Category: Islamophobia

12 Jan

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The ‘Brown International’ of the European far Right


Anything but respectable

In the lead-up the international day of action against fascism on 22 March, THANASIS KAMPAGIANNIS, writes in the latest issue of Σοσιαλισμός από Κάτω (Socialism From Below), the theoretical journal of the Greek Socialist Workers Party (SEK), looks at the danger of a major far Right breakthrough in May’s European Parliament elections, and asks what strategy […]

08 Oct

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Athens anti-fascist conference: a milestone for the Left



By KEVIN OVENDEN This piece is a follow-up to “Greece, the state & anti-fascism”, which was subsequently also posted at Socialist Unity in the UK and Socialist Worker in the US. The anti-fascist conference in Athens last weekend hosted by the Greek anti-fascist/anti-racist coalition KEERFA was a major step forward. About 600 people, from a broad spectrum […]

22 Jul


Making things happen: race, borders & the state



One of the most striking things about the mainstream media coverage of Kevin Rudd’s “PNG solution” is how the discussion is mostly framed by ideas, policies and language that are increasingly relics of a past phase of the interminable “border security” debate. By outmanoeuvring opponents to both his Right and Left on this issue, Rudd […]

10 Mar

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Europe: The persistence of racism & the fascist threat


Golden Dawn's MPs in the Greek parliament

  by KEVIN OVENDEN Below are the points, updated and a little amplified, I made in a contribution to the highly successful Unite Against Fascism conference in London on 2 March. The speech (and I’ve incorporated my summing up) was in a workshop with Petros Constantinou from Greece, Marwan Mohammed from France and Glyn Ford […]

08 Apr

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Misdiagnosed anxiety: David Marr and the politics of Panic



Welcome to the first post of the new Left Flank. We’ve moved from Blogger to WordPress, hosted at the lovely As you can see we’re still working on porting all the old comments from Disqus to the new platform. Time to change your RSS feed or subscribe by email (see the sidebar on the […]

05 Oct

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e-Book launch 26 October 2011 – ‘On Utøya: Anders Breivik, right terror, Islamophobia and Europe’


Come and help celebrate the launch of our e-Book! On Utøya: Anders Breivik, right terror, racism and Europe. 6.30pm – Wednesday 26 October 2011 – Upstairs at the Norfolk Hotel 305 Cleveland Street. Cnr of Cleveland and Walker Streets. See a map of the location here. We are appreciative that the book will be launched by: […]

11 Sep

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Ten years since 9/11: What have progressives really learned about war & Islamophobia?


  The tenth anniversary of 9/11 has seen TV outlets promo tribute after tribute, where the message is clear: the tragedy of the twin towers requires of us an uncritical outpouring of grief.  The now ten years old footage, which has been replayed so very many times, is still raw and powerful: people jumping from burning […]

12 Sep

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Our s11


Yesterday was ten years since thousands of Australian blockaded the Asia Pacific Summit of the World Economic Forum at Crown Casino in Melbourne. You can read my blog post about our s11 and the impact of the 9/11 terrorist attacks at the Overland Journal Blog (and reprinted below).