Indy Weblogs Posts
from The Shameless Antagonist

Daily Dose of Cute
from The Shameless Antagonist

How the Nutzoid Right-Wing Fails to
Tell Its Audience What's Real
(Micro Version)

from Rudiriet

How goes Kitay?
from American Blog Party

ProJo and Patrick Moore not to
be trusted on climate change

from Rise Up

Two-Minute Nostalgia Sublime
from The Shameless Antagonist

In the News
from The Shameless Antagonist

Supreme Court Declines to Hear
Case That Would Have Challenged
NSA Warrantless Surveillance of

from First Draft

Pressure From Bridgegate
Scandal Growing On David Samson

from First Draft

Direct Democracy Accomplished!
from Doty Blog

This. Is. Validity Prism.
from The Shameless Antagonist

Jim Vincent, PVD NAACP:
legalizing marijuana is a
social justice issue

from Rise Up

First Pro-Marijuana Commercial
Debuts on Major Network

from ResistanceUSA

KENTUCKY: Gov. Beshear (D)
Appeals Marriage Ruling After AG
Conway (D) Refuses

from After the Pledge of Alligance

The EU U. S. Tug
Over Ukraine Policy

from Moooooo

Enters ATP Top 20, Berdych
Reaches #5

from After the Pledge of Alligance

The New Paul Ryan Cares About
The Poor About As Much As He
Cares About The Cockroach In
His Office

from Least Dangerous Branch

Nice Ice
from Laughing Wild

Primary Day is today
from Ohio Liberal

We want Dan!
from Ohio Liberal

Headline of the Day
from ResistanceUSA

Monday, Monday.
from Reality Frame

Endorsement watch: The
Chron still loves Orlando

from Ohio Liberal

HFD union reaches a deal with
the city to avoid ?rolling

from Ohio Liberal

D. C. Council Gives Final
Approval to Marijuana

from First Draft

Edward Snowden to Appear
via Video Link at SXSW

from First Draft

Anti-Prohibition Is Not
Pro-Pot: Voters Want
Marijuana Regulation

from First Draft

New York Times Reporter In Effect
Smears Russia Today Anchor Who Spoke
Out Against Russia

from First Draft

Liberty Counsel, Mission
America Among Seven Groups Now
Designated by SPLC as Anti-Gay
Hate Groups

from First Draft

Climate Youth Lead #XLDISSENT
Civil Resistance to Ensure Our
Civil Existence

from First Draft

I'll Take Public
Accountability For A Thousand, Alex

from Doty Blog

The Scripps Institution Of
from Island of Balta

Vote for Holli Woodings for
Idaho Secretary of State

from Left Coast Unitarian

Election returns are
going to outlast me

from Brian's Political Donnybrook

Entry #3604: Who
You Gonna Call?

from The Bite

Yakima, WA: ? Keep Marijuana
Out of Our City, But Give Us
Some Of That Marijuana Tax


Question of the Day
from The Shameless Antagonist

Stepping Over A Dollar
To Pick Up A Penny

from Doty Blog

Ain't It Sad?
from Doty Blog

The Make-Up Thread
from The Shameless Antagonist

If you don't count the
cases where modern medicine has
cured disease, modern medicine
has done nothing to alleviate

from American Blog Party

Jason Becker on Rhode Island?s
education funding formula

from Rise Up

Watching election results
from Ohio Liberal

Number of the Day
from The Shameless Antagonist

An Annotated Index of
Ross Geller (101-106)

from The Shameless Antagonist

A Day Full of Comcast
from The Disgruntled Chemist

Molly Lewis: The
Year of the Beard

from Wind 'n Sea

midnight highway
from Wind 'n Sea

He Seems Nice
from The Shameless Antagonist

Arab Web Use
from Brilliant at Breakfast

Obama's Pragmatism
I think I’m beginning to understand Barack Obama’s concept of pragmatism better. Pragmatism is the name of a school of philosophy. The major point to understand is that, in the pragmatic view, we have to continue working hard at “business as usual,” regardless of what we believe is ethically right or wrong. As I understand it, Obama’s current philosophically-inspired position is that economic success is the major gauge of his leadership, simply because that is the way everything works in our civilization. Many aspects of our system are repugnant, probably as much to Obama as to some of those reading this, but according to his pragmatism we can’t get away from things as they are.

Obama’s is a deeply thought out attitude and not the same as a policy of continuous expediency. He demands that we throw ourselves into the world as we find it. I think he would say that any other attitude amounts to shirking our (his) responsibility to run the country for the good of everyone, including the good of people we detest.

This attitude can be compared with the one advanced by Victor Frankl in his book Man’s Search for Meaning. Frankl survived life in Auschwitz while following similar principles. I recommend Frankl’s moving and disturbing book without reservation to anyone who would try to see human beings as we are, inextricably connected to the world around us. In some ways the philosophy of Frankl is the antithesis of the agonized lament, heard in Jean-Paul Sartre’s play No Exit, that “Hell is other people.”

I’m not sure I can entirely accept either Obama’s pragmatism or Frankl’s grim determination to follow the road on which we find ourselves. Nevertheless I believe these are ideas that we need to take seriously, particularly in light of the current president’s apparently deep commitment to principles such as I am awkwardly trying to characterize here.

If Obama succeeds in getting himself voted in for another term, it will be interesting to find out what he does with his second four years. He may not change his policies, but I’m hoping he will start to explain, in much greater depth, the decisions he is making and the logic he follows in making them.

—Ralph    |  

Wiki-Leaking Bank Information
For anyone interested in learning more about Wikileaks, how it operates, its ethics and an example of the character of one leaker, I recommend watching this video. Probably because of server overload, the video may take up to about 15 minutes to begin playing. It’s worth the wait.
—Ralph    |  

USA Has a Right-Sided Bias
This week’s diplomatic spat between the US and Venezuela illustrates the built-in U.S. bias against leftist governments.
(Reuters) - Venezuela condemned on Thursday the United States’ revocation of its ambassador’s visa. […]

In the latest flare-up between the ideological foes, Washington withdrew the visa of ambassador Bernardo Alvarez on Wednesday in retaliation for the rejection by socialist President Hugo Chavez of Obama’s nominated U.S. envoy to Caracas.

Chavez had blocked [U.S. envoy] Larry Palmer’s arrival, after the diplomat accused Venezuela’s government of close ties to leftist Colombian rebels. [Palmer] also alleged declining morale and growing Cuban influence in Venezuela’s armed forces.

It’s easy to see why U.S. foreign policy is always so strongly biased against leftist governments: there are still substantial remnants of U.S. anti-communism, the pillar upon which most of Washington’s foreign policy rested from the beginning of the Cold War, around 1947, until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Throughout 44 years of Cold War polarization, a strong tradition of U.S. anti-leftism became deeply rooted. And even though 20 years has now passed since the collapse of Russian communism, there is still a fixed expectation, both at home and in the rest of the world, that the U.S. will always oppose leftist governments such as Venezuela’s, while glossing over the faults of rightist states like El Salvador, to which

the United States has sent more than $1 billion in military aid […] in the last decade, and $2 billion more in economic assistance.
Anti-communist habits of thought also help explain why, two decades after the fall of the Soviet Union, U.S. press and media still retain a strong right-sided bias. A reflexive “anti-communist” miasma of condemnation subtly permeates the atmosphere when any domestic policy appears to lean leftward.

As long as reactive hatred of communism and reactive fear of terrorism combine to lock U.S. political dialog into a tiny pen, there’s little hope we’ll hear sensible policy discussion any time soon.

—Ralph    |  

Ease of Use
Republicans no longer care how obvious they are about passing legislation exclusively for the benefit of the wealthy. They have no further need to hide this or anything else, because the likes of Beck, Hannity, O’Reilly, Limbaugh and hundreds of other right-wing radio and tv presenters all over the country are able to spin whatever their favored politicians may happen to say into electoral gold.

This wonderful ease of use of the populace is just one of the many miracles made possible by having so large a proportion of uneducated and under-educated citizens. Remember that the American economy is driven by consumption. You only have to know how to eat.

—Ralph    |  

What is a Conservative?
What exactly is an American conservative, anyway? I can’t think of a description that fits the present range of candidates. Is a conservative…
  • A religious fundamentalist who is fanatically opposed to abortion for any reason?
  • A wealthy individual trying to get his taxes reduced by giving money to a politician who promises to cut all taxes?
  • A person opposed to government spending (except for military, CIA, Homeland Security and “Black Ops” spending)?
  • An advocate of “white power,” also opposed to social services and immigration?
  • Someone who believes in “personal responsibility” (except when his or own family needs some kind of help)?
  • A politician who tries to block any legislative proposal advanced by Democrats, including legislation he or she has previously sponsored?
  • Someone who believes “Barack Hussein Obama” is secretly a Kenyan Muslim?
This is, of course, an ironic post, but it also contains a serious question: is there any common set of beliefs shared by self-described American conservatives?
—Ralph    |  

Reality vs Human Nature
We often hear that “reality has a well-known liberal bias.” Public opinion, on the other hand, has a well-known bias in favor of ignorance and jingoism. The truth is usually evident, but will not be accepted until much later. This is especially true when the truth turns out to be unpleasant or (even worse) expensive.
—Ralph    |  

Angry with Barack Obama?
I get pretty disappointed, even angry with Obama because he has neither ended the wars nor closed Guantanamo, but then I have to remember how much I hated Lyndon Johnson for his horrible war in Vietnam. Because of the massive public reaction against that war, in 1968 Johnson did not run for a second full term in office.

But now we remember Lyndon Johnson as the president who moved the Civil Rights Act of 1965 through Congress, and signed it.

It’s true that Barack Obama isn’t the most popular president, and that he’s not helping other Democrats. Those are the unfortunate facts. But we can still hope that the legislation Obama and this Congress have passed will help the country over the long term.

—Ralph    |  

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Cached Mar 5, 2014, 12:42 am (all times Eastern US)
Cost of the War in Iraq
(JavaScript Error)
Reuters News
Western Republicans urge U.S.
appeals court to back gay marriage

Abbott, Davis win in Texas
primaries roiled by Tea Party clout

Venezuela marks anniversary of
Chavez's death with pomp and protests

Christie's Sandy response image
hit by Bridgegate scandal: poll

Pentagon to upgrade, improve
U.S. missile defense system

Chanel turns itself into a giant
supermarket for fashion week

Fiji's junta chief steps down
from military ahead of elections

China signals focus on reforms
and leaner, cleaner growth

CORRECTED-Obama urges Democrats to wake
up ahead of tough midterm elections

Big names set to win in Texas primaries
shaken by Tea Party influence

Judge keeps alive suit challenging
California teacher tenure laws

NY's Cuomo marks turf as de Blasio
visits Albany to tout pre-K plan

U.S. Air Force to fund rescue
helicopter in last-minute reversal

Los Angeles moves to ban
e-cigarettes, joining NY, others

Alabama House passes bill banning
abortions after fetal heartbeat

Arizona advances bill for surprise
inspections of abortion clinics

China maintains growth target at 7.5
percent; focus shifts to reforms

Obama budget: a boon midterm
narrative for Democrats?

White House readies health insurance
renewal extension: sources

Oops, Congress asked to fix
slip-up in Myanmar aid bill

Arkansas lawmakers vote to fund
state's alternative to Obamacare

U.S. calls for 'urgent' restraint
to ease Japan, South Korea tensions

Obama eyes boost in space taxi
spending, Jupiter moon mission

U.N. warns of possible humanitarian
disaster in South Sudan

NJ teen loses first legal battle
to make parents pay for education

Netanyahu warns on Iran, no
concessions for Palestinians

Sex crimes trial starts for
U.S. Army brigadier general

Flood insurance bill
wins U.S. House passage

Virginia investigator quits over
probe of death of senator's son

Scottish leader calls on all
Britons to back independence

New Jersey condo site explosion
kills one, injures seven

Wisconsin lawmakers select
new majority leader

Ford debuts medium-duty trucks
built without Cummins, Navistar

Snowden to speak on government
spying at Texas video-conference

Obama budget sets Medicare
savings, hospitals seek reprieve

Apple's new finance steward Maestri
takes over $160 billion cash haul

U.S. Senate tax chief looks
to tweak code, no reform yet

Cut in funding does not undermine U.S.
meat safety: agriculture secretary

Senate panel sets March 13 hearing
on Fischer, other Fed nominees

High-ranking U.S. military officer
goes on trial for sex charges

Los Angeles City Council
approves e-cigarette ban

Karzai brother to withdraw from
Afghan presidential race: rival

For his next act, genome wiz
Craig Venter takes on aging

Washington, D.C., city council
passes pot decriminalization vote

Pentagon aims to replace
Raytheon missile 'kill vehicle'

Egypt's Sisi signals he
will run for president

U.N. sanctions experts investigate
Rodman's North Korea trips

Alabama lawmakers weigh strict
'fetal heartbeat' abortion ban

Growth, reform in spotlight as
China parliament meeting opens

'Real Housewives of New Jersey'
couple admit to financial fraud

Uighur leader fears China's
'iron fist' after knife attack

Massachusetts crime lab tech who faked
drug tests was sole 'bad actor': state

Kentucky to hire outside counsel
to defend gay-marriage ban

Apple's CFO to hand baton
to Maestri in September

NJ pupil says parents kicked her
out, sues them for college costs

With 2015 budget, Pentagon
looks beyond Afghanistan

Turkish PM says rival will 'pay
price' as new recordings emerge

Obama administration says housing
agency won't need Treasury aid

Putin among Nobel Peace nominees
but Ukraine might figure too

Apple CFO Oppenheimer to retire in
September, Maestri to take over

Obama says Putin move into Ukraine
not a sign of Russian strength

Commentator D'Souza faces May
trial in U.S. election law breach

Romanian government wins
confidence vote after split

Kentucky will not appeal ruling
on recognizing gay marriage

Amid protests, Venezuela to
remember late Hugo Chavez

Pistorius gets emotional
at graphic evidence

Rains bring further misery for
Central Africa's displaced

Obama budget plan claims $5.3
trillion in deficit reduction

Georgia state lawmakers OK medical
marijuana as seizure treatment

U.S. appeals court says BP
bound by Gulf spill accord

White House wants $1 billion
put in affordable housing fund

U.S. senator still believes
in new Iran sanctions bill

Nigerian army losing grip on
northeast as Islamists rampage

U.N. says Central Africa, South Sudan refugees
'in poor shape', children hardest hit

Bahrain puts groups on terrorism
list after bomb kills three police

Netanyahu says Iran must not
retain enrichment capacity

Obama offers tax breaks for
poor in election year budget

Kosovo to create national
army of 5,000 soldiers

U.S. justices extend employee
whistleblower protections

Italy issues arrest warrants, seizes
assets in Rome mafia crackdown

Arctic cold sets records
in eastern United States

India's Sahara chief ordered
by court to remain in custody

Putin: military force would
be 'last resort' in Ukraine

India to announce parliamentary
election dates on March 5

Berlusconi denied permit to
attend Dublin conference

U.S. rights activist
alleges Egypt police abuse

Strasser denies wrongdoing
as bribery retrial begins

Syrian doctors struggle to care
for mentally ill and traumatized

India hardens stance against U.S.
protectionism ahead of visits

Turkey scrambles jets after Russian
plane flies near its Black Sea coast

East African states mull
stabilization force for South Sudan

Syrian forces press assault on
strategic town near Lebanon

Cyprus approves privatizations
needed for bailout

Cyprus parliament approves
privatization plans in majority vote

Vietnam jails ex-journalist
over anti-government blog

U.S. court rejects BP appeal
over Gulf spill losses

Syria has relinquished about a
third of its chemical weapons: OPCW

No need to use military force
in Ukraine for now: Putin

Powers to give Lebanon military,
economic boost against Syria spillover

Gunmen storm government
complex in Iraq's Samarra

India and Pakistan ramp up aid as
they jostle for influence in Kabul

Potential rivals neck and neck in
Connecticut election rematch: poll

Court bans activities of
Islamist Hamas in Egypt

Delhi women's hotline at risk
from cash woes, political turmoil

Where West failed, people
power spurs change in Bosnia

Turkey's Gul orders auditors to
assess capacity to fight corruption

China paper in rare mention of former
security chief, hints at graft case

Judge in Pistorius case warns
media over leaked photo

Rebels ambush U.N
vehicle in eastern Congo

Estonian PM submits resignation:
president's spokesman

Italy PM Renzi loses government
member over censorship claims

Egypt bans Hamas
activities in Egypt: judge

'Ethical gold' aims to curb
mining's toll in South America

Putin ends army exercise, Russian
markets rally despite Ukraine tension

Thailand may extend state of
emergency despite scaled-back protest

Exiled Uighur leader urges
calm after China attack

Obama's caution on Ukraine may
loom over midterm election

Detroit asks bankruptcy court to
approve new deal to end swaps

U.S. Navy to order 33 fewer F-35s
than planned in next 5 yrs -source

Montana woman dies of injuries from
avalanche that destroyed her home

South Carolina, rights groups
settle immigration law challenge

Fear of losing tech edge factors
into Pentagon budget plans

Japan's regional banks
are urged to merge

Obama 2015 budget seeks $60 billion
tax credit expansion: White House

Florida hospital settles part
of whistleblower suit -lawyer

Michigan stumbles in court
defending same-sex marriage ban

Ex-U.S. magistrate who changed
baby's name from 'Messiah' censured

Ukraine crisis new rallying point
for U.S. energy export backers

U.S. lawmakers ready to act over
Ukraine, but want Europe to step up

Scottish leader to take
independence fight to London

Florida lawmakers hope Mickey Mouse
can coexist with high rollers

Michigan man sentenced for three-day
shooting spree on interstate

U.S. Senate committee consulting
on sanctions against Russians

Israeli air strike kills
two in Gaza: officials

Vietnam veterans sue U.S. military
for discharge upgrades over PTSD

At White House, Israel's Netanyahu
pushes back against Obama diplomacy

U.S. anti-poverty programs have
failed, Republican Ryan says

Bin Laden son-in-law goes on trial
in U.S. on terrorism charges

From India's northern backwaters, a
new business elite rises

Behind U.S. budget cease-fire,
the same festering problems

Ticket sales brisk for Hillary
Clinton's speaking tour

Accused Los Angeles airport gunman
to be moved to federal detention

The fiscal cliff recedes but
U.S. finances remain precarious

U.S. probes Citi over compliance
with money laundering laws

Jailed opposition leader calls
for more Venezuela protests

Yemen drone strikes,
ambushes kill 10

Obama assures Netanyahu of commitment
to preventing nuclear-armed Iran

Obama says Russia has violated
international law in Ukraine

U.S., Mexico probe Citi over
money laundering law compliance

Algerian state TV shows Bouteflika
registering candidacy for election

Amid Ukraine crisis, Obama meets
Netanyahu on Mideast peace, Iran

Sperling, Obama's quirky and
loquacious economic aide, makes exit

U.N. proposes Central African
Republic peacekeeping force

Cuban dissidents say political
arrests top 1,000 in February

U.S. urges North Korea to exercise
restraint after rocket launches

U.S. factory, spending data
hint at improving economy

California lawmaker takes leave
of absence amid bribery charges

UAE gives Qatari doctor seven years
in jail for backing Islamist group

U.S. sanctions on Russia over
Ukraine would need Europe: senator

As China looks on, Putin poses
risky dilemma for the West

Cruz steering Texas Republicans
further right in primary fights

Michelle Obama to visit
China schools in March

Majority of U.S. justices sympathize
with inmate in death row case

Congo close to defeating
Ugandan Islamist rebels: army

Mauritanians march
over Koran desecration

Algeria's Bouteflika
registers for April election

Islamist militants kill 31
more in northeast Nigeria

Bahrain blast kills three
policemen: Interior Ministry

Powerful storm lashes eastern
U.S. with snow, arctic cold

Pennsylvania robber's custom-made
mask brings swift arrest

Gold, oil rise as Ukraine
tensions spur safe-haven bids

Ukraine financial fall-out exposes
Russia's economic weakness

U.S. Supreme Court
declines immigration cases

Ugandan troops to form U.N.
guard force in Somalia

U.S. consumer spending rises,
boosted by jump in services

U.S. high court agrees to hear
case on prison grooming policy

Pistorius trial witness:
'bloodcurdling screams' then shots

Russian markets plunge as
Putin tightens Crimea grip

Italy's Grillo handed four-month
sentence over rail protest

Massive snowstorm pummels
winter-weary U.S. East Coast

Life and a death sentence
in rebel-held Damascus

Romanian PM, president at odds
over forming new government

Egypt jails policemen for activist's
death that triggered Mubarak uprising

Global stocks hit by Ukraine
war threat, gold, oil jump

China train station attack risks
driving ethnic wedge deeper

Romania's ethnic Hungarians
join Ponta government

Japanese lawmakers call for
revision of wartime brothel apology

Iran cutting sensitive nuclear
stocks, much work remains: IAEA

Egypt court jails policemen
for killing activist

Foreigner killed at workers' holding
facility in Saudi Arabia: media

Iran nuclear deal being
implemented as planned: IAEA

Uganda anti-gay bill author says
aid cuts small price to pay

Pistorius pleads not guilty
to murder as trial starts

Fighting in Damascus district
halt aid to Palestinians: U.N.

U.S. jet fighter pilot
killed in Nevada crash: Navy

Putin builds up armor near
Crimea, Russian assets plummet

Russia says U.S. "sabotages" WTO
talks by barring its officials

China seeks to boost
development in minority areas

Oscar Pistorius arrives for
start of his murder trial

After vacating Bangkok's streets,
Thai protesters look to courts

'12 Years a Slave' breaks racial
barrier with best picture Oscar

At least 11 killed in brazen
attack on Pakistani court

Russia's Lavrov to meet U.N.'s
Ban, Brahimi in Geneva: agencies

'Gravity' grabs slew of Oscars,
Nyong'o wins supporting actress

Iditarod mushers begin dog-sled
trip across Alaskan tundra

North Korea frees Australian
Christian missionary

Karzai says Afghan war not fought
in his country's interest: report

Obama warns of 'fallout' for
Israel if peace effort fails

Oscars kick off with Leto
win for 'Dallas Buyers Club'

Obama must carefully calibrate
Russia response, rhetoric: Gates

Hundreds of Keystone protesters
arrested at White House

In gowns and shorts, Hollywood
arrives for Oscars night

North Korea fires two short-range
missiles into sea: Seoul

Obama to campaign for minimum
wage hike despite opposition

For oil traders, a vexing
new risk: U.S. politics

French government seeks pay cuts for
CEOs of semi-public firms: paper

Venezuela opposition musters thousands
for march despite Carnival holiday

China's state planning body grows
more assertive as revamp looms

SEC investigates Citigroup over
fraudulent Mexican loans: source

Magnitude 6.7 quake
hits off Okinawa, Japan

Thousands pack the streets as Ivory
Coast's Ouattara returns home

Boeing may slow F/A-18 plane
output to keep line going longer

Oil producers undaunted as Colorado
mulls fracking restrictions

Rescuers search for fighter jet
pilot after crash in Nevada

Death toll in Nigerian twin
bomb attack rises to 46

Suspected Kurdish rebels abduct
local official in southeast Turkey

Putin takes on West over
Ukraine: who blinks first?

Tired of protests, Venezuelans
take politics to the beach

Ultra-Orthodox Jews stage mass
protest against Israeli draft law

Indian Hindu nationalist
Modi turns to Muslim voters

Nine bodies, mostly women, found
on Sri Lanka's last battlefield

Ukraine crisis gives NATO,
West no good options

U.S. prisons seen through the
eyes of 'Birdman of Alcatraz'

French PM denies talk of
replacement, says not 'used up'

Iran backtracks on reports
of kidnapped guards' release

Turkey's Koc calls on Erdogan to
address graft charges to lower tensions

Al Qaeda splinter group denies
killing Islamist rival in Syria

Swiss economy minister wants to
save bilateral agreements with EU

Gunmen kill French national
in Libya's Benghazi

Pakistani jets bomb militant hideout a
day after Taliban ceasefire plan

Ukraine mobilizes after
Putin's 'declaration of war'

Iditarod mushers hit the trail for
start of Alaska wilderness race

Kuwait's 84-year old Emir
undergoes minor surgery: KUNA

Spanish journalist freed after
being kidnapped in Syria

Urkraine mobilizes for
war, calls up reserves

Mozambique's Frelimo selects Guebuza
loyalist as presidential candidate

China sidesteps question on
fate of former security chief

Thousands march in Hong Kong to
condemn attack on ex-newspaper editor

West scrambles, Kiev braces as
Putin threatens Ukraine war

Elbit Systems wins
homeland security contract

Witnesses recall fear, chaos
after China train station attack

Iran says abducted border
guards freed in Pakistan

Obama's dilemma: boosting domestic
initiatives without adding to deficit

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