- published: 20 Jul 2016
- views: 7367
Kosta Apostolov Solev (Macedonian: Коста Апостолов Солев), primarily known as poet Kočo Racin (Macedonian: Koчо Рацин) (22 December 1908 – 13 June 1943), was a Macedonian partisan and author who is considered a founder of modern Macedonian literature. His poem collection White Dawns (Zagreb, 1939) is one of the most important masterpieces in Macedonian modern literature. Racin wrote in prose too and created some significant works with themes from history, philosophy, and literary critique.
Kočo (Kosta Solev) Racin was born in 1908 in Veles, in the Kosovo Vilayet of the Ottoman Empire (present-day Republic of Macedonia). He was raised in a very poor family. His father, Apostol was a potter who earned just enough to feed his family, and he could not support Racin financially in his education. Racin finished just one year in the local high school at the age of thirteen, and then worked in his father's pottery workshop.
In 1924 he took part in KPJ, and in a short time, he positioned himself as one of the most-promising young members of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia in Macedonia. In 1926, Racin became a member of the local Committee of KPJ in Veles, and in November 1928, he participated in the Fourth Congress of KPJ in Dresden as the only delegate from Macedonia. After returning to Yugoslavia he was arrested, but three months later he was freed because of insufficient evidence. In April 1929 he went into army service in Požarevac.
Кочо Рацин Koco Racin
Dances and Songs from East Macedonia performed by the Macedonian folklore dance ensemble "Kočo Racin" from the Republic of Macedonia.
Kako e Ubien Koco Racin (1908-1943) Код од 05.11.2007 на a1.com.mk Основоположникот на македонската литература Кочо Солев Рацин, роден е во Велес на 20 декември 1908 година во семејството на Марија и Апостол Солеви. Трагично, под сеуште неразјаснети околности загинал на планината Лопушник на 13 јуни 1943 година. Остана да го паметиме како поет, раскажувач, романсиер, преведувач, есеист, публицист, критичар, историчар, фолклорист, филозоф, револуционер и космопилот. Неговата личност и дела се глас, свест, традиција, симбол и препознавање на целиот македонски народ. Credit to: youtube.com/Makedonier ...For more videos go to: *mk.promo: www.tinyurl.com/3jxv9a *mk.ancient/aegean: www.tinyurl.com/53d6b2 *mk.music: www.tinyurl.com/4hmtdj *tose.proeski: www.tinyurl.com/5kngbt .:...
Edegem, Belgija,2013 ANPO Koco Racin
Kosta Apostolov Solev (Macedonian: Коста Апостолов Солев), primarily known as poet Kočo Racin (Macedonian: Koчо Рацин) (22 December 1908 – 13 June 1943), was a Macedonian partisan and author who is considered a founder of modern Macedonian literature. His poem collection White Dawns (Zagreb, 1939) is one of the most important masterpieces in Macedonian modern literature. Racin wrote in prose too and created some significant works with themes from history, philosophy, and literary critique.
Kočo (Kosta Solev) Racin was born in 1908 in Veles, in the Kosovo Vilayet of the Ottoman Empire (present-day Republic of Macedonia). He was raised in a very poor family. His father, Apostol was a potter who earned just enough to feed his family, and he could not support Racin financially in his education. Racin finished just one year in the local high school at the age of thirteen, and then worked in his father's pottery workshop.
In 1924 he took part in KPJ, and in a short time, he positioned himself as one of the most-promising young members of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia in Macedonia. In 1926, Racin became a member of the local Committee of KPJ in Veles, and in November 1928, he participated in the Fourth Congress of KPJ in Dresden as the only delegate from Macedonia. After returning to Yugoslavia he was arrested, but three months later he was freed because of insufficient evidence. In April 1929 he went into army service in Požarevac.