Introduction to Yogacara Buddhism: Asanga, Vasubandhu and Hsuan-Tsang
Speaker: Thomas Tam Hsuan Tsang, the famous Chinese monk from the Tang dynasty, traveled f...
published: 23 Jan 2013
author: aaaricuny
Introduction to Yogacara Buddhism: Asanga, Vasubandhu and Hsuan-Tsang
Introduction to Yogacara Buddhism: Asanga, Vasubandhu and Hsuan-Tsang
Speaker: Thomas Tam Hsuan Tsang, the famous Chinese monk from the Tang dynasty, traveled from China to India to learn Yogacara Buddhism. He crossed deserts, ...- published: 23 Jan 2013
- views: 530
- author: aaaricuny
DesCartes and Vasubandhu: I think, therefore I am (not)?
by Manske through Professor Rev. Dr. James Kenneth Powell II, opensourcebuddhism.org This ...
published: 06 Jul 2008
DesCartes and Vasubandhu: I think, therefore I am (not)?
DesCartes and Vasubandhu: I think, therefore I am (not)?
by Manske through Professor Rev. Dr. James Kenneth Powell II, opensourcebuddhism.org This project investigates the speciously similar views on mind and consc...- published: 06 Jul 2008
- views: 853
Vasubandhu: the Brilliant Yogacara Thinker
by Peatra Babe through Professor Rev. Dr. James Kenneth Powell II, opensourcebuddhism.org ...
published: 20 Jul 2008
Vasubandhu: the Brilliant Yogacara Thinker
Vasubandhu: the Brilliant Yogacara Thinker
by Peatra Babe through Professor Rev. Dr. James Kenneth Powell II, opensourcebuddhism.org This work depicts the great Mahayana Buddhist philosopher Vasubandh...- published: 20 Jul 2008
- views: 2460
published: 19 Oct 2012
- published: 19 Oct 2012
- views: 30
196 Gardenbrook Trial Brampton - Rahul Vasubandhu
196 Gardenbrook Trial Brampton - Rahul Vasubandhu....
published: 12 Sep 2011
author: pictourhd
196 Gardenbrook Trial Brampton - Rahul Vasubandhu
196 Gardenbrook Trial Brampton - Rahul Vasubandhu
196 Gardenbrook Trial Brampton - Rahul Vasubandhu.- published: 12 Sep 2011
- views: 47
- author: pictourhd
Eight Consciousnesses
Please give us a THUMBS UP if you like our videos!!!
don't forget to Subscribe to our Chan...
published: 04 Aug 2013
Eight Consciousnesses
Eight Consciousnesses
Please give us a THUMBS UP if you like our videos!!! don't forget to Subscribe to our Channel :) Source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight_Consciousnesses All surviving schools of buddhist thought accept -- "in common" -- the existence of the first six primary consciousnesses (Sanskrit: vijñāna, Tibetan: རྣམ་ཤེས་, Wylie: rnam-shes). The internally coherent Yogācāra school associated with Maitreya, Asaṅga, and Vasubandhu, however, uniquely -- or "uncommonly" -- also posits the existence of two additional primary consciousnesses, kliṣṭamanas and ālayavijñāna, in order to explain the workings of karma. The first six of these primary consciousnesses comprise the five sensory faculties together with mental consciousness, which is counted as the sixth. According to Gareth Sparham, The ālaya-vijñāna doctrine arose on the Indian subcontinent about one thousand years before Tsong kha pa. It gained its place in a distinctly Yogācāra system over a period of some three hundred years stretching from 100 to 400 C.E., culminating in the Mahāyāna-saṁgraha, a short text by Asaṅga (circa 350), setting out a systematic presentation of the ālaya-vijñāna doctrine developed over the previous centuries. It is the doctrine found in this text in particular that Tsong kha pa, in his Ocean of Eloquence, treats as having been revealed in toto by the Buddha and transmitted to suffering humanity through the Yogācāra founding saints (Tib. shing rta srol byed): Maitreya[-nātha], Asaṅga, and Vasubandhu.- published: 04 Aug 2013
- views: 0
Kaspars Eihmanis. Budisms. 5. lekcija: Indijas budisma filozofija un reliģiskā prakse
2014. gada 12. februārī, Birojnīcā Berga bazārā
Mahajānas budisms Rietumos, galvenokārt, i...
published: 19 Feb 2014
Kaspars Eihmanis. Budisms. 5. lekcija: Indijas budisma filozofija un reliģiskā prakse
Kaspars Eihmanis. Budisms. 5. lekcija: Indijas budisma filozofija un reliģiskā prakse
2014. gada 12. februārī, Birojnīcā Berga bazārā Mahajānas budisms Rietumos, galvenokārt, ir pazīstams ar tukšuma-šūnja teoriju, kas saistīta ar Nāgardžunas vārdu un citiem Madhjamakas filozofijas domātājiem, kā Ārjadeva un Čandrakīrti. Līdztekus šiem domātājiem ir pazīstami arī Jogačāras-vidžņanavādas skolas filozofi Asanga un Vasubandhu, 'tikai-prāts' čitta-matra un 'apziņa-krātuve' ālaja-vidžņāna teoriju izstrādātāji. Indijas Mahajānas budisma filozofijas ietvaros tiek izvērsta arī substancionālisma doktrīna budismā: tathagatagarbha. Šīs lekcijas ietvaros, paralēli Mahajānas filozofijas galveno jēdzienu izpratnei, tiks mēģināts filozofiju cieši sasaistīt ar budistu prakses galveno mērķi -- atbrīvošanos. Proti, tas, ko mēs budismā dēvējam par filozofiju, nekad nav bijis uztverts atrauti no reliģiskās prakses, liturģiskajiem rituāliem un mitoloģiski-maģiskā pasaules tvēruma.- published: 19 Feb 2014
- views: 168
23 Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas 10-10-13
Ven. Chodron finishes Chapter 6 on working with our afflictions, and moves on to Chapter 7...
published: 11 Oct 2013
23 Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas 10-10-13
23 Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas 10-10-13
Ven. Chodron finishes Chapter 6 on working with our afflictions, and moves on to Chapter 7, which deals with working with attachment to sense-objects. She teaches on the 10 fetters as laid out by Vasubandhu and Asanga.- published: 11 Oct 2013
- views: 39
07 Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas on the Middle Way with Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe 07-12-13
Geshe Thabkhe outlines the discussion between followers of Vasubandhu, who assert that the...
published: 13 Jul 2013
author: Sravasti Abbey
07 Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas on the Middle Way with Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe 07-12-13
07 Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas on the Middle Way with Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe 07-12-13
Geshe Thabkhe outlines the discussion between followers of Vasubandhu, who assert that there is real pleasure and real suffering, and followers of Nagarjuna ...- published: 13 Jul 2013
- views: 25
- author: Sravasti Abbey
How Karma Works Class 2
课程五:业的原理阿毗达磨高级智慧第一阶这套课程最初是由格西麦克罗区在纽约用英文教授。夏理扬将这些教法翻译成中文,以利广大同修学习。 若需参照英文原版教材,请登陆:http://ww...
published: 17 Mar 2012
author: John Bentham
How Karma Works Class 2
How Karma Works Class 2
课程五:业的原理阿毗达磨高级智慧第一阶这套课程最初是由格西麦克罗区在纽约用英文教授。夏理扬将这些教法翻译成中文,以利广大同修学习。 若需参照英文原版教材,请登陆:http://www.acidharma.org/aci/online/onlineformal.html 几乎所有修行都是基于业力的原则,所以要想...- published: 17 Mar 2012
- views: 341
- author: John Bentham
Anant hai Haridham ki Mahima...
"Anant hai Haridham ki Mahima" (sung by Udit Narayan) and performed by Toronto Yuwak Manda...
published: 11 Aug 2009
author: amarpatel936
Anant hai Haridham ki Mahima...
Anant hai Haridham ki Mahima...
"Anant hai Haridham ki Mahima" (sung by Udit Narayan) and performed by Toronto Yuwak Mandal at 2009 Atmiya Parivar Shibir in New York. Members of the dance: ...- published: 11 Aug 2009
- views: 8099
- author: amarpatel936
Your Daily Dharma - a Zenkondo teaching on "Realising Your Essential Unity"
Your Daily Dharma - a Zenkondo teaching on "Realising Your Essential Unity"
published: 24 Feb 2014
Your Daily Dharma - a Zenkondo teaching on "Realising Your Essential Unity"
Your Daily Dharma - a Zenkondo teaching on "Realising Your Essential Unity"
Your Daily Dharma - a Zenkondo teaching on "Realising Your Essential Unity" http://zenkondo.com Zenkondo® is at once a spiritual science, a sacred artform, a yogic path and a living stream of tradition, or sampradaya, drawing deeply upon the ancient and timeless wisdom of the Buddha Śakyamuni, Rav Yeshua the Nazarene, the insight of Nagarjuna, and the methodologies of Je Tsongkhapa, Asaṅga and Vasubandhu. It has been inspired by great masters of the feral wisdom tradition, by the mystic lovers and poets, Rumi, Francesco di Berdone, Teresa d'Avila, Thomas Merton. In this video, Founder and dharma lineage holder, Khenpo Gurudas Śunyatananda, offers a brief reflection on shifting our perception of separateness to an awareness of our Essential Unity. dharma, zenkondo, oneness- published: 24 Feb 2014
- views: 9
Dalai Lama, Shugden, The Spirit & Controversy. Part 5 of 5NKT
This documentary, Dorjee Shugden, The Spirit and the Controversy showcases the subject of ...
published: 01 Aug 2008
author: Sonam ten
Dalai Lama, Shugden, The Spirit & Controversy. Part 5 of 5NKT
Dalai Lama, Shugden, The Spirit & Controversy. Part 5 of 5NKT
This documentary, Dorjee Shugden, The Spirit and the Controversy showcases the subject of Dholgyal. With in-depth interviews, the film highlights the differe...- published: 01 Aug 2008
- views: 7610
- author: Sonam ten
Dalai Lama, Shugden, The Spirit & Controversy. Part 1of 5 NKT
This documentary, Dorjee Shugden, The Spirit and the Controversy showcases the subject of ...
published: 01 Aug 2008
author: Sonam ten
Dalai Lama, Shugden, The Spirit & Controversy. Part 1of 5 NKT
Dalai Lama, Shugden, The Spirit & Controversy. Part 1of 5 NKT
This documentary, Dorjee Shugden, The Spirit and the Controversy showcases the subject of Dholgyal. With in-depth interviews, the film highlights the differe...- published: 01 Aug 2008
- views: 10955
- author: Sonam ten
Youtube results:
Dalai Lama, Shugden, The Spirit & Controversy. Part 4 of 5NKT
This documentary, Dorjee Shugden, The Spirit and the Controversy showcases the subject of ...
published: 01 Aug 2008
author: Sonam ten
Dalai Lama, Shugden, The Spirit & Controversy. Part 4 of 5NKT
Dalai Lama, Shugden, The Spirit & Controversy. Part 4 of 5NKT
This documentary, Dorjee Shugden, The Spirit and the Controversy showcases the subject of Dholgyal. With in-depth interviews, the film highlights the differe...- published: 01 Aug 2008
- views: 3720
- author: Sonam ten
Dalai Lama, Shugden, The Spirit & Controversy. Part 2 of 5NKT
This documentary, Dorjee Shugden, The Spirit and the Controversy showcases the subject of ...
published: 01 Aug 2008
author: Sonam ten
Dalai Lama, Shugden, The Spirit & Controversy. Part 2 of 5NKT
Dalai Lama, Shugden, The Spirit & Controversy. Part 2 of 5NKT
This documentary, Dorjee Shugden, The Spirit and the Controversy showcases the subject of Dholgyal. With in-depth interviews, the film highlights the differe...- published: 01 Aug 2008
- views: 7630
- author: Sonam ten
Dalai Lama, Shugden, The Spirit & Controversy. Part 3of 5 NKT
This documentary, Dorjee Shugden, The Spirit and the Controversy showcases the subject of ...
published: 01 Aug 2008
author: Sonam ten
Dalai Lama, Shugden, The Spirit & Controversy. Part 3of 5 NKT
Dalai Lama, Shugden, The Spirit & Controversy. Part 3of 5 NKT
This documentary, Dorjee Shugden, The Spirit and the Controversy showcases the subject of Dholgyal. With in-depth interviews, the film highlights the differe...- published: 01 Aug 2008
- views: 2907
- author: Sonam ten
Three Own Beings. 2nd 10 mins
A talk given on 2-2-2011 at the regular Wednesday class on the Three natures or Own Beings...
published: 03 Feb 2011
author: SokuzanBobBrown
Three Own Beings. 2nd 10 mins
Three Own Beings. 2nd 10 mins
A talk given on 2-2-2011 at the regular Wednesday class on the Three natures or Own Beings based on the Yogacara teachings of Vasubandhu.- published: 03 Feb 2011
- views: 104
- author: SokuzanBobBrown