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Meine 3 j Tochter denkt das wir ein auto klauen
(April 9, 2012) John Atcheson and Logan Green focus on the opportunities and challenges facing peer-to-peer sharing and offer a vision for a world in which e... A short animated film about how car-sharing can help YOU. And why is your best chance of finding others going your way...
DriveNow - The new Car Sharing Service from BMW i, MINI and SIXT. Learn more at Get a car whenever and wherever you need it. You don't h... - Cars can be a huge expense. With Car Sharing you can ditch your wheels and have a car on-demand whenever you need it. We take ...
Carsharing ist in aller Munde und viele Automobilfirmen drängen auf den beliebten Markt. BMW, Mercedes und Opel sind schon dabei. Doch lohnt sich das Auto an...
Robert Llewellyn checks out car sharing schemes in Berlin, Germany. LIKE Fully Charged on Facebook @ Fully Charged Podcast on i...
Internet: Facebook: Schon seit 20 Jahren gibt es Carsharing. Das Koblenzer Projekt "Te...
Prima trasferta di #casharing! In questa puntata Diego e Alessia sono andati a Roma ad intervistare, direttamente dal cast di Un medico in famiglia 8, Edoard...
Noi di Area pulizie, abbiamo provato il servizio di car sharing offerto dal comune di Roma trimite Roma Servizi per la Mobilità, a chi ha bisogno di un autom...
WhizzCar Carsharing Introduction
In vielen Städten gibt es mittlerweile Car-Sharing-Angebote mit Buchung per App. COMPUTER BILD hat das Angebot von DriveNow in Hamburg getestet.
Von den privaten Mobilitätslösungen ist Carsharing nicht mehr wegzudenken. Nun hat die flexible Nutzung eines Fahrzeugs durch mehrere Personen auch in den Firmenflotten Einzug gehalten: Aus Carsharing wird Fleetsharing. Sie teilen die Fahrzeuge Ihrer Flotte -- wir kümmern uns um den Rest. Die Vorteile liegen auf der Hand: Steigerung der Fuhrparkauslastung, mehr Mobilität für Ihre Mitarbeiter und enorme Einsparungen beim Fahrzeugpool -- unabhängig von Fahrzeugmarke und -modell.
La prova su strada del nuovo servizio di car sharing di eni nella città di Milano a cura di e Webnews - Wer nur gelegentlich ein Auto braucht, kann durch den Umstieg vom Privatwagen auf Carsharing viel Geld sparen -- und zugleic...
CarSharing, was ist denn das? Bekomme ich auch immer dann ein Fahrzeug, wenn ich eins brauche? Und wie ist das mit der Reservierung? -- Um es kurz zu machen:...
Check out the new UhaulCarShare! This video will show you how the UHaulCarShare car sharing program works.
Reviews ab sofort unter oder dem Youtube Kanal videorevs ;) ------------------------------- Car2go... diese kleinen weissen SMART's die imme...
Alle Infos: - Einsteigen, losfahren und keinen Ärger mit Reparaturen, Wartung und Pflege des Wagens. Carsharing ist praktisch u...
A first of its kind program here in central Indiana starts. Starting today drivers can test out the new all electric car sharing program. Indy leaders say th...
Elektroautos sollen die Zukunft sein: Aber sie müssen sich erst bewähren. Ihre Reichweiten sind noch kurz. Es gibt zu wenige Ladestationen und auch viele Kun...
Beim ARD Buffet vom 20.04.2012 dreht sich alles um das Thema Carsharing: Welche Arten des Carsharings gibt es, wo liegen die Vorteile, und für wen eignet sic...
Alles über Ford Carsharing unter: Flexibel ein Auto nutzen, ohne es besitzen zu müssen - für diese Idee steht Ford Carsharing....
Enterprise's existing CarShare business is currently operational across public sector organisations throughout the UK.
noodls 2015-04-08smart oneway carsharing (service brand name: "smaco") ... Register as an ORIX CarShare member ... orix-carshare.
noodls 2015-04-06... shuttle serving employment, retail and residential centers), carsharing, and integrated bike routes.
noodls 2015-04-03Enterprise CarShare is currently operational across public sector organisations throughout the UK.
noodls 2015-04-01Enterprise CarShare is currently operational across public sector organisations throughout the UK.
noodls 2015-04-01Enterprise CarShare is currently operational across public sector organisations throughout the UK.
Canada Newswire 2015-04-01Enterprise CarShare is currently operational across public sector organisations throughout the UK.
PR Newswire 2015-04-01Enterprise CarShare currently operates across public sector organizations throughout the U.
The Business Review 2015-04-01... fleet requirements and a total mobility offering from short-long term rental, including CarShare.
noodls 2015-04-01... the option to use public transit, bike, walk and use new options such as bikeshare and carshare."
noodls 2015-03-27... the option to use public transit, bike, walk and use new options such as bikeshare and carshare."
noodls 2015-03-26Other transportation services marketed under the Enterprise brand name include Enterprise CarShare, ...
Canada Newswire 2015-03-24Other transportation services marketed under the Enterprise brand name include Enterprise CarShare, ...
noodls 2015-03-24Carsharing or car-sharing (in the UK known as car clubs) is a model of car rental where people rent cars for short periods of time, often by the hour. They are attractive to customers who make only occasional use of a vehicle, as well as others who would like occasional access to a vehicle of a different type than they use day-to-day. The organization renting the cars may be a commercial business or the users may be organized as a democratically controlled company, public agency, cooperative, ad hoc grouping. Today there are more than one thousand cities in the world where people can carshare.
The term "carsharing" is also used for carpooling or ride sharing in some places.
The term carsharing (earlier often written as two separate words, and still today occasionally hyphenated) is now the widely accepted international term. Synonyms include coche compartido en tu barrio in Spanish, autodelen in Dutch, autopartage in French, bildeling in Danish, automobile condivisa in Italian and bilpool in Swedish. In the United Kingdom the term "car clubs" is used, while "car sharing" is also used to refer to ride sharing.