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· shaunandrews.com

Designer, developer, Automattician. Working on all things WordPress. Find me on Skype: shaun.andrews Find me on Twitter: @shaunandrews


html, javascript, php, WordPress, drums, music


shaunandrews's Plugins

shaunandrews's Activity

  • Posted a reply to "Cannot redeclare wp_widget_control()", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    Sorry about that, the latest version (0.3) of the plugin should fix this error.

    3 months ago

  • Posted a reply to "Fatal Error", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    Sorry about that, the latest version (0.3) of the plugin should fix this.

    3 months ago

  • Committed [823271] to Plugins Trac:
    Fixing a fatal error caused by the assumption that wp_widget_contorl() was ...

    3 months ago

  • Committed [823167] to Plugins Trac:
    Bumping the version no.

    3 months ago

  • Posted a reply to "fix widgets already!", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    As mentioned above we're working on widgets, and we hope to have two improvements ready…

    3 months ago

  • Posted a reply to "Work with 3.8?", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    It should work fine with 3.8. I have an update in the works that should…

    4 months ago

  • Committed [818462] to Plugins Trac:
    Adding a banner graphic.

    4 months ago

  • Posted a reply to "Not what i expected", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    I released an update today. In your screenshot you weren't using MP6. The previous iteration…

    4 months ago

  • Committed [818459] to Plugins Trac:
    The readme had the wrong name! Oops! This fixed that.

    4 months ago

  • Committed [818458] to Plugins Trac:
    Updating the plugin in anticipation of 3.8.

    4 months ago

  • Created a new ticket, #26443, in Core Trac:
    Label for active theme isn't consistent between grid view and modal view.

    4 months ago

  • Created a new ticket, #26442, in Core Trac:
    ThickBox z-index conflicts with admin menu and bar

    4 months ago

  • Reopened ticket #26168, in Core Trac:
    Empty sidebars missing some indication of "droppablity"

    4 months ago

  • Created a new ticket, #26172, in Core Trac:
    Theme screenshots get blurry at various breakpoints

    4 months ago

  • Created a new ticket, #26168, in Core Trac:
    Empty sidebars missing some indication of "droppablity"

    4 months ago

  • Created a new ticket, #26165, in Core Trac:
    Functionality and design problems with widgets accessibility mode

    4 months ago

  • Created a new ticket, #26117, in Core Trac:
    "Wide" widgets are no longer support

    4 months ago

  • Created a new ticket, #26112, in Core Trac:
    Available widgets drag-and-drop causes trouble on touch devices

    4 months ago

  • Posted a reply to "Is there anything similar to this for the front end?", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    The ability to tag media items is definitely on my list, but I don't have…

    4 months ago

  • Posted a reply to "Possible to filter by media tags?", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    How are you tagging media items? As far as I'm aware that is not functionality…

    4 months ago

  • Posted a reply to "Select/edit/delete..?", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    This is actually intentional. The ability to select media has been removed from the latest…

    4 months ago

  • Created a new ticket, #25952, in Core Trac:
    Allow widgets to be dropped onto closed sidebars

    5 months ago

  • Committed [801877] to Plugins Trac:
    Better keyboard nav and next/prev previews in modal.

    5 months ago

  • Committed [801844] to Plugins Trac:

    5 months ago

  • Committed [801693] to Plugins Trac:
    Fixing the border-radius on the theme-count so it doesnt get that weird ...

    5 months ago

  • Committed [801599] to Plugins Trac:
    Updating the "Delete Theme" label to simply "Delete" - the context is ...

    5 months ago

  • Committed [801587] to Plugins Trac:
    Ensuring the update notice clears the h2 and search form.

    5 months ago

  • Committed [801391] to Plugins Trac:
    Moving the search input next to the add new button, making room for the ...

    5 months ago

  • Committed [801387] to Plugins Trac:
    Updating the theme count to display more like a badge.

    5 months ago

  • Committed [800159] to Plugins Trac:
    Bringing back some nicer responsive styles for widgets, and making it more ...

    5 months ago

  • Committed [800155] to Plugins Trac:
    Switching the widgets js dependancy to admin-widgets, adding a version ...

    5 months ago

  • Committed [800154] to Plugins Trac:
    Fixing typo where clearInterval should be clearTimeout and adding a $this ...

    5 months ago

  • Committed [799266] to Plugins Trac:
    Adding plain (type-less) inputs to the box-sizing: border-box; ...

    5 months ago

  • Created a new ticket, #25821, in Core Trac:
    Allow user to click-to-add new widgets

    5 months ago

  • Committed [798675] to Plugins Trac:
    Initial commit.

    5 months ago

  • Committed [794228] to Plugins Trac:
    Bringing back the selection pane and fixing comparison mode.

    5 months ago

  • Posted a reply to "Plugin conflict: media grid and juicebox", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    I don't have access to a Windows Phone. I'd suggest avoiding this plugin, or the…

    5 months ago

  • Posted a reply to "Don't work", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    Version 0.4 of the plugin should resolve this layout issue. Let me know if you…

    5 months ago

  • Committed [793889] to Plugins Trac:
    Version bump.

    5 months ago

  • Committed [793888] to Plugins Trac:
    Simplifying the UI. Taking away the selected-media sidebar — itll come ...

    5 months ago

  • Committed [793879] to Plugins Trac:
    Replacing the fancy flexbox layout with a boring old display: ...

    5 months ago

  • Committed [793817] to Plugins Trac:
    Removing the ultra-cool blur due to performance issues. Adding a ...

    5 months ago

  • Committed [793812] to Plugins Trac:
    Removing the highlight effect. It was causing some strange issues with ...

    5 months ago

  • Committed [793154] to Plugins Trac:
    Bumping to a new version.

    5 months ago

  • Committed [793153] to Plugins Trac:
    Simplfying the UI for selecting a sidebar. Adding a widget now scrolls the ...

    5 months ago

  • Committed [792583] to Plugins Trac:
    Bring some improvements from the lost v2 back to v1, including fixing a ...

    5 months ago

  • Committed [792466] to Plugins Trac:
    Removing the click action on available widget descriptions. Having both ...

    5 months ago

  • Committed [792111] to Plugins Trac:
    Flashy banners.

    5 months ago

  • Committed [792109] to Plugins Trac:
    Initial commit of a super simple plugin.

    5 months ago

  • Committed [792103] to Plugins Trac:
    Reverting back to the first iteration of the widget redesign.

    5 months ago