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Васса 1 серия / Vassa film 1
Васса 2 серия / Vassa film 2
Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.19 (Cheesefare Week / Масленица)
Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.18 (Publican&Pharisee/Prodigal Son)
Coffee With Sister Vassa (Nov23)
Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.16 (Christmas Forefeast)
Coffee with Sister Vassa (September 2)
Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.17 (Christmas / Рождество Христово/Χριστούγεννα)
Coffee with Sister Vassa (Dec4)
Coffee with Sister Vassa (Oct14)
Coffee with Sister Vassa (Nov12)
Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.15 (Nativity Fast / Advent)


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Васса 1 серия / Vassa film 1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:08:01
  • Updated: 13 Aug 2013

Васса 1 серия / Vassa film 1

Смотрите и скачивайте наши фильмы в App Store - Google Play -
  • published: 08 Aug 2011
  • views: 32098
  • author: mosfilmВасса 1 серия / Vassa film 1
Васса 2 серия / Vassa film 2
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:03:33
  • Updated: 09 Aug 2013

Васса 2 серия / Vassa film 2

Смотрите и скачивайте наши фильмы в App Store - Google Play -
  • published: 08 Aug 2011
  • views: 22216
  • author: mosfilmВасса 2 серия / Vassa film 2
Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.19 (Cheesefare Week / Масленица)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:00
  • Updated: 26 Feb 2014

Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.19 (Cheesefare Week / Масленица)

The 19th episode, on Meatfare Sunday and Cheesefare Week (1 week before Byzantine Lent). Also available in iTunes for iPhone and iPad. Theology with a bit of humor. Follow on Twitter "vassa larin 1". A brief, weekly program discussing the Church calendar and liturgy. Hosted by Dr. Sr. Vassa Larin of the University of Vienna in Austria.
  • published: 26 Feb 2014
  • views: 253 with Sister Vassa Ep.19 (Cheesefare Week / Масленица)
Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.18 (Publican&Pharisee;/Prodigal Son)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:44
  • Updated: 14 Feb 2014

Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.18 (Publican&Pharisee;/Prodigal Son)

Subtitles available in ENGLISH, ITALIANO, The Valentine's Day Special! And the Sundays of the Publican and Pharisee, and the Prodigal Son (before Byzantine Lent). Also available in iTunes for iPhone and iPad. Theology with a bit of humor. The 18th episode. Follow on Twitter "vassa larin 1". A brief, weekly program discussing the Church calendar and liturgy. Hosted by Dr. Sr. Vassa Larin of the University of Vienna in Austria.
  • published: 14 Feb 2014
  • views: 1228 with Sister Vassa Ep.18 (Publican&Pharisee;/Prodigal Son)
Coffee With Sister Vassa (Nov23)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:12
  • Updated: 17 Nov 2013

Coffee With Sister Vassa (Nov23)

Captions available in RUSSIAN, GREEK, SERBIAN, ROMANIAN, BULGARIAN, HUNGARIAN, ENGLISH. Also available in iTunes for iPhone and iPad! Theology with a bit of humor. The 12th episode. St. Amphilochius of Iconium. "Apophatic" Theology. A brief, weekly program discussing the Church Calendar. Hosted by Dr. Sr. Vassa Larin of the University of Vienna in Austria.
  • published: 17 Nov 2013
  • views: 707 With Sister Vassa (Nov23)
Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.16 (Christmas Forefeast)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:45
  • Updated: 16 Dec 2013

Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.16 (Christmas Forefeast)

Captions available in RUSSIAN, SERBIAN, GREEK, GERMAN/DEUTSCH, UKRAINIAN, ROMANIAN, BULGARIAN, ENGLISH. Also available in iTunes for iPhone and iPad! Theology with a bit of humor. The 16th episode. The Forefeast/Proeortia/Predprazdnstvo of Nativity. Follow on Twitter "vassa larin 1". A brief, weekly program discussing the Church calendar and liturgy. Hosted by Dr. Sr. Vassa Larin of the University of Vienna in Austria.
  • published: 16 Dec 2013
  • views: 1948 with Sister Vassa Ep.16 (Christmas Forefeast)
Coffee with Sister Vassa (September 2)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:56
  • Updated: 30 Aug 2013

Coffee with Sister Vassa (September 2)

(Captions available in: RUSSIAN, SPANISH, ENGLISH.) A brief, weekly reflection on the church calendar with Sr. Dr. Vassa Larin, a Russian Orthodox liturgist of the University of Vienna. Theological reflection with a bit of humor.
  • published: 30 Aug 2013
  • views: 4086 with Sister Vassa (September 2)
Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.17 (Christmas / Рождество Христово/Χριστούγεννα)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:59
  • Updated: 21 Dec 2013

Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.17 (Christmas / Рождество Христово/Χριστούγεννα)

Captions available in RUSSIAN, SERBIAN, GREEK, GERMAN/DEUTSCH, ITALIAN, UKRAINIAN, ROMANIAN, BULGARIAN, ENGLISH. Also available in iTunes for iPhone and iPad! Theology with a bit of humor. The 17th episode. Christmas. The Magi. Follow on Twitter "vassa larin 1". A brief, weekly program discussing the Church calendar and liturgy. Hosted by Dr. Sr. Vassa Larin of the University of Vienna in Austria.
  • published: 21 Dec 2013
  • views: 1550 with Sister Vassa Ep.17 (Christmas / Рождество Христово/Χριστούγεννα)
Coffee with Sister Vassa (Dec4)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:26
  • Updated: 01 Dec 2013

Coffee with Sister Vassa (Dec4)

Captions available in RUSSIAN, SERBIAN, GREEK, ROMANIAN, BULGARIAN, FINNISH, HUNGARIAN, ENGLISH. Also available in iTunes for iPhone and iPad! Theology with a bit of humor. The 14th episode. St. Barbara. Follow on Twitter "vassa larin 1". A brief, weekly program discussing the Church calendar and liturgy. Hosted by Dr. Sr. Vassa Larin of the University of Vienna in Austria.
  • published: 01 Dec 2013
  • views: 2332 with Sister Vassa (Dec4)
Coffee with Sister Vassa (Oct14)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:58
  • Updated: 12 Oct 2013

Coffee with Sister Vassa (Oct14)

Captions available in RUSSIAN, GREEK, ROMANIAN, SPANISH, ENGLISH. Theology with a bit of humor. The 7th episode! St. Paraskeva/Petka!! A brief, weekly program discussing the Church Calendar. Hosted by Dr. Sr. Vassa Larin of the University of Vienna in Austria. NOTE TO OLD-CALENDAR VIEWERS: This is NOT the episode for Pokrov, the Feast of the Protection. For that feast, (subtract 13 days from the New-Calendar date and) see the episode of October 1, Episode 5.
  • published: 12 Oct 2013
  • views: 1115 with Sister Vassa (Oct14)
Coffee with Sister Vassa (Nov12)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:56
  • Updated: 09 Nov 2013

Coffee with Sister Vassa (Nov12)

Captions available in RUSSIAN, GREEK, SERBIAN, ROMANIAN, SPANISH, ENGLISH. Theology with a bit of humor. The 11th episode. St. John the Merciful of Alexandria. A brief, weekly program discussing the Church Calendar. Hosted by Dr. Sr. Vassa Larin of the University of Vienna in Austria.
  • published: 09 Nov 2013
  • views: 869 with Sister Vassa (Nov12)
Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.15 (Nativity Fast / Advent)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:59
  • Updated: 08 Dec 2013

Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.15 (Nativity Fast / Advent)

Captions available in RUSSIAN, SERBIAN, GREEK, ROMANIAN, BULGARIAN, ENGLISH. Also available in iTunes for iPhone and iPad! Theology with a bit of humor. The 15th episode. The Nativity/Christmas Fast and Advent. Follow on Twitter "vassa larin 1". A brief, weekly program discussing the Church calendar and liturgy. Hosted by Dr. Sr. Vassa Larin of the University of Vienna in Austria.
  • published: 08 Dec 2013
  • views: 447 with Sister Vassa Ep.15 (Nativity Fast / Advent)
Ulf Lundell - Den Vassa Eggen (Johanneshovs Isstadion 2002)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:27
  • Updated: 30 Jun 2013

Ulf Lundell - Den Vassa Eggen (Johanneshovs Isstadion 2002)

Ulf Lundell when he is at his best. Amazing version of "Den Vassa Eggen" from 1985. Recorded at Johanneshovs Isstadion 2002 in Stockholm.
  • published: 13 Aug 2012
  • views: 2666
  • author: swahn71 Lundell - Den Vassa Eggen (Johanneshovs Isstadion 2002)
Coffee with Sister Vassa (September 26)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:43
  • Updated: 22 Sep 2013

Coffee with Sister Vassa (September 26)

(Captions available in: RUSSIAN, GREEK, GERMAN (DEUTSCH), SPANISH, ENGLISH, ROMANIAN, HUNGARIAN. Click box on right bottom of video.) The 4th, action-packed episode of Coffee with Sister Vassa! Watch this brief, weekly reflection on the church calendar with Sr. Dr. Vassa Larin, a Russian Orthodox liturgist of the University of Vienna. Theology with a bit of humor.
  • published: 22 Sep 2013
  • views: 1237 with Sister Vassa (September 26)
  • Васса 1 серия / Vassa film 1
    Васса 1 серия / Vassa film 1
  • Васса 2 серия / Vassa film 2
    Васса 2 серия / Vassa film 2
  • Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.19 (Cheesefare Week / Масленица)
    Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.19 (Cheesefare Week / Масленица)
  • Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.18 (Publican&Pharisee;/Prodigal Son)
    Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.18 (Publican&Pharisee;/Prodigal Son)
  • Coffee With Sister Vassa (Nov23)
    Coffee With Sister Vassa (Nov23)
  • Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.16 (Christmas Forefeast)
    Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.16 (Christmas Forefeast)
  • Coffee with Sister Vassa (September 2)
    Coffee with Sister Vassa (September 2)
  • Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.17 (Christmas / Рождество Христово/Χριστούγεννα)
    Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.17 (Christmas / Рождество Христово/Χριστούγεννα)
  • Coffee with Sister Vassa (Dec4)
    Coffee with Sister Vassa (Dec4)
  • Coffee with Sister Vassa (Oct14)
    Coffee with Sister Vassa (Oct14)
  • Coffee with Sister Vassa (Nov12)
    Coffee with Sister Vassa (Nov12)
  • Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.15 (Nativity Fast / Advent)
    Coffee with Sister Vassa Ep.15 (Nativity Fast / Advent)
  • Ulf Lundell - Den Vassa Eggen (Johanneshovs Isstadion 2002)
    Ulf Lundell - Den Vassa Eggen (Johanneshovs Isstadion 2002)
  • Coffee with Sister Vassa (September 26)
    Coffee with Sister Vassa (September 26)

Васса 1 серия / Vassa film 1

Смотрите и скачивайте наши фильмы в App Store - Google Play -
  • published: 08 Aug 2011
  • views: 32098
  • author: mosfilm

Васса 1 серия / Vassa film 1
Смотрите и скачивайте наши фильмы в App Store - https://​itunes.​apple.​com/​ru/​app/​mosfil-m/​i...​
pub­lished: 08 Aug 2011
au­thor: mos­film
Васса 2 серия / Vassa film 2
Смотрите и скачивайте наши фильмы в App Store - https://​itunes.​apple.​com/​ru/​app/​mosfil-m/​i...​
pub­lished: 08 Aug 2011
au­thor: mos­film
Cof­fee with Sis­ter Vassa Ep.19 (Cheese­fare Week / Масленица)
The 19th episode, on Meat­fare Sun­day and Cheese­fare Week (1 week be­fore Byzan­tine Lent). A...
pub­lished: 26 Feb 2014
Cof­fee with Sis­ter Vassa Ep.18 (Pub­li­can&Phar­isee;/Prodi­gal Son)
Sub­ti­tles avail­able in EN­GLISH, ITAL­IANO, The Valen­tine's Day Spe­cial! And the Sun­days of ...
pub­lished: 14 Feb 2014
Cof­fee With Sis­ter Vassa (Nov23)
pub­lished: 17 Nov 2013
Cof­fee with Sis­ter Vassa Ep.16 (Christ­mas Forefeast)
pub­lished: 16 Dec 2013
Cof­fee with Sis­ter Vassa (Septem­ber 2)
(Cap­tions avail­able in: RUS­SIAN, SPAN­ISH, EN­GLISH.) A brief, week­ly re­flec­tion on the chur...
pub­lished: 30 Aug 2013
Cof­fee with Sis­ter Vassa Ep.17 (Christ­mas / Рождество Христово/Χριστούγεννα)
pub­lished: 21 Dec 2013
Cof­fee with Sis­ter Vassa (Dec4)
pub­lished: 01 Dec 2013
Cof­fee with Sis­ter Vassa (Oct14)
Cap­tions avail­able in RUS­SIAN, GREEK, RO­MA­NI­AN, SPAN­ISH, EN­GLISH. The­ol­o­gy with a bit of h...
pub­lished: 12 Oct 2013
Cof­fee with Sis­ter Vassa (Nov12)
Cap­tions avail­able in RUS­SIAN, GREEK, SER­BIAN, RO­MA­NI­AN, SPAN­ISH, EN­GLISH. The­ol­o­gy with a...
pub­lished: 09 Nov 2013
Cof­fee with Sis­ter Vassa Ep.15 (Na­tiv­i­ty Fast / Ad­vent)
Cap­tions avail­able in RUS­SIAN, SER­BIAN, GREEK, RO­MA­NI­AN, BUL­GAR­I­AN, EN­GLISH. Also avail­abl...
pub­lished: 08 Dec 2013
Ulf Lun­dell - Den Vassa Eggen (Jo­han­neshovs Is­sta­dion 2002)
Ulf Lun­dell when he is at his best. Amaz­ing ver­sion of "Den Vassa Eggen" from 1985. Record...
pub­lished: 13 Aug 2012
au­thor: swah­n71
Cof­fee with Sis­ter Vassa (Septem­ber 26)
pub­lished: 22 Sep 2013
Youtube results:
01.24.14. Liv­ing Tra­di­tion in the City. Talk by Sis­ter Dr. Vassa Larin
To re­ceive no­ti­fi­ca­tions when new videos are up­load­ed, please sub­scribe here: http://www.y...
pub­lished: 26 Jan 2014
Cof­fee with Sis­ter Vassa (Thanks­giv­ing Day / Eu­charist)
pub­lished: 23 Nov 2013
Prof P. Ed­wards on Olau­dah Equiano (Gus­tavus Vassa) (BBC)
"Equiano's trav­els : the in­ter­est­ing nar­ra­tive of the life of Olau­dah Equiano or Gus­tavus ...
pub­lished: 11 Jul 2013
au­thor: VH­Skanal1
Cof­fee with Sis­ter Vassa (Oct29)
Cap­tions avail­able in RUS­SIAN, GREEK, RO­MA­NI­AN, SPAN­ISH, EN­GLISH. The­ol­o­gy with a bit of h...
pub­lished: 26 Oct 2013
photo: AP / Binsar Bakkara
A ground crew gives an 'OK' sign to the pilots of an Indonesian Air Force Boeing 737 "Surveiller" of the 5th Air Squadron "Black Mermaids" as they prepare to take off for a search operation for the missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner MH370, at Suwondo Air base in Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia, Saturday, March 15, 2014.
Edit Reuters
15 Mar 2014
LONDON/NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Whatever truly happened to missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, its apparently unchallenged wanderings through Asian skies point to major gaps in regional - and perhaps wider - air defences. More than a decade after al Qaeda hijackers turned airliners into weapons on September 11, 2001, a large commercial aircraft completely devoid of stealth features appeared to vanish with relative ease ... U.S ... U.S ... ....(size: 6.9Kb)
photo: AP / Wong Maye-E
A woman walks past a banner filled with signatures and well wishes for all involved with the missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner MH370 at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Sunday, March 16, 2014 in Sepang, Malaysia.
Edit The Australian
16 Mar 2014
DISBELIEF and disgust. A state-of-the art airliner, 74m x 70m, goes missing, at the hands of terrorist-pirates, or terrorist-pilots, with 239 people aboard. It could be, we are told, anywhere from Kazakhstan, just below central Russia, to the southern Indian Ocean, somewhere west of Perth ... Distraught relatives of MH370 passengers. A person or persons have taken the controls of the jet. They are not amateurs ... The Suspects ... Play video ...  ....(size: 29.0Kb)
photo: USAF / Senior Airman Andrew Lee
File - After taxiing in an MQ-9 Reaper, Airman 1st Class Jon Mann walks under a Reaper's wing to place wheel chocks to prevent accidental movement April 24, 2013 at Holloman Air Force Base, N.M.
Edit Al Jazeera
16 Mar 2014
When a US drone attack killed members of a wedding party outside the city of Rad'a, Yemen, in December, it appeared to directly contradict US President Barack Obama's earlier promise that such attacks would only be undertaken when a "near-certainty" could be reached that no civilians would be killed ... Letta Tayler, a senior researcher specialising in terrorism and counterterrorism, authored the report "A Wedding That Became a Funeral"....(size: 6.4Kb)
photo: UN / Jean-Marc Ferre
So Se Pyong, Permanent Representative of the DPRK UN Office at Geneva, addresses the Council, 17 March, 2014, the report of the Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
Edit CNN
18 Mar 2014
March 18, 2014 -- Updated 0659 GMT (1459 HKT). Warning. Graphic. In these chilling drawings released to the United Nations, former North Korean prisoner Kim Kwang-Il details torture methods he witnessed during his time in captivity. In this position, called "pigeon torture," Kim says he was beaten on the chest until he vomited blood. Text. "Scale, airplane, motorcycle." ... (CNN) -- China and North Korea have slammed a U.N ... N Korea elections ... 0 ... ....(size: 11.7Kb)
photo: AP / Bullit Marquez
A student from the Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino High School looks at a mural depicting the missing Malaysia Airlines plane Tuesday, March 18, 2014 at their campus at Makati city, east of Manila, Philippines. Officials revealed a new timeline Monday suggesting the final voice transmission from the cockpit of the missing Malaysian plane may have occurred before any of its communications systems were disabled, adding more uncertainty about who aboard might have been to blame.
18 Mar 2014
KUALA LUMPUR, March 18 (Xinhua) -- China has started search and rescue operation in the Chinese territory of the northern corridor area for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, said Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia Huang Huikang Tuesday.   Related stories. No sign missing Malaysian jet on 9/11 type attack ... Editor.Zhang Dan .Source. Xinhua. Text.A A AEmail .. Topics. - Crash. Malaysia Airlines fly lost contact. - Festival ... ....(size: 2.8Kb)

Edit PR Newswire
03 Dec 2013
Located on Negril's world-famous Seven Mile Beach with spectacular views of the Caribbean Sea, Azul Sensatori Jamaica will debut with 132 ocean-view rooms with chic contemporary design, a variety of six gourmet dining restaurants, bars and lounges, Vassa Spa, and Azulitos Kid's Club....(size: 7.0Kb)
Edit Business Wire
02 Dec 2013
Located on Negril’s world-famous Seven Mile Beach with spectacular views of the Caribbean Sea, Azul Sensatori Jamaica will debut with 140 ocean-view rooms with chic contemporary design, a variety of six gourmet dining restaurants, bars and lounges, Vassa Spa, and Azulitos Play House....(size: 28.5Kb)
Edit The Examiner
20 Nov 2013
Fashion designer Vassa unveiled her Vassa & Co Pre-Fall 2014 womenswear collection fashion show last night at the Four ......(size: 0.6Kb)
Edit Belfast Telegraph
21 Jun 2013
At the Waterfront Hall on Monday, Barack Obama paid tribute to Belfast's pivotal role in the founding of the United States ... That man was Thomas McCabe ... To emphasise the extent of opposition to the slave trade in Belfast, in 1791, Olaudah Equiano, the celebrated freed slave, visited Belfast to publicise his book, The Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavas Vassa, the African, then in its fourth edition ... S ... new ... ....(size: 9.5Kb)
Edit noodls
25 Apr 2013
(Source. OCA - Orthodox Church in America) Canonsburg, PA. FOCA National Basketball Tournament to be held May 17-19. A Midwest parish's teams are getting ready for FOCA Tournament! ... Fleetwood, PA ... Rahway, NJ ... Among the other Orthodox speakers are Priest Thomas FitzGerald, Hellenic College/Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology; and Sister Vassa [Larin] of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, University of Vienna, Austria....(size: 5.0Kb)
Edit Ohio
09 Feb 2013
Just four minutes prior, Vaudrin watched Jackson senior center Jake Vassas convert an off-balance 3-pointer as time expired to send the game into overtime ... But Bailey could not get open, and they were forced to give the ball to their center, Vassas. “Vassas was the one guy we wanted to take that shot,” Lake coach Tom McBride said, “and he put it in.”....(size: 3.3Kb)
Edit Ohio
09 Feb 2013
BASKETBALL. BOYS. Scoreboard. Friday’s Results. Alliance 73, Salem 71. Archbishop Hoban 65, Cleveland Benedictine 53. Austintown Fitch 56, Warren Howland 42. Avon 58, Bay Village Bay 47. Beachwood 56, Wickliffe 47 ... Cle. Hts ... JACKSON (14-6, 9-3) — Dillon 1-1-4, Mottice 2-5-9, Dunn 1-0-2, Bailey 11-16-43, Vassas 4-1-10, Johnson 1-1-4, Pugh 5-3-13, Smith 3-0-7 ... Bailey 5, Vaudrin 4, Dillon, Vassas, Johnson, Smith, Champagne, Spottleson ... ....(size: 31.8Kb)
Edit Ohio
19 Jan 2013
BASKETBALL. BOYS. Scoreboard. Friday’s Results. Ashland 51, Mansfield Madison 35. Austintown Fitch 56, Niles McKinley 46. Bedford St. Peter Chanel 57, Garfield Hts. Trinity 54. Brecksville-Broadview Hts. 51, Westlake 45. Buchtel 99, Garfield 33 ... Cle. Cent. Cath ... JACKSON (10-5, 6-2) — Dillon 4-2-11, Herad 1-0-3, Mottice 3-3-9, Dunn 1-1-3, Bailey 4-5-16, Vassas 3-0-6, Ostapack 2-0-4, Pugh 1-2-4, Pallota 1-0-3, Smith 3-0-9, Engler 1-0-3 ... 1....(size: 31.2Kb)
Edit Ohio
16 Jan 2013
BASKETBALL. BOYS. Scoring Summaries. BUCHTEL 92, NORTH 49. North 13 14  8 14 — 49. Buchtel 21 20 28 23 — 92 ... Totals. 22 3-8 49 ... Totals. 32 22-31 92. 3-point goals ... Rebounds. Buc., 29 (Rucker 7). JV score ... B ... JACKSON (10-4, 6-1) — Dillon 3-1-9, Harold 0-1-1, Mottice 5-4-14, Dunn 2-0-4, Bailey 3-0-8, Vassas 2-4-9, Nicholas 1-0-2, K ... Dillon 2, Bailey 2, Smith 2, Vassas, J ... 1 ... ....(size: 16.7Kb)
Edit Ohio
12 Jan 2013
BASKETBALL. BOYS. Schedule. Friday’s Results. Alliance 56, Canton South 50. Archbishop Hoban 54, Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin 53. Austintown Fitch 68, Warren Howland 58. Avon Lake 45, Middleburg Hts. Midpark 36. Brecksville-Broadview Hts. 76, Berea 71. Brookfield 70, Youngstown Christian 49 ... Cle ... JACKSON (9-4) — Dillon 4-3-13, Mottice 4-0-8, Dunn 0-2-2, Bailey 3-6-15, Vassas 3-3-9, Nicolas 1-0-2, Pugh 4-4-12, Smith 5-0-12, Enger 0-1-1 ... ....(size: 26.0Kb)
Edit noodls
09 Jan 2013
(Source. Loyola Marymount University). LOS ANGELES, Jan. 7, 2013- The living tradition of the iconography and sacred art of the Orthodox and Catholic churches will be explored in a two-day symposium at Loyola Marymount University on Friday, Feb. 22 and Saturday, Feb. 23 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m ... Among those speaking at the symposium will be Thomas Lucas, S.J., Sister Vassa Larin and Bissera Pentcheva.  ... 14 ... Farah Foundation ... ### ... (noodl....(size: 3.2Kb)
Edit Ohio
09 Jan 2013
JACKSON TWP.. Jon Perdue stepped in admirably Tuesday night to fill the position of head coach for the Jackson boys basketball team. Perdue took over the reins from coach Tim Debevec, who was serving a one-game suspension after being ejected from Jackson’s previous game ... “We kept the same normal routine ... We didn’t change much ... Jackson senior reserves Jake Vassas and Kyle Johnson combined for seven points ... ....(size: 3.7Kb)
Edit Ohio
09 Jan 2013
BASKETBALL. BOYS. Scoring Summaries. BARBERTON 74, NORTHWEST 31. Northwest 3 13 10  5 — 31. Barberton 18 18 13 25 — 74. NORTHWEST (6-3) — Colby 0-1-1, Haut 1-0-2, Colon 1-0-3, Mullane 5-2-13, Ferrell 1-0-3, Freeman 4-1-9. Totals. 12 4-9 31 ... JACKSON (8-4, 5-1) — Smith 6-2-17, Dillon 7-0-16, Mottice 6-3-15, Bailey 4-1-11, Vassas 2-2-6, Pugh 1-2-4, Johnson 0-1-1....(size: 20.7Kb)

Vassa (from Pāli vasso, Sanskrit varṣaḥ, both "rain" - Burmese: ဝါတွင်း, Burmese pronunciation: [wàdwín]; Khmer: វស្សា or ព្រះវស្សា; Lao: ພັນສາ [pʰán sǎː], sometimes ວັດສາ [wāt sǎː]; Thai: พรรษา, phansaa), also called Rains Retreat, or Buddhist Lent, is the three-month annual retreat observed by Theravada practitioners. Taking place during the rainy season, Vassa lasts for three lunar months, usually from July (the Burmese month of Waso, ဝါဆို) to October (the Burmese month of Thadingyut သီတင်းကျွတ်).

For the duration of Vassa, Bhikkhus remain inside monasteries and temple grounds. In some monasteries, monks dedicate the Vassa to intensive meditation. Some Buddhist lay people choose to observe Vassa by adopting more ascetic practices, such as giving up meat, alcohol, or smoking. While Vassa is sometimes casually called "Buddhist Lent", others object to this terminology.

Vassa is followed by Kathina, a festival in which the laity expresses gratitude to monks. Lay Buddhists bring donations to temples, especially new robes for the monks.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Ulf Lundell (born 20 November 1949 in Södermalm, Stockholm, Sweden, full name Ulf Gerhard Lundell) is a Swedish writer, poet, songwriter, composer, musician and artist.

He made his debut in 1975 with the LP Vargmåne and was immediately hailed as "Sweden's Bob Dylan". In 1976 his first novel, the partly autobiographical Jack was published by Wahlström & Widstrand. Lundell was influenced by musicians such as Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young and writers such as Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg and other beats. Ulf Lundell is one of the central figures in Swedish rock music and almost since his debut he has been one of the most important influences on rock musicians writing and singing in Swedish. Lundell is also somewhat controversial and has argued with everyone from neo-nazis, feminists and communists to colleagues and music journalists.

Lundell was known as a heavy drinker in the 1980s, but pulled out of overdrinking after serious bouts with alcoholism in 1985-87; he gave a vivid report of this time, his recovery and his struggle with the rocker myth in the autobiographical novel En varg söker sin flock (1989; "A Wolf in Search of his Pack")

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Sr. Dr. Vassa Larin (born Varvara Georgievna Larina December 11, 1970, in Nyack, New York, United States) is a Russian-Orthodox ‟ryassofor“ nun, author of many scholarly articles and a monograph on Byzantine Liturgy and Theology, and outspoken public intellectual on current issues of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR). She teaches Liturgical Studies at the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Vienna in Austria.



Born to the family of a Russian-Orthodox priest in Nyack, NY, Larin graduated from Nyack High School and entered Bryn Mawr College in Bryn Mawr, PA, at the age of 16. She left college to enter the Lesna-Convent of the ROCOR in Provement, France, at age 19. After a long spiritual and academic novitiate-training, including the study of Greek, Latin, German, patristic theology and Church History, Sr. Vassa was eventually enrolled by her spiritual father, Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany, to study Orthodox Theology at the Orthodox Institute of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich, Germany. There she received a Master’s Degree in Orthodox Theology, having written a Master’s Thesis on the “Royal Office” at the beginning of Byzantine Orthros.

In 2006-2008 she worked as the Graduate Assistant of the renowned expert on Byzantine Liturgy, Professor Robert F. Taft, S.J., at the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome. Taft directed Sr. Vassa’s doctoral dissertation on the Byzantine hierarchal liturgy, which she defended summa cum laude at the Orthodox Institute of Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich in December 2008. Larin’s dissertation, The Byzantine Hierarchal Divine Liturgy in Arsenij Suxanov’s Proskinitarij, was published in 2010 as volume 286 of the academic series Orientalia Christiana Analecta.

Since January 2009 Larin teaches Liturgical Studies at the Catholic Faculty of the University of Vienna in Austria. She is a founding member of the Society of Oriental Liturgies, and a member of the North American Academy of Liturgy. In 2012 Larin was included in the 30th Anniversary Edition of Marquis Who’s Who in the World.[1]


Her numerous publications, written in English, Russian, or German, include scholarly studies based on original manuscript-research, as well as articles on controversial topics in contemporary Orthodoxy.[2] Especially noteworthy are her following publications:

  • The Byzantine Hierarchal Divine Liturgy in Arsenij Suxanov’s Proskinitarij (Orientalia Christiana Analecta 286) Rome 2010.
  • “What is Ritual Im/Purity and Why?” St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 52: 3-4 (2008) 275-92.
  • “The Dikerion and Trikerion of the Byzantine Pontifical Rite: Origins and Significance,” Orientalia Christiana Periodica 74 (2008) 417-430.
  • “The Ecclesiastical Principle of Oikonomia and the ROCOR,” electronically published in Russian original and English translation on the ROCOR’s official website.[3]


  1. ^ Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät der Universität Wien. "Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät der Universität Wien". Retrieved 2012-10-17.
  2. ^ "Nun Vassa (Larin): A Selected Bibliography". Bibliography. Retrieved 2012-10-17.
  3. ^ "Русская Православная Церковь Заграницей - Официальная Страница". Retrieved 2012-10-17.

External links[link]

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Olaudah Equiano(c. 1745 – 31 March 1797) also known as Gustavus Vassa, was a prominent African involved in the British movement for the abolition of the slave trade. He was enslaved as a young man, purchased his freedom, and worked as an author, merchant, and explorer in South America, the Caribbean, the Arctic, the American colonies, and the United Kingdom. His autobiography, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, depicts the horrors of slavery and influenced the enactment of the Slave Trade Act of 1807.

According to his own account, Olaudah Equiano was born in 1745 in the region inhabited by the Igbo people in what is now Nigeria. He lived with five brothers and a sister; he was the youngest son with one younger sister. At the age of eleven, he and his sister were kidnapped to be taken to America as slaves. At this time, he endured the Middle Passage to the New World, where he was forced to work as a slave. Some writers, however, claim Equiano was born in colonial South Carolina, not in Africa.

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

I've been down, I've been beat
I've been tossed into the street
Making nickels, begging dimes
Just to get my bottle of wine
Some say Life, she's a lady
Kind of soft, kind of shady
I can't tell you Life is rich
She's no lady, she's a bitch
They suck my body out
But then there is no doubt
Gonna pay the devil his dues
Cause I'm so sick of being abused
Eat the rich, eat the rich
Don't you know life is a bitch
Eat the rich, eat the rich
Out of the palace and into the ditch
Steal my money, steal my car
Took my woman and an old guitar
Running crazy, running wild
?? in my eye
Just can't fight the temptation
It's become my inspiration
Gonna get myself an axe
Break some heads and break some backs
They suck my body out
But then there is no doubt
Gonna pay the devil his dues
Cause I'm so sick of being abused
Eat the rich, eat the rich
Don't you know life is a bitch
Eat the rich, eat the rich
Out of the palace and into the ditch
Don't stop me
Eat the rich, eat the rich
Don't you know life is a bitch
Eat the rich, eat the rich
Out of the palace and into the ditch
Eat the rich, eat the rich
Don't you know life is a bitch
Eat the rich, eat the rich
Out of the palace and into the ditch
Out of the palace and into the ditch

I never knew who I was until I was standing on the edge
I never felt so empty and alone, my memories my only friend
Dreams about the past and what is meant to be
Silent as the sun goes down, I pray the night will set me free
My time's born at sunrise
My shadows become shade
I will shine forever
Even though the dark comes to take me away
My pulse pounding blood enraged
What is this I have done?
The finish line within my grasp
I'm not the only one
Seconds, minutes, hours turn to days
So much time I let slip away
Silence as the sun goes down
And pray it comes back up again
My time's born at sunrise
My shadows become shade
I will shine forever
Even though the dark comes to take me away
Love can be your enemy
Or an angel from above
A blackened beast that you can't see
Or a soaring snow white dove
Love can be your enemy
Or an angel from above
A blackened beast that you can't see
Or a soaring snow white dove
My time's born at sunrise
My shadows become shade
I will shine forever

What ever happened to you?
The weight of the world
Has crushed your shoulders
Why do you do what you do?
Greed lives in the eye
Of the beholder
If you want it
You must take it
If you believe it
You can't fake it
If you have it
You must use it
If you find it
You can't lose it again
The ice in your veins
Makes you strong
The hole in your soul
Tearing onward
You're breaking your back
The sin and bones lead
You astray
If you want it
You must take it
If you believe it
You can't fake it
If you have it
You must use it
If you find it
You can't lose it again
The glint in your eye is of cold steel
You're stabbing the knife in their back
The love in your heart has been congealed
Jumping right off of the track
If you want it
You must take it
If you believe it
You can't fake it
If you have it
You must use it
If you find it
You can't lose it again
You can't lose it again

Well I wonder bout the hunger
That I've felt inside
Forced changes causing longing
I gave my will to survive
Don't wait for tomorrow
Make it today
You'll never find a better time to lean on your faith
So drop to your knees
Before it's too late
And reach up to the sky
Hey Hey Hey
Like a thunderbolt from Heaven
Swinging that hammer
You know that God He pounds his nails
When that drum beats up in Heaven
Swinging that Hammer
You know that God He pounds his nails
Seven wishes unchained madness
Paid the price for a dream
Fates warning
Forever thinking
God decides sight unseen
Don't wait for tomorrow
Make it today
You'll never find a better time to lean on your faith
So drop to your knees
Before it's too late
And reach up to the sky
Hey Hey Hey
Like a thunderbolt from Heaven
Swinging that hammer
You know that God He pounds his nails
When that drum beats up in Heaven
Swinging that Hammer
You know that God He pounds his nails
Then I stop and look and die
And never have to wonder why
I'm screaming but I remember that

Mystery finds me in darkness
Sun won't shine
Blistering pain from a passed life
Cross that line
Into the moonlight I ride
One-way trip, to the other side
Into the moonlight I ride
Losing my grip, I cannot hide
Standing on top of a mountain
Long way down
Hearing the voice of a madman
Hit the ground
Into the moonlight I ride
One-way trip to the other side
Into the moonlight I ride
Losing my grip, I cannot hide
Into the casket I go
Debt has been paid seeds have been sown
End of the line all that I know
Into Inferno I crawl
Licking the flames, tasting my fall
Melting away sirens that call
Into the moonlight I ride
One-way trip to the other side
Into the moonlight I ride
Losing my grip, I cannot hide
Dreaming about my passed life
Into the moonlight I ride
One-way trip to the other side
Into the moonlight I ride
Losing my grip, I cannot hide
Oh I can't hide
From my passed life
Oh I can't hide

Do you remember me
You can't see the things
That make me who I am
You'll never understand
And I gotta keep moving, you're living off my sweat
Moving, the devil's on my back
And these are the days that I dreamed about
And you're always there to remind me
You're my enemy
All that we had has gone away
There are times that fade away
But you'll still be my enemy
The friend you had in me
You turned on so easily
I'm sad to see you go
At least now I know
And I see clearly now
You tried to bleed me
And I see clearly now

All I ever knew
When you left was suddenly taken
My skies no longer blue
And my faith mortally shaken
Pain From my pores meat
With the screams of sharpened cries
Will I have to live my life
Under Blackened Skies
Prick my skin with your pin do me in
But don't forget to say you care... for me
Tables turn like seasons change
Ups and downs of passing years arrange
Confused from my heart blinding both of my eyes
I realize I live my life
Under Blackened Skies
Crying out for a Savior
but my screams nobody hears
All I need is your shelter
and the strength to concur my fears
I don't think I'm strong enough
to make it through the night
So I have to live my life
Under Blackened Skies
Sing my song do me wrong don't be long
But don't forget to say you don't need me
Feed my pain I'm drowning please don't leave
You think I'm blind but I don't want to see
Tables turn like seasons change
Ups and downs of passing years arrange
Confused from my heart blinding both of my eyes
I realize I live my life
Under Blackened Skies
Lost beyond the horizon
My sun drifting away
Swallowed up by the blackness
No light to help me feel safe
The shadows start to whisper
But they only tell me lies
Now I have to live my life
Under Blackened Skies
Hearts they break and shatter bleed me dry
The pain and fear shows damage from your lies
Tables turn like seasons change
Ups and downs of passing years arrange
Confused from my heart blinding both of my eyes
I realize I live my life
Under Blackened Skies
All I ever knew
When you left was suddenly taken
My skies no longer blue
And my faith mortally shaken
Pain From my pores meat
With the screams of sharpened cries
Will I have to live my life

I woke up with a Spider in my mouth
And a Cockroach in my head
I fell asleep with a killer in the house
And a monster in my bed
I dragged a corpse across a crowded street
And I smoked a cigarette
I stole a car with a baby in the seat
And I sold it on a bet
My life goes by in the photographs
The images that we hide
My ghosts that were once invisible
Now buried down deep inside
I read a book that was written in my blood
And I embossed it with my skin
I watched a friend drowning in the flood
And I wallowed in my sin
Inject a drug that led to my demise
And liquified my brain
Choking on the smell of the surprise
And collapse another vein
My life goes by in the photographs
The images that we hide
My ghosts that were once invisible
Now buried down deep inside
My life goes by in the photographs
The images that we hide
My ghosts that were once invisible

When my demons start to call
I need you to save me
And if the heavens were to fall
I'd need you to pray for me
And even in my darkest hour
When my world's gone sour
When I look out into the night
I know you're always there for me
Times are tough
And I've lost it all
Had enough
And I've hit the wall
Stopped and struck
By a semi truck of bad luck
Heart turns hard
And I've lost the dream
Soul's been scarred
And I wanna scream!
Life's been trashed
Like a piece of glass
That's been smashed
And when my demons start to call
I need you to save me
And if the heavens were to fall
I'd need you to pray for me
And even in my darkest hour
When my world's gone sour
When I look out into the night
I know you're always there for me
Torn apart
And I've ripped my wings
Stalled at the start
And I've dropped the ring
Slapped by fate
Passed my expiration date, I'm too late
Left for dead
And I've jumped the shark
Poison fed
And I've pinched the spark
Punched and slugged

In days like these we find ourselves searching for answers
A lack of faith eating us to the bone, like a cancer
And will you be there when it's over
And will you be there when it all comes down
And will you be there when it's over
And will you be there when it all comes down
It's too late to change what has happened
Try to decide your reaction
Cause it's too late to change what has happened
Try to decide your reaction
And I see, but I'm blinded
And I see, but my fate still finds me
And I see, but I'm blinded
And I see, but my fate still finds me
Faith in who we are
In times like these we need the eyes of the future
To deliver the fate of man can we all be saved and not wither
And will you be there when it's over
And will you be there when it all comes down
And will you be there when it's over
And will you be there when it all comes down
It's too late to change what has happened
Try to decide your reaction
Cause it's too late to change what has happened
Try to decide your reaction
And I see, but I'm blinded
And I see, but my fate still finds me
And I see, but I'm blinded
And I see, but my fate still finds me
Faith in who we are
It's too late to change what has happened
Try to decide your reaction
Cause it's too late to change what has happened
Try to decide your reaction
And I see, but I'm blinded
And I see, but my fate still finds me
And I see, but I'm blinded
And I see, but my fate still finds me
And I see, but I'm blinded
And I see, but my fate still finds me
And I see, but I'm blinded
And I see, but my fate still finds me

Standing in the shadow
Behind a wall
Made of fear
Cracking the foundations
Dissolve the glue
With my tears
Now I'm standing at the crossroads
And I know which way to go
But I'm not strong enough to get there on my own
I'm at an end
Losing control
Trying to mend
This Broken Soul
Give me one more chance
For me to show
How much I need you to heal my broken soul
Cannot break cycle
Rat on the wheel spinning clear
Finding such frustrations a
World undone horizons near
Now I'm standing at the crossroads
And I know which way to go
But I'm not strong enough to get there on my own
I'm at an end
Losing control
Trying to mend
This Broken Soul
Give me one more chance
For me to show
How much I need you to heal my broken soul
Now I'm living at the mercy of the hourglass
Threatened by the mysteries of the day
All I have are the memories and the photographs
Regretting things that I forgot to say
Standing in the shadow
Behind a wall
Made of fear
Now I'm standing at the crossroads
And I know which way to go
But I'm not strong enough to get there on my own
I'm at an end
Losing control
Trying to mend
This Broken Soul
Give me one more chance
For me to show

I’m a street sweeper
Scene stealer
Double barreled key keeper
Living my life on the fly
I’m a code breaker
Faith shaker
Aromor plated earthquaker
Not gonna stop till I die
The time has come
To raze the place to the ground
The time has come
And now the hammer will pound
It's time to run
When the fists start to fly
The time has come
When you're hit you know that you can't deny
Blood happens
I'm a grave digger
Shell lobber
Crimson shaded heart stopper
Wearing the crest of the krave
I'm a night stalker
Street walker
Dirty dealing, back talker
Won't ever see me again
The time has come
to razw the place to the ground
The time has come
And now the hammer will pound
It's time to run
when the fists start to fly
The time has
When you're hit you know that you can't deny
Blood happens
Crumple to the floor like a ton of bricks
Never saw it coming cause it happen so quick
Reputation done
Damage has been DONE
Taught you a lesson

I've been searching oh I fear
For what seems like a thousand years
Only to find that I'm losing my mind
I've been standing to the side
A blackened soul as my guide
Only to see there's a price to be free
You can cast a magic spell
Or pull the sword from the the stone
Until you find the Grail that you've been looking for
You'll always be alone
Where is this Grail I've been searching for?
So many years since you've been gone
On all the roads I have traveled on
Where is this grail I've been searching for?
I have run so far away from the stench of decay
Only to learn I should never have turned
I'm completely at fault, to a pillar of salt
I've been reduced feel the pull of the noose
You can cast a magic spell
Or pull the sword from the the stone
Until you find the Grail that you've been looking for
You'll always be alone
Where is this Grail I've been searching for?
So many years since you've been gone
On all the roads I have traveled on

[I. The Tribulation]
The day of Judgment has arrived
Only the blessed shall survive
The second coming of Jesus Christ
Returning like a thief in the night
A tribulation, seven years
The prophet's right the end is near
The written fall of Babylon
All believers dead and gone
Chosen people ostracized
Take the mark or surely die
To buy or sell, must be affixed
The Antichrist, Six Six Six
Ushering in the End of Days
Destroying those who've lost their way
Only the blessed shall survive
Armageddon has arrived
Wormwood falls from the sky
A soul denied, twice will die
Wormwood falls in the sea
Humanity will cease to be
Wormwood falls form the sky
A soul denied, twice will die
Wormwood falls in the sea
Humanity will cease to be
[II. The Seven Seals]
On through the dead of night
See the four horsemen ride
I saw the lamb open wide
The seven seals are broken
The white horse is given a crown
The conqueror bent on conquest
The red horse is given a sword
Taking peace from the world, slayer of men
The black horse is given a scale
The deliverer bringing famine
The pale horse is given the force
Die by the sword, sickness and plagues
Souls that are in slain
Testimony maintained
The sun a black snake
Devastating earthquake
Heaven is still, raining fire at will
Heaven is still, raining fire at will
[III. The Seven Trumpets]
Seven trumpets
Seven angles
Seven trumpets
Seven angles
A hailstorm of blood
Falling like a flood
A mountain in flames
Plugging in the waves
Locusts arise
To torture, not kill them
Massive attacks
Two hundred million
Booming thunder
The lightning destroyer
The bride did not know her
The whore of Babylon
IV. The seven Thunders
Seal up what the seven thunders know
Trumpet of the seven angels blow
[V. The Seven Bowl Judgments]
The judgments of God
Slaughter all in its path
The angles of God
Pour the bowls of his wrath
The first Vail
Unleashes sores on the children of the beast
The second angle
Pours his bowl on the sea, killing all the living creatures
The third Vail
Unleashes blood on the rivers and springs
The fourth angle
Pours his bowl on the sun, scorching people with the fire
The fifth Vail
Unleashes night on the kingdom of the beast
The sixth angle
Pours his bowl Euphrates runs dry, armies walk across
The seventh Vail
Unleashes hell, every mountain is razed
The mother whore
Holds the cup in her hand, filled with filthy adultery
[VI. The Thousand Years]
I saw heaven open wide
On the white horse Justice rides
Clad in red roves dipped in blood
His name is the Word of God
Beast is captured, burned in fire
Locked away the king of liars
One thousand years is Satan's stay
Begins this resurrection day
Warning sign, a prophecy
Rising from the eternal sea
Down on your knees start to pray
Ray of son to light the way
Will this happen, a story cast
Or a fable from the past
Make your choice this is no game

Like a rat on a sinking ship
It strains to save it's skin
Trying hard to crack the whip
My body reeks with sin
On the TV the preacher's preach
About a better world
I had to laugh when I read the speech
And take it for what it's worth
And if you think it's fixed
Then you're just a fool
You can't change the world
When you can't even find the truth
I don't want to live without her
Even though at times I've lost my mind
Hear the sound of the crying kid
Count how many tears
Hear the laugh of the drunken dad
Count how many beers
Into the schools the teachers teach
About the sins of the past
Blaming others for the problems here
They can kiss my ass
And if you think it's fixed
Then you're just a fool
You can't change the world
When you can't even find the truth
I don't want to live without her
Even though at times I've lost my mind
I will never give up on her
Just give me one more chance
And watch me shine
I don't want to live without her
Even though at times I've lost my mind
I will never give up on her
I don't want to live without her
Even though at times I've lost my mind
I will never give up on her
Just give me one more chance

I've been around the world a thousand times
Seen the same places and faces and traces
I never forget, reject, expect
Quenching my thirst
Complacence is curse
I climb from mountain to mountain
Bird on a wing
Like the wind
The song that I sing
Never satisfied to stand in line
Wasting my mind
It's my time to shine
I just can't get away from yesterday
But I keep on living the wanderer's way
And over and over I start anew
But I can't escape the thoughts of you
I tried to play your game a thousand times
And I let it infect and detect and affect
My clarity, my charity, my destiny
Sold out who I was
And what I could be
I drift from moment to moment
Looking for serenity
A place to stand
A home for me
In a world that's fueling insanity
Never satisfied to stand in line
Wasting my mind

I'm drowning in the shadows, that creep in my mind
And it's hard to escape, when there's no place left for me to hide
And I keep on running from the blood on my hands
The battle is won but will it ever end
Who am I to kill a stranger
After all that we've been through
Who am I to kill a stranger
After all that we've been through
Darkness has engulfed all the light in my life
And my thirst to kill has grown stronger over time
And I keep on running from the blood on my hands
The battle is won but will it ever end
Who am I to kill a stranger
After all that we've been through
Who am I to kill a stranger
After all that we've been through
Who am I to kill a stranger
The truth you always knew
Who am I to kill a stranger
After all that we've been through
It's the fever that yearns for the thrill of the kill
And I keep on running from the blood on my hands
The battle is won but will it ever end
Who am I to kill a stranger
After all that we've been through
Who am I to kill a stranger
After all that we've been through
Who am I to kill a stranger
The truth you always knew
Who am I, a little stranger

Are you feeling the fire
Are you ready to explode
Are your dreams and desires
Riding down an open road
I'm like a runaway
A heart without a home
Others can laugh and play
I'll fight for every inch I take
I'm desperate to the bone
Stay hungry, feel the fire
Stay hungry, don't explode
Stay hungry, with desire
Stay hungry, you're alone
Be the hunter and the hunted
Keep your target in your sight
Don't be side tracked or shunted
Let pretenders feel your bite
And if you start to slide
Never show you're weak
Don't feel you've got to hide
Remember what you're fighting for
Remember what you seek
Stay hungry, feel the fire
Stay hungry, don't explode
Stay hungry, with desire
Stay hungry, you're alone
If your fire is faded
And you can't feel it no more
If you're tired and over-rated
Let me show you to the door
Expect no sympathy
There's none to be had
Open your eyes and see
There's no room for the wannabe's
The has-beens or the bad
Stay hungry, feel the fire
Stay hungry, don't explode
Stay hungry, with desire
Stay hungry, you're alone
Stay hungry, feel the fire
Stay hungry, don't explode
Stay hungry, with desire

I kicked heroin without a care
I quit whiskey shots on a dare
But she to me
Casts a spell that I can't see
My mind can't find
Disappears like a cocaine line
She's my addiction
No rehab can break this chain
She's my addiction
Her poison shoots right through my vein
She's my addiction
A one way ticket back again
She's my addiction
This damn woman's drivin' me insane
Chased the dragon back into his cave
Killed the ecstacy to free the slave
But she to me
This is all that I can be
My mind can't find
Blown away like a landmine
She's my addiction
No rehab can break this chain
She's my addiction
Her poison shoots right through my vein
She's my addiction
A one way ticket back again
She's my addiction
This damn woman's drivin' me insane
Gimme percs gimme vics gimme LSD
Gimme weed gimme speed don't work for me
She's my high she's my wine she's my status quo
She's my junk she's my funk she's my rock and roll
She's my addiction
No rehab can break this chain
She's my addiction
Her poison shoots right through my vein
She's my addiction
A one way ticket back again
She's my addiction
This damn woman's drivin' me insane
She's my addiction
No rehab can break this chain
She's my addiction
Her poison shoots right through my vein
She's my addiction
A one way ticket back again
She's my addiction
She's my woman

"We want, information, information, information
Who are you?
The new number 2
Who is number 1
You are number 6
I am not a number I am a free man
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha"
I'm on the run, I kill to eat
I'm starving now, feeling dead on the feet
Going all the way, I'm nature's beast
Do what I want, I'll do as I please
Run, fight to breathe, it's tough
Now you see me, now you don't
Break the walls, I'm coming out
Not a prisoner, I'm a free man
And my blood is my own now
Don't care where the past was
I know where I'm going, out
If you kill me, it's self defence
And if I kill ya, then I call it vengeance
Spit in your eye, I will defy
You'll be afraid when I call out your name
Run, fight to breathe, it's tough
Now you see me, now you don't
Break the walls, I'm coming out
Not a prisoner, I'm a free man
And my blood is my own now
Don't care where the past was
I know where I'm going
I'm not a number, I'm a free man
Live my life where I want to
You'd better scratch me from your black book
Cause I'll run rings round you
Not a prisoner, I'm a free man
And my blood is my own now
Don't care where the past was
I know where I'm going
I'm not a number, I'm a free man
Live my life where I want to
You'd better scratch me from your black book
Cause I'll run rings round you
Not a prisoner, I'm a free man
And my blood is my own now
Don't care where the past was

Plug me in, I'm alive tonight, out on the streets again
Turn me on, I'm too hot to stop, something you'll never forget
Take my fist, break down walls, I'm on top tonight, no, no
You better turn me loose
You better set me free
Cause I'm hot, young and running free
A little bit better than I use to be
Cause I'm alive , live wire
Cause I'm alive, I'm a live wire
Cause I'm alive, live wire
Cause I'm alive, I'm a live wire
I'm gonna break her face or take down her legs, get my ways at will
Go for the throat, never let loose, goin' in for the kill
Take my fist, break down walls, I'm on top tonight, no, no
You better turn me loose
You better set me free
Cause I'm hot, young, running free
A little bit better than I use to be
Cause I'm alive, live wire
Cause I'm alive, I'm a live wire
Cause I'm alive, live wire
Cause I'm alive, I'm a live wire
Come on baby, gotta play with me, well I'm your live wire
You better lock your doors, I'm on the prowl tonight, well be mine tonight
Cause I'm alive, live wire
Cause I'm alive, I'm a live wire
Cause I'm alive, live wire
Cause I'm alive, I'm a live wire
Come on be my baby, come on tonight
Come on love me baby, come on tonight
I'll give you everything, you want inside

How can I feel this way?
When I know it's right
To chase your demons away
And it's so hard but it it's right
Inside to feel the fight
To keep you far away
Why do I need?
To make it bleed
Can you help me kill the sounds inside my head?
Why do I thirst?
For all that's worst
Can you help me kill the sounds inside my head?
Now that I call you friend
Feelings return and I long to see you again
And it's so hard but it's right
Inside I feel the fight
I want you back again
Why do I need?
To make it bleed
Can you help me kill the sounds inside my head?
Why do I thirst?
For all that's worst
Can you help me kill the sounds inside my head?
Break my way
Crush my soul
Lost inside in deep dark hole
Sink my ship
Drown my pain
Like a phoenix, I will rise again
Why do I need?
To make it bleed
Can you help me kill the sounds inside my head?
Why do I thirst?
For all that's worst
Can you help me kill the sounds inside my head?

You said that I'd never make it but here I am
And it don't take long to figure out who's the man
And it's hard to believe that a man like me
Has the courage to take a stand
I hear the roar of the crowd as I reach for my crown
Tonight I am the king
Can't take me down
Can't take me down
I never have to fake it, it's who I am
Born with the fire to burn, you'll be damned
I am the best in the game, shoot you down in flames
And the power I will command
I hear the roar of the crowd as I reach for my crown
Tonight I am the king
Can't take me down
Can't take me down
And it's hard to believe that a man like me
Has the courage to take a stand
I hear the roar of the crowd as I reach for my crown
Tonight I am the king
Can't take me down
Can't take me down
Can't take me down

Jesus is my co-pilot
Or that's just what they say
But it's not the savior
Who guides me every day
The soul that's deep inside of me
Once so clean and pure
Now a festering sore
A pain I can't endure
Tick tick tock
It's only a matter of time
And when that stranger arrives
He's my dark passenger
Won't leave me be
He's my dark passenger
Won't set me free
From my dark passenger
City wide hysteria
Sadist on the loose
He can't be contained
Insane I follow my muse
Butchery atrocity
Possessed by this beast
Trust my deeds then watch me bleed
Murder it grants me peace
Tick tick tock
It's only a matter of time
And when that stranger arrives
He's my dark passenger
Won't leave me be
He's my dark passenger
Please set me free
From this curse and my murderous urge
Stalking through these city streets
As the rain comes pouring down
Forgive me Lord for what I've done
And wash this blood away
And wash away this sin
And cleanse these thoughts away
And let me kill again
Tick tick tock
It's only a matter of time
And when that stranger arrives
He's my dark passenger
Won't leave me be
He's my dark passenger
Will set me free
From this curse and my murderous urge
He's my dark passenger

Lightning strikes turning ashes to embers
Starting the fire ignites the fuel I bring
Burning ambition will give me protection
Reach for the ring and you will be the King
The King!
This iron will is my constant companion
Battle is over my strength inside is strong
Whispered memories of a failure abandoned
All that I am screams that this all wrong
Lord hear my plea, when will it be
Time for me to see You clearly?
Walk in a daze
And weak with pain
Carry me back to life again
A lifetime of cheap whine will not improve your station
The tempest to be best will prove the others fake
One man accuses another defends me
A delicate balance of hope and heartache
What is the ally that gives you the green light?
What is the secret to take you to the peak?
Where is your shaman to give you the magic?

Feel the burn
Do the feelings you have keep you burnt
Has the feeling you've made help you down
Violation, salutation, complication
Realization, indecision, clears my vision
I'd like to take it all and shove it back in your face
My screaming yeah, feeling this way for too long
My dreaming yeah, feeling this way for too long
Feel the burn, feel the burn, feel the burn
All the dreams that you have not aroused
As the ladder you've climbed, falls down
Selfish reasons, change of seasons, trust no other
Cheat another, sound of violence, hymn of silence
I'd like to take it all and shove it back in your face
My screaming yea, feeling this way for too long
My dreaming yea, feeling this way for too long
Feel the burn, feel the burn, feel the burn
Do the feelings you have keep you burnt
As the ladder you've climbed, falls down
My screaming yeah, feeling this way for too long
My dreaming yeah, feeling this way for too long

Winter's breath feels so cold
Calling chaos from control
Depths of madness to unfold
As my inner demons feed
A battery that's charged inside
Powering my redrum ride
Dr. Jeckyll quickly turns to Hyde
Now there's no blood left to bleed
Born of anger
Blinded by the rage that burns in me
Born of anger
Driving me insane I can't break free
Stare into my lifeless eyes
Feel the flames of hatred rise
Fueled by my accuser's lies
I'm a man without redemption
On broken glass I walk alone
A bed of nails I call my home
Veins of ice and heart of stone
A tribute to aggression
Don't waste your time to understand me
Psychoanalyze and pry just so you can brand me
I am the child of hope that has died
Twisting and turning with venom inside
From this world I am freed only then you will see
The monster you have made...
Of me
Solitude becomes my song
Silence slowly screams along
The choir's chorus heard so strong
The symphony begins
An impulse sent straight to my brain
One false move against my grain
Violence erupts again

Looking over my shoulder at the road that follows
What once seemed to matter now dust at my feet
Memories whisper at the edge of perception
Silent reminders of a life incomplete
And all that remains
Are the scars to remind me
And all the lives I've thrown away
And all that remains
Are the bars that confine me
To a past I can't escape
Words that are unspoken are now reminders
Each second dies a silent death unmourned
I tried as a martyr to lead her, to guide her
Now I'm alone painted by the color of scorn
And all that remains
Are the scars to remind me
And all the lives I've thrown away
And all that remains
Are the bars that confine me

It's snowing outside, the rumbling sound of engines roar in the night
The mission is near the confident men are waiting to drop from the sky
The blizzard goes on, but still they must fly
No one should go where eagles dare
Bavarian Alps that lay all around, they seem to stare from below
The enemy lines a long time passed, are lying deep in the snow
Into the night they fall through the sky
No one should fly where eagles dare
They're closing in, the fortress is near, it's standing high in the sky
The cable car's the only way in, it's real impossible to climb
They make their way, but maybe too late
They've got to try to save the day
The panicking cries, the roaring of guns are echoing all around the valley
The mission complete, they make to escape away from the eagles nest
They dared to go where no one would try

A silent prayer whispered in the darkness
Without witness words descend and die
I can't understand a world so cold and heartless
And still I'm driven to live this lie
Frozen voice singing winter's song
I live through life at the will of the wind
All the while I wonder where right went wrong
Crying out for the end to begin
Set adrift on a sea uncharted
Under a sky with no stars to guide me
A drowning soul is sinking and departed
While the waves of doubt break forever inside me
I'm holding on to what I once believed
Conviction that builds with time
I breathe life into my heart deceived
Now the truth is of my design
When your truth turns to lie
And the pain makes you cry
And the fountains of faith run dry
Take a look at yourself
And what you've sacrificed
When your truth turns to lie
And the pain makes you cry
And the fountains of faith run dry
When your dream starts to die
And the fire inside
Starts to dim the more you fight
Take a look at yourself

On the radio you speak
To millions that you claim to teach
Minions never out of reach
Propaganda brings belief
It's a lie
It's a lie
Speak the speak the quips you quote
You never write the speech you note
If they can view then they can vote
False sincerity that you emote
Nobody knows exactly what the future holds
Claim to have a second sight until the day unfolds
When will they see that the path I choose is up to me
The scars that they leave are deep
Make decisions through the night
Proven wrong but claim they're right
Drag the world into their fight

Lady have you known me, the perfect love machine
Virgo, My Leo's rising, Venus made me king
That trail of broken hearts, they all belong to me
Magic runs through my fingers, one touch you'll see
L.O.V.E, all I need's my love machine, oh
L.O.V.E, all I need's my love machine, oh
L.O.V.E, all I need's my love machine, oh
L.O.V.E, all I need's my love machine tonight, tonight
What can I do for you, am I your wildest dream
What do I move in you, am I what I seem
My eyes they lie and you cry, love brings you pain
And if you try to love me, you'll not feel the same
L.O.V.E, all I need's my love machine, oh
L.O.V.E, all I need's my love machine, oh
L.O.V.E, all I need's my love machine, oh
L.O.V.E, all I need's my love machine tonight, tonight
L.O.V.E, all I need's my love machine, oh
L.O.V.E, all I need's my love machine, oh
L.O.V.E, all I need's my love machine, oh

Fast and furious we ride the universe
To carve a road for us that slices every curve in sight
We accelerate, no time to hesitate
This load will detonate whoever would condemn this right
Born to lead at breakneck speed with high octane, we're spitting flames
Freewheel burning, freewheel burning
On we catapult, we're thrusting to the hilt
Unearthing every fault, go headlong into any dare
We don't accept defeat, we never will retreat
We blaze with scorching heat obliterations everywhere
Born to lead at breakneck speed with high octane, we're spitting flames
Freewheel burning, freewheel burning
Look before you leap has never been the way we keep, our road is free
Charging to the top and never give in never stops the way to be
Hold on to the lead with all your will and concede, you'll find there's life with victory on high
Look before you leap has never been the way we keep, our road is free
Charging to the top and never give in never stops the way to be
Hold on to the lead with all your will and concede, you'll find there's life with victory
With victory on high
Freewheel burning, freewheel burning
Freewheel burning, freewheel burning
Freewheel burning, freewheel burning

Whoa, c'mon
Close the city and tell the people that something's coming to call
Death and darkness are rushing forward to take a bite from the wall, oh
You've nothing to say, they're breaking away
If you listen to fools, the mob rules
The mob rules
Kill the spirit and you'll be blinded, the end is always the same
Play with fire, you burn your fingers and lose your hold of the flame, oh
It's over, it's done, the end is begun
If you listen to fools, the mob rules
You've nothing to say, oh they're breaking away
If you listen to fools
Break the circle and stop the movement, the wheel is thrown to the ground
Just remember it might start rolling and take you right back around
You're all fools

Too Many slaves in this world die by torture and pain
Too many people do not see they kill themselves, going insane
Too man people do not know bondage is over the human race
They believe slaves always lose and this fear keeps them down
Watch the damned, god bless ya
They're gonna break their chains, hey
No, you can't stop them, god bless ya
They're coming to get you and then
You get your balls to the wall, man
Balls to the wall
You got your balls to the wall, man
Balls to the wall, balls to the wall
You may screw their brains, you may sacrifice them too
You may mortify their flesh, you may rape them all
One day the tortured stand up, revolt against the evil
They make you drink your blood and tear yourself to pieces
Watch the damned, god bless ya
They're gonna break their chains, hey
No, you can't stop them, god bless ya
They're coming to get you and then
You get your balls to the wall, man
Balls to the wall
You got your balls to the wall, man
Balls to the wall, balls to the wall
Here we go
Come on man, let's stand up all over the world
Let's protect each others ass, if they don't keep us alive
We're gonna fight for the right
Build a wall with the army of the dead and saved
Make the world scared
Come on show me the sign of victory
Sign of victory, sign of victory
Watch the damned, god bless ya
They're gonna break their chains, hey
No, you can't stop them, god bless ya
They're coming to get you and then
You get your balls to the wall
Balls to the wall, man
You get your balls to the wall
Balls to the wall
Balls to the wall, balls to the wall
You get your balls to the wall
Balls to the wall

It's the same old song
You've gotta be somewhere at sometime
But they never let you fly
It's like broken glass
You get cut before you see it
So open up your eyes
You've got desire, so let it out
You've got the fire, stand up and shout
Stand up and shout
You've got wings of steel
But they never really move you
You only seem to crawl
You've been nailed to the wheel
But never really turning
You know you've got to want it all
You've got desire, so let it out
You've got the fire, stand up and shout
Stand up and shout
You are the strongest chain
And not just some reflection
So never hide again
You are the driver, you own the road
You are the fire, go on explode
You've got desire, so let it out
You've got the power, stand up and shout
Stand up and shout, stand up and shout
Stand up and shout, stand up and shout

Staring at the sun, dreaming I'm someone else
My Mind's a smoking gun, a silent scream for some help
And it goes on and on the crying never ends and it goes on and on and on
You walk like a dead man and you talk like a dead man
You walk like a dead man and you talk like a dead man
And you crucify yourself
Unraveling at the seams, sanity waves goodbye
Doubting my beliefs, hope and love is a lie
And it goes on and on the voices never end and it goes on and on and on
You walk like a dead man and you talk like a dead man
You walk like a dead man and you talk like a dead man
And you crucify yourself
A heart that's black and cold, poisoning the blood every moment
Rotting decay, too numb to live with it
You walk like a dead man and you talk like a dead man
You walk like a dead man and you talk like a dead man
And you crucify yourself
The wings of tomorrow
And our faith will bring us change
The wings of tomorrow
And our faith will bring us change
The wings of tomorrow

Shooting for the stars, cruise the speed of light
Glowin god of Mars, body burning bright
Well I'm ridin', ridin' on the wind
Yes I'm ridin', ridin' on the wind
Tearing up through life, million miles an hour
Blinding all in sight, surging rush of power
Well I'm ridin', ridin' on the wind
Yes I'm ridin', ridin' on the wind
Ridin' on the wind, ridin' on the wind
Ridin' on the wind, ridin' on the wind
Thunderbolt from hell, shattering aloud
Screamin' demons yell, bursting through the clouds
Well I'm ridin', ridin' on the wind

What happened to all of us
The things we say, our evil ways
Who could we really trust
Our lies and betrayal is why we fail
Can you believe in love
Lost in this world
Can you believe in love
And it's not too late
End of days and there's a full moon rising
End of days and there's a full moon rising again
Who are you, do you really know
What you've become, hollow and numb
A sickness, it eats away
All of your dreams led by your fear
Can you believe in love
Lost in this world
Can you believe in love
And it's not too late
End of days and there's a full moon rising
End of days and there's a full moon rising
Can you believe in love
Lost in this world
Can you believe in love
And it's not too late
Can you believe in love
Lost in this world
Can you believe in love
And it's not too late
End of days and there's a full moon rising
End of days and there's a full moon rising
End of days and there's a full moon rising
End of days and there's a full moon rising

Over the mountain take me across the sky
Something in my vision, something deep inside
Where did I wander, where'd ya think I wandered to
I've seen life's magic, astral plane I travel through
I heard them tell me that this land of dreams was now
I told them I had ridden shooting stars and said I'd show them how
Over and over, always tried to get away
Living in a daydream, only place I had to stay
Fever of a breakout, burning in me miles wide
People around me talking to the walls inside
I heard them tell me that this land of dreams was now
I told them I had ridden shooting stars and said I'd show them how
Don't need no astrology, it's inside of you and me
You don't need a ticket to ride with me, I'm free, yeah
Over and under in between the ups and downs
My mind's magic carpet ride, it goes round and round
Over the mountain, kissing silver inlaid clouds
Watching my body disappear into the crowd
Don't need no astrology, it's inside of you and me

I realize I missed a day, but I'm too wrecked to care anyway
I look around and see this face, what the hell have I lost my taste
Don't want to find out, just want to cut out
My head explodes, my ears ring, I can't remember just where I've been
The last thing that I recall, I got lost in a deep black hole
Don't want to find out, just want to cut out
Blackout, I really had a blackout
Blackout, I really had a blackout
Blackout, I really had a blackout
Blackout, I really had a blackout
I grab my things and make my run, on my way out, another one
Would like to know before I stop, did I make it or did I flop
Don't want to find out, just want to get out
Blackout, I really had a blackout
Blackout, I really had a blackout
Blackout, I really had a blackout
Blackout, I really had a blackout
Oh, ah, I really had a blackout, baby
Don't want to find out, just want to get out
Blackout, I really had a blackout
Blackout, I really had a blackout
Blackout, I really had a blackout

A Cat-scratch
A whiplash
A witchhunt in black,
Sandpaper tears up my skin,
Grinding the state I'm in,
Millstone, my heart it scrapes,
Grabbing the soul it bleeds within,
Abrasive wounds that never heal,
Bleeding emotions are hard to feel,
Evasive sounds of true bliss calling,
Mauling your Paramour's kiss revealed...
Something happens when the dark meets the light,
Something happens when you start up the fight,
Something happens when the sun turns to grey,
Something happens when you scare the monsters away!
A Cat-scratch
A Whiplash
A witchhunt in black,
Flash paper burns to the bone,
Melting away with out a moan,
Blow torch my brain away,
There's nothing left for me to pray,
Eroding all that I become,
Taking and breaking all that I've won
Decoding thoughts within my mind
Bleeding and feeding what I might find...
Something happens when the dark meets the light,
Something happens when you start up the fight,
Something happens when the sun turns to grey,
Something happens when you scare the monsters away!
Something happens when the dark meets the light,
Something happens when you start up the fight,
Something happens when the sun turns to grey,
Visions happened that scare us away!
Something happens when the dark meets the light,
Something happens when you start up the fight,
Something happens when the sun turns to grey,
Something happens when you scare the monsters away!
A cat-scratch,
A Whiplash,
A witchhunt in black,
A cat-scratch, A whiplash,
A witchhunt in black,

See the broken man torn and twisted in grief
Screaming to the sky in pain and disbelief
How could it be that any man could allow this
Living in the filth of faded innocence
Through it all the hearts of men grow colder
Numb to the world as the cowards get bolder
Yesterday's success succeeds in tainting the mindset
Still we wonder where the good old days went
And I am nameless
There's no mistaking where the future lies
And I am faceless
In the bed you've made sleeps the failure in you tonight
Take a look around at the hell you've created
Self respect and dignity just memories faded
Each day a little closer to the fate you have made
Life wasted on myself and the stench of my decay
Refuse to accept the role that you would have me play
The call of its master I won't live to betray
Outstretching of your hand you are a man undone

I can climb the highest peak
I can stop the war
I can force the dumb to speak
I can lock the door
I can locate treasures lost
I can see the blind
I can buy, no mind the cost
I can read your mind
It's so hard to let go of the past
Forever on my mind
I never dreamed things could change so fast
What do I have left?
I won't be your Martyr anymore
No longer victimized by your scorn
Nevermore the passive one in this War
Cause I won't be your Martyr anymore
I can walk the needles eye
I can pay the price
I can live after I die
I can roll the dice
I can fly where eagles nest
I can stand or fall
I can pass the hardest test
I can beat them all
It's so hard to let go of the past
Forever on my mind
I never dreamed things could change so fast
What do I have left?
I won't be your Martyr anymore̢۬
No longer victimized by your scorn̢۬
Nevermore the passive one in this War
Cause I won't be your Martyr anymore
I can hear the silent scream
I can pull the switch̢۬
I can orchestrate a dream
I can burn the witch
I can choose not to decide
I can ride the sky
I can ebb and flow the tide
I can wonder why
It's so hard to let go of the past
Forever on my mind
I never dreamed things could change so fast
What do I have left?
I won't be your Martyr anymore
No longer victimized by your scorn
Nevermore the passive one in this War

Everywhere I look I see disease
Seems like the world was taken from me
Time seems to be tick tick ticking away
Forgive me for all, all the things I say
Will you leave me there
The way I am
Interpretations of the day
The way I am
Deliverered from the gray
Something makes me want to believe
Nothing in life was given to me
Cannot ever stick to this game
Everyday, everything the same
Time has a way and now I see
What happened to all, all of my dreams
Now and then I feel incomplete

It's a promise that he made to himself
But the thrill puts his pact on the shelf
Locked in a prison he built over time
Made of bitterness, hate, and his lies
A life on trial a sad refrain
A mans denial of pain sustained
He can't control the deepening hole
He feels true peace with rage unleashed
The devil feeds on my thoughts
Even when I pray
A broken promise that I'll
Never lose it again?
The darkness sucks on my soul
And keeps the sun away
I can't stop it so now
Let the madness begin
So many voices bounce around in his head
Some tell him that he'd be better off dead?
Can't shake the urge when the madness calls
So set the world ablaze and watch the kingdom fall
A marriage failed a time in jail
A future bright turned black as night
He grins with hate all hope is erased
He can't resist the demons kiss
The devil feeds on my thoughts
Even when I pray
A broken promise that I'll
Never lose it again?
The darkness sucks on my soul
And keeps the sun away
I can't stop it so now
Let the madness begin
The devil feeds on my thoughts
Even when I pray
A broken promise that I'll
Never lose it again?
The darkness sucks on my soul
And keeps the sun away
I can't stop it so now
Let the madness begin
The devil feeds on my thoughts
Even when I pray
A broken promise that I'll
Never lose it again?
The darkness sucks on my soul
And keeps the sun away
I can't stop it so now
Let the madness begin

The time is right to make a change
To realize it ain't the same
The time is right to make a change
To realize today's the day
In my life I search for truth
What am I supposed to do?
Where am I going to?
Where am I going to?
I tried to leave it
Tried to believe it
Where am I?
This is only a test
The time is right to cross the line
To purify deep inside
The time is right to leave a stain
To make a mark, today's the day
In my life I search for clues
What am I supposed to do?
Why can't you understand?
Times are changing, rearranging
Why can't you understand?
My head is shaking, rearranging
The time is right to make a change

When the daylight is falling down into the night
And the sharks try to cut a big piece out of life
And it feels all right to go out to catch an outrageous thrill
But it's more like spinning wheels of fortune, which never stand still
Big city, big city nights
Big city, big city nights
When the sunlight is rising up in my eyes
And the long night has left me back at somebody's side
And it feels all right for a long sweet minute like hours before
But it's more like looking out for something, can't find anymore
Big city, big city nights
Big city, big city nights
Big city, big city nights
Big city, big city nights
There is no dream that you can't make true if you're looking for love
But there's no girl's burning the ice away from my heart, maybe tonight
Big city, big city nights
Big city, big city nights
Big city, big city nights
Big city, big city nights
Big city, big city nights
You keep me burning
Big city, big city nights
Big city, big city nights

I don't want to wait for the rest of my life
to find my way out of the cold
There will come a time when the brave must rise
to fight the shadows that come for our souls
An epic battle
To decide the fate
A new world conquered
An entire race
Storm the war field
My brood sword in hand
Master impaler
My enemy damned
A killing deathblow
A warrior's blood flow
A ritual seed sown
I took your life, Now I eat your soul
Pray for blood
To the gods of war
To the blood feast of gore
A fallen hero
A pain unmatched
A butcher's crafting
Your head is detached
A life force swallowed
New strngth I yield
Raw power attained
Your wisdom my shield
The cry of the fallen
My blade will avenge
My spirit will guide me
To Valkyrie's revenge
The ultimate honor to die by my art

[I - Prologo:]
It's June 6, 1944
I turned 19 two days before
Pride and bravery I can't ignore
Representing my country in this World War
[II - Lettera di Eisenhower:]
The Great Crusade Eisenhower decrees
To bring an end to the Nazi war machine
Eliminate the German demon seed
Insuring that the Lord's free world stays free
True honor and glory I'll receive
When I protect the USA
My Mother will be so proud of me
I'm the hero of the day
Kill 'em all let God's will decide
The demise of Hitler's reign
I'll take my shot and death will arrive
When I splatter their rotted brains
The freedom of all good citizens
Lives forever on through me
I'll defend every one of them
From sea to shining sea...
[III - Able Company:]
...The sea once shined with the light of the sun
Now it flows bright red with the blood of the sons
They were the chosen ones
Now their tour is done
First platoon to tread on Omaha's sands
Stricken down by the shells before they land
Attack poorly planned
Completely outmanned
First to go
Last to know
First to go
Last to know
No shingles no shields
No shell holes to hide
No cover no walls
No chance to survive
Noble is my mission
The good Lord at my side
No cover no walls
No-one stays alive
Jump off the AM ramps the surf is waist high
Blitzed by the mortars that fall from the sky
Waterlogged packs that make them sink like a rock
Troops being slaughtered can't fire a shot
First to go
Last to know
First to go
Last to know
No shingles no shields
No shell holes to hide
No cover no walls
No chance to survive
Noble is my mission
The good Lord at my side
No cover no walls
No-one stays alive
Ripped from crown to pelvis
Soldiers devour the lead
Hidden Nazi snipers
Choreograph the dance of the dead
In less than half an hour
The mission has been ceased
Only six survivors
Wading in the sea...
[IV - Baker Company:]
...The sea it swallows my vomit
As I puke up over the side
Spews out like a comet
Terror replacing my pride
Crying out for my mommy
Bravado disappears
Forgetting all of my orders
What am I doing here?
Clouding smoke and dust
Screams build to a roar
Portrait of pure hell
Painted on the shore
Bobbing bodies drift
Crimson running tide
Real apocalypse
Will I be the next to die?
Be the next to die
First to go
Last to know
First to go
Last to know
No shingles no shields
No shell holes to hide
No cover no walls
No chance to survive
Noble is my mission
The good Lord at my side
No cover no walls
No-one stays alive
I scramble off the Higgins boat and trip into the crest
Each man who tries to follow me brought down by Hitler's best
It takes me an eternity to reach the beach unhit
Explosions all around my head I'm sure my skull has split
I'm sure my skull has split
I snag a piece of driftwood
And navigate my path
Through washed-up bloated bodies
In a death face mask
Heart racing like a perishing tank
I rise up from the wave
And dash across the battleground
To reach the barricade
From the seasickness and shell-shock
To the levee of the seawall
To the concrete pillbox heave a desperate last grenade
Potato masher assaults me
Bullets puncture my body
I'm drenched in my own blood
Close my eyes and drift away
Close my eyes and drift away
Close my eyes and drift away...
[V - Requiem:]
The tide rolls in to wash my sins away
I gasp out my last breath
My soul escapes through ragged wounds
