missed an opportunity to vote. Mr. Shyam Saran Negi, a school teacher from a remote village in the foothills of the Himalayas, has voted in every General Election since 1951. Mr. Negi pledges to vote in the 2014 elections, and so should you. Visit to take the #PledgeToVote.
Shyam Saran Negi, 97yrs old. India\'s first voter and a believer in democracy since 1951. Watch his true story. (Use captions to translate in 15 languages.) 

The upcoming Indian Elections will be the largest democratic election in history, with over 800 million voters. This is the true story of a man who never missed an opportunity to vote. Mr. Shyam Saran Negi, a school teacher from a remote village in the foothills of the Himalayas, has voted in every General Election since 1951. Mr. Negi pledges to vote in the  2014 elections, and so should you. Visit to take the #PledgeToVote.
#PledgeToVote with Mr. Shyam Negi
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 : Chinese Ship Discovers Pulse Signal In Indian Ocean - 5 April 2014

Chinese air force plane involved in search for MH370 spots several floating objects in search area

A Chinese patrol ship has discovered Saturday a pulse signal with a frequency of 37.5 kHz in the southern Indian Ocean, state news agency Xinhua reported.

A month after Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared, the search operation has been arduous, but Malaysia\'s determination remains undiminished, the nation\'s acting transportation minister said Saturday.

The country is forming three committees to tackle the disappearance of the flight, Hishammuddin Hussein said.
One will tend to the families of passengers aboard the missing flight, the second will oversee the investigation team and a third committee will handle the deployment of assets, he said.

Malaysia will also appoint an independent investigator to lead an investigation team, the acting minister said.

Subscribe For Breaking News
Malaysia plane MH370: Pinger locators deployed in search
Underwater search begins for MH370 
Searchers use specialized ships in hunt for Flight 370
Malaysia plane MH370: Pinger locators deployed in search
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: Thai Satellite \'Shows 300 Floating Objects\' - 27 Mar 2014
Malaysia Airlines,MH370,122 New Objects,Spotted Malaysia,Minister
Missing plane search for 122 objects
Missing plane Malaysia Airlines
Missing Plane \'122 Objects\' Spotted In Ocean
MALAYSIAN Press Conference French Satellite identify 122 images of debris 3/26/14
MALAYSIAN Press Conference French Satellite identify 122 images of debris 3/26/14
New Objects Discovered In Search For Missing Malaysian Plane
122 objects of the Missing Malaysia Plane FOUND in Ocean by French Airbus
Flight MH370: Thai satellite \'shows 300 floating objects\'
Thai Satellite images show 300 objects in Malaysia Jet Search Zone
Missing jet: \'300 objects\' spotted
Now Thailand says its satellites have spotted \'300 floating objects\' in the southern Indian Ocean hunt for wreckage from flight MH370
A Thai satellite appears to show images of up to 300 objects in a south Indian Ocean zone being searched for missing Malaysian flight MH370.
MH370: New account of cockpit last words
Last words: \'Good night Malaysian three seven zero\'
Australian search pilot spots four orange items floating in the Indian Ocean
\'We will keep searching,\' vows Australia\'s PM
Missing Malaysia Airlines MH370 Debris Taken on board by Chinese Searchers
Promising lead\' in hunt for missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 as Australian
Flight 370 Largest Conspiracy Since 9/11
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Debris FOUND in Australian Search Zone in Indian Ocean
Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight May Have Been Found By Chinese Satellite
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Malaysia Plane Crashed Into Indian Ocean #MH370
malaysian airline 
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Flight 370
Australian PM: Jet search \'extraordinarily difficult\'
\'No time limit\' on Malaysia jet hunt
\'No time limit\' on Malaysia jet hunt
\'No time limit\' on Malaysia jet hunt
Hopes dashed as orange objects turn out to be fishing equipment
Chinese ship hears pulse signal in southern Indian Ocean
Chinese Ship Hears Pulse Signal In South Indian Ocean
Plane search ship \'picks up signal\'
Plane search ship \'picks up signal\'
Malaysia missing plane search China ship \'picks up signal\'
BREAKING NEWS: Chinese ship looking for missing Malaysia Airlines plane detects black box \'pulse signal\' in southern Indian Ocean
Chinese ship looking for missing Malaysia Airlines plane
Malaysia missing plane search China ship \'picks up signal\'
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 : Chinese Ship Discovers Pulse Signal In Indian Ocean - 5 April 2014
MH370: Chinese patrol ship detects pulse signal
Missing Malaysia Airlines search: Chinese ship picks up pulse signal, reports
Malaysia Says It \'Will Not Stop Looking\' for Jet
China ship detects \'pulse signal\' in Indian Ocean
Chinese ship \'detects pulse signal\' in southern Indian Ocean
Flight 370 : Chinese Ship Discovers Black Box Ping Detected In Indian Ocean - 5 April 2014
Plane search ship \'picks up signal\'
Malaysia missing plane search China ship \'picks up signal\'
Chinese ship picks up pulse in ocean
Chinese ship discovers pulse signal in Indian Ocean
MH370 search vessel detects pulse in southern Indian
Chinese ship \'detects pulse signal\' in southern Indian Ocean
Malaysia Airlines MH370
Chinese Ship Detects Possible Signal in Search for Missing ..
Chinese detect \'pulse signal\' in Indian Ocean
Malaysia missing plane search China ship \'picks up signal\'
Chinese air force plane involved in search for MH370 spots several floating objects in search area
Flight 370 : Chi­nese Ship Dis­cov­ers Black Box Ping De­tect­ed In In­di­an Ocean - 5 April 2014
Sexual violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo has climbed to levels unseen anywhere else in the world. Impunity for perpetrators is one of the reasons why this part of the African continent is the worst place in the world to be a woman.
War on Women: DR Congo Rape
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Reports say at least six people have been stabbed at a high school in Pennsylvania, whilst 20 students are said to have been injured. The incident took place at Franklin Regional High School, about 20 miles east of Pittsburgh. Footage from a local news channel shows parents gathering outside the school as they awaited further news on their children. The school district posted an emergency message on its website stating that \
Penn­syl­va­nia High School Stab­bing: More than 20 in­jured at Franklin Re­gion­al High
Arab foreign ministers meeting in Cairo have renewed their commitment to give $100m in monthly aid to the government of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

The ministers also urged Arab governments falling behind on payments to the Palestinians to swiftly come up with the money, according to the Associated Press news agency.

The pledge, made on Wednesday in the Egyptian capital, came hours after Israel announced a partial freeze in high-level contacts with the Palestinians in retaliation for their bid sign international conventions.

Under interim peace deals, Israel collects and transfers to the Palestinian Authority (PA) some $100m a month in taxes on goods imported into the Palestinian territories. Israel has previously frozen the payments during times of heightened tensions.

Though Israel did not mention such measures on Wednesday, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki said the Israeli government had \
Arab League Do­nates 100 Mil­lion Dol­lar For Pales­tine
On June 5, 2012, U.S. Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) blasted Senate Republicans for blocking action on the Paycheck Fairness Act.
Laut­en­berg Re­sponds After GOP Blocks Pay­check Fair­ness Act
Paralympian Oscar Pistorius continue giving his evidence for the third day on Wednesday in the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria.
Oscar Pis­to­rius Trial: Wednes­day 9 April 2014, Ses­sion 1
Wed, Apr 09 2014 CDT
by Khurram SHAHZAD
Islamabad (AFP)
A bomb tore through a bustling fruit and vegetable market in Islamabad Wednesday, killing at least 22 people, police said, the latest violence to hit government peace talks with the Taliban.
The blast took place around 8:00 am (0300 GMT) at the wholesale market close to the Pakistani capital\'s twin city Rawalpindi, as hundreds of grocers and sellers gathered to trade.
The bombing -- the deadliest to hit Islamabad since a huge truck bomb at the Marriott Hotel in 2008 -- left a 1.5-metre (five-foot) diameter crater and littered the site with body parts and guava fruits drenched in blood, an AFP reporter at the scene said.
The attack comes as the government tries to negotiate an end to the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan\'s (TTP) campaign of violence.
Talks began between government and TTP intermediaries in February, but more than 160 people have been killed in attacks since the start of the process, leading many to question its worth.
Javaid Qazi, the vice-chancellor of the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) hospital, said 22 people had been killed and 96 wounded in the blast.
The TTP\'s main spokesman Shahidullah Shahid said the group had nothing to do with the attack and urged the government to find those responsible.
- \'Bodies flying everywhere\' -
Eyewitness Muhammad Tahir described the bloody carnage as the bomb detonated.
Bomb­ing in Pak­istan fruit mar­ket kills 22
Al-Qaeda-Linked Force Captures Fallujah Amid Rise in Violence in Iraq
Al-Qaeda-Linked Force Captures Fallujah Amid Rise in Violence in Iraq
Al-Qaeda-Linked Force Captures Fallujah Amid Rise in Violence in Iraq

Al-Qaeda militants have seized much of Fallujah, a key city in western Iraq, engaging Iraqi army forces in pitched battles there in a brazen challenge to Iraq\'s central government.
Al-Qae­da-Linked Force Cap­tures Fal­lu­jah Amid Rise in Vi­o­lence in Iraq
The US secretary of state, John Kerry, has bluntly blamed Russia of \
Kerry says Rus­sia stirs 'chaos' in Ukraine
Officials searching for Malaysia Airlines flight 370 say no pings have been heard from deep in the Indian Ocean since Sunday. Pings consistent with an airplane\'s black boxes were picked up over the weekend. (April 8)
Malaysian Plane Search: No Pings Since Sun­day
#BBCtrending takes a look at the non-resident Indian\'s helping to shape India\'s general elections. There are an estimated 25 million Indians who live outside of India. Political parties are trying to use them to their advantage in the upcoming general elections.
The three main parties, the Congress party, the BJP and the AAP, have all set up NRI - or Non-Resident Indian - teams abroad. With intricate social media, online and call centre strategies - in a bid to garner more voters.

Check out our website: 
India's ex­pats shap­ing gen­er­al elec­tion #BBC­trend­ing - BBC News
An Ebola outbreak has killed dozens of people in Guinea, health officials and aid workers say, demonstrating the range of one of the world\'s most deadly viruses. Doctors Without Borders Ebola expert Dr. Armand Sprecher discusses. Photo: Getty Images.

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Dead­ly Ebola Virus Spread­ing Across Guinea
Video produced by Produced, written, and edited by Kris Zane. Narrated by Tom Hinchey
The REAL Rea­son Flight 370 Dis­ap­peared

An aid convoy came under fire in Homs, threatening a U.N.-led humanitarian operation to bring relief to civilians trapped by fighting. Mana Rabiee reports.

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Reuters tells the world\'s stories like no one else. As the largest international multimedia news provider, Reuters provides coverage around the globe and across topics including business, financial, national, and international news. For over 160 years, Reuters has maintained its reputation for speed, accuracy, and impact while providing exclusives, incisive commentary and forward-looking analysis.
U.N. aid con­voy at­tacked in Syria's be­sieged Homs

updated 25 Mar 2014; published 25 Mar 2014
#PledgeToVote with Mr. Shyam Negi
CNN 10 Apr 2014, April 10, 2014 -- Updated 0337 GMT (1137 HKT) An official checks a voter's identity card in Agartala, India, on Monday, April 7. India's general election will be held in stages over five weeks. Voters will elect 543 members to the lower house of parliament, which will then select the country's next prime minister. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is...
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updated 05 Apr 2014; published 05 Apr 2014
Flight 370 : Chi­nese Ship Dis­cov­ers Black Box Ping De­tect­ed In In­di­an Ocean - 5 April 2014
BBC News 10 Apr 2014, Teams are focusing on a narrowed search area in the hunt for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane, after more signals were heard earlier this week. Thursday's search was set to involve up to 14 aircraft and 13 ships, the agency co-ordinating the search announced. They will search 57,923 sq km (22 364 sq miles) - the smallest designated search...
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updated 08 Apr 2014; published 08 Apr 2014
War on Women: DR Congo Rape
Al Jazeera 10 Apr 2014, The United Nations has said more than 3,600 women, children and men were subjected to rape and other sexual violence in Congo over a four-year period by the country's defense and security forces or armed rebels. A UN report published on Wednesday documented 3,645 victims of sexual violence between January 2010 and December 2013, with...
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updated 09 Apr 2014; published 09 Apr 2014
Penn­syl­va­nia High School Stab­bing: More than 20 in­jured at Franklin Re­gion­al High
Al Jazeera 09 Apr 2014, An American high school student has stabbed or slashed 20 people, mostly teenagers, in a bloody 30-minute rampage in the classrooms and hallways of a Pittsburg...
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updated 09 Apr 2014; published 09 Apr 2014
Arab League Do­nates 100 Mil­lion Dol­lar For Pales­tine
Al Jazeera 09 Apr 2014, Arab foreign ministers meeting in Cairo have renewed their commitment to give $100m in monthly aid to the government of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. The ministers also urged Arab governments falling behind on payments to the Palestinians to swiftly come up with the money, according to the Associated Press news agency. The pledge, made on...
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updated 05 Jun 2012; published 05 Jun 2012
Laut­en­berg Re­sponds After GOP Blocks Pay­check Fair­ness Act
BBC News 09 Apr 2014, Republicans in the US Senate have blocked a Democratic bill aimed at closing the gap between what men and women are paid. The Paycheck Fairness Act fell seven votes short of the 60 required to advance in the chamber. Republicans dismiss the bill as an election year ploy that would invite frivolous lawsuits. But Democrats cite Census Bureau data...
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updated 09 Apr 2014; published 09 Apr 2014
Oscar Pis­to­rius Trial: Wednes­day 9 April 2014, Ses­sion 1
The Independent 09 Apr 2014, Oscar Pistorius was left shaken after an extremely graphic photograph of Reeva Steenkamp's head wound was shown in court as State Prosecutor Gerrie Nel began his cross-examination demanding he "take responsibility" for killing his girlfriend. On the first day of cross-examination, Mr Nel, known in South Africa as the 'pit bull', asked for...
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updated 09 Apr 2014; published 09 Apr 2014
Bomb­ing in Pak­istan fruit mar­ket kills 22
The Times of India 09 Apr 2014, ISLAMABAD: Over 20 people were killed and nearly 70 others injured on Wednesday in a blast that ripped through a bustling fruit market on the outskirts of the Pakistan's capital, even as peace talks are on with the banned Taliban. The blast occurred in the fruit market in Sector I-11 of the capital, bordering the garrison city of Rawalpindi. No...
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updated 04 Jan 2014; published 04 Jan 2014
Al-Qae­da-Linked Force Cap­tures Fal­lu­jah Amid Rise in Vi­o­lence in Iraq
Al Jazeera 09 Apr 2014, Wire reports attested that anonymous gunmen near Baghdad kidnapped and later executed six men on April 6, while another 11 people were killed across the country. In what were routine assassinations, police investigators stumbled on the bodies, all with gunshot wounds to the head. No one claimed responsibility for these slayings, or for most of the...
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updated 09 Apr 2014; published 09 Apr 2014
Kerry says Rus­sia stirs 'chaos' in Ukraine
Denver Post 09 Apr 2014, Related Stories Apr 8:Pro-Russian activists declare eastern region independentApr 6:EU stresses need for Russia to defuse tensions with UkraineApr 3:Report: Russia arrests 25 Ukrainians for sabotageUkrainian officers join NATO drills in BulgariaUkraine detains riot police over sniper deathsApr 1:One battalion leaves Ukraine; thousands of troops...
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updated 08 Apr 2014; published 08 Apr 2014
Malaysian Plane Search: No Pings Since Sun­day
Philadelphia Daily News 09 Apr 2014, Travel Deals $199 & up -- Caribbean 7-Night Cruises w/Extras   See all travel deals » NICK PERRY, The Associated Press Posted: Wednesday, April 9, 2014, 12:19 AM PERTH, Australia (AP) - A ship searching for the missing Malaysian jet has detected two more underwater signals that may be emanating from the aircraft's black boxes, and the...
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updated 07 Apr 2014; published 07 Apr 2014
India's ex­pats shap­ing gen­er­al elec­tion #BBC­trend­ing - BBC News
Al Jazeera 09 Apr 2014, Hundreds of thousands of people have started voting in the second phase of India's national election in the country's remote northeast amid tight security. The election to choose members to the 543-seat Lok Sabha, or House of the People, will be...
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updated 25 Mar 2014; published 25 Mar 2014
Dead­ly Ebola Virus Spread­ing Across Guinea
CNN 08 Apr 2014, April 8, 2014 -- Updated 1654 GMT (0054 HKT) Members of the medical aid organization Doctors Without Borders carry a dead body in Guekedou, Guinea, near the borders of Sierra Leone and Liberia, on Friday, April 1. Dozens of people have died from an Ebola outbreak in coastal West Africa, aid workers reported. Gloves and boots used by medical...
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updated 28 Mar 2014; published 28 Mar 2014
The REAL Rea­son Flight 370 Dis­ap­peared
The Times of India 08 Apr 2014, PERTH: Ships listening for undersea signals from Flight MH370 have failed to detect any more "pings" and will spend several more days trying to pinpoint a crash site before a mini-sub is launched to scour the seabed, searchers said on Tuesday. Exactly one month since the Boeing 777 vanished with 239 people on board, optimism over the earlier...
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Politicians slug it out in India's first social media election
Full Article CNN
10 Apr 2014

April 10, 2014 -- Updated 0337 GMT (1137 HKT) An official checks a voter's identity card in Agartala, India, on Monday, April 7. India's general election will be held in stages over five weeks. Voters will elect 543 members to the lower house of parliament, which will then select the country's next prime minister. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is... Election In India Media
Supporters listen to a speech by Senior Congress leader and Jammu and Kashmir Tourim Minister G.A Mir during an election campaign rally at Shahabad-Dooru 120 kms From South Kashmir, Srinagar, on Wednesday on 09, April 2014.
photo: WN / Imran Nissar

Missing Malaysia plane: Search area narrows
Full Article BBC News
10 Apr 2014

Teams are focusing on a narrowed search area in the hunt for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane, after more signals were heard earlier this week. Thursday's search was set to involve up to 14 aircraft and 13 ships, the agency co-ordinating the search announced. They will search 57,923 sq km (22 364 sq miles) - the smallest designated search... Disasters Search Airlines Flight 370
A submarine built by Bluefin Robotics is lowered into the water by systems engineer Cheryl Mierzwa in Quincy, Mass., Wednesday, April 9, 2014.
photo: AP / Scott Eisen

UN: 3,600 raped in DRC in four-year period
Full Article Al Jazeera
10 Apr 2014

The United Nations has said more than 3,600 women, children and men were subjected to rape and other sexual violence in Congo over a four-year period by the country's defense and security forces or armed rebels. A UN report published on Wednesday documented 3,645 victims of sexual violence between January 2010 and December 2013, with... - Drc On Women Drc Rights
A delegation of United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) female staff visited a women's shelter for victims of sexual abuse in Goma and donated much needed supplies.
photo: UN / Marie Frechon

US stabbing rampage leaves many injured
Full Article Al Jazeera
09 Apr 2014

An American high school student has stabbed or slashed 20 people, mostly teenagers, in a bloody 30-minute rampage in the classrooms and hallways of a Pittsburg... Stabbing
Emergency responders gather in the parking lot of the high school on the campus of the Franklin Regional School District where several people were stabbed at Franklin Regional High School on Wednesday, April 9, 2014, in Murrysville, Pa., near Pittsburgh.
photo: AP / Keith Srakocic

Arab League pledges $100m to Palestinians
Full Article Al Jazeera
09 Apr 2014

Arab foreign ministers meeting in Cairo have renewed their commitment to give $100m in monthly aid to the government of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. The ministers also urged Arab governments falling behind on payments to the Palestinians to swiftly come up with the money, according to the Associated Press news agency. The pledge, made on... League - Palestinians Conflict Peace Talks
 Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas gestures as he addresses the Palestine Central Council in the West Bank city of Ramallah Wednesday July 18 2007. Abbas said Wednesday he would call early elections, harshly denouncing the Islamic Hamas in speech before
photo: AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti

US Senate Republicans block 'Paycheck Fairness Act'
Full Article BBC News
09 Apr 2014

Republicans in the US Senate have blocked a Democratic bill aimed at closing the gap between what men and women are paid. The Paycheck Fairness Act fell seven votes short of the 60 required to advance in the chamber. Republicans dismiss the bill as an election year ploy that would invite frivolous lawsuits. But Democrats cite Census Bureau data... Fairness Act
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Sen. Deb Fischer, R-Neb., left, talk about the gender pay gap as the Senate begins debate on wage equity, during a news conference at the Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, April 8, 2014.
photo: AP / J. Scott Applewhite

Oscar Pistorius trial: 'Pit bull' prosecutor grills athlete in dramatic cross-examination
Full Article The Independent
09 Apr 2014

Oscar Pistorius was left shaken after an extremely graphic photograph of Reeva Steenkamp's head wound was shown in court as State Prosecutor Gerrie Nel began his cross-examination demanding he "take responsibility" for killing his girlfriend. On the first day of cross-examination, Mr Nel, known in South Africa as the 'pit bull', asked for... Trial Pistorius Africa Crime
Oscar Pistorius leaves the high court in Pretoria, South Africa, Wednesday, April 9, 2014. Pistorius is charged with murder for shooting dead his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, on Valentines Day in 2013.
photo: AP / Themba Hadebe

Over 20 killed, nearly 70 injured in blast in Pakistan
Full Article The Times of India
09 Apr 2014

ISLAMABAD: Over 20 people were killed and nearly 70 others injured on Wednesday in a blast that ripped through a bustling fruit market on the outskirts of the Pakistan's capital, even as peace talks are on with the banned Taliban. The blast occurred in the fruit market in Sector I-11 of the capital, bordering the garrison city of Rawalpindi. No... Taliban Talks - Pakistan In Pakistan
Police cordon off the area of a blast in Islamabad, Pakistan, Wednesday, April 9, 2014.
photo: AP / B.K. Bangash

Will the violence in Iraq ever ebb?
Full Article Al Jazeera
09 Apr 2014

Wire reports attested that anonymous gunmen near Baghdad kidnapped and later executed six men on April 6, while another 11 people were killed across the country. In what were routine assassinations, police investigators stumbled on the bodies, all with gunshot wounds to the head. No one claimed responsibility for these slayings, or for most of the... Rights War Peace
File - U.S. Army Soldiers with 4th Platoon, Delta Company, 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division out of Fort Carson, Colo., and Iraqi national police search for anti-coalition forces in the area of Dora in southern Baghdad, Iraq, July 23, 2007.
photo: USAF / Master Sgt. Jonathan Doti

Ukraine fears history repeating as talks involve everyone but Ukraine
Full Article Denver Post
09 Apr 2014

Related Stories Apr 8:Pro-Russian activists declare eastern region independentApr 6:EU stresses need for Russia to defuse tensions with UkraineApr 3:Report: Russia arrests 25 Ukrainians for sabotageUkrainian officers join NATO drills in BulgariaUkraine detains riot police over sniper deathsApr 1:One battalion leaves Ukraine; thousands of troops... Referendum On Russia Crisis
Pro-Russian activists hold a huge Russian national flag in front of the regional administration building in Donetsk, Ukraine, Sunday, April 6, 2014
photo: AP / Andrey Basevich

More underwater pings heard in hunt for plane
Full Article Philadelphia Daily News
09 Apr 2014

Travel Deals $199 & up -- Caribbean 7-Night Cruises w/Extras   See all travel deals » NICK PERRY, The Associated Press Posted: Wednesday, April 9, 2014, 12:19 AM PERTH, Australia (AP) - A ship searching for the missing Malaysian jet has detected two more underwater signals that may be emanating from the aircraft's black boxes, and the... Disasters 370 Search Airlines
In this April 7, 2014 photo provided by the Australian Defense Force a fast response craft manned by members from the Australian Defense's ship Ocean Shield is deployed to scan the water for debris of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 in the southern Indian Ocean.
photo: AP / Australia Defense Force, LSIS Bradley Darvill

Second round of voting begins in India
Full Article Al Jazeera
09 Apr 2014

Hundreds of thousands of people have started voting in the second phase of India's national election in the country's remote northeast amid tight security. The election to choose members to the 543-seat Lok Sabha, or House of the People, will be... In India General Elections Of India
India Voters seen standing in a queue to cast their votes in their respective polling stations
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

WHO: Ebola outbreak one of 'most challenging'
Full Article CNN
08 Apr 2014

April 8, 2014 -- Updated 1654 GMT (0054 HKT) Members of the medical aid organization Doctors Without Borders carry a dead body in Guekedou, Guinea, near the borders of Sierra Leone and Liberia, on Friday, April 1. Dozens of people have died from an Ebola outbreak in coastal West Africa, aid workers reported. Gloves and boots used by medical... Virus Health Organization
In this photo provide by MSF, Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders), taken on Friday, March 28, 2014, healthcare workers from the organisation, react, as they prepare isolation and treatment areas for their Ebola, hemorrhagic fever operations, in Gueckedou, Guinea.
photo: AP / Kjell Gunnar Beraas, MSF

Missing Malaysian plane: Elusive 'pings' keep MH370 search in limbo
Full Article The Times of India
08 Apr 2014

PERTH: Ships listening for undersea signals from Flight MH370 have failed to detect any more "pings" and will spend several more days trying to pinpoint a crash site before a mini-sub is launched to scour the seabed, searchers said on Tuesday. Exactly one month since the Boeing 777 vanished with 239 people on board, optimism over the earlier... Disaster Mh370 Airlines
The Bluefin 21, Artemis autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is hoisted back aboard the Royal Australian Navy Australian Defense Vessel (ADV) Ocean Shield after successful buoyancy testing in support for the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 flight MH370, 1 April, 2014.
photo: US Navy / MCS1 Peter D. Blair

Brooklyn Decker would love to have a baby one day
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Bayern too strong for United
Full Article Independent online (SA)
10 Apr 2014

London - Bayern Munich kept alive their Champions League title defence by suppressing a resilient Manchester United to reach the semi-finals on Wednesday, while the power shift continued in Spain as Atletico Madrid edged past La Liga rivals Barcelona. United gave the Germans a scare when... Munich V. Manchester United
Bayern's Thomas Mueller, centre, celebrates with teammates
photo: AP / Matthias Schrader

Simeone triumphs in tactical battle with Martino
Full Article The Times of India
10 Apr 2014

MADRID: Atletico Madrid coach Diego Simeone got his tactics spot on in the battle with Barcelona counterpart and Argentine compatriot Gerardo Martino as his unfancied side dumped their wealthier rivals out of Europe on Wednesday. Barca were unable to cope with a fired-up Atletico in the opening 20 minutes of the Champions League quarter-final,... Madrid V. Barcelona Simeone Martino
Atletico's coach Diego Simeone gestures during the Champions League
photo: AP / Paul White

Atletico end Barca hopes
Full Article York Press
10 Apr 2014

Koke, right, celebrates scoring the opening goal (AP) Atletico Madrid reached the semi-finals of the Champions League for the first time following a 1-0 win over Spanish rivals Barcelona. Koke's fifth-minute strike was enough to send Atletico through to the last four with a 2-1 aggregate... Atletico Madrid Fc Barcelona Uefa Champions League
Barcelona's Lionel Messi covers his face during the Champions League
photo: AP / Andres Kudacki

Lassana Diarra denies jihadist rumours April 9, 2014
Full Article ESPN
09 Apr 2014

Lokomotiv Moscow midfielder Lassana Diarra has denied claims that he is a jihadist in the war in Syria. GettyImagesLassana Diarra is a former Arsenal player. It was rumoured that Diarra, 29, had moved to the war-torn... Rebels In Syria Diarra Civil War
Real Madrid players from left; Javi Garcia from Spain, Raul Gonzalez from Spain, Lassana Diarra from France, and Fabio Cannavaro from Italy react at the end of their Spanish La Liga soccer match against Villarreal at the Madrigal stadium in Villarreal, Spain, Saturday, May 16, 2009. Villarreal won the match 3-2
photo: AP / Daniel Leiva

Ultimate Warrior dead at 54 just a day after WWE Raw and WrestleMania 30 appearances
Full Article The Independent
09 Apr 2014

WWE wrestler The Ultimate Warrior has died at the age of 54 after collapsing in front of his hotel room, with The Rock, Triple H, Hulk Hogan and more paying tribute. The wrestling legend, who... Ultimate Warrior
The Ultimate Warrior speaks during the WWE Hall of Fame Induction at the Smoothie King Center in New Orleans on Saturday, April 5, 2014.
photo: AP / Jonathan Bachman

The Ultimate Warrior passes away just days after Wrestlemania 30
Full Article The Examiner
09 Apr 2014

According to an Apr. 9 post from, WWE legend The Ultimate Warrior has passed away. The Ultimate Warrior, real name James Hellwig, was just 54 years old at the time of his death. So far, the cause of The...

The Ultimate Warrior speaks during the WWE Hall of Fame Induction at the Smoothie King Center in New Orleans on Saturday, April 5, 2014.
photo: AP / Jonathan Bachman

Oscar Pistorius trial: 'I was besotted with Reeva Steenkamp … I saw my future with her'
Full Article London Evening Standard
08 Apr 2014

The Olympic athlete, who denies her pre-meditated murder, said he saw his future with the 29-year-old model and told of their “ amazing” first date. The... Steenkamp Of Oscar Pistorius
XIV. Paralympische Sommerspiele, Leichtathletik, Maenner, 200 Meter, Finale T44, Sonntag (02.09.12), Olympiastadion, London, Grossbritannien: Oscar Pistorius (Suedafrika, r.) steht nach dem Lauf neben David Behre im Zielbereich.
photo: AP / Sebastian Widmann

Beyonce wants music to 'empower'
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
09 Apr 2014

Beyonce has said she wants her music to have an impact. The Drunk In Love songstress paid homage to screen siren Marilyn Monroe, as she posed topless for the front cover of Out magazine's Power issue in jewellery and blow-dried hair, with her hands protecting her modesty. Talking about her self-titled album, she said: "While I am definitely...
Another Beyonce photo - Barcelona
photo: Creative Commons / Barcelona

'We Are All The Same': Beyonce 'Very Happy' With Large LGBT Fan Base
Full Article Entertainment Wise
09 Apr 2014

Beyonce has touched the hearts of millions around the world with her music and the singer says she is “very happy” with the diversity of her fan base and is particular proud that she appeals to the LGBT community. The 'Drunk In Love' singer has just...
Beyonce Knowles appears onstage during MTV's "Total Request Live" at the MTV Times Square Studios Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2006 in New York. Beyonce's latest album "B'Day" hit stores Tuesday, Sept. 5.
photo: AP / Jason DeCrow

Liam Payne Meets The Fan Who Made Him Incontinent
Full Article The Inquisitr
09 Apr 2014

It’s not easy being Liam Payne, the guy is hounded by hordes of hormonal teens everywhere he turns. They love Liam and Liam loves them but even the ‘Best Song Ever’ singer must need a sanctuary of sorts when the screaming and tearful One Directioners come knocking. And knock they do. To the extent that a ‘hunted’ Liam... Payne
Performers Niall Horan, left, and Liam Payne watch the New York Knicks and the Orlando Magic play during the second quarter of an NBA basketball game on Friday, Dec. 6, 2013, at Madison Square Garden in New York.
photo: AP / Bill Kostroun

'It Doesn't Mean I'm A Flop': Jessie J Admits Last Album 'Alive' Suffered Poor Sales
Full Article Entertainment Wise
09 Apr 2014

Jessie J has boldly admitted that her most recent studio album 'Alive' wasn't as popular as expected after selling a million copies LESS than her 2011 debut, however, the singer insists that it doesn't mean she has “flopped” as an artist. The 'It's My Party' singer released her second album last September and while it... J
Jessie J Istanbul Concert
photo: Creative Commons / Leyla Dilmen

'I've Never Dated Her': Ed Sheeran Denies Break-Up Track Is About Taylor Swift
Full Article Entertainment Wise
09 Apr 2014

Ed Sheeran has swiftly shut down speculation that a track on his new album was written about best friend Taylor Swift, insisting that they 100% have not dated despite previous rumours. The 23-year-old, who premiered his new single 'Sing' this week, recently revealed that he has used a past break-up to inspire one of the... Sheeran
Ed Sheeran performs at the night that changed America: a Grammy salute to the Beatles, on Monday, Jan. 27, 2014, in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Zach Cordner

Divorced... in 68 seconds
Full Article Independent online (SA)
09 Apr 2014

London - Nicole Appleton was granted a divorce from Liam Gallagher within 68 seconds of the judge assessing the case. The All Saints singer has endured a turbulent several months after it was revealed last July that her husband had fathered a... Gallagher Appleton
British singer Liam Gallagher, right, and his wife Nicole Appleton pose for photographers as they arrive for the UK premiere of the film 'Shine A Light' at the Odeon Leicester Square, London, Wednesday April 2, 2008.
photo: AP / Matt Dunham

Beyonce appears on cover of 'Out' magazine
Full Article The Examiner
09 Apr 2014

Beyonce has had a whirlwind year. Between a world tour, releasing a secret album, numerous public appearances and sightseeing, the starlet has had a year that most people would envy. An April 8 story by On...
Singer Beyonce Knowles poses for pictures at a press conference where she announced her partnership with General Mills' Hamburger Helper and the goal of helping the organization Feeding America deliver more than 3.5 million meals to local food banks, on Monday, June 22, 2009 in New York.
photo: AP / Peter Kramer

Beyonce wants us to own our sexuality
Full Article Stuff
09 Apr 2014

Beyonce has covered LGBT glossy magazine Out magazine, looking stunning and more than a little Marilyn-esque in a blonde bob, and has spoken about sexuality, feminism and self expression. Speaking about the double standard when it comes to sexuality (women who like sex = trollops and men who like sex = studs, or just real 'red blooded'...
Beyonce live
photo: Creative Commons / Concert

Heigl sues pharmacy firm over photo
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
10 Apr 2014

Emmy-winning actress Katherine Heigl is suing Duane Reade, saying the company is using a picture of her leaving one of its pharmacies in its promotional materials. Heigl, 35, who was in the TV series Grey's Anatomy and films including Knocked Up and 27 Dresses is seeking at least six million dollars (£3.4m) in damages. A Duane Reade spokesman did...
Actress Katherine Heigl at the premiere of "27 Dresses"
photo: Creative Commons

Divergent Star Shailene Woodley Insists She Doesn't Want A Role In The Amazing Spider-Man 3
Full Article Entertainment Wise
09 Apr 2014

Shailene Woodley has admitted she's not sure she wants to appear in The Amazing Spider-Man 3, after her scenes were cut in the second movie, due out later this month. The 23-year-old was due to appear in a small role as Mary Jane Watson in Marc Webb's Spidey sequel, which hits cinemas on...
Shailene Woodley at the film premiere of "Divergent" in California .
photo: Creative Commons / Mingle Media TV

Queens Of Comedy Reunite: Tina Fey And Amy Poehler To Star In The Nest
Full Article Entertainment Wise
09 Apr 2014

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler struck comedy gold once already on the big screen and will try to do it again in the movie The Nest. Amy is final negotiations with Universal to star opposite...
Tina Fey waves to fans as she arrives at the Kennedy Center where she was awarded the Mark Twain Prize for humor in Washington, Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2010.
photo: AP / Cliff Owen

Zac Efron Has Sex Toy Fight With Seth Rogen In First 'Neighbors' Trailer (WATCH)
Full Article Entertainment Wise
08 Apr 2014

Zac Efron violently shoving a sex toy inside Seth Rogen's mouth is just one of the NSFW moments in the new red-band...
File:Zac Efron TIFF08.jpg
photo: Creative Commons / christopherharte

Kanye West -- Calls Out NFL, NBA Stars ... I Defeated All of You In Battle for Kim
Full Article TMZ
08 Apr 2014

Kanye West is spiking the football ... bragging that he defeated NBA and NFL players like Reggie Bush and Kris Humphries to win the rights to bang Kim KardashianWest just appeared on Future's new single, "I Won" -- and raps about his most prized conquest, Kim ... saying, "I want to dip that ass in gold, I want to dip that ass in gold." Then...
Kanye West
photo: AP / Mark J. Terrill

Rob Lowe has 'tremendous empathy' for Justin Bieber, says no one cares about his music
Full Article Celebrity Café
08 Apr 2014

Rob Lowe is one of the rare celebrities sticking up for Justin Bieber and all of his antics throughout the past year or so. Lowe is a teen star himself who has had his own set of controversy with a sex tape that...
Rob Lowe in the All-New Challenger
photo: Creative Commons / dodge challenger1

'If They Write It I Will Come!' Corey Feldman Confirms He Would Be Up For Goonies 2 Role
Full Article Entertainment Wise
08 Apr 2014

With the news that 80s classicThe Goonies is getting a remake, speculation has started about whether the original cast will return, leading to Corey Feldman to address all the rumours on his Twitter page. While speaking to TMZ, director Richard Donner spilled the news that The Goonies 2 is happening. The director was originally asked if he had any...
Drew Barrymore and Corey Feldman at the 61st Academy Awards 3/29/89
photo: Creative Commons / Alan Light

Sonakshi wants to work with Tom Cruise
Full Article Newstrack India
08 Apr 2014

Tweet Mumbai, April 8 (IANS) Actress Sonakshi Sinha says if given a chance, she would like to act with Hollywood stars Tom Cruise, George Clooney and Brad Pitt. The Bollywood...
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Womenswear boosts M&S sales
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
10 Apr 2014

Marks & Spencer delivered better-than-expected sales figures today amid signs of a revival for its struggling womenswear business. The retailer said clothing sales rose 0.6% on an underlying basis in the 13 weeks to March 29, driven by "clear signs of improvement" in womenswear following last autumn's relaunch of its M &S Collection. Marks said...
Marks & Spencer retail shop
photo: WN / RTayco

Narendra Modi declares himself as married man
Full Article The Hindu
10 Apr 2014

BJP’s Prime Ministerial nominee Narendra Modi has for the first time declared himself as a married man by revealing his wife’s name as Jashodaben in an affidavit filed before the Election Commission. In an... Modi
Narendra Modi declares himself as married man
photo: Creative Commons / Mayur Bhatt, Ahmedabad

Martin McGuinness to attend royal event
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
10 Apr 2014

Northern Ireland's Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness is expected to attend a reception hosted by the Queen at Windsor Castle today . Related Articles The event, part of the historic state visit by Irish president Michael D Higgins, is for a range of individuals, British and Irish, who have made a significant contribution to furthering...
Northern Ireland Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness, speaks during a press conference, at Stormont Castle, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Monday, April 29, 2013. Monday marked the 15 years since the signing of the Belfast peace agreement. Ministers met to discuss the progress made since the 1998 peace agreement was introduced and the work still required.
photo: AP / Peter Morrison

Toyota to recall 6.4 million vehicles for steering, other faults
Full Article Reuters
10 Apr 2014

TOKYO (Reuters) - Toyota Motor Corp (7203.T), in its second-largest recall announcement, said on Wednesday that it would call back 6.39 million vehicles globally, and analysts saw automakers increasingly turning to recalls rather than risk bad publicity or legal costs. Rival General Motors Co is in the midst of its own recall of 2.6 million cars... Car Recalls
This Feb. 19, 2012 photo, shows a line of 2012 Prius sedans at a Toyota dealership in the south Denver suburb of Littleton, Colo.
photo: AP / David Zalubowski

Bank of America to cut 3,000 support jobs across Latin America, Asia
Full Article Baltimore Sun
10 Apr 2014

(Reuters) - Bank of America Corp said on Wednesday that it will close three foreign offices and eliminate about 3,000 jobs over the next nine to 12 months in an effort to simplify its global operations. Offices that provide... Of America Cuts
In this Dec. 7, 2011 file photo, a woman passes a Bank of America office branch, in New York. Bank of America said Friday, Sept. 28, 2012 that it has agreed to pay $2.43 billion to settle a class-action lawsuit related to its acquisition of Merrill Lynch at the height of the financial crisis.
photo: AP / Mark Lennihan

Is Wall Street rigged?
Full Article BBC News
09 Apr 2014

Michael Lewis's new book, Flash Boys, details how a group of financial firms, through technology and paid access, are able to get a fraction of a second heads-up on stock price movements. Because of the way the US financial system is spread out over more than 40 individual "markets" - many of which are just banks of computer servers... Scandal Capitalism Street
Traders crowd the post that handles Morgan Stanley on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Monday Sept. 22, 2008.
photo: AP / Richard Drew

Japan’s Topix declines for third day
Full Article Independent online (SA)
08 Apr 2014

Tokyo - Japan’s Topix index fell for a third day, posting its biggest decline in three weeks, as the yen strengthened and health-care and Internet stocks tumbled. Takeda Pharmaceutical plunged 5.2 percent after being ordered by a US jury to pay $6 billion in punitive damages over claims it hid the cancer risks of its Actos diabetes medicine.... Stocks
Pedestrians are reflected on a video screen flashing a 19-year low stock prices in downtown Tokyo Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003. Japan's main stock index fell below its 19-year closing low Thursday morning amid uncertainty over Iraq and reports that North Korea has reactivated a nuclear reactor. The benchmark 225-issue Nikkei Stock Average shed 62.25 points and traded at 8,294.56 in the early afternoon. (AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi)hg3
photo: AP Photo / Shizuo Kambayashi

Virgin America tops Airline Quality Rating report for second year
Full Article Celebrity Café
08 Apr 2014

For the second consecutive year, Virgin America stood atop a ranking of the best airlines in the U.S. The California-based airliner took first on the Airline Quality Rating report, which ranks carriers based upon...
Virgin America A319-100 N526VA  Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, Airbus A319-112, c/n:3347, Virgin America
photo: Creative Commons / Kentaro IEMOTO

#PledgeToVote with Mr. Shyam Negi
#PledgeToVote with Mr. Shyam Negi
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:35
  • Updated: 25 Mar 2014
Shyam Saran Negi, 97yrs old. India's first voter and a believer in democracy since 1951. Watch his true story. (Use captions to translate in 15 languages.) The upcoming Indian Elections will be the largest democratic election in history, with over 800 million voters. This is the true story of a man who never missed an opportunity to vote. Mr. Shyam Saran Negi, a school teacher from a remote village in the foothills of the Himalayas, has voted in every General Election since 1951. Mr. Negi pledges to vote in the 2014 elections, and so should you. Visit to take the #PledgeToVote.
  • published: 25 Mar 2014
  • views: 1758497

Flight 370 : Chinese Ship Discovers Black Box Ping Detected In Indian Ocean - 5 April 2014
Flight 370 : Chinese Ship Discovers Black Box Ping Detected In Indian Ocean - 5 April 2014
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  • Duration: 3:16
  • Updated: 05 Apr 2014
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 : Chinese Ship Discovers Pulse Signal In Indian Ocean - 5 April 2014 Chinese air force plane involved in search for MH370 spots several floating objects in search area A Chinese patrol ship has discovered Saturday a pulse signal with a frequency of 37.5 kHz in the southern Indian Ocean, state news agency Xinhua reported. A month after Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared, the search operation has been arduous, but Malaysia's determination remains undiminished, the nation's acting transportation minister said Saturday. The country is forming three committees to tackle the disappearance of the flight, Hishammuddin Hussein said. One will tend to the families of passengers aboard the missing flight, the second will oversee the investigation team and a third committee will handle the deployment of assets, he said. Malaysia will also appoint an independent investigator to lead an investigation team, the acting minister said. Subscribe For Breaking News Tags Malaysia plane MH370: Pinger locators deployed in search Underwater search begins for MH370 Searchers use specialized ships in hunt for Flight 370 Malaysia plane MH370: Pinger locators deployed in search Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: Thai Satellite 'Shows 300 Floating Objects' - 27 Mar 2014 Malaysia Airlines,MH370,122 New Objects,Spotted Malaysia,Minister Missing plane search for 122 objects Missing plane Malaysia Airlines Missing Plane '122 Objects' Spotted In Ocean MALAYSIAN Press Conference French Satellite identify 122 images of debris 3/26/14 MALAYSIAN Press Conference French Satellite identify 122 images of debris 3/26/14 New Objects Discovered In Search For Missing Malaysian Plane 122 objects of the Missing Malaysia Plane FOUND in Ocean by French Airbus Flight MH370: Thai satellite 'shows 300 floating objects' Thai Satellite images show 300 objects in Malaysia Jet Search Zone Missing jet: '300 objects' spotted Now Thailand says its satellites have spotted '300 floating objects' in the southern Indian Ocean hunt for wreckage from flight MH370 A Thai satellite appears to show images of up to 300 objects in a south Indian Ocean zone being searched for missing Malaysian flight MH370. MH370: New account of cockpit last words Last words: 'Good night Malaysian three seven zero' Australian search pilot spots four orange items floating in the Indian Ocean 'We will keep searching,' vows Australia's PM Missing Malaysia Airlines MH370 Debris Taken on board by Chinese Searchers Promising lead' in hunt for missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 as Australian Flight 370 Largest Conspiracy Since 9/11 Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Debris FOUND in Australian Search Zone in Indian Ocean Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight May Have Been Found By Chinese Satellite Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Malaysia Plane Crashed Into Indian Ocean #MH370 malaysian airline Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Flight 370 Australian PM: Jet search 'extraordinarily difficult' 'No time limit' on Malaysia jet hunt 'No time limit' on Malaysia jet hunt 'No time limit' on Malaysia jet hunt Hopes dashed as orange objects turn out to be fishing equipment Chinese ship hears pulse signal in southern Indian Ocean Chinese Ship Hears Pulse Signal In South Indian Ocean Plane search ship 'picks up signal' Plane search ship 'picks up signal' Malaysia missing plane search China ship 'picks up signal' BREAKING NEWS: Chinese ship looking for missing Malaysia Airlines plane detects black box 'pulse signal' in southern Indian Ocean Chinese ship looking for missing Malaysia Airlines plane Malaysia missing plane search China ship 'picks up signal' Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 : Chinese Ship Discovers Pulse Signal In Indian Ocean - 5 April 2014 MH370: Chinese patrol ship detects pulse signal Missing Malaysia Airlines search: Chinese ship picks up pulse signal, reports Malaysia Says It 'Will Not Stop Looking' for Jet China ship detects 'pulse signal' in Indian Ocean Chinese ship 'detects pulse signal' in southern Indian Ocean Flight 370 : Chinese Ship Discovers Black Box Ping Detected In Indian Ocean - 5 April 2014 Plane search ship 'picks up signal' Malaysia missing plane search China ship 'picks up signal' Chinese ship picks up pulse in ocean Chinese ship discovers pulse signal in Indian Ocean MH370 search vessel detects pulse in southern Indian Chinese ship 'detects pulse signal' in southern Indian Ocean Malaysia Airlines MH370 Chinese Ship Detects Possible Signal in Search for Missing .. Chinese detect 'pulse signal' in Indian Ocean Malaysia missing plane search China ship 'picks up signal' Chinese air force plane involved in search for MH370 spots several floating objects in search area
  • published: 05 Apr 2014
  • views: 16415

War on Women: DR Congo Rape
War on Women: DR Congo Rape
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:09
  • Updated: 08 Apr 2014
Sexual violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo has climbed to levels unseen anywhere else in the world. Impunity for perpetrators is one of the reasons why this part of the African continent is the worst place in the world to be a woman.
  • published: 08 Apr 2014
  • views: 12

Pennsylvania High School Stabbing: More than 20 injured at Franklin Regional High
Pennsylvania High School Stabbing: More than 20 injured at Franklin Regional High
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:36
  • Updated: 09 Apr 2014
Subscribe to ITN News: Reports say at least six people have been stabbed at a high school in Pennsylvania, whilst 20 students are said to have been injured. The incident took place at Franklin Regional High School, about 20 miles east of Pittsburgh. Footage from a local news channel shows parents gathering outside the school as they awaited further news on their children. The school district posted an emergency message on its website stating that "a critical incident" had occurred. The message said "All elementary schools are cancelled" and "the middle and high school students are secure". Several helicopters were seen flying injured people to nearby hospitals. Report by Claire Lomas. Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Add us on Google+: More stories from ITN: Fight breaks out at charity hockey game: Reeva Steenkamp text: "I'm scared of you": Shocking: Baby charged with murder: Oscar Pistorius' emotional apology to girlfriend's family: Has this skydiver captured a meteorite on camera? Skydiver dies during world record attempt: WEIRD: Man lives inside bear for 13 days: South Korea rescues North Korean sailor: Funny baby Spider-man advert: Smiling Kim Jong-Un meets soldiers in bizarre footage: Man survives horrific chainsaw accident: Incredible rescue! Man saved from icy Pacific waters: Skeletons reveal new clues about the Black Death: Students clash with police after basketball game: Emotional moment deaf woman hears for first time: Tornado rips through homes in California: Daredevil pilot's amazing flight over Corinth Canal: See 2013's Most Watched Videos: See our Biggest Videos of All Time:
  • published: 09 Apr 2014
  • views: 2999

Arab League Donates 100 Million Dollar For Palestine
Arab League Donates 100 Million Dollar For Palestine
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:37
  • Updated: 09 Apr 2014
Arab foreign ministers meeting in Cairo have renewed their commitment to give $100m in monthly aid to the government of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. The ministers also urged Arab governments falling behind on payments to the Palestinians to swiftly come up with the money, according to the Associated Press news agency. The pledge, made on Wednesday in the Egyptian capital, came hours after Israel announced a partial freeze in high-level contacts with the Palestinians in retaliation for their bid sign international conventions. Under interim peace deals, Israel collects and transfers to the Palestinian Authority (PA) some $100m a month in taxes on goods imported into the Palestinian territories. Israel has previously frozen the payments during times of heightened tensions. Though Israel did not mention such measures on Wednesday, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki said the Israeli government had "indicated" it would withhold the revenues. He did not say how that message had been delivered. "We are committed as Palestinians and Arabs to the negotiation process and the April 29 date and continuing to deal with the efforts that the American administration and John Kerry are making to find a way out of this crisis," he said. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, on Wednesday ordered a halt to high-level contacts with the Palestinians on non-security related issues, but exempted his chief peace negotiator from the ban, government officials said. One Israeli official called Netanyahu's order a response to "the Palestinians" grave violation of their commitments in the framework of the peace talks" - an apparent reference to their signing of 15 international conventions last week. The edict came a day after John Kerry, the US secretary of state, suggested that Israel's announcement on April 1 of plans to build about 700 housing units in East Jerusalem was the immediate cause of peace talks plunging into crisis. Al Jazeera's Stefanie Dekker, reporting from Ramallah in the West Bank, noted that the two sides had not yet halted talks and had continued peace efforts. "Netanyahu's announcement will not have any impact on the ground, but it certainly shows Israel wants to complicate matters and there is a fear of escalation," she said. No more meetings An Israeli official said Israeli cabinet members, directors-general of government ministries and other senior bureaucrats would no longer be allowed to meet their counterparts in the Palestinian Authority, which exercises limited self-rule in the occupied West Bank. Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, who heads Israel's negotiating team in the troubled US-brokered peace process, and defence and security officials could continue to engage with the Palestinians, the official said. There was no immediate Palestinian comment on Netanyahu's decision and no clear indication of what would be the practical outcome of the move. Israeli and Palestinian officials have been cooperating for years on civilian issues such as the environment, water and energy. At the weekly meeting of his cabinet on Sunday, Netanyahu had threatened to retaliate for Abbas's signing of the international agreements, including the Geneva Conventions covering the conduct of war and occupation. Palestinian officials said Abbas signed the conventions in response to Israel's failure to carry out a promised release of several dozen Palestinian prisoners four days earlier. The Palestinians were further angered by the subsequent settlement announcement. Israel said the tender to build new houses in East Jerusalem had already been issued last year and was resubmitted because there had been no initial takers.
  • published: 09 Apr 2014
  • views: 4

Lautenberg Responds After GOP Blocks Paycheck Fairness Act
Lautenberg Responds After GOP Blocks Paycheck Fairness Act
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  • Duration: 2:05
  • Updated: 05 Jun 2012
On June 5, 2012, U.S. Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) blasted Senate Republicans for blocking action on the Paycheck Fairness Act.
  • published: 05 Jun 2012
  • views: 275

Oscar Pistorius Trial: Wednesday 9 April 2014, Session 1
Oscar Pistorius Trial: Wednesday 9 April 2014, Session 1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 94:49
  • Updated: 09 Apr 2014
Paralympian Oscar Pistorius continue giving his evidence for the third day on Wednesday in the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria.
  • published: 09 Apr 2014
  • views: 61815,_Session_1

Bombing in Pakistan fruit market kills 22
Bombing in Pakistan fruit market kills 22
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:03
  • Updated: 09 Apr 2014
Wed, Apr 09 2014 CDT by Khurram SHAHZAD Islamabad (AFP) A bomb tore through a bustling fruit and vegetable market in Islamabad Wednesday, killing at least 22 people, police said, the latest violence to hit government peace talks with the Taliban. The blast took place around 8:00 am (0300 GMT) at the wholesale market close to the Pakistani capital's twin city Rawalpindi, as hundreds of grocers and sellers gathered to trade. The bombing -- the deadliest to hit Islamabad since a huge truck bomb at the Marriott Hotel in 2008 -- left a 1.5-metre (five-foot) diameter crater and littered the site with body parts and guava fruits drenched in blood, an AFP reporter at the scene said. The attack comes as the government tries to negotiate an end to the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan's (TTP) campaign of violence. Talks began between government and TTP intermediaries in February, but more than 160 people have been killed in attacks since the start of the process, leading many to question its worth. Javaid Qazi, the vice-chancellor of the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) hospital, said 22 people had been killed and 96 wounded in the blast. The TTP's main spokesman Shahidullah Shahid said the group had nothing to do with the attack and urged the government to find those responsible. - 'Bodies flying everywhere' - Eyewitness Muhammad Tahir described the bloody carnage as the bomb detonated. "The blast took place around 8:00, when we were standing there -- bodies were flying everywhere, bodies were flying at the height of 20 to 25 feet," he told AFP. Ambulances were rushing in and out carrying wounded people and dead bodies. Senior local administration official Nauman Yousuf told AFP "it was a planted bomb". A bomb disposal official told AFP on condition of anonymity that the device hidden in a fruit box weighed five to six kilograms (11 to 13 pounds) and was packed with nuts and bolts to cause maximum carnage. Thousands have been killed in militant violence since the TTP rose up against the Pakistani state in 2007 but attacks on the capital, much of which is heavily guarded, have been rare in recent years. Wednesday's blast came a little over a month after a gun and suicide bomb attack on a court complex in Islamabad killed 11 people including a judge. The TTP also denied that attack, which was claimed by the Ahrar-ul-Hind splinter group which rejects the peace process. Fighting has erupted between rival TTP factions since Sunday and four more people were killed in South Waziristan on Wednesday. The clashes pit supporters of Khan Said Sajna against followers of the late Hakimullah Mehsud, the TTP commander killed by a US drone in November. The government has freed more than 30 Taliban prisoners in the past week to try to spur talks with the militants and on Friday the TTP said they would extend a ceasefire which began on March 1. On March 26 a four-member government committee held their first direct meeting with members of the TTP's political council in North Waziristan tribal district. There have been suggestions that high-profile figures held by the militants, including the son of former prime minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, could be freed in return. The peace talks were a key campaign pledge for Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif before he was elected to office for a third time last year. But some analysts have voiced scepticism about their chances for success, given the Taliban's demands for nationwide sharia law and a withdrawal of troops from the lawless tribal zones. Regional deals struck in the past between the military and the Taliban have failed and some have accused the militants of using them as a means to regroup and rearm.
  • published: 09 Apr 2014
  • views: 7

Al-Qaeda-Linked Force Captures Fallujah Amid Rise in Violence in Iraq
Al-Qaeda-Linked Force Captures Fallujah Amid Rise in Violence in Iraq
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:40
  • Updated: 04 Jan 2014
Al-Qaeda-Linked Force Captures Fallujah Amid Rise in Violence in Iraq Al-Qaeda-Linked Force Captures Fallujah Amid Rise in Violence in Iraq Al-Qaeda-Linked Force Captures Fallujah Amid Rise in Violence in Iraq Al-Qaeda militants have seized much of Fallujah, a key city in western Iraq, engaging Iraqi army forces in pitched battles there in a brazen challenge to Iraq's central government.
  • published: 04 Jan 2014
  • views: 4392

Kerry says Russia stirs 'chaos' in Ukraine
Kerry says Russia stirs 'chaos' in Ukraine
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:56
  • Updated: 09 Apr 2014
The US secretary of state, John Kerry, has bluntly blamed Russia of "unmistakable involvement in destabilising" Ukraine by sending "agents" to its eastern cities. He told a Senate hearing that unless Putin pulled his country's troops back from the border and disavowed the separatists, Russia would pay a heavy price. Kerry will meet with Russia's foreign minister and Ukrainian officals next week. And NATO said it will triple the number of fighter jets patrolling over the Baltics next month. Many of those states are worried they may suffer the same fate as Crimea. Al Jazeera's Tom Ackerman reports from Washington.
  • published: 09 Apr 2014
  • views: 1420'chaos'_in_Ukraine

Malaysian Plane Search: No Pings Since Sunday
Malaysian Plane Search: No Pings Since Sunday
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:52
  • Updated: 08 Apr 2014
Officials searching for Malaysia Airlines flight 370 say no pings have been heard from deep in the Indian Ocean since Sunday. Pings consistent with an airplane's black boxes were picked up over the weekend. (April 8)
  • published: 08 Apr 2014
  • views: 1497

India's expats shaping general election #BBCtrending - BBC News
India's expats shaping general election #BBCtrending - BBC News
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:43
  • Updated: 07 Apr 2014
#BBCtrending takes a look at the non-resident Indian's helping to shape India's general elections. There are an estimated 25 million Indians who live outside of India. Political parties are trying to use them to their advantage in the upcoming general elections. The three main parties, the Congress party, the BJP and the AAP, have all set up NRI - or Non-Resident Indian - teams abroad. With intricate social media, online and call centre strategies - in a bid to garner more voters. Subscribe Check out our website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
  • published: 07 Apr 2014
  • views: 2971's_expats_shaping_general_election_#BBCtrending__BBC_News

Deadly Ebola Virus Spreading Across Guinea
Deadly Ebola Virus Spreading Across Guinea
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:44
  • Updated: 25 Mar 2014
An Ebola outbreak has killed dozens of people in Guinea, health officials and aid workers say, demonstrating the range of one of the world's most deadly viruses. Doctors Without Borders Ebola expert Dr. Armand Sprecher discusses. Photo: Getty Images. Subscribe to the WSJ channel here: Visit the WSJ channel for more video: More from the Wall Street Journal: Visit Follow WSJ on Facebook: Follow WSJ on Google+: Follow WSJ on Twitter: Follow WSJ on Instagram: Follow WSJ on Pinterest: Follow WSJ on Tumblr:
  • published: 25 Mar 2014
  • views: 5836

The REAL Reason Flight 370 Disappeared
The REAL Reason Flight 370 Disappeared
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:54
  • Updated: 28 Mar 2014
Video produced by Produced, written, and edited by Kris Zane. Narrated by Tom Hinchey
  • published: 28 Mar 2014
  • views: 608702

U.N. aid convoy attacked in Syria's besieged Homs
U.N. aid convoy attacked in Syria's besieged Homs
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:03
  • Updated: 08 Feb 2014
Subscribe: An aid convoy came under fire in Homs, threatening a U.N.-led humanitarian operation to bring relief to civilians trapped by fighting. Mana Rabiee reports. More Breaking News: Reuters tells the world's stories like no one else. As the largest international multimedia news provider, Reuters provides coverage around the globe and across topics including business, financial, national, and international news. For over 160 years, Reuters has maintained its reputation for speed, accuracy, and impact while providing exclusives, incisive commentary and forward-looking analysis.
  • published: 08 Feb 2014
  • views: 4890's_besieged_Homs