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Have We Become a “Surveillance State”? A Five-Part Test

Have We Become a “Surveillance State”? A Five-Part Test

04/04/2014 – At a panel in Toronto recently I was asked whether I thought the United States had become a “surveillance state.” How to answer that question? At first glance it’s an impossibly fuzzy ...

Introducing the ACLU's NSA Documents Database

Introducing the ACLU's NSA Documents Database

04/03/2014 – The public debate over our government's surveillance programs has reached remarkable heights since the first set of NSA disclosures in June 2013 based on documents leaked by Edward ...

Why is the U.S. Border Patrol Terrorizing Innocent Families?

Why is the U.S. Border Patrol Terrorizing Innocent Families?

04/03/2014 – Imagine you had just picked up your kids from school. You're driving home on a secluded country road when your car is pulled over by armed US law enforcement agents who threaten you with ...

Meet the Five Winning Couples of "My Big Gay (Il)legal Wedding!"

Meet the Five Winning Couples of "My Big Gay (Il)legal Wedding!"

04/02/2014 – Almost 200,000 supporters of the freedom to marry voted for couples from across the country, to win the "My Big Gay (Il)legal Wedding" contest. The winning couples will each receive ...

Arrested for Walking While Trans: An Interview with Monica Jones

Arrested for Walking While Trans: An Interview with Monica Jones

04/02/2014 – In Phoenix, Arizona, you can be arrested for repeatedly stopping and engaging a passerby in conversation. This may, under Phoenix law, be evidence that you are "manifesting" an intent to ...

ACLU Features ››

Border Communities Under Siege

The U.S.-Mexico border has been turned into a militarized zone, all in the name of "border security."

Out for Freedom

We now face an unprecedented opportunity to achieve the freedom to marry for same-sex couples ...

Time to Rein in the Surveillance State

The government is using provisions of the Patriot Act and the FISA Amendments Act to regularly track ...

A Living Death

For 3,278 people, it was nonviolent offenses like stealing a $159 jacket or serving as a middleman in ...