
Raw Video: Batman Pulled Over
Police near Washington, D.C. pulled over a man dressed as Batman. He was driving a Lamborg...
published: 30 Mar 2012
author: AssociatedPress
Raw Video: Batman Pulled Over
Raw Video: Batman Pulled Over
Police near Washington, D.C. pulled over a man dressed as Batman. He was driving a Lamborghini Batmobile. (March 30th) Subscribe to the Associated Press: htt...- published: 30 Mar 2012
- views: 1513219
- author: AssociatedPress

Raw: Last Second Rescue From Houston Fire
Dramatic video shows a worker being rescued from a burning under-construction Houston apar...
published: 26 Mar 2014
Raw: Last Second Rescue From Houston Fire
Raw: Last Second Rescue From Houston Fire
Dramatic video shows a worker being rescued from a burning under-construction Houston apartment complex after flinging himself from a fifth-floor ledge to a lower floor. (March 26)- published: 26 Mar 2014
- views: 26

Raw: Video Captures Ark. Inmate Escape
Surveillance video captured the escape of 33-year-old Derrick Estell an inmate in Garland ...
published: 30 Jul 2013
author: AssociatedPress
Raw: Video Captures Ark. Inmate Escape
Raw: Video Captures Ark. Inmate Escape
Surveillance video captured the escape of 33-year-old Derrick Estell an inmate in Garland County, Arkansas. Authorities say he had help in his escape and sho...- published: 30 Jul 2013
- views: 273027
- author: AssociatedPress

Vietnam POW Who Blinked 'torture' Dies at 89
Jeremiah Denton, who survived 71/2 years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam and alerted...
published: 28 Mar 2014
Vietnam POW Who Blinked 'torture' Dies at 89
Vietnam POW Who Blinked 'torture' Dies at 89
Jeremiah Denton, who survived 71/2 years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam and alerted the U.S. military to conditions there when he blinked the word "torture" in Morse code during a television interview, has died. He was 89. (March 28)- published: 28 Mar 2014
- views: 24

Raw: Obama Arrives in Saudi Arabia
Subscribe for more Breaking News: http://smarturl.it/AssociatedPress
President Barack Obam...
published: 28 Mar 2014
Raw: Obama Arrives in Saudi Arabia
Raw: Obama Arrives in Saudi Arabia
Subscribe for more Breaking News: http://smarturl.it/AssociatedPress President Barack Obama paid a visit to the desert oasis of wary ally King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, hoping to reassure the aging monarch who is nervously watching Washington's negotiations with Iran and other U.S. policy in the Middle East. (March 28) The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats. AP's commitment to independent, comprehensive journalism has deep roots. Founded in 1846, AP has covered all the major news events of the past 165 years, providing high-quality, informed reporting of everything from wars and elections to championship games and royal weddings. AP is the largest and most trusted source of independent news and information. Today, AP employs the latest technology to collect and distribute content - we have daily uploads covering the latest and breaking news in the world of politics, sport and entertainment. Join us in a conversation about world events, the newsgathering process or whatever aspect of the news universe you find interesting or important. Subscribe: http://smarturl.it/AssociatedPress http://www.ap.org/ https://plus.google.com/+AP/ https://www.facebook.com/APNews https://twitter.com/AP- published: 28 Mar 2014
- views: 248

Man Denies He's Bitcoin Founder
In an extensive interview with the Associated Press, the man Newsweek claims is the founde...
published: 07 Mar 2014
Man Denies He's Bitcoin Founder
Man Denies He's Bitcoin Founder
In an extensive interview with the Associated Press, the man Newsweek claims is the founder of Bitcoin denied he had anything to do with the digital currency. (March 6)- published: 07 Mar 2014
- views: 301

Welcome to The Associated Press
The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news ...
published: 20 Dec 2013
Welcome to The Associated Press
Welcome to The Associated Press
The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats. AP's commitment to independent, comprehensive journalism has deep roots. Founded in 1846, AP has covered all the major news events of the past 165 years, providing high-quality, informed reporting of everything from wars and elections to championship games and royal weddings. AP is the largest and most trusted source of independent news and information. Today, AP employs the latest technology to collect and distribute content - we have daily uploads covering the latest and breaking news in the world of politics, sport and entertainment. Join us in a conversation about world events, the newsgathering process or whatever aspect of the news universe you find interesting or important. Subscribe: http://smarturl.it/AssociatedPress http://www.ap.org/ https://plus.google.com/+AP/ https://www.facebook.com/APNews https://twitter.com/AP- published: 20 Dec 2013
- views: 24

Raw: Thousands Attend Pro-Russia Demo in Ukraine
More than 5,000 pro-Russia residents of a major city in Ukraine's east demonstrated on Sat...
published: 22 Mar 2014
Raw: Thousands Attend Pro-Russia Demo in Ukraine
Raw: Thousands Attend Pro-Russia Demo in Ukraine
More than 5,000 pro-Russia residents of a major city in Ukraine's east demonstrated on Saturday in support of Viktor Yanukovych, the Ukrainian president who fled to Russia in February in the wake of three months of protests in Kiev. (March 22)- published: 22 Mar 2014
- views: 328

Бандити, які грабували Associated Press і стріляли по активістах. ВІДЕОДОКАЗ
Випадковий перехожий, мешканець Сімферополя зняв на планшет, як саме грабували знімальну г...
published: 08 Mar 2014
Бандити, які грабували Associated Press і стріляли по активістах. ВІДЕОДОКАЗ
Бандити, які грабували Associated Press і стріляли по активістах. ВІДЕОДОКАЗ
Випадковий перехожий, мешканець Сімферополя зняв на планшет, як саме грабували знімальну групу APTN 6 березня 2014 р. в центрі столиці Криму (деталі пограбування та відео - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-eFCKwP3qI). А це відео містить докази, якими може скористатися слідство: обличчя декого з бандитів і так званих "казаків". http://bit.ly/1kEE6hU , http://bit.ly/1oAPkRT або http://bit.ly/1oAPngt Крім того, цей мікроавтобус засвітився два дні потому - 8 березня 2014 року біля республіканського військкомату. На ньому переміщалися ті ж люди в масках, які обстріляли автомобіль активістів з автоматичної зброї: http://www.theinsider.ua/politics/531ae97c3bd13/ Про те, що це той самий автобус, свідчить ряд доказів. В тому числі, його зовнішній вигляд: http://bit.ly/1nt8nyU (тоновані вікна, наклейка тощо). На відміну від розбійного нападу 6 березня, коли мікроавтобус був без номерів, цього разу свідки зафіксували номерний знак: АК 1255 АІ. Через джерела, які мають доступ до бази даних ДАІ, вдалося з'ясувати, що дійсно за таким номером закріплений Wolksvagen Transporter, зареєстрований на ТОВ "Торгівельні системи ВПК", Сімферополь, вул. Київська, 4. код ЄРДПО 30765159. Далі справа за МВС та прокуратурою... *** A Simferopol resident has filmed how APTN crew was robed on March 6, 2014 in the centre of Crimean capital. (More details: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-eFCK ... ). This video contains evidence for the investigation: the face of one of the bandits, so-called "cossack" can be seen here: http://bit.ly/1kEE6hU, http://bit.ly/1oAPkRT or http://bit.ly/1oAPngt The van was mentioned few days later on March 8, 2014 near the local republican military committee. The same people moving in the masked were driving it as they were those shooting with automatic weapon at the van which carried activists: http://www.theinsider.ua/politics/531 ... There is some evidence for it. At first, the way the van looks: http://bit.ly/1nt8nyU ( tinted windows, sticker , etc.). Unlike the attack on March 6, when the van didn't have a license plate, this time witnesses recorded it: AK 1255 AI. Thanks to the sources who have access to the database of the road police, it was possible to find out that this number belongs to Wolksvagen Transporter, registered by LLC "Torgovelny Systemy VPK" ("Trade Systems military-industrial complex"), Simferopol, vul. Kyivska 4. code 30765159 .- published: 08 Mar 2014
- views: 117436

AP Poll: Support for 'Obamacare' Hits New Low
The White House says it met its goal of six million signups for health care under the new ...
published: 28 Mar 2014
AP Poll: Support for 'Obamacare' Hits New Low
AP Poll: Support for 'Obamacare' Hits New Low
The White House says it met its goal of six million signups for health care under the new law, but an AP poll finds support for it at a new low. Millions may remain uninsured, falling through the cracks or getting confused by the system. (March 28)- published: 28 Mar 2014
- views: 217

First Lady Talks Freedom of Speech on China Trip
U.S. first lady Michelle Obama told students in China, which has some of the world's tight...
published: 22 Mar 2014
First Lady Talks Freedom of Speech on China Trip
First Lady Talks Freedom of Speech on China Trip
U.S. first lady Michelle Obama told students in China, which has some of the world's tightest restrictions on the Internet, that freedom of speech and unfettered access to information make countries stronger and should be universal rights. (March 22)- published: 22 Mar 2014
- views: 81

Teens Arrested for Assault After Girl's Suicide
A Northern California sheriff's office has arrested three 16-year-old boys on accusations ...
published: 12 Apr 2013
author: AssociatedPress
Teens Arrested for Assault After Girl's Suicide
Teens Arrested for Assault After Girl's Suicide
A Northern California sheriff's office has arrested three 16-year-old boys on accusations that they sexually battered a 15-year-old girl who hanged herself e...- published: 12 Apr 2013
- views: 43091
- author: AssociatedPress

will.i.am's Imagination Runs Wild in 'Rio 2'
Subscribe for more Breaking News: http://smarturl.it/AssociatedPress
will.i.am talks about...
published: 28 Mar 2014
will.i.am's Imagination Runs Wild in 'Rio 2'
will.i.am's Imagination Runs Wild in 'Rio 2'
Subscribe for more Breaking News: http://smarturl.it/AssociatedPress will.i.am talks about the power of imagination, being silly and letting go during the voicing of new animated feature film 'Rio 2.' (March 28) The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats. AP's commitment to independent, comprehensive journalism has deep roots. Founded in 1846, AP has covered all the major news events of the past 165 years, providing high-quality, informed reporting of everything from wars and elections to championship games and royal weddings. AP is the largest and most trusted source of independent news and information. Today, AP employs the latest technology to collect and distribute content - we have daily uploads covering the latest and breaking news in the world of politics, sport and entertainment. Join us in a conversation about world events, the newsgathering process or whatever aspect of the news universe you find interesting or important. Subscribe: http://smarturl.it/AssociatedPress http://www.ap.org/ https://plus.google.com/+AP/ https://www.facebook.com/APNews https://twitter.com/AP- published: 28 Mar 2014
- views: 15

7th Grader: Bus Driver Making 'Weird Noise'
Students in Washington stopped a school bus after officials say the driver lost consciousn...
published: 10 Apr 2012
author: AssociatedPress
7th Grader: Bus Driver Making 'Weird Noise'
7th Grader: Bus Driver Making 'Weird Noise'
Students in Washington stopped a school bus after officials say the driver lost consciousness Monday. One seventh grader says he grabbed the wheel, turned th...- published: 10 Apr 2012
- views: 554916
- author: AssociatedPress
Vimeo results:

AP (Associated Press) Rebrand
A short compile of motion work done for the recent AP rebrand covering their online and gl...
published: 13 Mar 2012
author: Richard Dufty
AP (Associated Press) Rebrand
A short compile of motion work done for the recent AP rebrand covering their online and global news video service.
Completed at Jump Design and Direction.
Creative direction: Richard Norley & Glenn Marshall
Design & Animation: Richard Dufty & Kevin O'dell
Music: Sitting Duck
Branding: Objective Subject

Ed Ou/Associated Press...
published: 15 Sep 2008
author: Ed Ou
Ed Ou/Associated Press

Speedboarding Fight in Laguna Beach, Associated Press
The surge in high-speed downhill skateboarding in a Southern California city has sparked a...
published: 28 Feb 2011
author: Gregory Bull
Speedboarding Fight in Laguna Beach, Associated Press
The surge in high-speed downhill skateboarding in a Southern California city has sparked a fierce debate over what place the exhilarating but perilous sport has on city streets. (Feb. 28)

Photographer John Moore on 'Epic' Libya Battles, Arab World Revolutions
Read the profile: http://to.pbs.org/fudCZe
Photographer John Moore is no stranger to comb...
published: 22 Mar 2011
author: Mike Fritz
Photographer John Moore on 'Epic' Libya Battles, Arab World Revolutions
Read the profile: http://to.pbs.org/fudCZe
Photographer John Moore is no stranger to combat. As a member of an Associated Press team in 2005, he shared a Pulitzer Prize for breaking news photography for coverage of the war in Iraq and he's done extended stints in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, South Africa, Mexico and Nicaragua and elsewhere in the last 20 years.
Yet despite his relative comfort with being on the frontlines, Moore told the NewsHour from his hotel room in Cairo that his latest assignment -a six-week trip that took him to the uprisings in Egypt, Bahrain and Libya - might have been his most dangerous. Moore recorded the interview for us after sneaking out of Benghazi, Libya en route back to his home in Denver.
Youtube results:

AP Images and Articles with predated timestamps for false flags?
Special thanks to Insane Media and the Sandy Hook Hoax f...
published: 06 Jan 2014
AP Images and Articles with predated timestamps for false flags?
AP Images and Articles with predated timestamps for false flags?
hunternewsandmedia.wordpress.com Special thanks to Insane Media and the Sandy Hook Hoax facebook page for bringing this up! Read Insane Media's article here! http://www.insanemedia.net/sandy-hook-evidence-strange-victim-photo-dates/3423 These images have since been deleted and the entire website has been reformatted. SIPA press has also made some serious changes to their databases, but I have released all of these predated images for research purposes. FAIR USE ACT: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.- published: 06 Jan 2014
- views: 155

Baby-Cuddling Grandma Holds Unexpected Patient
When Kathleen Jones began volunteering at the University of Chicago's Comer Children's Hos...
published: 13 Mar 2014
Baby-Cuddling Grandma Holds Unexpected Patient
Baby-Cuddling Grandma Holds Unexpected Patient
When Kathleen Jones began volunteering at the University of Chicago's Comer Children's Hospital, she never expected that her own grandchild would benefit from the cuddling many hospitals now use to help preemies and other sick infants. (March 13)- published: 13 Mar 2014
- views: 28

Raw: Twin Polar Bear Cubs Make Munich Zoo Debut
Fourteen-week old twin polar bear cubs from the Hellabrunn Zoo in Munich were presented to...
published: 19 Mar 2014
Raw: Twin Polar Bear Cubs Make Munich Zoo Debut
Raw: Twin Polar Bear Cubs Make Munich Zoo Debut
Fourteen-week old twin polar bear cubs from the Hellabrunn Zoo in Munich were presented to the public for the first time. The two cubs and their seven-year old mother Giovanna explored their outside enclosure together. (March 19)- published: 19 Mar 2014
- views: 29

Ga. Valet's Cell Phone Stops Bullet
A valet at an Atlanta nightclub cheated death when his cell phone, tucked in his breast po...
published: 07 Jan 2011
author: AssociatedPress
Ga. Valet's Cell Phone Stops Bullet
Ga. Valet's Cell Phone Stops Bullet
A valet at an Atlanta nightclub cheated death when his cell phone, tucked in his breast pocket, stopped a bullet. (Jan. 7)- published: 07 Jan 2011
- views: 307958
- author: AssociatedPress