
The Japanese Love Industry
Japan is a country that is dying—literally. Japan has more people over the age of 65 and t...
published: 22 Oct 2013
The Japanese Love Industry
The Japanese Love Industry
Japan is a country that is dying—literally. Japan has more people over the age of 65 and the smallest number of people under the age of 15 in the world. It has the fastest negative population growth in the world, and that's because hardly anyone is having babies. In these difficult times, the Japanese are putting marriage and families on the back burner and seeking recreational love and affection as a form of cheap escape with no strings attached. We sent Ryan Duffy to investigate this phenomenon, which led him to Tokyo's cuddle cafes and Yakuza-sponsored prostitution rings. Watch more VICE Documentaries here: http://bit.ly/VICE-Documentaries Subscribe to VICE here! http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE Check out our full video catalog: http://bit.ly/VICE-Videos Videos, daily editorial and more: http://vice.com Like VICE on Facebook: http://fb.com/vice Follow VICE on Twitter: http://twitter.com/vice Read our tumblr: http://vicemag.tumblr.com- published: 22 Oct 2013
- views: 202030

A Life in Japan - Documentary (English with English subtitles)
Ever wondered how a life in Japan might be? 19 foreigners share their personal experiences...
published: 03 Jan 2013
author: Petri Storlöpare
A Life in Japan - Documentary (English with English subtitles)
A Life in Japan - Documentary (English with English subtitles)
Ever wondered how a life in Japan might be? 19 foreigners share their personal experiences, likes and dislikes. See the country through the eyes of, mostly w...- published: 03 Jan 2013
- views: 298428
- author: Petri Storlöpare

Boyfriends for Hire in Japan
In Japan, it's not uncommon for successful women to pay attractive young men huge sums of ...
published: 16 Sep 2013
Boyfriends for Hire in Japan
Boyfriends for Hire in Japan
In Japan, it's not uncommon for successful women to pay attractive young men huge sums of money for a few cocktails and an hour of platonic companionship. VICE in conjunction with Schweppes sends correspondent Joel Cornell to Shibuya to explore this strange world and to find out if he can cut it as a professional boyfriend for hire. Watch our documentary "The Japanese Love Industry" here: http://www.vice.com/the-vice-guide-to-travel/the-japanese-love-industry Check out the Best of VICE here: http://bit.ly/VICE-Best-Of Subscribe to VICE here! http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE Check out our full video catalog: http://bit.ly/VICE-Videos Videos, daily editorial and more: http://vice.com Like VICE on Facebook: http://fb.com/vice Follow VICE on Twitter: http://twitter.com/vice Read our tumblr: http://vicemag.tumblr.com- published: 16 Sep 2013
- views: 949942

Japanese Vending Machines Exposed ★ WAO! 流〈RYU〉ONLY in JAPAN #03
【ONLY in JAPAN #03】 ▽△Japanese Vending Machines Exposed△▽ Don't miss this! Vending machine...
published: 02 Apr 2013
Japanese Vending Machines Exposed ★ WAO! 流〈RYU〉ONLY in JAPAN #03
Japanese Vending Machines Exposed ★ WAO! 流〈RYU〉ONLY in JAPAN #03
【ONLY in JAPAN #03】 ▽△Japanese Vending Machines Exposed△▽ Don't miss this! Vending machines are one of the first things visitors see when they arrive at the ...- published: 02 Apr 2013
- views: 47844

The Emperor's Tram Girls - Japan
On 6th August the world will remember the day the atomic bomb was first used, 60 years ago...
published: 17 Mar 2011
author: Journeyman Pictures
The Emperor's Tram Girls - Japan
The Emperor's Tram Girls - Japan
On 6th August the world will remember the day the atomic bomb was first used, 60 years ago. In 1945 Hiroshima was a thriving part of Japan's war industry. Trams ferried many thousands of troops...- published: 17 Mar 2011
- views: 35573
- author: Journeyman Pictures

U.S. film director Oliver Stone Hiroshima speech【Japan banned video】
American director Oliver Stone in the "Atomic Bomb Memorial Day" on the occasion of visit ...
published: 14 Aug 2013
author: Fw825
U.S. film director Oliver Stone Hiroshima speech【Japan banned video】
U.S. film director Oliver Stone Hiroshima speech【Japan banned video】
American director Oliver Stone in the "Atomic Bomb Memorial Day" on the occasion of visit Hiroshima and gave a speech, compared to Germany and Japan after Wo...- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 902
- author: Fw825

CAT CAFES in Japan! 猫カフェに行ってみました♥
Cat Cafes are probably one of the coolest things about living in Japan! Information about ...
published: 27 Jan 2014
CAT CAFES in Japan! 猫カフェに行ってみました♥
CAT CAFES in Japan! 猫カフェに行ってみました♥
Cat Cafes are probably one of the coolest things about living in Japan! Information about the stores is written below. 猫カフェにはまっちゃった~♥ 店について下に詳しく書いてあります↓↓ Friends featured in this Video: MIRA http://www.youtube.com/kanadajin3 KELSEY http://www.youtube.com/wxeharoi 「Kyariko Cat Cafe」 Shinjuku, Kabuki-cho 1-16-2 Fuji Building 5/6F Open 10am - 10pm English friendly 1000yen/hour with pack rates as well 「Ekoneko Cat Cafe」 Nerima-ku Asahigaoka 1-73-1 Mita Building 2F Open Noon - 10pm 1000yen/hour free drinks Cats are all available for adoption 「きゃりこ」 10:00~22:00 年中無休 新宿区歌舞伎町1-16-2 富士ビルディング5/6F 03-6457-6387 「えこねこ」 12:00~22:00時 不定休 東京都練馬区旭丘1-73-1 三田ビル2階 03-6914-4818 MY 2ND CHANNEL http://www.youtube.com/sharlainjapan BLOG http://sharlainjapan.blogspot.jp FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/jyuusankaidan TWITTER http://twitter.com/sharlainjapan INSTAGRAM sharlainjapan Music: Deliberate Thought by Kevin MacLeod http://www.incompetech.com I film with my Nikon J1 or iPhone 4s, and edit with Windows Movie Maker :)- published: 27 Jan 2014
- views: 69296

Everyday Life in Japan: Looking for an apartment
Today is March 29th, 2013. I headed east to Osaka. It's only a 25 minute train ride from K...
published: 30 Mar 2013
author: Ryan Boundless
Everyday Life in Japan: Looking for an apartment
Everyday Life in Japan: Looking for an apartment
Today is March 29th, 2013. I headed east to Osaka. It's only a 25 minute train ride from Kobe. I went to Century 21 to look at an apartment. The realtor only...- published: 30 Mar 2013
- views: 57472
- author: Ryan Boundless

Pizza in JAPAN 日本のピザは海外に比べてどうでしょう?
So this is what Japanese pizza is like! Mira's Channel: http://www.youtube.com/kanadajin3 ...
published: 03 Jul 2013
author: JyuusanKaidan
Pizza in JAPAN 日本のピザは海外に比べてどうでしょう?
Pizza in JAPAN 日本のピザは海外に比べてどうでしょう?
So this is what Japanese pizza is like! Mira's Channel: http://www.youtube.com/kanadajin3 MY 2ND CHANNEL http://www.youtube.com/sharlainjapan FACEBOOK http:/...- published: 03 Jul 2013
- views: 853787
- author: JyuusanKaidan

ももいろクローバーZ「GOUNN」 from ももいろクローバーZ JAPAN TOUR 2013『GOUNN』
「ももいろクローバーZ JAPAN TOUR 2013『GOUNN』」Live Blu-ray&DVD;
published: 28 Mar 2014
ももいろクローバーZ「GOUNN」 from ももいろクローバーZ JAPAN TOUR 2013『GOUNN』
ももいろクローバーZ「GOUNN」 from ももいろクローバーZ JAPAN TOUR 2013『GOUNN』
2014年03月26日発売!! 「ももいろクローバーZ JAPAN TOUR 2013『GOUNN』」Live Blu-ray&DVD; 今作は、第64回紅白歌合戦でも歌唱された最新シングル「GOUNN」のリリースツアー最終公演を収録したLIVE Blu-ray&DVD;。 ツアーは過去にライブを開催したことが無い県を中心に、2013年9月28日より全国8箇所にて開催された。LIVE本編はMC無し・サイリウム使用不可という2nd FULL ALBUM「5TH DIMENSION」リリースツアー同様の演出がなされており、ステージ演出やセット¬リストはシングル「GOUNN」の世界観から派生して制作され、そのコンセプチュアルな公演内容は好評を得た。 ■商品情報 ももいろクローバーZ JAPAN TOUR 2013「GOUNN」 発売日:2014年03月26日 [Blu-ray] 品番:KIXM-159 価格:¥5,800+税 収録内容:LIVE本編(24曲収録)+映像特典(各公演MC集) 音声:1.DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1ch 2.リニアPCM 2ch/ステレオ 仕様:Blu-ray1枚組/初回生産分のみ透明スリーブ仕様 [DVD] 品番:KIBM-426~427 価格:¥4,800+税 収録内容:LIVE本編(24曲収録)+映像特典(各公演MC集) 音声:リニアPCM 2ch/ステレオ 仕様:DVD2枚組/初回生産分のみ透明スリーブ仕様 [収録曲] 01. サラバ、愛しき悲しみたちよ 02. 天手力男 03. words of the mind -brandnew journey- 04. LOST CHILD 05. DNA狂詩曲 06. キミとセカイ 07. D'の純情 08. BIRTH Ø BIRTH 09. 空のカーテン 10. ラフスタイル for ももいろクローバーZ 11. 月と銀紙飛行船 12. 猛烈宇宙交響曲・第七楽章「無限の愛」 13. Z女戦争 14. ピンキージョーンズ 15. スターダストセレナーデ 16. ツヨクツヨク 17. GOUNN <アンコール> overture ~Twinkle5参上!!~ 18. TwinkleWink / Twinkle5 overture ~ももいろクローバーZ参上!!~ 19. Chai Maxx 20. ももいろ太鼓どどんが節 21. 労働讃歌 22. 行くぜっ!怪盗少女 23. いつか君が 24. 走れ!- published: 28 Mar 2014
- views: 12524

U17W杯 日本vsパラグアイ Japan vs Paraguay
PCブラウザがIEの人はGoogle ChromeやFirefoxで視聴すればカクカクしないかも。Recommend to watch the movie in Chrome o...
published: 20 Mar 2014
U17W杯 日本vsパラグアイ Japan vs Paraguay
U17W杯 日本vsパラグアイ Japan vs Paraguay
PCブラウザがIEの人はGoogle ChromeやFirefoxで視聴すればカクカクしないかも。Recommend to watch the movie in Chrome or Firefox etc. tags サッカー、女子サッカー、ワールドカップ、リトルなでしこ、日本代表- published: 20 Mar 2014
- views: 11240

Kimochiii in Japan Part5 ตอน คาเฟ่ชาวY @Ikebukuro
หนุ่มสาวชาว Y ทั้งหลาย เทปนี้ฟินสุดๆเบยแจ้ TOYOTA ใจถึงสุดๆพามาอิเคบุคุโระเข้า BL Cafe (bo...
published: 12 Jul 2013
author: iheredottv
Kimochiii in Japan Part5 ตอน คาเฟ่ชาวY @Ikebukuro
Kimochiii in Japan Part5 ตอน คาเฟ่ชาวY @Ikebukuro
หนุ่มสาวชาว Y ทั้งหลาย เทปนี้ฟินสุดๆเบยแจ้ TOYOTA ใจถึงสุดๆพามาอิเคบุคุโระเข้า BL Cafe (boy love cafe) ถ้ามานั่งดริ๊งค์เฉยๆก็ไม่ใช่ Kimochiii แน่นอนมันต้องมี...- published: 12 Jul 2013
- views: 124348
- author: iheredottv
Vimeo results:

For 35 years, Edwin Japan have worked on improvin...
published: 16 Nov 2011
author: Edwin Europe
For 35 years, Edwin Japan have worked on improving efficiency, quality, construction and washing methods by studying and engineering machinery used in the denim manufacturing process.
It is impossible to improve what one makes without spending the time everyday to master what one does, turning ones profession into a craft. The denim technicians at Edwin are true craftsmen, as their commitment and attention to the product is unquestionably what makes the Edwin product stand out from the mass of denim available within the market today. Whilst this remains ‘production’, the working philosophy remains closer to a greatly more efficient and productive Artisanal method.
They are ‘engineers’. Each person, over the course of a long period is encouraged to be responsible for maintaining and improving their machines. This means that each machine is self-customised beyond standard industrial purposes, to create unique and specialised ways of making denim. Even within the well-known denim brands factories around the world, you will not see the level of customised machinery and attention to product that one can see at the Edwin factories in Japan. It is for this reason, many ‘core heritage’ Japanese denim brands wish to have their products made within the Edwin Japan factories. This is the unique strength of the Edwin Jeans brand, the product itself.
The majority of the technicians at the Edwin factories and laundry’s have worked within the company since the beginning. This means they have an acute understanding for their machine. Each technician is responsible for three machines on average, all performing different elements of the production process. They remain on these machines for the duration of the careers. There is almost now rotation of staff, offering complete consistency in the making.
The machines are completely unique and totally custom made, exclusively to EDWIN JAPAN, which sets EDWIN out as a denim manufacturer worldwide. There is not a single machine, which has not been customised by the technicians over the time they work on them.
The technicians themselves are trained for two years with a veteran of their particular machines, prior to them leaving for retirement. This ensures absolute consistency and understanding for high quality workmanship. As the factories have been operating 35 years, there is now a seeding of new, younger apprentices learning the ropes, thus setting of the career cycle.
There are many elements unique to EDWIN Japan manufacturing, for which unfortunately we are not able to show images. This is due to the secretive nature of the processes, elements having been invented by EDWIN, and must be respected and protected. There are a wide variety of processes invented by the denim engineers and designers themselves, which set new standards within the industry offering evolution and ingenuity.
The laundries are incredible, with bespoke and exclusively made machines. Unique ways of washing, dying, drying and above all water purification and recycling. The water is purified to the point whereby once all the indigo and other impurities have been extracted, fish are able to swim in tank of the purified water.
These elements have been in place for many years, and yet never spoken about or promoted as a marketing tool. This is because Edwin esteems this to be a ‘standard’ process. It is simply the way of EDWIN manufacture and not a simple ‘marketing’ idea.
'Red Rocks Fogg' by Forest Swords
Thanks Matt...

A Trip to Japan with family...
published: 17 Mar 2013
author: Apiwat Supateeerapong
A Trip to Japan with family

Dear Japan
A sudden minor shock or meaningless/meaningful interruption...here is a blip of the land o...
published: 10 Aug 2010
author: Matty Brown
Dear Japan
A sudden minor shock or meaningless/meaningful interruption...here is a blip of the land of the rising sun. JAPAN!
Shot with the 7D by Nathan Miller natemmiller@yahoo.com
Please visit his page http://vimeo.com/35675173 and 'Like' this video on his page instead of mine. He's the cinematographer and guts of it and should be getting more attention! :)
Edited by Matthew Brown meh_eh@hotmail.com
Music - "Empty Room Trailer Version" by Zack Hemsey zackhemsey.com
Featured in The Atlantic Magazine
I hope this video gives hope to the people of Japan after this devastating earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011

Japan Journals is a snowboarding web series based out of the fluffy depths of Japan's snow...
published: 06 Feb 2012
author: Japan Journals
Japan Journals is a snowboarding web series based out of the fluffy depths of Japan's snow covered wilderness.
In Episode 1 we have Gondola access to some jaw-dropping fun terrain and we meet up with Japanese pro rider Taka Nakai and get him to show us why he loves riding his homeland so much. We then venture up to Nakayama Pass and explore some good jump spots with some of the best powder earth has to offer. This is the first of the 4 Japan Journals web episodes. Stay posted throughout the season to see what drags the world’s best snowboarders to this incredible part of the world.
Youtube results:

Japan by Bicycle (Complete Documentary)
Get the free 300 page eBook at http://www.JapanByBicycle.com. Join three adventurers as th...
published: 27 May 2013
author: Andrew Marston
Japan by Bicycle (Complete Documentary)
Japan by Bicycle (Complete Documentary)
Get the free 300 page eBook at http://www.JapanByBicycle.com. Join three adventurers as they cycle across the entire length of Japan one month after the 2011...- published: 27 May 2013
- views: 103075
- author: Andrew Marston

NTV interview foreigners in Japan 日テレは日本にいる外国人をインタヴュー English Subtitles
英訳 俺 他 日テレ English Translation: Me Everything else: NTV 英語を学びたいなら、こちらへ御覧ください If you want t...
published: 29 Jun 2013
author: Orbixx
NTV interview foreigners in Japan 日テレは日本にいる外国人をインタヴュー English Subtitles
NTV interview foreigners in Japan 日テレは日本にいる外国人をインタヴュー English Subtitles
英訳 俺 他 日テレ English Translation: Me Everything else: NTV 英語を学びたいなら、こちらへ御覧ください If you want to learn Japanese, please see this Facebook group: https://www.face...- published: 29 Jun 2013
- views: 92543
- author: Orbixx

McDonald's in Japan CHERRY BLOSSOM BURGER マック春限定♥さくらてりたま
日本のマックは最高すぎる♥So. Good.
↓↓Useful Vocab↓↓
Cherry Blossom - 桜 sakura
Spring - 春 haru
published: 24 Mar 2014
McDonald's in Japan CHERRY BLOSSOM BURGER マック春限定♥さくらてりたま
McDonald's in Japan CHERRY BLOSSOM BURGER マック春限定♥さくらてりたま
日本のマックは最高すぎる♥So. Good. ↓↓Useful Vocab↓↓ Cherry Blossom - 桜 sakura Spring - 春 haru Hamburger - ハンバーガー hanba-ga- McDonald's - マック makku Delicious - 美味しい oishii MIRA'S CHANNEL http://www.youtube.com/kanadajin3 MY 2ND CHANNEL http://www.youtube.com/sharlainjapan BLOG http://sharlainjapan.blogspot.jp FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/jyuusankaidan TWITTER http://twitter.com/sharlainjapan INSTAGRAM sharlainjapan I film with my Nikon J1 or iPhone 4s, and edit with Windows Movie Maker :)- published: 24 Mar 2014
- views: 65831

エレベーター ドッキリ!? 【Extremely Scary Ghost Elevator Prank in Japan 2013】
加賀美セイラ ノンスタイル石田 秋山成勲
Extremely Scary Ghost Elevator Prank in Japan...
published: 04 Jan 2014
エレベーター ドッキリ!? 【Extremely Scary Ghost Elevator Prank in Japan 2013】
エレベーター ドッキリ!? 【Extremely Scary Ghost Elevator Prank in Japan 2013】
加賀美セイラ ノンスタイル石田 秋山成勲 Extremely Scary Ghost Elevator Prank in Japan- published: 04 Jan 2014
- views: 37