Conscious uncoupling

Mon, Apr 7, 2014, 08:18

Sir, – Breda O’Brien (Opinion & Analysis, April 5th) challenges the term “conscious uncoupling” as used by actress Gwyneth Paltrow to describe the breakup of her marriage to her husband of 10 years.

Ms O’Brien says that “No matter how tempting it is to roll our eyes at Gwyneth Paltrow’s and Chris Martin’s “conscious uncoupling it is important to remember it is a personal tragedy for all concerned”.

Just who exactly did Ms O’Brien see as being tempted to roll their eyes at the term “conscious uncoupling”?

The “our” suggests everybody. Is this the same everybody whom she sees as considering the end of this marriage as “a personal tragedy for all concerned”?

Certainly Gwyneth and her husband do not see the end of their marriage as a tragedy. That is why they call it “conscious uncoupling”.

This suggests a continued amicable and respectful relationship.

Both have expressed their commitment to their children, who may for all we know, benefit greatly from their parents’ “conscious uncoupling”. They will now, after all, have two happy parents.

Would that “conscious uncoupling” were taught in schools. Alas, that is unlikely to happen until they are free of church influence.

What a tragedy. Yours, etc,


Whitechurch Road,


Dublin 14