
Aloe Blacc - The Man (Official Lyric Video)
Download "The Man" on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/WakeMeUpEP
Video edited by: Ryan Calavan...
published: 11 Jan 2014
Aloe Blacc - The Man (Official Lyric Video)
Aloe Blacc - The Man (Official Lyric Video)
Download "The Man" on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/WakeMeUpEP Video edited by: Ryan Calavano http://www.Ryancalavanodirector.com Lyrics - The Man Well, you can tell everybody Yeah you can tell everybody Go ahead and tell everybody I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man Yes I am (x3) I'm the man (x3) I believe every lie that I ever told Paid for every heart that I ever stole Played my cards and I didn't fold Well it ain't that hard when you got soul (This is my world) Somewhere I heard that life is a test I've been through the worst, but I still give my best God made my mold different from the rest Then he broke that mold so I know I'm blessed (This is my world) Stand up now and face the sun Won't hide my tail or turn and run It's time to do what must be done And be a king when kingdom comes Well, you can tell everybody Yeah you can tell everybody Go ahead and tell everybody I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man Well, you can tell everybody Yeah you can tell everybody Go ahead and tell everybody I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man Yes I am (x3) I'm the man (x3) I got all the answers to your questions I'll be the teacher you can be the lesson I'll be the preacher be the confession I'll be the quick relief to all your stressing It's a thin line between love and hate Is you really real or is you really fake? I'm a soldier standing on my feet No surrender and I won't retreat (This is my world) Stand up now and face the sun Won't hide my tail or turn and run It's time to do what must be done And be a king when kingdom comes Well, you can tell everybody Yeah you can tell everybody Go ahead and tell everybody I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man Well, you can tell everybody Yeah you can tell everybody Go ahead and tell everybody I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man Yes I am (x3) I'm the man (x3) I'm the man Go ahead and tell everybody What I'm saying y'all I'm the man Go ahead and tell everybody What I'm saying y'all CHORUS Well, you can tell everybody Yeah you can tell everybody Go ahead and tell everybody I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man Well, you can tell everybody Yeah you can tell everybody Go ahead and tell everybody I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man Yes I am (x3) I'm the man (x3) Song Credits: The Man Produced by DJ Khalil Co-Produced by Aloe Blacc for Grand Scheme Productions Co-Produced by Alex Finkin Live Drums by: Rahki Piano by: Sam Barsh Strings by: Danny Keyz Horn Arrangement by: Dontae Winslow Trumpet & Flugelhorn by: Dontae Winslow Tenor & Baritone Saxophone by: Leon Silva Trombone by: Stan Wilkerson Additional Production by: Alex Finkin Choir by: Chin Injeti, Mashica Winslow, Dontae Winslow, Benedict Marshall, Levon Kendall, Justine Redila, Tanye Aganaba, Natasha Pheko and The Boom Booms. Published by: Aloe Blacc Publishing, Inc./ASCAP; Universal - Songs of PolyGram Int., Inc./BMI; Universal - Songs of PolyGram Int., Inc./BMI Written by E. Dawkins III Written by Elton John Written by Bernie Taupin Sample Credits: "The Man" contains an interpolation from "Your Song" written by E. John & B. Taupin. Published by Universal - Songs of PolyGram Int., Inc. (P) 2013 Aloe Blacc Recording, Inc., under exclusive license to XIX Recordings LLC/Interscope Records- published: 11 Jan 2014
- views: 58081

Wee-Man vs. Steve-O
Wee-Man does terrible things to me, and I love him so much. Yeah Wee-Man dude-bro-amigo-p...
published: 26 Feb 2014
Wee-Man vs. Steve-O
Wee-Man vs. Steve-O
Wee-Man does terrible things to me, and I love him so much. Yeah Wee-Man dude-bro-amigo-pal! Woohooo!!! If you're not following me on these pages, too, you're seriously blowing it: http://instagram.com/officiallysteveo https://twitter.com/steveo https://www.facebook.com/steveo My tour dates are on: http://steveo.com subscribe to: http://www.youtube.com.com/steveo http://www.youtube.com/SamMacaroni http://www.youtube.com.com/BeyondSlowMotion And I really love this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AZJkIW4m3I&list;=UUt54Hzhj7RpCWOYpoFJLKAQ&feature;=c4-overview- published: 26 Feb 2014
- views: 77737

Shocking CCTV shows man killed by single punch
Subscribe to ITN News: http://bit.ly/1bmWO8h
A four-and-a-half year jail sentence handed t...
published: 26 Feb 2014
Shocking CCTV shows man killed by single punch
Shocking CCTV shows man killed by single punch
Subscribe to ITN News: http://bit.ly/1bmWO8h A four-and-a-half year jail sentence handed to a man who killed a cyclist with a single punch in an unprovoked attack could be referred to the Court of Appeal, the Attorney's General Office has said. Andrew Young, 40, died after being struck by Lewis Gill, 20, in Bournemouth, Dorset, on November 6 last year, in a vicious assault caught on CCTV. Gill later pleaded guilty to manslaughter and was sentenced at Salisbury Crown Court to four-and-a-half years in prison - a sentence reportedly branded as an "absolute joke" by Mr Young's family. The Attorney General's Office has confirmed it is considering whether to refer the sentence to the Court of Appeal for being unduly lenient after receiving complaints. Only one complaint is required to trigger the process. Report by Lindsay Brown. Like us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1aENuyJ Follow us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/1fta2Qp Add us on Google+: http://bit.ly/17z0Dpd More stories from ITN: Nando's steal giant mango in ridiculous publicity stunt: http://bit.ly/Mt1jEC Mystery virus hits children with polio-like symptoms in California: http://bit.ly/1mEt51J Is this Ukrainian President Yanukovich escaping by helicopter? http://bit.ly/MSVzow Fight breaks out between Ukrainian politicians: http://bit.ly/1p0P2Xq Funny bank robbery fail: Suspect drops thousands of dollars: http://bit.ly/1mhiTIS Gross! Woman discovers maggot living in her ear: http://bit.ly/1cDvtiT Polish foreign minister to Ukraine protester: "You'll all be dead" http://bit.ly/1btIlts Ukraine: Sniper and riot police filmed opening fire at protesters: http://bit.ly/OeVIn4 Shocking moment Pussy Riot are violently attacked by police: http://bit.ly/Oe1plf Dramatic rescue: Firefighter grabs woman jumping off building: http://bit.ly/N6FF9T Hijacking footage of Ethiopian Airline flight: http://bit.ly/1fe5Upw Is this the world's weirdest hotel?: http://bit.ly/1eME92D Why marijuana employees are in demand in the US: http://bit.ly/1bYacwA See 2013's Most Watched Videos: http://bit.ly/1cKAmGl See our Biggest Videos of All Time: http://bit.ly/18ZACCf- published: 26 Feb 2014
- views: 301

Sony Pictures is looking to release a Spider-Man movie every year AND Ghostbusters 3 despi...
published: 27 Feb 2014
Sony Pictures is looking to release a Spider-Man movie every year AND Ghostbusters 3 despite the very recent death of Harold Ramis. Go home Sony you're drunk. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sign up to receive updates, offers, and information from Machinima. http://bit.ly/MachinimaNewsletter FOR MORE MACHINIMA ETC, GO TO: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=MachinimaEtc WANT TO JOIN THE MACHINIMA AFFILIATE PROGRAM? FILL OUT AN APPLICATION HERE: http://bit.ly/13ACBHg- published: 27 Feb 2014
- views: 621

Man Finds Bomb-like Device With Anti-Obama Note
At the end of his driveway in Mississippi, Christopher Stark a President Barack Obama supp...
published: 26 Feb 2014
Man Finds Bomb-like Device With Anti-Obama Note
Man Finds Bomb-like Device With Anti-Obama Note
At the end of his driveway in Mississippi, Christopher Stark a President Barack Obama supporter, found a pipe bomb-like device with an anti-Obama message scrawled on it. (Feb. 26)- published: 26 Feb 2014
- views: 82

Obama: 'We're building Iron Man'
President Obama had some fun during a White House manufacturing innovation event, announci...
published: 25 Feb 2014
Obama: 'We're building Iron Man'
Obama: 'We're building Iron Man'
President Obama had some fun during a White House manufacturing innovation event, announcing an "Iron Man" development. More from CNN at http://www.cnn.com/ To license this and other CNN/HLN content, visit http://imagesource.cnn.com or e-mail cnn.imagesource@turner.com.- published: 25 Feb 2014
- views: 2364069

THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2: RISE OF ELECTRO | Trailer & Special Clip german deutsch [HD]
http://facebook.com/vipmagazin1 ... The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise of Electro (deutscher T...
published: 26 Feb 2014
THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2: RISE OF ELECTRO | Trailer & Special Clip german deutsch [HD]
THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2: RISE OF ELECTRO | Trailer & Special Clip german deutsch [HD]
http://facebook.com/vipmagazin1 ... The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise of Electro (deutscher Trailer / Trailer deutsch german HD) - Kinostart: 17.04.2014 --- Bitte ABONNIEREN nicht vergessen: • http://www.youtube.com/vipmagazin • http://www.youtube.com/gamesmag • http://www.youtube.com/LeinwandTV • http://www.youtube.com/WissensMagazin DANKE! :) --- • Aktuelles Kinoprogramm - Neustarts der Woche: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1E36AB7080054692 • Kino-Charts: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLABA5DBBEC7803A56 • Die neuesten Kinotrailer: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL33EA698DF5D430C7 • Die neusten Gamestrailer: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD341D058DE477717 --- Offizieller deutscher Kino-Trailer zu dem Film "The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise of Electro". Originaltitel: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Action , Abenteuer , Fantasy, US 2014 Filmverleih: Sony Pictures Kinostart (DE): 17.04.2014 Schauspieler/Darsteller: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx u.a. --- Für Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) bedeutet das Leben: Stress. Neben der Bekämpfung von Kriminalität und Zeit, die er mit seiner großen Liebe Gwen (Emma Stone) verbringen will, kann sein High-School-Abschluss nicht schnell genug kommen. Peter erinnert sich an das Versprechen, welches er Gwens Vater gab: Um seine Liebe zu beschützen, muss er sich fern von ihr halten. Dieses Versprechen einzuhalten, ist für ihn jedoch unmöglich. Das Leben von Peter beginnt sich zu ändern, als der neue Bösewicht Electro (Jamie Foxx) auftaucht, sein alter Freund Harry Osborn (Dane DeHaan) zurückkehrt und Peter neue Details über seine Vergangenheit herausfindet. --- Tags: The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise of Electro Trailer german HD, The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise of Electro Trailer deutsch HD, The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise of Electro deutscher Trailer HD, The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise of Electro Kino-Trailer HD, The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise of Electro Kinotrailer HD, The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise of Electro Filmkritik HD --- Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. Uploaded with permission of / Property of: TM & (c) 2014 Sony Pictures. All Rights Reserved. Promotional use only.- published: 26 Feb 2014
- views: 301

'Fantastic Man' (Full Length) - A Film About William Onyeabor
You Should Subscribe Here Now: http://bit.ly/VErZkw
You Need To Hear This is proud to pre...
published: 25 Feb 2014
'Fantastic Man' (Full Length) - A Film About William Onyeabor
'Fantastic Man' (Full Length) - A Film About William Onyeabor
You Should Subscribe Here Now: http://bit.ly/VErZkw You Need To Hear This is proud to present 'Fantastic Man' a documentary investigating Nigerian musician William Onyeabor, a man shrouded in mystery and myth. Directed by Jake Sumner (Alldayeveryday) the film tells the story of a label's attempt to track William down, speaking to fans such as Damon Albarn, Caribou and Femi Kuti and travelling to Nigeria to meet those who've worked with him in a bid to uncover the truth about his story. http://williamonyeabor.com/ http://www.alldayeveryday.com/ http://youneedtohearthis.com Follow 'You Need To Hear This' on Twitter: https://twitter.com/YNTHT_UK #YouNeedToHearThis Click here to buy the album: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/world-psychedelic-classics/id715480408 http://luakabop.com/onyeabor/ ** Subscribe to Noisey on YouTube to stay updated on our daily releases: http://www.youtube.com/noisey Videos, daily editorial and more: http://www.noisey.com Like Noisey on Facebook: http://fb.com/noisey Follow Noisey on Twitter: http://twitter.com/noiseymusic Read our tumblr: http://noiseymusic.tumblr.com- published: 25 Feb 2014
- views: 11935

Man guilty of Transformers 4 blackmail
Subscribe: http://smarturl.it/reuterssubscribe
Hong Kong man found guilty of blackmail du...
published: 26 Feb 2014
Man guilty of Transformers 4 blackmail
Man guilty of Transformers 4 blackmail
Subscribe: http://smarturl.it/reuterssubscribe Hong Kong man found guilty of blackmail during filming of Transformers 4 movie. Paul Chapman reports More Breaking News: http://smarturl.it/BreakingNews Reuters tells the world's stories like no one else. As the largest international multimedia news provider, Reuters provides coverage around the globe and across topics including business, financial, national, and international news. For over 160 years, Reuters has maintained its reputation for speed, accuracy, and impact while providing exclusives, incisive commentary and forward-looking analysis. http://reuters.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Reuters https://plus.google.com/u/0/s/reuters https://twitter.com/Reuters- published: 26 Feb 2014
- views: 22

AMC Movie Talk - SHREK Returning, Webb Signs for SPIDER-MAN 3
In this episode of AMC Movie Talk (Wednesday February 26th 2014) we discuss:
published: 26 Feb 2014
AMC Movie Talk - SHREK Returning, Webb Signs for SPIDER-MAN 3
AMC Movie Talk - SHREK Returning, Webb Signs for SPIDER-MAN 3
In this episode of AMC Movie Talk (Wednesday February 26th 2014) we discuss: SPIDER-MAN director signs for 3rd film 5th SHREK movie coming THE COUNJURING 2 and ANNABELLE All animated SMURFS 3 ENTOURAGE movie gets release date Josh Boone to direct THE STAND Splitting book adaptations into 2 movies and live viewer questions! Buy movie tickets, get theatre and showtime information now: http://www.amctheatres.com Buy movie tickets, get theatre and showtime information now: http://www.amctheatres.com LIKE us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/amctheatres FOLLOW us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/amctheatres Stay up-to-date on all the movie news: http://www.amctheatres.com/movie-news Subscribe to the audio version of AMC Movie Talk on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/amc-movie-talk-audio-edition/id592937544 Listen to AMC Movie Talk on STITCHER Radio: http://stitcher.com/s?fid=31584&refid;=stpr SUBSCRIBE TO THIS YOUTUBE CHANNEL!- published: 26 Feb 2014
- views: 0

Spot de The Amazing Spider-Man 2: E...
published: 25 Feb 2014
SUSCRÍBETE A NUESTRO CANAL AQUÍ: http://goo.gl/V4bftb Spot de The Amazing Spider-Man 2: El Poder De Electro con Andres Iniesta, Arbeloa, Diego López y Valdez en el spot #SuMayorBatalla. Siempre hemos sabido que la batalla más importante para Spider-Man es la que mantiene en su interior: la continua lucha entre sus obligaciones diarias como Peter Parker y las extraordinarias responsabilidades como Spider-Man. Pero en The Amazing Spider-Man 2: El Poder de Electro, Peter Parker se da cuenta que va a tener que enfrentarse a un conflicto aún mayor. Es estupendo ser Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield). Para Peter Parker no hay una sensación más increíble que la de deslizarse entre los rascacielos, aceptar el hecho de que se ha convertido en un héroe y pasar tiempo con Gwen (Emma Stone). Pero ser Spider-Man tiene un precio: Spider-Man es el único capaz de proteger a sus conciudadanos neoyorquinos de los temibles villanos que acechan la ciudad. Con la aparición de Electro (Jamie Foxx), Peter tendrá que enfrentarse a un enemigo más poderoso que él. Y cuando su viejo amigo, Harry Osborn (Dane DeHaan) vuelve, Peter se da cuenta de que todos sus enemigos tienen una cosa en común: OsCorp Síguenos en: http://www.facebook.com/SonyPicturesS... http://www.twitter.com/SonyPictures_ES http://www.tuenti.com/SonyPicturesSpain- published: 25 Feb 2014
- views: 1088

Road Rage Altercation Leaves One Man Dead
The defense argues that the blow to motorist's head was not what killed him....
published: 25 Feb 2014
Road Rage Altercation Leaves One Man Dead
Road Rage Altercation Leaves One Man Dead
The defense argues that the blow to motorist's head was not what killed him.- published: 25 Feb 2014
- views: 330

Man Utd's Juan Mata takes on the bwin Corner Kick Challenge
Manchester United's new midfield maestro, Juan Mata puts his skills to the test in the lat...
published: 24 Feb 2014
Man Utd's Juan Mata takes on the bwin Corner Kick Challenge
Man Utd's Juan Mata takes on the bwin Corner Kick Challenge
Manchester United's new midfield maestro, Juan Mata puts his skills to the test in the latest edition of bwin's Corner Kick Challenge. The Spanish star follows in the footsteps of teammates Michael Carrick, David de Gea and Anderson to take part in a test which gives Man Utd players the chance to showcase their accuracy. Participants get 30 seconds to shoot at one of three goals from the corner flag, with the points awarded dependent on whether or not they hit the back of the net and which goal they score in. Mata also gave an exclusive interview to bwin which you can see here http://youtu.be/R4umFrYPHEk For more exclusive content and offers check out http://www.facebook.com/bwin, http://www.twitter.com/bwin and http://www.bwinbetting.com.- published: 24 Feb 2014
- views: 301

THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 : Nouveau Trailer des Ennemis [VF]
De nouvelles images d'Electro et du Bouffon Vert !
Page du Film ➨ http://facebook.com/Spid...
published: 25 Feb 2014
THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 : Nouveau Trailer des Ennemis [VF]
THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 : Nouveau Trailer des Ennemis [VF]
De nouvelles images d'Electro et du Bouffon Vert ! Page du Film ➨ http://facebook.com/SpiderMan.LeFilm Le Meilleur des Super Héros ➨ http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5YIdP7ffs2vmTefbJWD4buhqlSvM1ngD The Amazing Spider Man 2 Bande Annonce VOST "Les Ennemis" Un film de Marc Webb Avec Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx, Dane DeHaan, Paul Giamatti, Sally Field, Embeth Davidtz, C. Thomas Howell... Date de sortie au cinéma en France : 30 avril 2014 THE AMAZING SPIDER MAN 2 Trailer VOST "Les Ennemis" © Sony Pictures- published: 25 Feb 2014
- views: 9867
Youtube results:

Thief: Custom / Master Stealth Walkthrough / Iron Man / All Modifiers/PC - Part 2 - Chapter 1
Thief: Custom / Master Stealth Walkthrough / Iron Man / All Modifiers/PC - Part 2 - Chapte...
published: 26 Feb 2014
Thief: Custom / Master Stealth Walkthrough / Iron Man / All Modifiers/PC - Part 2 - Chapter 1
Thief: Custom / Master Stealth Walkthrough / Iron Man / All Modifiers/PC - Part 2 - Chapter 1
Thief: Custom / Master Stealth Walkthrough / Iron Man / All Modifiers/PC - Part 2 - Chapter 1 - Lockdown This is the Hardest Walkthrough I have ever attempted on my Channel. A Custom Master guide for Thief 2014. All Modifiers are set to on as well as Iron Man & No Alerts. These videos will take time as I only get one chance to go through each level for if I fail, it's GAME OVER. I hope you will join me for this clear suicide attempt but I figure we will have lots of fun! Don't forget to leave a like and FAV as well as share so that others may see how a Thief is never caught......... Subscribe to my Youtube Channel for more Videos. http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Centerstrain01 Follow me on Twitter @ http://www.twitter.com/Centerstrain01 For my Completed Walkthroughs go to http://www.youtube.com/user/Centerstrain01/videos?view=1 Thief walkthrough thief walkthrough part 1 thief guide thief master walkthrough thief master customization walkthrough thief iron man walkthrough thief playthrough part 1 thief master stealth walkthrough thief custom master stealth walkthrough guide iron man all modifiers no alerts centerstrain01 part chapter mission 100% expert hard pc max settings ps4 xbox one "thief master walkthrough" "thief walkthrough" "thief walkthrough part 1" "thief master guide" "thief custom guide" "thief custom stealth walkthrough" ending "thief 100% walkthrough" "thief iron man walkthrough" "thief no alert walkthrough" Thief 2014"- published: 26 Feb 2014
- views: 3605

Aquadrop feat. KG Man - MI BARRIO [FREE DL]
Share to FB: http://on.fb.me/1ljoiRQ Twitter: http://bit.ly/1gzQr13
published: 25 Feb 2014
Aquadrop feat. KG Man - MI BARRIO [FREE DL]
Aquadrop feat. KG Man - MI BARRIO [FREE DL]
Share to FB: http://on.fb.me/1ljoiRQ Twitter: http://bit.ly/1gzQr13 Download:http://on.fb.me/1jQOrH6 Aquadrop http://facebook.com/aquadropmusic http://soundcloud.com/aquadrop http://twitter.com/1aquadrop1 Trap and Bass Events: https://www.facebook.com/TrapandBass/events ︻╦╤─ Follow Trap and Bass ─╤╦︻ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trapandbass Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/trapandbass Soundcloud: http://www.soundcloud.com/trapandbass TNB Radio Station: http://di.fm/trap Clothing: http://trapandbass.com/x/RepresentTRAPandBASS Record Label: https://www.facebook.com/Highintensityrecords ︻╦╤─ Partners ─╤╦︻ http://www.jamvana.com- published: 25 Feb 2014
- views: 11173

AMC Movie Talk - New SPIDER-MAN Footage, LeBron For SPACE JAM 2?
On this episode of AMC Movie Talk (Monday February 24th 2014) we talk about:
LeBron in SP...
published: 24 Feb 2014
AMC Movie Talk - New SPIDER-MAN Footage, LeBron For SPACE JAM 2?
AMC Movie Talk - New SPIDER-MAN Footage, LeBron For SPACE JAM 2?
On this episode of AMC Movie Talk (Monday February 24th 2014) we talk about: LeBron in SPACE JAM 2 reports Seth Rogen does CONSOLE WARS New footage in SPIDER-MAN trailer Eli Roths KNOCK KNOCK Box Office surprises ROBIN HOOD sequel? MIGHTY DUCKS 4 chances ... and live viewer questions Buy movie tickets, get theatre and showtime information now: http://www.amctheatres.com Buy movie tickets, get theatre and showtime information now: http://www.amctheatres.com LIKE us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/amctheatres FOLLOW us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/amctheatres Stay up-to-date on all the movie news: http://www.amctheatres.com/movie-news Subscribe to the audio version of AMC Movie Talk on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/amc-movie-talk-audio-edition/id592937544 Listen to AMC Movie Talk on STITCHER Radio: http://stitcher.com/s?fid=31584&refid;=stpr SUBSCRIBE TO THIS YOUTUBE CHANNEL!- published: 24 Feb 2014
- views: 0

Thanks for watching my Monday show, Nation!
Get a free audiobook! http://audible.com/phill...
published: 24 Feb 2014
Thanks for watching my Monday show, Nation! Get a free audiobook! http://audible.com/phillyd Check out our new Phone Cases!: http://bit.ly/1fnQHUg Didjaknow Space Edition: http://bit.ly/MV1w4e Check out the latest PDS: http://bit.ly/1jv1lb9 *Links and Description type things down below* --------------------------------------- ALL of Today's Stories: --------------------------------------- Alabama School Prayer Bill Passed: http://bit.ly/1gx1c4n Oklahoma Schools Require Finance Lessons: http://bit.ly/1fmDsmW Breaking Bad Fully on Netflix: http://on.mash.to/1k3Zl9o Mario Kart as an Olympic Sport: http://bit.ly/1c1P7XL Fake Homeless Guy Exposed: http://bit.ly/1o13ZFD Robbery Fail: http://bit.ly/MVLPKb SI Swimsuit Lovely Ladies: http://bit.ly/1plenf0 Harold Ramis Passes Away at 69: http://bit.ly/1fyzp5D Uganda Anti-Gay Bill Passes: http://bit.ly/1fnQiRP The Ukraine Today: http://usat.ly/1mDow7L --------------------------------------------- All the Social Type Links n Schtuff --------------------------------------------- Philly D OFFICIAL APP: http://bit.ly/aIyY0w FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/mqpRW7 TWITTER: http://Twitter.com/PhillyD INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/philly... WEBSITE: http://phillyd.tv GOOGLE+: http://bit.ly/KNK0cq Edited by: @MattEatsMochi music by: Ronald Jenkees: http://bit.ly/mQsz3h @Hagemeister- published: 24 Feb 2014
- views: 38704