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Trop Phallique - SLG N°71 - MATHIEU SOMMET
Présenté par Mathieu Sommet, voici le 93ème épisode de SLG. Au programme, de l'urinothérapie avec André et Titine, et un opéra de Carmen façon nudiste. VOTEZ POUR VOTRE VIDÉO PRÉFÉRÉE : S'ABONNER : FACEBOOK : TWITTER : T-SHIRTS : Ci dessous, vous trouverez les liens des vidéos présentées. Évitez tout de même les messages de haine et la violence gratuite envers les auteurs. L'esprit de SLG est avant tout humoristique et bon enfant :) Vidéos Sources : L'urine et nous : Le pire Carmen jamais joué : ---------------------------------------------------- Musique du Générique par Shindehai : Musique Rock / Metal (Séquence de la douche) : Breaching the Gates Remastered ---------------------------------------------------- Depuis mars 2011 j'anime l'émission Salut les Geeks : Review de vidéo du web en compagnie de mes multiples personnalités ! J'essaye de mettre du contenu très régulièrement : - Deux épisodes de Salut les Geeks par mois. - Un Envers du Décor, émission où je vous montre les coulisses, les bêtisiers, où je discute du contenu des épisodes et je réponds bien évidement à vos questions. ---------------------------------------------------- Découvrez le boulot d'Alexis Lloyd : Sa chaîne youtube :
Présenté par Mathieu Sommet, voici le 92ème épisode de SLG. Au programme, Lucas à la morgue ainsi qu’un reggae des familles. VOTEZ POUR VOTRE VIDÉO PRÉFÉRÉE : S'ABONNER : FACEBOOK : TWITTER : T-SHIRTS : Ci dessous, vous trouverez les liens des vidéos présentées. Évitez tout de même les messages de haine et la violence gratuite envers les auteurs. L'esprit de SLG est avant tout humoristique et bon enfant :) Vidéos Sources : Lucas Sharkur et les cadavres : Le Reggae de Pleuville : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Musique du Générique par Shindehai : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Depuis mars 2011 j'anime l'émission Salut les Geeks : Review de vidéo du web en compagnie de mes multiples personnalités ! J'essaye de mettre du contenu très régulièrement : - Deux épisodes de Salut les Geeks par mois. - Un Envers du Décor, émission où je vous montre les coulisses, les bêtisiers, où je discute du contenu des épisodes et je réponds bien évidement à vos questions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Musique : "Come Out And Play" réalisée par DesperateMeasurez : Licence : Reprise de l'opening de True Detective réalisée par Alexis Lloyd : Sa chaîne youtube :
Présenté par Mathieu Sommet, voici le 91ème épisode de SLG. Au programme, une secte religieuse et une femme à trois seins promenant ses chiens. VOTEZ POUR VOTRE VIDÉO PRÉFÉRÉE : S'ABONNER : Facebook : Twitter : T-Shirts Salut les Geeks : Ci dessous, vous trouverez les liens des vidéos présentées. Évitez tout de même les messages de haine et la violence gratuite envers les auteurs. L'esprit de SLG est avant tout humoristique et bon enfant :) Vidéos Sources : Je t'en prie Cathy : Femme à trois seins avec ses chiens : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Musique du Générique par Shindehai : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Depuis mars 2011 j'anime l'émission Salut les Geeks : Review de vidéo du web en compagnie de mes multiples personnalités ! J'essaye de mettre du contenu très régulièrement : - Deux épisodes de Salut les Geeks par mois. - Un Envers du Décor, émission où je vous montre les coulisses, les bêtisiers, où je discute du contenu des épisodes et je réponds bien évidement à vos questions.
Présenté par Mathieu Sommet, voici le 90ème épisode de SLG. Au programme, une compagne de sensibilisation contre le viol et l'histoire d'un homme fou et de sa poubelle sur le sol. VOTEZ POUR VOTRE VIDÉO PRÉFÉRÉE : Facebook : Twitter : T-Shirts Salut les Geeks : Ci dessous, vous trouverez les liens des vidéos présentées. Évitez tout de même les messages de haine et la violence gratuite envers les auteurs. L'esprit de SLG est avant tout humoristique et bon enfant :) Vidéos Sources : Campagne contre le viol : (Original supprimé de la chaîne) Voici un doublon : L'homme fou et sa poubelle ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Musique du Générique par Shindehai : -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Présenté par Mathieu Sommet, voici le 89ème épisode de SLG. Au programme un spot de prévention "écrasant" et Savannah la chasseuse VOTEZ POUR VOTRE VIDÉO PRÉFÉRÉE : Facebook : Twitter : T-Shirts Salut les Geeks : Ci dessous, vous trouverez les liens des vidéos présentées. Évitez tout de même les messages de haine et la violence gratuite envers les auteurs. L'esprit de SLG est avant tout humoristique et bon enfant :) Vidéos Sources : Spot sécurité routière : Savannah et la chasse : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Musique du Générique par Shindehai : Musique Outro : "Come Out And Play" réalisé par DesperateMeasurez -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Présenté par Mathieu Sommet, voici le 87ème épisode de SLG. Au programme de l'éveil sexuel pour les tous petits et le groupe Allemand les Die Woodys VOTEZ POUR VOTRE VIDÉO PRÉFÉRÉE : Facebook : Twitter : T-Shirts Salut les Geeks : Ci dessous, vous trouverez les liens des vidéos présentées. Évitez tout de même les messages de haine et la violence gratuite envers les auteurs. L'esprit de SLG est avant tout humoristique et bon enfant :) Vidéos Sources : Baby ! Love your Body : Les Die Woodys : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Musique du Générique par Shindehai : Musique : "Come Out And Play" réalisé par DesperateMeasurez Licence : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Un grand merci à tous les personnes qui m'ont aidé à traduire la chanson des Die Woodys. Mais aussi celles et ceux qui m'ont envoyé une photo avec le #NotMyGnome.
Présenté par Mathieu Sommet, voici le 88ème épisode de SLG. Au programme Mc'Donald's aux Philippines et un peu d'ostéoporose en trottinette. VOTEZ POUR VOTRE VIDÉO PRÉFÉRÉE : Facebook : Twitter : T-Shirts Salut les Geeks : Ci dessous, vous trouverez les liens des vidéos présentées. Évitez tout de même les messages de haine et la violence gratuite envers les auteurs. L'esprit de SLG est avant tout humoristique et bon enfant :) Vidéos Sources : Mc'do Kiddie Crew 1/3 : Mc'do Kiddie Crew 2/3 : Mc'do Kiddie Crew 3/3 : Tout sur l'Ostéoporose : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Musique du Générique par Shindehai : Mami Punk : Outro Dubstep par DOCTOR VOX : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Merci à Bruce de E-Penser pour sa participation à l'épisode : Un grand merci à Elio, Nyo et Alexis pour la réalisation de cet épisode.
Voici 4 ans que l'émission existe. Et comme chaque année, la tradition exige une chanson ! TÉLÉCHARGER le morceau : (Bientôt). S'ABONNER : FACEBOOK : TWITTER : T-SHIRTS : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Réalisé en collaboration avec Alexis Lloyd (qui m'aide aussi sur toutes les compositions des Instants Panda). Vous êtes libre de le soutenir, lui ainsi que ses projets musicaux en achetant ce morceau. Retrouvez le travail d'Alexis : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Clip réalisé au Bar Concert du Buzz. (106 Boulevard de Belleville 75020 PARIS). Merci à eux ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Un énorme merci à Pierre pour sa réalisation. Et bien entendu, merci à tous les figurants qui ont participé à ce clip : Thomas Pavic, Lucie, Laurène, Hylenir, Tessa, Sylvain, Vadhim, Alexis, Tom, Laëtitia, Curtis, Ségolène, Randy, Eleanor, Victor, Alyson, Basile, Océane ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Depuis mars 2011 j'anime l'émission Salut les Geeks : Review de vidéo du web en compagnie de mes multiples personnalités ! J'essaye de mettre du contenu très régulièrement : - Deux épisodes de Salut les Geeks par mois. - Un Envers du Décor, émission où je vous montre les coulisses, les bêtisiers, où je discute du contenu des épisodes et je réponds bien évidement à vos questions. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Présenté par Mathieu Sommet, voici le 86ème épisode de SLG. En ce début de saison 5, on sort de l'asile, on passe l'aspirateur et on récupère son courrier en Russie. VOTEZ POUR VOTRE VIDÉO PRÉFÉRÉE : Facebook : Twitter : T-Shirts Salut les Geeks : Ci dessous, vous trouverez les liens des vidéos présentées. Évitez tout de même les messages de haine et la violence gratuite envers les auteurs. L'esprit de SLG est avant tout humoristique et bon enfant :) Vidéos Sources : Publicité aspirateur Bissell : La poste Russe : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Musique du Générique par Shindehai : Instrumental Instand Panda de "Jace D. BeatsTV" : Musique du flashback de "Vincent Bruel" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Un grand merci à tous ceux qui m'ont aidé à réaliser ce début de Saison 5 : Alexis, Nyo, Margaux, Loris, Crawling-Flesh et Fred !
Présenté par Mathieu Sommet, voici le 84ème épisode de SLG : Les Plastics, de la boue et une télé réalité porno. VOTEZ POUR VOTRE VIDÉO PRÉFÉRÉE : VOTE CLÔTU...
Présenté par Mathieu Sommet, voici le 81ème épisode de SLG : Le porno chez les Mormons, un hôtel anus et un ami filme l'accident de son pote. VOTEZ POUR VOTR...
Présenté par Mathieu Sommet, voici le 85ème épisode de SLG : Les Lions de Montargis, un musicien fou et la conclusion ? (Pas de votes lors de cet épisode) Fa...
Présenté par Mathieu Sommet, voici le 71ème épisode de SLG : Le film Hentai Kamen, le cultissime 2010Tonetta et la mignonne T-Shana ! T-Shirts Salut les Geek...
Présenté par Mathieu Sommet, voici le 83ème épisode de SLG : Star Trek en Martinique, un renifleur de fesses et un concours de bébés qui pleurent. VOTEZ POUR...
Nouvel épisode de Salut les Geeks ; Sophia Grace, une mami légèrement raciste et un spot sur la masturbation. T-Shirts Salut les Geeks : http://salutlesgeeks...
Présenté par Mathieu Sommet, voici le 78ème épisode de SLG : Un complot sur Facebook, les aliens débarquent et des gilets de sécurité pour poulets VOTEZ POUR...
Présenté par Mathieu Sommet, voici le 77ème épisode de SLG : Un viol décomplexé, un massage cardiaque insolite et de la violence contre un homme statue. VOTE...
Présenté par Mathieu Sommet, voici le 72ème épisode de SLG : Une secte expliquée aux enfants, Jo'ss et son clip musculation, et DJ Albert dans les méandres d...
Présenté par Mathieu Sommet, voici le 80ème épisode de SLG : Le capitalisme selon Kevin O'Leary, un ours en peluche terrifiant et le LipDub de MaxiHome. VOTE...
Nouvel épisode de Salut les Geeks ; Nicole Westbrook, le WTF du jour et un Mathieu Valbuena Facebook : Twitter : https:...
Nouvel épisode de Salut les Geeks ; Une cover de qualité, une glace sexy et un cactus. T-Shirts Salut les Geeks : Facebo...
Présenté par Mathieu Sommet, voici le 70ème épisode de SLG : Jean-Claude Van Damme, Teuilteuil d'Epinal, et un enfant et son godmichet. T-Shirts Salut les Ge...
Nouvel épisode de Salut les Geeks ; Sam ne boit jamais mais chante, Thibaultmuss aussi malheureusement, le tout direction la chaise électrique. T-Shirts Salu...
Nouvel épisode de Salut les Geeks ; Un ninja en bon point, une superbe chanteuse et un plongeon hivernal. Facebook : Tw...
Rebecca Black performed "Friday" live at DigiFest NYC on June 8, 2014. Live stream presented by Coca-Cola. See the full recap of #DigiFestNYC:
On March 23rd 2013 Rebecca Black performed at the 3rd Annual youtube gathering Playlist Live with special guest Dave Days. Her second performance of the nigh...
Rebecca Black performed "Saturday" live at DigiFest NYC on June 8, 2014. Live stream presented by Coca-Cola. See the full recap of #DigiFestNYC: http://bit.l...
A "Friday" and "My Moment" Mash Up performed Live on America's Got Talent by Rebecca Black! For more Rebecca Black music check out:
Rebecca black performing in teen vogue main stage. Mar.22 2014
YouTube rising star Rebecca Black sings her catchy song "Friday" for Good Morning America. Full interview here:
PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE HATE ON ON REBECCA BLACKS SOCIAL MEDIA. I shared this story because I thought it was funny, not to be hateful or put her down. Hate is hate, and no one deserves it. Thank you for supporting me, but I would never want it in that way. I love all of you! Don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed this video! I post new stuff every Wedneday. ▶FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @thegabbieshow ▶FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @thegabbieshow ▶FOLLOW ME ON VINE: The Gabbie Show ▶SNAP ME! I SNAP BACK: TheGabbieShow ▶ MY CLOTHING LINE!
Welp. Here you go. Excuse the bad lighting and audio, just wanted to make this as raw as I could. Not perfect, but ayyyy lmao. Open me for cookies! follow me...
Rebecca Black appeared on Australia's X Factor during her visit to Sydney. She sings live here, and with no lipsync. She tries a pop rock song called Since U...
Katy Perry singing Rebecca Black Friday Live Melbourne Australia 2011 California Dreams tour Katy Perry singing Rebecca Black Friday Live Melbourne Australia...
Rebecca Black performs her internet smash hit Friday, live in Sydney Australia, the song hit the news for all the wrong reasons, some saying it was the worlds worst song. She also sings along to My Moment, what do you think
1. Removed the croud chearing (not that there was much to go on) 2. Reduced the music a bit so that her voice would pop out more. [it kinda makes sense why s...
Rebecca Black performs My Moment live at Suncorp Place, Sydney as a part of Telstra's 4G LTE network launch.
8/19/12 Wild 100 @ Wildwood Convention Center.
Rebecca Black with Dave Days performing Friday! You have seen the original, now see the live version! With a Satur...
10 O'Clock Live - A weekly, live comedy and current affairs show hosted by David Mitchell, Jimmy Carr, Charlie Brooker and Lauren Laverne. 10:00pm | 24th Mar...
More live from Rebecka :
Rebecca Black sings "Saturday" LIVE ft. Youtube Stars
This aired on UStream at 16/12/2011 or the 17th in Australia. The chat was announced on Rebecca Black's Twitter. ( Rebecca Black answered fan's questions...
House of Blues Anaheim 12/23/12.
On March 23rd 2013 Rebecca Black performed at the 3rd Annual youtube gathering Playlist Live with special guest Dave Days. Her first performance of the night was her new original song In Your Words. Official Music Video - __________ Rebecca Black __________ Dave Days __________ More of Me & More Playlist Live Footage
Subscribe to Rebecca's Channel: Subscribe to My Channel: My Links: Collab Channel - Twitter - Vine - Instagram - Snapchat - JonahGreen Rebecca's links: Facebook - YouTube - Twitter - Instagram -
VL'er: Website: - Tweet us! - Li...
Teen became famous after being viciously bullied for song "Friday."
Rebecca Black, artist of the song "Friday", discusses her recent rise to fame. Like us on Facebook! Follow...
On FRIDAY 11/11/11, Rebecca Black visited the YouTube Headquarters for an exclusive Q&A;, which included questions from you, her fans! Hope you enjoy!
Here is my reaction to my own song, 2 1/2 years after releasing it. Open me for cookies! follow me around idk if you want to but i guess that'd be cool: Vine: Search "Rebecca Black" SEND ME STUFF! Rebecca Black P.O. Box 18091 Anaheim, CA 92817 Business Inquiries - OUTRO SONG: thanks you guys so much for watching! don't forget to like this video (IDK MAYBE YA KNOW) and if you're feeling generous maybe add to your favorites or share this video (no pressure i promise) ((maybe a little pressure idk))
Rebecca Sing It Live Black Person Of Interest My Moment Friday Selena Gomez Sexy Music Video Lyrics Interview YouTube Viral Demi Lovato Justin Bieber Turn To...
Tween pop singer Rebecca Black's music video gets slammed on the Internet. Read more:
oh look its an interview....kinda Follow Me Twitter: Facebook: Instagram:
THUMBS UP if you liked this video! COMMENT what you think of me ;) Open me for cookies! MY LINKS!
Rock Forever Magazine interview with Rebecca Black! We talked to her about the "Friday" music video, what it was like to work with Katy Perry, her latest sin...
Justin and Rebecca really get into it after Rebecca asks for Beiber's love and is ruidly rejected. Rebecca proceeds to tell Beiber to go cut himself and die,...
Lady Gaga Talks Rebecca Black.
Pacific Rim Video correspondent Chris Trondsen interviews Rebecca Black during Sam Pottorff's 18th Birthday Party held at The Avalon in Hollywood, CA on Sund...
In this interview, Singer Rebecca Black gives fans a sneak peak of the projects she has in store. She also reveals her favorite songs of summer. SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS AND NEWS LET'S CONNECT: Google+ ► Facebook ► Twitter ► L.A. Times ►
Hope you like this, please subscribe and like! - Become a Fan! - Follow Us! Joslyn Davis interviewed YouTube sensation Rebecca Black on the red c...
Rebecca Sing It Live Black Person Of Interest My Moment Friday Selena Gomez Sexy Music Video Lyrics Interview YouTube Viral Demi Lovato Justin Bieber Turn To...
Pacific Rim Video Press / Front Row Features Wire host Chris Trondsen interviews Youtubers: Lauren Elizabeth, JennxPenn, Thatsojack and Rebecca Black at VidC...
Interview w/ Rebecca Black & Epic Meal Time Shorty Awards 2011 At the shorty awards we got to hang out with Epic meal time and had a great time Rebecca Black...
Watch the official "Friday" music video: http://Facebook....
reupload. -- DISCLAIMER! ---- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as critici...
Rebecca Black sings her hit song, Friday, for one hour. I claim no ownership of the video. Original:
well back from 2011, this music video sucks and shit from trizzy66 aka ARK Music Factory but well after hating this music video, this song was really catchy ...
Yes, 30 minutes long. The slowest around. Still fun fun fun fun.
I do not own anything, I am not getting paid to put this up. I am simply just putting this up for the enjoyment of others. If you would like me to put the ot...
As the title says.
A 20 minute yoga flow for all levels. Tune in regularly to develop core strength, mobilize the spine and connect to your centre - an awesome wakeup practice for your body and mind. Get involved! Enjoy! and share as you like. Namaste x
rebecca is back did she found her baby's daddy?found out for yourself :)
Our performances will be uploaded tomorrow! Stayed tuned for those! VL'er: Website:
YES this is old and has been ran into the ground...HOWEVER...the LDT crew still had a hilarious first reaction to it.......and let's be honest....this track is still better than any of that Bieber crap...even if it's just for the laugh! _______ Let’s Do This was a pop culture podcast that ran on the now shut down created by Korey Coleman. Spill may be gone BUT Korey and pals still go on strong with their new project double where you can see more of the same If you want more LDT classic’s there are a few other YouTubers that have uploaded dome of their best like these 2 channels and of course Double Toasted has it’s own YT Channel - YOU SHOULD CHECK OUT *THIS HAS BEEN A FAN UPLOAD NOT FOR CREATED FOR REVENUE OR PROMOTION - JUST CELEBRATING SOME GREAT PODCASTS*
2) Scott and Todd still fucking suck so bad. ----- To listen to The Opie & Anthony Show live, five days a week between 6am-10am ET on XM 103 / Sirius 206, su... 7) Chipbacca starts a brief look at the Star Wars Holiday Special, we wrap up. ----- To listen to The Opie & Anthony Show live, five days a week between 6am-... 8) We wrap up today's show. ----- To listen to The Opie & Anthony Show live, five days a week between 6am-10am ET on XM 103 / Sirius 206, subscribe to Sirius... The show is quickly wrapped up, they bother William Shatner. ----- To listen to The Opie & Anthony Show live, five days a week between 6am-10am ET on XM 103 ... Opie has allergies, the listeners are dumb. ----- To listen to The Opie & Anthony Show live, five days a week between 6am-10am ET on XM 103 / Sirius 206, sub... A few days after Barack Obama... Nick and Ant hate Obama, Jocktober cut out the middle (posted separately), wrap up the show. ----- To listen to The Opie & Anthony Show live, five days a wee... Subscribe - The best of Tippy Tom on O&A; including, sitting in Anthony's chair,... 3) Martin Bashir was fired from MSNBC for suggesting Sarah Palin should ha... (#6) The show wraps up and we listen to I Have A Bad Case Of Diarrhea to end the show. (03/10/2014) Follow Opie @ ... 7) Justin Bieber is in "trouble" for some graffiti in Australia, the show wraps up. ----- To listen to The Opie & Anthony Show live, five days a week between... The Piers Morgan debate and Erock's payment are discussed in the wrap up. ----- To listen to The Opie & Anthony Show live, five days a week between 6am-10am ... 6) Sirius XM killed the big event the show had thought of for their 20th anniversary, Jimmy is fucking infuriated. All three (for the first time if I recall)... Bob Kelly joins birthday boy Sam Roberts for his show, they talk about ghosts. ----- To listen to The Opie & Anthony Show live, five days a week between 6am-... 10) Anthony has bad hearing, the show wraps up. ----- To listen to The Opie & Anthony Show live, five days a week between 6am-10am ET on XM 103 / Sirius 206,... On this episode of the Opie & Anthony Podcast - We look at some highlights from the first 3 months on satellite radio. Bits include: 'Donkey Sausage', 'The H... 1) The boys start the show off talking about a gift box Opie received from Dollar Shave Club and how podcast's a... Subscribe - Stalker patty is in studio ... Anthony had a party over the weekend to mask how uncomfortable he'd be around just Erock, the two hot interns were invited along with most of the staff. The ... Filmed using Nikon D3100 and standard sony video camera, along with the use of a couple of Gopro's, just for fun :) Filmed by William Opie and Harriet burden... What a mess, all around. Continued... 9) We take a look at Rebecca Black's new song "Saturday", the show wraps up. ----- To listen to The Opie & Anthony Show live, fi... 6) We wrap up today's show with talk of Opie's childhood, some news stories and what will be discussed tomorrow. ----- To listen to The Opie & Anthony Show l... Opie, Anthony:, Rebecca, Blacks, Saturday, 120913, Opie, Anthony:, Sirius, XM, Sucks, WrapUp, 111913, Opie, Anthony:, Star, Wars, Holiday, Special, WrapUp, 120213, Opie, Anthony:, Nick, DiPaolo, 100113, Opie, Anthony:, Anthony, Cant, Hear, 103113, Opie, Anthony:, Compound, Party, WrapUp, 061013, Opie, Anthony:, WrappingUp, Todays, Show, 121013, Opie, Anthony:, Justin, Biebers, Graffiti, Show, Wraps, Up, 120513, Opie, Anthony:, Wrap, Up, 121613, Opie, Anthony:, Wrap, Up, 101613, Opie, Anthony:, Wrap, Up, 101513, Opie, Anthony, Show, Wrap, Up, 03102014, Opie, Anthony, Teen, Mom, Porno, Chip, Commentary, Opie, Anthony, Ops, Gift, Box, Podcasts, 03122014, Opie, Anthony:, The, Mel, Gibson, Tapes, 0713081110, 041912, Opie, Anthony:, The, Mel, Gibson, Tapes, 0713081110, 041912, Opie, Anthony:, Trumpet, Player, Berated, 101613, Opie, Anthony:, Star, Wars, Holiday, Special, WrapUp, 120213, Opie, Anthony:, Goat, In, Court, Whats, Balderdash?, 120513
Sorry, had to reupload the video, 30% of my videos got deleted ;'(
Caution: may be inaudible without a subwoofer
Rebecca Black returns to debut "Saturday," affiliate links maybe illegal on YouTube, the bonuses of really short videos, and more.
Borderlands 2 Let's Play, and I might die from excitement. Or all the energy drinks... ☻☻Subscribe:☻☻ Stream:
let's see if you can survive with this one :D plz subscribe for more in my new acc. and i think this is fake but i do...
So, I learned that world can both be a very big place, and a very small place at the same time. It just depends on how you like to look at the world. Previous Video: - Check out my awesome T-Shirts and Hoodies! - Link to the Survival Games Servers: - Link to the epic shaders mod I use: - Music in the Outro: -
Yo! Check Out The Best Rebecca Black Parodies for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday! We love you RB! And Pato too!
Because he's almost as bad as her. Almost
Shane And Friends - Ep. 1 (with Rebecca Black) Shane and Lauren interview Rebecca Black!
inline-right " >YONDER ALONSO. Age: 28 . Pos ... SLG, 1 HR, 4 RBIs, 4 runs, 8 BBs, 6 Ks, 1 SB (33 ABs).
U~T San Diego 2015-04-18SLG) ("Sterling" or the "Company"), an international oil and gas company with exploration, ...
Stockhouse 2015-04-18SLG) ("Sterling" or the "Company"), an international oil and gas company with exploration, ...
noodls 2015-04-18n">(Reuters) - Macerich Co's (MAC. N) fourth largest shareholder, Cohen & Steers Inc (CNS ... N) and SL Green Realty Corp (SLG. N).
Reuters 2015-04-16In 2015 that upward trend has continued, albeit more modestly, with ESS, SLG, and EQR.
CNBC 2015-04-13(Source: ... 7:21 PM ET Press Release.7 :21 PM ET ... ) and on-base percentages (.667 ... SLG, .480 ... SLG, .429 ... J ... OBP).
noodls 2015-04-13More than 250 players with San Diego County ties have played in the major leagues through the years ... SLG, .817 ... SLG, .780
U~T San Diego 2015-04-12... File Catalyst, CTG, Pro Sound Effects, Editor Keys, HB Communications, Oracle, NUGEN Audio, and SLG.
Stockhouse 2015-04-11... File Catalyst, CTG, Pro Sound Effects, Editor Keys, HB Communications, Oracle, NUGEN Audio, and SLG.
noodls 2015-04-11SLG) had fairly comparable production to Sandoval (.279 ... SLG) last season — and he comes at a savings of nearly $13 million.
U~T San Diego 2015-04-09inline-left " >Prior history at Petco ... The others have — quite effectively. Player AB HR AVG OBP SLG. Matt Kemp 214 7 .322 ... ^ ... .
U~T San Diego 2015-04-09Are these guys for real? ... very much so ... However, with only nine home runs and a slg% sitting at a mediocre.364
WPXI 2015-04-09(Source: Oakland Athletics ) Press Release ... ROSS AVG G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI BB SO SB CS SLG OBP ... .306 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
noodls 2015-04-08Rebecca Renee Black (born June 21, 1997) is an American pop singer and dancer who gained extensive media attention with the 2011 single "Friday". Her mother paid $4,000 to have the single and an accompanying music video put out as a vanity release through the record label ARK Music Factory. The song was co-written and produced by Clarence Jey and Patrice Wilson of Ark Music Factory. After the video went viral on YouTube and other social media sites, "Friday" was derided by many music critics and viewers, who dubbed it "the worst song ever." The music video received around 167 million views, causing Black to gain international attention as a "viral star", before being removed from the site on June 16. Black re-uploaded it in her own channel three months later.
Rebecca Black was born on June 21, 1997, in Irvine, California. She is the daughter of John Jeffery Black and Georgina Marquez Kelly, both veterinarians. She is of Mexican, Spanish, Italian, English, and Polish descent. An honor student, Black studied dance, auditioned for school shows, attended music summer camps, and began singing publicly in 2008 after joining the patriotic group Celebration USA.[citation needed] In 2011 Black left public school in favor of homeschooling, both in response to constant verbal bullying at school and in order to focus more of her time on her career. Black later said that her main reason for the move to homeschooling was more for career reasons rather than the bullying.
Been checkin you for so long
and i feel (feel)
Girl you should let me know what the deal (what the deal)
been peepin out yo vibe(vibe)
think you wanna let me slide(slide)
So what you need to do right now
Is keep it real
i know you want me girl
just like
i want you(i want you)
so stop frontin like you dont
when you do(do)
so if you feel naughty(naughty)
if you really bout it (bout it)
and if you get me rowdy (rowdy)
my love will make you shout it shout it
IF you (feelin like lovin me)
IF you(feelin like kissin me)
if you (feelin like lovin me, holdin me)
If you (feelin like lovin me)
So on them lonley nights girl there for U
let me come satisfy you for an hour or two(two)
baby dont be shy
cuz im not judgin you
I hungry for your love so let me through
girl lets stop talkin bout them thangs we can do(do)
and lets just be about them thangs we can do(do)
so if you feelin naughty
and if you really bout it bout it
and if you get me rowdy get rowdy rowdy
my love will make you shout it shout it
Its a silky silky silky thang
silky silky silky silky thang nah nah nah nah
See I got something for you
meet me in my bedroom
so we can laugh the night away
im tryin to be forreal
wanna show you how i feel
cuz i know that you feelin like.lovin me!
Chorus 3x
The lovers have returned to make me wanna make love to you
so bring yo sexallent body ova here and let me do the things i do
in my bedroom im gone love you down just like a playa would
and turn you out my superstar make you feel real good
I find out if you feelin like lovin me, sexin me, holdin me, kissin me squezzin me
Say yeaaa yeaa
say yeeaaa yeaaa yeaa yeaa
Oh yeaaaaaaa
Step right up, hurry hurry, before the show begins, my friend.
Stand in line, get your tickets, I hope you will attend.
It'll only cost you fifty cents to see.
What life has done to those like you and me.
See the man, with a broken heart you'll see that he is sad.
He hurts so bad.
See the girl who has lost the only love she ever had.
There's got to be no sadder show to see.
No doubt about it satisfactions guaranteed.
So let the side show begin hurry hurry, step right on in.
Can't afford to pass it by, guaranteed to make you cry.
Side show begin (hurry hurry) step right on in.
Can't afford to pass it by, guaranteed to make you cry.
See the man, who's been crying, for a million years.
So many tears.
See the girl, who's collecting broken hearts for souvenirs.
It's more exciting than a one man band.
The saddest little show in all the land.
I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you
I really didn't, I'm so sorry
I just want you to sit down for just a minute
Let me talk to you
Last night we had an argument
You told me you love me
All the things I said I never meant no baby
I didn't mean to make you cry
I didn't mean to make you say, "Bye bye bye"
Baby won't you let me look inside your soul
Let me make you lose control
Let me be the one you need
Baby just come to me
Now tell me girl what you want from me
Whatever it is you desire, I wanna give my baby
I wanna feel your body yearn
All your softest spots I plan to learn
Baby won't you let me just kiss you down
Make you spin around and 'round
Flip you girl from left to right, if you don't mind
Baby can I just spend the night
You know what I'm talking about baby
I never meant to hurt you
I never wanted to see you cry
So, I'm right here now baby
I'm asking you, I'm begging you
Just give me one more chance baby
Baby won't you let me just kiss you down
Make you spin around and 'round
Flip you girl from left to right, if you don't mind
Baby can I just spend the night
Let me turn you on
Can I turn you on? Can I turn you on?
Till the break of dawn baby
Can I turn you on? Can I turn you on?
from the first that i saw you girl
i knew it had to be you
your all that ive dreamed of will be her with me
now you made my dreams reality
i knew it was you lady
iknew it had to be you
you turn my world babe
the sky is blue
So tell me baby
Whatchu wanna do?
We got all night
So baby it's on, it's on, it's on, yeah
Deeper, deeper baby
Deeper than he's ever gone
Cuz I can go on and on and on
You've got to show me lady
Just how you feel
I want to relax your mind
And go so deep
Because I can go deeper baby
Deeper than he's ever gone
Cuz I need it, and you want it
Cuz you've got what I want and I want what's inside
1 - Can we do it on the low
Keep the lights down
I can do a sex move and get funkey
Workin' it like it ain't no thing
Makin' it sweet in the sheets
From your head down to your feet
2 - Deeper, deeper baby
Deeper than he's ever gone
So baby it's on, it's on, it's on
I can go deeper, deeper baby
Deeper than he's ever gone
Cuz I can go on, and on, and on
Champagne and candlelights would be nice
Just me and you
Let's start things off right tonight
Girl, what should we do babe
Let's sit and fantasize about me and you
We're takin' it up and down and round and round
Givin' you everything that you need
Repeat 1
Repeat 2
Deeper baby, deeper baby
Deeper than he's ever gone
Deeper baby, deeper baby
Deeper than he's ever gone
I can go deep if you let me
I can go deep if you want me
I can go deep when you want me to
I can go deep
I can go deep if you let me
I can go deep if you want me
I can go deep when you want me to
I can go deep
Let me love you down
Love you down, love you down
Seen you around, laying around
Tonight you're feeling so hot
Trying to think of ways
How can I get you here to my spot
Oh, what am I gonna do?
'Cuz I'm still wanting you
That night we spent was forever
And baby, let me love you down
All the way down
Oh, and that's what I said
I'll be damned if I sit here alone
And you are killin' me softly
With your sexy sex appeal, girl
Let me love you down, baby
Early morn' 'til the break of dawn
I wanna hold you, kiss ya
Squeeze ya, touch you, love you down
Let me love you down, baby
Early morn' 'til the break of dawn
I wanna hold ya kiss ya
Squeeze ya, touch you, love you down, said
Come on in, sit on down
Let me just relax you
Blazin' to the sexy sounds
Tell me what you wanna do?
Can I get a kiss? Can I get a hug, please
Damn, do I have to get down on my knees, girl?
And you know and I know and we know
Where we wanna go, so
Oh, let's get down to business
'Cuz I've been waiting too long
It's gotta go down now with you
Let me love you down, baby
Early morn', 'til the break of dawn
I wanna hold you, kiss ya
Squeeze ya, touch you, love you down
Let me love you down, baby
Early morn', 'til the break of dawn
I wanna hold ya kiss ya
Squeeze ya, touch you, love you down
Oh, let me love you slow
Oh, let me stroke gently
You know, I know
Oh, you know I want to
You know what I need
I'll be loving you down
Let me love you down, let me love you down
Early morn' 'til the break of dawn
Let me love you down, baby
Early morn' 'til the break of dawn
Let me love you down
Let me love you down, baby
Early morn' 'til the break of dawn
Hey, yeah
Love you S I L K , 2,000 watts
Where we bring music to the future
Now, all of you Silk people
Listen to the record and you tell me
Exactly how you feel
You said a good love is too hard to find
That's 'cuz you ain't never had nobody
Make you lose your mind
All it takes is a little know how, sensitivity
I took some time to find out
What it takes my baby
To fulfill your need
So when you need someone, babe
(You need me)
To bring it on without a doubt
(Bring it on)
Just call on me, babe
I'll be right there to turn you out
Baby, I'm right here for ya
To kiss you and hold you tight
Give you some real good lovin'
Turn you out
Ease your mind and chill your body
Make you scream and shout
Love you all through the night
Turn you out
Well, make up your mind
What you want me to do
Do you want me to leave you alone, baby?
Or do you want me to love you?
I got all night, baby
I know you're a little scared right now
That's okay just come on
And close the door, baby
Let's make love anyhow
'Cuz you needed someone, baby
(You needed me)
To give you the love with no doubt
(Bring it on)
You doubt love, never baby
And now I'm here to turn you out
Baby I'm right here for ya
To kiss you and hold you tight
Give you some real good lovin'
Turn you out
Ease your mind and chill your body
Make you scream and shout
Love you all through the night
Turn you out
Break it down, I wanna know, babe
Did I make you feel real good tonight?
Did I make you sweat all over your sexy body, baby?
Did I make you trem', tremble?
Did I make you want some more?
Just tell me, tell me, did I turn you out?
Baby, I'm right here for ya
To kiss you and hold you tight
Give you some real good lovin'
Turn you out
Ease your mind and chill your body
Make you scream and shout
Love you all through the night
Turn you out
Baby, I'm right here for ya
To kiss you and hold you tight
Give you some real good lovin'
Turn you out
Ease your mind and chill your body
Make you scream and shout
Love you all through the night
Turn you out
Baby, I'm right here for ya
To kiss you and hold you tight
Give you some real good lovin'
2,000 watts
Yeah, yeah, yeah
There's a meeting in my bedroom
So girl please don't be late
There's a meeting in my bedroom
So please don't make me wait
There's a meeting in my
There's a meeting in my bedroom
Lookin' at my rolley
Girl I see it's almost time
Oh yeah, oh yeah
I hope you're getting ready girl
And don't forget the wine
How long, don't thing that you
Tonight it's just for you and I
And it's gonna be so fly
So fly, so fly, what, what, what
I like having you around
So I gotta put you down
So be there or be square
There's a meeting in my bedroom
So girl please don't be late
There's a meeting in my bedroom
So please don't make me wait
There's a meeting in my
There's a meeting in my bedroom
Step into me casa, lay you down, far far far
Got a little somethin' somethin' for my sexy mama, mama
Been checkin' for ya since day one
You're my moon and you're my sun
Girl you're cheeky and you know
That I'm feeling your steelo
Be there or be square
There's a meeting in my bedroom
So girl please don't be late
There's a meeting in my bedroom
So please don't make me wait
There's a meeting in my
There's a meeting in my bedroom
You're everything that I've been searching for
And there's no need for me to search no more
Come into my room
Don't be late to my room
There's a meeting in my bedroom
So girl please don't be late
There's a meeting in my bedroom
So please don't make me wait
There's a meeting in my
There's a meeting in my bedroom
There's a , there's a
There's a meeting in my
There's a meeting in my bedroom
Ooh yeah, ooh baby baby, yeah
And I want you for the rest of my life
Remembering the first day
You brought smiles to my face, ooh
With memories I can't erase
It's just so nice to know that you were made for me
It's so good to have you around
Someone who will never let me down
It's so good to have you around, oh yeah
And I want you for the rest of my life
You have never let me down, no
After four years I'm so proud, yes I am
I almost gave love away
But I must admit out of all you are the best
It's so good to have you around
Someone who will never let me down
It's so good to have you around
And I want you for the rest of my life
Change is overtime, how one day you may not be mine
But I'll cherish every moment you spend with me
I need you everyday, so don't you ever go away
You're all I need for me
Good to have you around
Who will never let me down
Good to have you around
And I want you for the rest of my life
Good to have you around
Who will never let me down
Good to have you around
And I want you for the rest of my life
Good to have you around
Silk would like to welcome you
To the love session
Please enjoy
Welcome to the love session
Welcome to the love session
Welcome to the love session
The love session
Silk can show you how to love somebody
Silk can show you how to say I'm sorry
Silk can show you how to say please forgive me
Silk can show you how to stay in love
In the love session
Welcome to the love session
In the love session
Welcome to the love session
Welcome to the love session
Hush little baby, don't you say a word
Silk is gonna show you how to love somebody
In the love sesion, love session
Hush little baby, don't you say one word
Silk is gonna show you how to love somebody
Girl, why don't you
give our love our a chance
girl, why don't you
(why don't you)
just give our love a chance
I know that you done
the best that you could (could)
give me your heart
if you could give me your heart
I know that you would (would)
and I can't say for myself
that I been good
but all you gotta love me baby (love me)
you gotta (need me)
you gotta wanna (hold me)
baby baby, squeeze me
for the love,that i gave
to you
baby for the love that i gave
to you
baby, for the love
to you
ooh baby
hey baby
And I must admit
your looking fine(fine)
look in my eyes
but if you look in my eyes
you know that i been cryin(cryin)
yes you will
how do i cry
oh, my baby
but this time i'm gonna be
so true
but all u gotta love me baby
love me
I need u in the worst way baby
need me
I want you stay baby
hold me
squeeze me
for the love
that i gave
to you
for the love
that i gave
to you
put it right here baby
why you wanna leave me lady
come on back, i know
whatever you want from me girl
for you
for the love
that I gave
to you
Things are lookin' better now
We're still in this game somehow
And we owe it all to you
Lord, you never let us down
It's time for us to close the show
We wanna let our people know, oh yeah
You might not always see a face
But our music stays around, around
We always keep our music real
We cater to that sex appeal
Give you something you can feel
Hope you enjoyed the smooth silky sounds
We hope we made you loose control
Hope we took you to the next level
It's time to say goodbye for now
Cuz this love session is closed, is closed
But we will return
We're gonna come back to you, yeah
We gotta come back to you, you yeah
But we, we will return
We're gonna come back to you, back to you
Baby, don't stop
Baby, don't stop
Don't go tonight baby
I wanna get freaky, freaky
Let me lick you up and down
Up and down, up and down
Let me make you soakin' wet, baby
I won't be around with you litle baby
'Cause tonight baby
I wanna get freaky with you
Baby, don't stop
Baby, don't stop
Baby, don't stop
Just ask and I'll do, I'll do it for you
There'll be no more games that we'll play
Tonight is the night and the moon is right
Baby let me tell you, I'm in love with you tonight
The more love we make and the more love we take
Baby let me tell you, I won't let you get away
And girl U for me and girl me for U
I don't care what people might say
And just ask and I'll do, I'll do it for you
There'll be no more games that we play
The night that we met is the night I won't forget
How you touched my heart and you made me realize
I knew you were the one, now after all was said and done
Baby can I tell you, that I want you by my side
Girl U for me and girl me for U
I don't care what people might say
Just ask and I'll do, I'll do it for you
There'll be no more games that we play
Girl U for me and girl me for U
I don't care what people might say
Just ask and I'll do, I'll do it for you
There'll be no more games that we play
Girl U for me and girl me for U
I don't care what people might say
Just ask and I'll do, I'll do it for you
Oh yeah
Calling all girls to the Silk party
Point to the dance floor
Dial this number
444-3210, yeah
She better be there
Got too many girls to call, uh
Hey, yo
Callin' all the sexy ladies from around the world
I wanna invite you to the Silk party
You commin'? Yeah (yeah, yeah)
Come on (come on, come on)
- If you know how to work that body, baby
I'm callin' you
If you know how to pump and shake it, baby
I'm callin' you
If you know how to work that floor down, baby
I'm callin' you, I'm callin' you
You, come on, come on
You, and you
We're callin' you
From the west to the east coast
We're callin' you
??? international
We're callin' you
Wanna see your body in my video
We're callin' you
On the front row of my freaky show
We're callin' you
Callin' all my ladies wit' them toe rings on
We're callin' you
With them tiny platinum ankle bracelets on
We're callin' you
If you know how to twist and roll them mountain mold
We're callin' you
See who's calling you, say
- Do you wanna get this party started right now
(Right now)
Do you wanna get this party jumpin' right now
(Right now)
Do you wanna get this party bumpin' right now
All the fellas help us get the ladies out to say
- Hey oh, hey oh
We're calling all the sexy ladies round the world
Hey oh, hey oh
We're calling all the sexy ladies to the floor
Hey oh, hey oh
We're calling all the sexy ladies round the globe
Hey oh, hey oh
We're calling all the sexy ladies to the dance floor
We're callin' you
With that coco-cola body
We're callin' you
Cuz you look so sexy sexy 'bout it
We're callin' you
With the ghetto tattoo all up on your leg
We're callin' you
With the brady braids on, off all tingeling
We're callin' you
If you know how to work that body, baby
We're callin' you
If you know how to work and shake and party
We're callin' you
You know how to work that, throw 'em at her lady
We're callin' you
See who's callin you, say
- Better check your tune before you leave your nine to five
Turn on your cell phone when you're rollin' in your ride
Make sure you take your call, it fun if you outside
We'll be callin' you, we're callin' you
- Dial 1-800 there for evacating me
When you need directions to the Silk s.p.o.t.
Make sure I see you at the p.l.a.c.e.
We'll be callin' you, we're callin' you
- We're callin' you
If you know how to work that body, baby
We're callin' you
If you know how to pump and shake it, baby
We're callin' you
If you know how to work that floor down, baby
We're callin' you, we're callin' you
See who's calling you
Come on
We're callin' you (We'll party on)
We're callin' you (Hey said party on)
We're callin' you (Hey oh hey oh)
We're callin' you (Wanna see everybody say)
We're callin' you (Wanna see everybody party)
We're callin' you
We're callin' you (Oh, work this thing my ladies)
We're callin' you (Come on come on, party
We're callin' you (hey)
We're callin' you
We're callin' you
We're callin' you
We're callin' you
We're callin' you
We're callin' you
Lady, lady
I'm checkin' for you
I'm checkin' for you
Lady, lady
You should be treated like
I've been seein' her at the bar lately
She's been kickin' by herself lately
But on the normal, I wouldn't be shady
And try to pick up on someone else's lady, yeah
Oh, I said but she was all alone
Oh, I was chillin' with my crew and
Oh, I wanna take her home with me
Shine her up with my rings, bling, bling
I said, oh, I wanna lick you on your toes and
Oh, I wanna buy you jiggy clothes and
Oh, I'll throw some ice up on your hand, girl
Treat you like a real man can
You should be treated like a lady
Oh baby, don't let him do you wrong
Listen to the song, I said my word is bond, say
You should be treated like a lady
You should be treated right, baby, baby
Don't let him do you wrong
Listen to the song, it goes on and on
Treated like a lady
Now I been waitin' here patiently
Tryin' to figure out what to say
I think I'll send you a drink
'Cuz you're lookin' so sexy
Can we catch up on things
I think you ought to be treated like a queen
And if you're receiving less than that
You can always leave
Oh, she was all alone
Oh, and I was chillin' with my crew and
Oh, I wanna take her home with me
Shine her up with my rings, bling, bling
I said, oh, I wanna lick you on her toes and then
Oh, I wanna buy her jiggy clothes
Oh, I'll throw some ice up on her hand and
Treat you like a real man
You should be treated like a lady
Climb on my rainbow 'cuz I promise fantasies
If you come with me
You should be treated like a lady
We can do it on and on and on
And on, on, on, on
You should be treated like a lady
Climb on my rainbow 'cuz I promise fantasies
If you come with me
You should be treated like a lady
We can do it on and on and on
And on, on, on, on
Hey, don't you give up on love
Said baby, baby, hey
Won't you give me one shot at lovin' you
I just wanna give the world to ya
I wouldn't control ya
Just wanna roll with ya
Roll with you, roll with you
Never give up on love
I said baby, baby, baby
Won't you give me one shot at lovin' you
I just wanna give the world to ya
Don't wanna control ya
Just wanna roll with ya
Roll with you, roll with you
And get cozy wit'cha, yeah, hey yeah
Help me sing
Hey yeah, hey yeah
Hey yeah, hey, ooh yeah
Hey yeah, hey, ooh yeah
You should be treated like a lady
Baby, you know I'll treat you right
I won't do you wrong
Listen to my song
Girl, my word is bond
You should be treated like a lady
Baby, you know I'll treat you right
I'll never do you wrong
Listen to my song
Girl, my word is bond
You should be treated like a lady
Hey yeah, hey, ooh yeah
Hey yeah, listen to my song
Girl, my word is bond
You should be treated like a lady
Hey yeah, hey, ooh yeah
Hey yeah, listen to my song
Girl, my word is bond
You should be treated like a lady
Baby, you know I'll treat you right
You know I'll treat you right
You should be treated like a lady
Yeah, tonight
Tonight, gonna get some, baby
Get some, tonight gonna get some, baby
Get some tonight
I remember when we used to get freaky, babe
I remember when you used to talk nasty, baby
Oh girl I wanna do you, feel you up and just consume you
Won't you let me come inside you, can you feel me, babe?
Tonight you're gonna get it
Baby, tonight don't even sweat it
Oh, gonna get some, baby
Oh, gonna get some, baby
Get some tonight
Now you know just what I'd love to do can I sex ya, babe
Girl you're acting like you want to, so can I wet you, babe
Pull you close just like a magnet, freak you like you've never had it
'Cause girl my lovin is the baddest, can you feel me?
Tonight you're gonna get it
Baby, tonight don't even sweat it
Oh, gonna get some, baby
Oh, gonna get some, baby
Get some tonight
If you just let me in, then I can show you what I'm feeling
With my sexual healing, tonight
And if the time is right, let's not wait no longer
'Cause girl you know I want you, oh
Tonight, tonight, tonight, oh
Tonight you're gonna get it
Baby, tonight don't even sweat it
Oh, gotta get some, baby
Oh, gonna get some, baby
Get some tonight
Tonight you're gonna get it
Baby, tonight don't even sweat it
Oh, gonna get some, baby
Oh, gonna get some, baby
Get some tonight
Tonight you're gonna get it
Baby, tonight don't even sweat it
Oh, gonna get some, baby
Oh, gonna get some, baby
Get some tonight
Oh Lord, You know this road is mighty rough
But You've been so good, You took good care of us
Sometimes You know we might give out
But we won't give up, no, no, no
Now as we leave and go our separate ways
Tell all our friends that we'll be back some day
Now we leave, but You know we will
We will return
Gotta come back to You, gotta come back to You
We will return
Gotta come back to you, gotta come back to you
It's all about love, it's all about love
It's all about love return
It's all about love, it's all about love
It's all about love return
We will return, we will return
Because we love You
From the bottom of our hearts
We know it's been a long time since you seen
And heard from us guys, ya know, I guess
I guess that's why we felt like we should
We should dedicate this song to ya
It's been a long ride for us, it's all good now
See, I been watching you from afar
Twinkling like the star that you are
And I'll take it personal
If you say that you can't go
Oh, just wanna give you thrills you know I will
Oh me oh my
You're shining so bright
You're a twinkle in my eye
If I can get you in my car
No matter how far, I'll come and get you
'Cause you're my superstar
Hear me twinkle on my girl, where you are
If I can get you in my car
No matter how hard, I'm gonna get you
'Cause you my superstar
Hear me twinkle on my girl, where you are
I'm doing ninety in a sixty mile zone
Trying to quickly get you to my throne
'Cause you're my queen, and I'm your king
Now soup it up so we can do this thing
'Cause I want you, and you want me
How can we do it? Hmm, let me see
You need a ride, I got a ride
You can't run and you can't hide, no
If I can get you in my car
No matter how far, I'll come and get you
'Cause you're my superstar
Hear me twinkle on my girl, where you are
If I can get you in my car
No matter how far, I'll come and get you
'Cause you're my superstar
Hear me twinkle on my girl, where you are
If I can get you in my car
No matter how far, I'll come and get you
'Cause you're my superstar
Hear me twinkle on my girl, where you are
If I can get you in my car
No matter how far, I'll come and get you
'Cause you're my superstar
Hear me twinkle on my girl, where you are
What's up can I pick you up?
You know that you my superstar
No matter how far
I'll come and get you with my car
Now what you wanna do?
You know I wanna be with you
It's your body that I wanna taste
I ain't got all day to wait
If I can get you in my car
No matter how far, I'll come and get you
'Cause you're my superstar
Hear me twinkle on my girl, where you are
If I can get you in my car
No matter how far, I'll come and get you
'Cause you're my superstar
Hear me twinkle on my girl, where you are
If I can get you in my car
No matter how far, I'll come and get you
'Cause you're my superstar
Hear me twinkle on my girl, where you are
If I can get you in my car
No matter how far, I'll come and get you
'Cause you're my superstar
Hear me twinkle on my girl, where you are
W S I L K 2001
Seen around been around
tonight we're feeling so hot
tryna figure ways out i can get you here to my spot.
Oh what am i gonna do?
Cause I'm still watching you
that night we spent was forever
Baby let me love you down
Hey ya, hey ya, hey ya
Ooh, hey ya, hey ya, hey ya
Ooh, hey ya, hey ya, hey ya
Ooh, hey ya, hey ya, hey ya, ooh
Sneaking me in and out, everyday, any place, getting it on, on, on
Sometimes we're even bold enough to do it in your own home, yeah
Now what the hell am I thinkin' 'bout, I know damn well what goes around
Comes around then I turn around, we're on the ground
Tell me what am I supposed to do when you start?
I wonder if he knows and suspects that I, I've got you on me baby
I wonder if he knows that we get a little freaky
I wonder if he knows that you spent last night, strokin' me right here
Oh so careful we must be baby
I know I tried to let you go but my mind keeps tellin' me no, no, no
But I don't wanna let you go even though you're not mine
But some of the time and that's yeah and baby
That's enough for me, I know
I wonder if he knows and suspects that I, I've got you on me
I wonder if he knows that we get a little freaky
I wonder if he knows that you spent last night, strokin' me right here
Oh so careful we must be baby
Hey ya, hey ya hey ya
Ooh, hey ya, ooh, hey ya
Ooh, hey ya
See wonder does he know baby, what am I supposed to do?
When he comes around and asks about you?
Innocently push a little shit
I wonder if he knows and suspects that I, I've got you on me
I wonder if he knows that we get a little freaky
I wonder if he knows that you spent last night, strokin' me right here
Oh so careful we must be baby
I wonder if he knows and suspects that I, I've got you on me
I wonder if he knows that we get a little freaky
I wonder if he knows that you spent last night, strokin' me right here
Oh so careful we must be baby
I wonder, I wonder, I wonder, I wonder, I wonder, ooh
Hey ya, hey ya, hey ya
Baby, yeah yeah yeah yeah
What kind of love is this? I cannot resist
I've searched all over what my path would find
And girl before your love I was blind
My friends say, "Boy, how do you know it?
How do you know this love is real?"
I say, "Nothing has ever moved me
Nothing has ever quite made me feel"
The way that she touches
The way that she holds me
The way that she kisses
The way she loves me down with all her might
And I know her love is real
You can't tell me what I feel
What kind of love is this you are giving?
Never before has a love been so driven
I'll give you the sun and the moon
And the stars if I could
Just to keep you satisfied, baby
And I know your love is real
They can't tell me what I feel
Hey, yeah
Talk to me, little G
Never thought I'd fall in love, love at first sight
Never thought I'd find a love
Love that could be so right, baby
Think about you both day and night, baby
Reminiscing 'bout the good times and the times to come
'Cause I'm enjoying every minute
Waiting for that moment that I wanna be in your arms, babe
The way that she touches
The way that she holds me
The way that she kisses
The way she loves me down with all her might
And I know her love is real
You can't tell me how I feel
What kind of love is this you are giving?
Never before has a love been so driven
I'll give you the sun and the moon
And the stars if I could
'Cause I know our love is real
You can't tell me how I feel
What kind of love is this you are giving?
Never before has a love been so driven
I'll give you the sun and the moon
And the stars if I could
I'll give to you, baby
'Cause I know our love is real
You can't tell me how I'm feelin'
What kind of lovin'?
What kind of lovin'?
I'm pacified
So satisfied
I'll never let you go
What kind of lovin'?
What kind of lovin'?
I'm pacified
So satisfied
When we first met I never cheated, girl, I never lied
Temptation, well I guess, was never really on my side
Now you are leaving and I wanna stop you so bad
Then I can gonna stake us
Girl we can't go on this way
You know I'd rather be with you, baby, baby
You know I'd rather have you stay
We can't make up and patch it up this time
So let me leave this on your mind
Baby, don't cry for me
Even if I beg and plead
Don't take me, and stay with me
Baby don't cry for me
Even if I promise one more time
Baby don't you believe me
'Cause I know I'll never love you again, then
Now we are said and done
And I've been feeling so alone, yeah
Oh girl, I want you back
But I know you can't come
Back home, back home
Baby I know there'll never be another
Who can love me like you do, baby
But I can't love you back
And that's why I'm telling you, baby, baby
You know I'd rather be with you
You know I'd rather have you stay
We can't make up and patch it up this time
So let me leave this on your mind
Baby, don't cry for me
Even if I beg and plead
Don't take me and stay with me
Baby, don't cry for me
I don't wanna see your tears no more, baby
Even if I promise one more time
Don't you believe me
'Cause I know I'll never love you again
I can't love, oh no baby, it's over
I don't know sometimes I want you to stay
And sometimes I want you to go, baby
So you might as well go, bye bye, baby
Ain't nothing you can say or do
To make me wanna stay with you, you baby
Baby, don't cry for me
Even if I beg and plead
Don't take me and stay with me
Baby, don't cry for me
Even if I promise one more time
Don't you believe me
Baby, don't cry for me
Even if I beg and plead
Don't take me and stay with me
Ain't nothing you can say or do
To make me want to stay with you
My darling, my darling, bye bye, bye bye
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye, baby
Ain't nothing you can do about it
So don't you cry for me
Ain't nothing you can do about it
Ain't nothing you can do about it
So don't you cry for me
Ain't nothing you can do about it
And if you're feelin' like lovin' me
And, and if you're feelin' like lovin' me, lovin' me, lovin' me
And if you're feelin' like lovin' me
And and
And if you're feelin' like lovin' me, lovin' me
And when you're feelin' like holdin' me, holdin' me
You know I'll make it right so come to me, come to me
I know you really wanna sex me
And if you're feelin' like lovin' me, lovin' me
And when you're feelin' like holdin' me, holdin' me
You know I'll make it right so come to me, come to me
I know you really wanna sex me
Girl, I been checking you, straight tryin' to feel your vibe
I can't explain it but I think you wanna let me slide
So all you gotta do, is tell me what the deal
Just let me know and I'll be there for you, keep it real
You know you want it girl, you know I want it too
So let's stop frontin' like you don't want me and I don't want you
So baby let me know if you're 'bout it 'bout it
Let me fill you of with my love and make you shout it, shout it
And if you're feelin' like lovin' me, lovin' me
And when you're feelin' like, holdin' me, holdin' me
You know I'll make it right so come to me, come to me
I know you really wanna sex me
And if you're feelin' like lovin' me, lovin' me
And when you're feelin' like holdin' me, holdin' me
You know I'll make it right so come to me, come to me
I know you really wanna sex me
So on your lonely nights when them fingers just won't do
Let me come satisfy I wanna make it right for an hour or two
So baby don't be shy 'cause I'm not judging you
But I think it's time you change your mind and let my love come through
Stop talkin' 'bout it, and girl just be about it
Girl let me in and out just trust in me girl don't you doubt it
So baby now you know that I'm 'bout it 'bout it
Let me fill you with my love I'll make you shout it, shout it
And if you're feelin' like lovin' me, lovin' me
And when you're feelin' like holdin' me, holdin' me
You know I'll make it right so come to me, come to me
I know you really wanna sex me
And if you're feelin' like lovin' me, lovin' me
And when you're feelin' like holdin' me, holdin' me
You know I'll make it right so come to me, come to me
I know you really wanna sex me
And if you're feelin' like lovin' me, lovin' me
(Lovin' me, lovin' me)
Holdin' me, holdin' me
(Holdin' me, holdin' me)
Come to me, come to me
(Come to me, come to me)
Sex me
(I know you really wanna)
Lovin' me, lovin' me
(Lovin' me, lovin' me)
Holdin' me, holdin' me
(Holdin' me, holdin' me)
Come to me, come to me
(Come to me, oh no, yeah, yeah)
And if you're feelin' like lovin' me
(S E X I N G me, L O V I N G me, yeah)
You know I'll make it right so, lovin' me
(Oh yeah)
And if you're feelin' like, sex me
(S E X I N G me, L O V I N G me, yeah)
You know I'll make it right so, sex me
(Come on, come on, come on, yeah yeah)
I know you really wanna sex me
I know you really wanna sex me
I know you really wanna sex me, sex me
I know you really wanna sex me
I know you really wanna sex me
I know you really wanna sex me, sex me
I know you really wanna sex me
I know you really wanna sex me
I know you really wanna sex me, sex me
I know you really wanna sex me
I know you really wanna sex me
I know you really wanna sex me, sex me
I know you really wanna sex me
I know you really wanna sex me
Oooh, yeah, yeah
I didn't mean to break your heart
I didn't mean to do you wrong
I didn't mean to lie to you
I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to
I didn't mean to sex off on you
I didn't mean to make you cry
I didn't mean to cheat on you
So forgive me for all that I've done
I didn't mean to take for granted
That you would always be right here
I know you heard me say I'm sorry
So many years
But I admit that I was wrong
For leaving you all alone
But now I finally realize
'Cause I see the pain in your eyes
I didn't mean to break your heart
I didn't mean to do you wrong
I didn't mean to lie to you
I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to
Girl I hope that you still love me
I'm trying to let you know I've changed
I can't imagine life without you
I'd go insane
I wanna make it up to you
By giving all my love to you
'Cause now I finally understand
That I've got to be a better man
I didn't mean to break your heart
I didn't mean to do you wrong
I didn't mean to lie to you
I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to
Girl, I swear to you I've changed
Things won't be the same no more
For as long as I live
I'll keep it real with you girl
Cross my heart and hope to die
My hurtin' eyes been crying for weeks
Put me in the corner
Put me in time-out
Mistakes I've made before
I wouldn't make no more, girl
So cuss me out
Scream at the top of your lungs if you want to
Just don't leave me, forgive me
Baby, I know I made a lot of mistakes in the past
But right now I'm trying to be the best that I can be
And I want us to be the best that we can be
So what I'm asking you to do for me right now is
To try to forgive me, I'm sorry
Forgive me, forgive me, oh
I didn't mean to break your heart
I didn't mean to do you wrong
I didn't mean to lie to you
I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to
I'm down on my knees, begging you please
I'm down on my knees, begging you please
I'm down on my knees, begging you please
So forgive me for all that I've done
What I'm saying is that
We've got too much to live for
We've got too much together, baby
Just don't let it all end
Oh baby, I wish I could let you know
Just how sorry I am
I know I hurt you
I don't ever want to hurt you again
'Cause when I hurt you, it hurts me too
I'm sorry
Think about it
What about the kids?
I don't give a damn about the house and
I don't give a damn about the car
But as long as you and my kids are in my life
That's all that matters
Please, find it in your heart to forgive me
I'll never do it again, I promise, baby
I love you too much
How I love what we have together
'Cause in my mind, one and one makes one, it don't make two
Don't you know I need you
Your sex is got it goin' on
Your sex is got it goin' on, here we go
Your sex is got it goin' on, don't you know
Your sex is got it goin' on, I told you so
I want your body, tell me you want mine too
There's so many nasty things I wanna do to you
Lick you up and down and a runnin' around
But a lovely mind could never ever be found
Now you see me and baby, now you don't
Come fast upon me girl
Just give me what I want
Lick you real good till the very last drop
Ah, no, no, no, no, honey, don't you ever, ever, stop
Happy days are here again
Looks like this love of ours will never ever end
Happy days are here again
Looks like this love of ours will never ever end
Hold me tight, baby, don't you let me go
Oh, come on, sugar, you know I love you so
Make you feel like you never did me wrong
Here's the key, baby, now open up the door
Now you see me and baby, now you don't
Come on, honey, just give me what I want
I love you, tell you, I feel so good inside
You may try to run but you just can't hide
Happy days are here again
I don't think they'll help me, baby
I don't think they'll help me see, ah come on
Happy days are here again
Baby, looks like this love of ours will never ever end
Happy days are here again
Come on, baby, come on, sugar
Happy days are here again
Come on, honey
Another jam, happy days when it's too dull
Lookin'a makin'a takin'a time to see what you women are all about
I still don't get it, slap it and grab it
Makin' life worth it 'cause a bitch gotta have it
Soon can make you sweat
When you're alone in your home
'Cause her back is pretty strong
And your sex got it goin' on
My man, Will, can make the groove sweat
Your big G and little G
Hey, I'll give you nothing but happy days
Happy days are here again
Come on, honey
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, baby
Happy days are here again
Come on, baby
Come on, honey
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, baby
Happy days are here again
Why won't you let me
Come on, give it to me, baby
Put it right in, put it right in for me, baby
Happy days are here again
I'll lick it real good, yeah
I'll lick it real good
I'll lick it real good, you, you, you, baby
Come on, baby
Come on, honey
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, baby
Come on, baby, I want your love
You gonna give it to me, no
Happy days are here again
No, no, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no, no, baby
Happy days are here again
Feel real good, it feels real good
Feel real good
Happy days are here again
Happy days are here again
I was wrong I admitted
You don't have to put up with this no-no-no baby
Can we talk to make it right
Cause I don't want you crying when we lay down tonight
So let me see that smile the one I like so much
Come on baby lets we don't have rush
Baby don't be mad I'm sorry
Can't you see I apologize the blame is on me
Don't go to bed mad baby
Let the pass be the pass sugar
Don't go to bed mad baby
Let the pass be the pass sugar
Ooooo come here and give me a kiss
Ain't no reason for us to be fighting like oooo
Girl I love you and I know you love me
It's look better when you smile so won't you go that for me
So let me see that smile the one I like so much
Come on baby let's
We don't have to rush baby
Don't mad I'm sorry
Can't you see I apologize
The blame is on me.
chorus 2x
Ooh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, I need you
Baby, baby, I
You used to say and naturally I would be saying sorry
But I would never listen to you
Now I'm paying for it
Baby love, please forgive me
So many days of leaving messages on your answering machine
Sometimes I thought I'm droppin' by
But you'd probably make a scene
I can't understand why you're so mean to me, yeah
Baby, I want you back in my arms again
In my arms again
Baby, I need you back in my arms again
I need you in my arms again
Oh, I miss you baby
Are you the type of girl who likes to say I told you so?
I learned my lesson, tell me
What are you trying to prove
Girl, I miss you
I'm realizing that I never should have let you go
I made a decision when I wasn't sure
How could I be so immature, oh
Baby, I want you back in my arms again
In my arms again
Baby, I need you back in my arms again
In my arms again
We used to laugh, we used to kiss while dancing in the rain
(I wanna laugh, I wanna dance, I wanna kiss, I still remember)
I messed it up by giving someone else your wedding ring
(I wanna make, I wanna make, I wanna make it up to you, girl)
I'll say I'm sorry if you tell me it will ease the pain
(I was insane, I was insane, I was insane to ever let you go)
Now I know that you reap what you sow
Baby, I want you back in my arms again
In my arms again
Baby, I need you back in my arms again
I need you in my arms again
So baby, I want you back in my arms again
2,000 watts
Presents Silk
Check it
Check it friend
Layin' it down with my man Steve
Lay it down, lay it down
And I don't know what's going on
(She's paging me, she's calling me)
I just called to see what's wrong
(She's telling me, she's feeling me)
And she said, I really, really turn her on
And she can't wait to get me all alone
Baby, when you're not home, yeah, yeah
I can't believe the things she said to me
Telling me she's feeling very freaky
And I don't understand
When she knows that I'm her girlfriend's man
Baby, check your friend
She's trying to steal your man
(She said, she'd rather have me all to herself)
Baby, check your friend
She's out to steal your man
(But I could never do my baby like that)
Baby, check your friend
She's trying to steal your man
(She said she'd rather have me all to herself)
Baby, check your friend
She's out to steal your man
(But I could never do my baby like that)
Oh, listen now
She saying we were meant to be
(She's trying to get to ruin me)
And why is she trying to player hate my baby
(Well, I won't give a piece of me)
She had the nerve to tell me
That she had to get with me
She don't give a damn about you, no
I guess she really doesn't know me
Now I'm blowing up her spot
And this game is getting hotter
I can't believe the things she said to me
She's telling me she's feeling very freaky
And I don't understand
When she knows that I'm her girlfriend's man
Baby, check your friend
She's trying to steal your man
(She said, she'd rather have me all to herself)
Baby, check your friend
She's out to steal your man
(But I could never do my baby like that)
Baby, check your friend
She's trying to steal your man
(She said, she'd rather have me all to herself)
Baby, check your friend
She's out to steal your man
(But I could never do my baby like that)
You share with her everything between you and I, oh yeah, oh
And never shoulda told her how I do you at night, yeah, oh
You can't imagine all the things she offered me
Her plan was so secure, get into her bedroom door
And baby I can't take it no more
Baby, check your friend
She's trying to steal your man
(She said, she'd rather have me all to herself)
Baby, check your friend
She's out to steal your man
(But I could never do my baby like that)
Baby, check your friend
She's trying to steal your man
(She said, she'd rather have me all to herself)
Baby, check your friend
She's out to steal your man
(But I could never do my baby like that)
Baby, check your friend
She's trying to steal your man
Baby, check your friend
She's trying to steal your man
(She said, she'd rather have me all to herself)
Baby, check your friend
She's trying to steal your man
Baby, check your friend
She's trying to steal your man
Baby, check your friend
Hola, papi
Hola, mama
How you been?
Umm, not so good
Well, what's wrong baby? Talk to me
Papi, where you been?
Damn, I've been missing you
Oh, you have?
Why don't you tell me what you been missing
No one's been able to freak me like you
Make me lose control
Oh baby
I want you to go deeper, deeper, deeper
I can do that, babe
You want me to do that?
Yes papi, do that
Tell me what else you want me to do
Let's make love tonight
Turn me down like a player
Hold me tight
I wanna taste you
Oh, yeah, that's right
I wanna caresss your sexy body
Can ya feel me?
I feel ya, got me, baby
You got me wet
I'll tell ya what
I'll leave the front door unlocked
I'll be in my bedroom
I'll be waiting
I know sometimes it's hard
To put our pride aside
When all we should do is just say
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, baby
All alone in my room
I see visions of you
And I think to myself
What went wrong
As I sit here with my pain
Knowing I'm the one to blame
Had to play those silly games
Now there's no refrain, refrain
I should have listened when you cried
I should have opened up my eyes
Too busy holding on to pride
I didn't hear you say goodbye
So how do I say I'm sorry
When you're gone
How do I say that you were right
And baby, I was wrong
I can feel that old black water
Comin' down on me strong
?Cuz see, I had a real good something
And now I'm sitting here with nothing
I'm drowning, can somebody help me
Tell me how to say I'm sorry
So yesterday I sat and wrote these words
And tried not to cry
Guess it's true what they say
You never miss your water 'till your well runs dry
I miss your face, your faults, your laughter
Your tears, the way you smile
(I miss your smile)
Can't nobody take your place
Damn girl, I really miss your sweet embrace
I should have listened when you cried
I should have opened up my eyes
Too busy holding on to pride
I didn't hear you say goodbye
So how do I say I'm sorry
When you're gone
How do I say that you were right
And baby, I was wrong
So how do I say I'm sorry
When you're gone
How do I say that you were right
And baby, I was wrong
If there's anyone you need to say I'm sorry to
(I'm sorry)
Say it out loud, ohh, before they're no longer around
(I'm sorry, how do I say it)
Say sorry, I'm sorry
(I'm sorry, how do I say it, ooh)
Yeah, y'all better listen
(I'm sorry, how do I say it)
You've gotta make something right now
(I'm sorry, how do I say it, ooh)
This is what you need to do, now baby
This is what you need to do
Just say I'm sorry
(How do I say it, ooh)
I'm sorry
(I'm sorry, how do I say it, ooh)
Oh, so sorry
(I'm sorry, how do I say it, ooh)
Get on your knees if you have to
(I'm sorry, how do I say it, ooh)
You gotta make 'em believe it
You gotta make 'em come see it, hey
Just say the word
(I'm sorry, how do I say it, ooh)
?Cuz that's what I'm doing right now
(I'm sorry, how do I say it, ooh)
Oh, I hope you can here me up there hey
I hope you can hear me up there, ooh
(I'm sorry, how do I say it, ooh)
From the bottom of my heart
To the depths of my soul
My body and mind
I'm reaching out to you
(I'm sorry)
Reaching out to you
So you can know
That I'm sorry
(I'm sorry)
Think about you every day
Think about you every night, yeah, oh
(I'm sorry)
Everything gon' be alright
Everything is gonna be alright
(I'm sorry)
?Cuz I say
And I believe
And I want you
I want you to feel it
(I'm sorry)
Say, ooh sorry
Sorry, hey
(I'm sorry)
Hey yeah, sorry
(I'm sorry)
I'm sorry, yes, I am
Thank you for helping me
Thank you for helping me
Feeling like lovin' me
Been checking you for so long and I feel
Girl, you should let me know what the deal
Been peepin' out your vibe
Like you wanna let me slide
So what you need to do right now is keep it real
I know you want me, girl, just like I want you
So stop frontin' like you don't, when you do
So if you're feeling naughty, naughty
And if you're really 'bout it, 'bout it
And if you get me rowdy, rowdy
My love's gonna make you shout it, shout it
If you (If you're feelin' like lovin' me)
If you (If you're feelin' like kissin' me)
If you (If you're feelin' like lovin' me)
If you (Holdin' me) feelin' like lovin' me
If you (If you're feelin' like kissin' me)
If you (If you're feelin' like lovin' me)
If you (La-da-da-da-da)
If you feelin' like lovin' me
So on your lonely nights girl, I'm here for you
Let me come satisfy you for an hour or two
Baby, don't be shy 'cause I'm not judging you
I'm comin' for your love, so let me through
Girl, as I'm talkin' 'bout them things we could do
And let's just be about them things we could do
So if you're feeling naughty, naughty
And if you're really 'bout it, 'bout it
And don't you get me rowdy, rowdy
My love will make you shout it, shout it
If you
(If you're feelin' like holding me)
If you
(Oh if there anybody out there wanna touch your cha-cha tonight)
If you
(Oh does anybody out there wanna touch your cha-cha-cha tonight)
If you, feelin' like loving me
If you
(It's a silky silky silky thing)
If you
(Silky silky silky silky thing)
If you
(La-da-da-da da-da-da)
If you, feelin' like lovin' me
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
See, I got something for you, meet me in my bedroom
(So we can love the night away)
Oh, yeah
I'm trying to be for real
Wanna show you how I feel inside
'Cause I know that you're feelin' like lovin' me
If you (Baby, yeah, yeah)
If you (If you feelin' like baby)
If you (Lovin' me, lovin' me)
If you
Oh, let me hear you say, "Yeah, yeah"
If you (Yeah, yeah)
Say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah"
If you (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Say "Yeah, yeah"
If you (Yeah, yeah)
Say "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah"
If you (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Say "Yeah, yeah, yeah"
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Yeah, hea, hea, hea
(Yeah, hea, hea, hea)
If you're feelin' like comin' home with Silk tonight
Let me hear you say, "Yeah" (Yeah)
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah" (Yeah, yeah)
The lovers have returned tonight
We wanna make love to you
So bring your sexy lil' body over here
Let me do the things I do
In my bedroom I'm gon' love you down
Just like a player would
Then turn you out, my superstar
Make you feel real good
I wonder if you're feelin' like lovin' me, sexin' me, holdin' me
Kissin' me, squeezin' me, ow...
Say, "Yeah" (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Say, "Yeah" oh, yeah (Yeah, yeah, yeah), oh...
Yeah, oh... (Yeah, yeah, yeah), ha...
Yeah, yeah (Yeah, yeah, yeah), hey...ooh...
Yeah, yeah yeah
Oh yeah, yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Oh yeah yeah yeah
Come on girl, come on girl, baby
Oh lovin' me
Do you like, do you like
Do you like what you see?
Do you like, do you like
Do you like what you see?
Don't rush, baby, don't rush
(Hey, hey, hey, Ooh)
Don't rush, baby, don't rush
(Hey, hey, hey, Ooh)
Don't rush, baby, don't rush
(Hey, hey, hey, hey, yeah)
Don't rush, baby, don't rush
(Do you like what you see?)
I know it's after midnight, baby
You said you've gotta be to work at eight
I'm feelin' kinda kinky right now, baby
I'm tellin' you, you might have to be late
(Woh, don't rush me)
Don't rush, baby don't rush
(Ooh no)
Don't rush, baby don't rush
(I wanna take my time and do it right)
(Ooh, yeah baby)
Don't rush, baby don't rush
(Don't rush me, yeah)
Don't rush, baby don't rush
(I wanna take my time and do it right, oh)
When I'm in my grove I wanna make you move, baby
I wanna take my time and give you good lovin' again, girlfriend
'Cuz nobody else, baby, girl, you are so fine
Your love's constantly on my mind, baby
You'll never know
(You'll never know, baby)
How far we'll go
(Just how far we'll go)
I'm keepin' it strong
(Keepin' it strong)
All night long
(All night long)
All night long
(All night long)
All night long
(Don't rush baby, don? t rush)
Do you like, do you like
Do you like what you see?
(Don't rush baby, don? t rush)
Do you like, do you like
Do you like what you see?
Do you like, do you like
Do you like what you see?
Do you like, do you like
Do you like what you see?
Don't rush baby, don? t rush
Don't rush baby, don? t rush
(Don't rush baby, don? t rush)
Do you like, do you like
Do you like what you see?
(Don't rush baby, don? t rush)
Do you like, do you like
Do you like what you see?
(Don't rush baby, don? t rush)
Do you like, do you like
Do you like what you see?
(Don't rush baby, don? t rush)
Do you like, do you like
Do you like what you see?
Do you like, do you like
Do you like what you see?
Do you like, do you like
Freak me baby, ahh yeah
Freak me baby
Freak me baby, ahh yeah
Freak me baby
Let me lick you up and down
'Til you say stop
Let me play with your body baby
Make you real hot
Let me do all the things you want me to do
'Cuz tonight baby, I wanna get freaky with you
Baby don't you understand
I wanna be your nasty man
I wanna make your body scream
And you will know just what I
24 carat gold
To warm the nights when you get cold
I wanna lick you up and down
And then I wanna lay you down
C'mon silk
Let me lick you up and down
'Til you say stop
Let me play with your body baby
Make you real hot
Let me do all the things you want me to do
'Cuz tonight baby, I wanna get freaky with you
I love the taste of whip cream
Spread it on don't be mean
You know I can't resist you girl
I'll fly you all around the world
I wanna make your body drip
C'mon let me take a sip
Take off what you cherish most
'Cuz when I brag I like to brag and boast
Let me lick you up and down
'Til you say stop
Let me play with your body baby
Make you real hot
Let me do all the things you want me to do
'Cuz tonight baby, I wanna get freaky with you
You, you, you, you
Oh you
You, you, you, you
Let me freak you
You, you, you, you
All of you
Yeah, come on, come on
You, you, you, you
Oh you
You, you, you, you
Let me do you
'Cuz tonight baby, I wanna get freaky with you
Let me lick you up and down
'Til you say stop
Let me play with your body baby
Make you real hot
Let me do all the things you want me to do
'Cuz tonight baby, I wanna get freaky with you
Let me lick you up and down
'Til you say stop
Let me play with your body baby
Make you real hot
Let me do all the things you want me to do
'Cuz tonight baby, I wanna get freaky freaky
Let me lick you up and down
'Til you say stop
Let me play with your body baby
Make you real hot
Let me do all the things you want me to do
Yo G, yo what's up man? I got these young kids
I think they're pretty dope, what's up?
Keep saying about these young kids
Do you think they're pretty dope
I don't know K, what their names
I call 'em Silk, Silk, Silk, Silk, Silk 'n Smooth
Let's see what they can do
Yeah, let's check 'em out
Listen baby, baby yeah
Here we are just the two of us together
Not knowin' what the other one wants to do
I look into your eyes and I see stars shinning
And I know that I wanna make love to you, yes I do
I said, don't keep me waiting, I've waited so long
I want to be right inside your arms, baby
Don't make me wait for you, I wanna spend the night
Oh, I swear I wanna do you good
I swear I'm gonna make it right
Come on baby, baby, let me do
Oh, oh, you gotta, I wanna, let me do it to you, baby
Gotta, I wanna, let me love you, love you
Gotta, I wanna, let me rock you, rock you
Come on, come on
Boy meets girl what a lovely situation
And I never met nobody like you, baby
Can we talk, share a minute of time together?
I wanna lay some of this love on you
Yo Sean
Don't keep me waiting, I've waited so long
I want to be right inside your arms, baby
I wanna be everything that you need
So please baby, you gotta, gonna let me
Let me, oh, oh, oh, oh
I said, you gotta, gonna let me, baby, let me, baby
I said, you gotta, gonna let me touch you right here
I said, let me whisper in your ear
I said, let me hold you real tight
I said, let me, I wanna make love tonight, come on baby
Lay your body down, let me look at you
See, there's so many things
See, there's so many things that I wanna do
Oh, said that you got to, you gotta, wanna let me do
What I wanna do to you
Said that you gotta, wanna, let me do, do, do, do
What I wanna do to you
You gotta, gonna let me love you
You gotta, gonna let me talk to you
You gotta, gonna let me whisper in your ear
Yeah, whassup baby, whatchu doing?
Nothing? It's funny, I'm doing nuthin' too
And I'm bored, so why don't we do somethin' together
Just go on and put on your sexy little clothes
And I'll ride on through, you and me can ride on out
Do our thing, that's alright witchu?
Damn near alright with me
Playa Road
It's where those with names for having game go
That's right
Playa Road, Playa Road
Playa Road
It's the place where all the freaky lovers go
That's right
Playa Road, Playa Road
Girl, you know I want you badly
Gotta get next to you darlin'
And you know, I say that I really want you
To take this ride with me
And on a ring good be will take you
If we stroll down Playa's Road
Playa Road
It's where those with names for having game go
That's right
Playa Road, Playa Road
Playa Road
It's the place where all the freaky lovers go
That's right
Playa Road, Playa Road
You know they say that actions
Speak louder than words
But, girl, the way you're gonna act
These words you never heard
So come on, let me love you down playa style
My body's on fire but I'm still cool
Come on, break the Playa's rules
Come on, let me sex you down Playa style
Can we stroll down Playa's Road?
Playa Road
It's where those with names for having game go
That's right
Playa Road, Playa Road
Playa Road
It's the place where all the freaky lovers go
That's right
Playa Road, Playa Road
Playa Road
It's where those with names for having game go
That's right
Playa Road, Playa Road
Playa Road
It's the place where all the freaky lovers go
That's right
Playa Road, Playa Road
I want you, yeah, I mean
I really wanna freak you girl, I swear
Quite playing, I mean
I really wanna play with you for real
I want you, yeah
I mean, I really wanna freak you girl, I swear
Quit playing, I mean it
I really wanna play with you for real
Playa Road
It's where those with names for having game go
That's right
Playa Road, Playa Road
Playa Road
It's the place where all the freaky lovers go
That's right
Playa Road, Playa Road
Play on, play on, play on, play on
That's right
Play on, play on, play on, play on
That's right
Play on, play on, play on, play on
That's right
Play on, play on, play on, play on
[F] Oh papi
[M] Oh love, mama
How you been?
[F] Um, not so good
[M] Well, what's wrong baby?
Talk to me
[F] Papi, where you been?
Damn, I've been missing you
[M] Oh you have?
Why don't you tell me what you been missing
[F] No one's been able to freak me like you
Make me lose control
[M] Yeah
[F] Oh baby
[M] Aaight
[F] I want you to go deeper, deeper, deeper
[M] I can do that babe
You want me to do that?
[F] Yes papi, do that
[M] Tell me what else you want me to do
[F] Let's make love tonight
Take me oh, like a player
Hold me tight
[M] Yeah
I wanna taste you
[F] Oh, yeah, that's right
[M] I wanna caresss your sexy body
Can ya feel me?
[F] I feel ya, got me baby
You got me wet
[M] I'll tell ya what
I'll leave the front door unlocked
I'll be in my bedroom
[F] I'll be waiting
[M] Yeah
[F] Oh, I'll be waiting
Things are lookin' better now
We're still in this game somehow
And we owe it all to you
Lord, you never let us down
It's time for us to close the show
We wanna let our people know, oh yeah
You might not always see a face
But our music stays around, around
We always keep our music real
We cater to that sex appeal
Give you something you can feel
Hope you enjoyed the smooth silky sounds
We hope we made you loose control
Hope we took you to the next level
It's time to say goodbye for now
Cuz this love session is closed, is closed
But we will return
We're gonna come back to you, yeah
We gotta come back to you, you yeah
But we, we will return
We're gonna come back to you, back to you
Umm, promises, promises, promises
Baby, promise that you'll never leave me
Baby, promise that we'll always be
Together, forever
Please don't go
1 - Lady, promise that you'll never leave me
Babe, promise that we'll always be
Don't go, don't go
I'm leaving you this message
I'm sorry that I couldn't be home
But one night while I was out on the road
I didn't spend the night alone, no
I let my weakness get the best of me
She was just a one night stand
I know I was wrong
Just don't leave me alone
Without you in my life
I'm only half a man
I got your message
And I can't believe the things you said
Now that the shoe is on the other foot
It's messing with my head, oh
Repeat 1
I'm writing you this letter
Cuz I couldn't tell you face to face
I let temptations get the best of me
I know it was a big mistake. baby
No I don't ever wanna loose your love
Cuz my heart couldn't take the pain
I know I was wrong
Just don't leave me alone
Cuz nothin in my life would ever be the same
I got your letter
And I can't believe the things I read, no
Now that the shoe is on the other foot
It's messin' with my head, oh
Repeat 1 with ad libs until fade
Plug me up to the love session baby
Plug me up baby
Yeah, c'mon, yeah, 2000 watts
Yeah, say boom, yeah, my beat goes
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah boom boom boom
My beat goes boom
If you're looking for some good love
Girl some dirty southern good love
You need to let me know
I'll take it nice and slow
And baby that's for sure, oh
Girl just beep me when you're ready
And when I get there girl just tell me
Just tell me what you need
I'll follow, you lead
And if I have to girl I'll be
If you're lookin' for affection
Some kissin' and caressin'
Girl just look in my direction
Don't be late for your lesson
Lesson, lesson
Get that thing nice and wet and
Give that body a blessin'
Don't get down without protection
Don't be stressin'
I can't wait for the love session
Let me take you for a long ride
Girl I can't wait till I get inside
We can do it in the park
Girl as soon as it gets dark
Let me find somewhere to park
Got some blackberry molasses
Before we start, take off your glasses
Wanna look into your eyes
While I'm rubbin' on them thighs
Girl you make my nature rise
If you're lookin' for affection
Some kissin' and caressin'
Girl just look in my direction
Don't be late for your lesson
Lesson, lesson
Get that thing nice and wet and
Give that body a blessin'
Don't get down without protection
Don't be stressin'
I can't wait for the love session
I'm here to make your body scream
I'm here to make your body sing
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
If you're ready
I'll give you some good love
Let me hear you say ooh, ahh
L O V E S E double S I O N
See I heard through the grapevine
That your man wasn't lovin' you right
If you're looking for affection
Baby don't you know
That you can come home with me tonight
If you're looking' for
If you're lookin' for affection
If you're lookin' for
Come look in my direction
If you're lookin' for
Oh yeah, yeah
If you're lookin' for affection
Some kissin' and caressin'
Girl just look in my direction
Don't be late for your lesson
Lesson, lesson
Get that thing nice and wet and
Give that body a blessin'
Don't get down without protection
Don't be stressin'
I can't wait for the love session
Some kissin' and caressin'
Just look in my direction baby
All you need is over here, you want me baby
Come and look in my direction baby
I got some affection for you lady, oh
I can't wait no no
I can't wait no no
I can't wait no no
I can't wait
You can look in my direction
Kissin', kissin' and caressin'
Don't just look in my direction
Don't be stressin'
Don't be late for your lesson
Lesson, lesson
I wanna know if I can put you on
(Put me on)
Come on
I say hey, I wanna sex your body all night long
From the evening till the break of dawn
It's 8 o'clock, so baby, put me on, turn me on, on, on
Doin' it to my freaky show
I wanna put you in my video
It's starrin' you and me and me and you
It's Silktime tonight
Girl, there's something on my mind I wanna tell you
About this freaky little thing that I've been wantin' to do
I know a place where we can light a thousand candles
Girl, tonight you're gonna get all that you can handle
This ride might get a little bumpy, girl, so hold on
Let's start the show and turn my video on
Follow me 'cause it's my fantasy
I wanna see you body freak and meet and greet me
I say hey, I wanna sex your body all night long
From the evening till the break of dawn
It's 8 o'clock, so baby, put me on, turn me on, on, on
Doin' it to my freaky show
I wanna put you in my video
It' starrin' you and me and me and you
It's Silktime tonight
Now you know exactly what the hell I'm talkin' 'bout
And I've been waitin' on this day you let me turn you out
Girl, I always knew you had a super freaky side
Yes, you did, you had it goin' till the top of the line
Now I got you where I want you up, open up
It's time for me to come inside and tear it up
It's 8 o'clock, I ain't gonna stop
'Bout to give you all I've got, yes, all I've got
I say hey, I wanna sex your body all night long
From the evening till the break of dawn
It's 8 o'clock, so baby, put me on, turn me on, on, on
Doin' it to my freaky show
I wanna put you in my video
It's starrin' you and me and me and you
It's Silktime tonight
I like that bounce, bounce
Yeah, I love to see women do that thing
Just bounce, bounce, bounce
I say hey, I wanna sex your body all night long
From the evening till the break of dawn
It's 8 o'clock, so baby, put me on, turn me on, on, on
Doin' it to my freaky show
I wanna put you in my video
It's starrin' you and me and me and you
It's Silktime tonight
I say hey, I wanna sex your body all night long
From the evening till the break of dawn
It's 8 o'clock, so baby, put me on, turn me on, on, on
Doin' it to my freaky show
I wanna put you in my video
It's starrin' you and me and me and you
Silk would like to welcome you
To the love session
Please enjoy
Welcome to the love session
Welcome to the love session
Welcome to the love session
The love session
Silk can show you how to love somebody
Silk can show you how to say I'm sorry
Silk can show you how to say please forgive me
Silk can show you how to stay in love
In the love session
Welcome to the love session
In the love session
Welcome to the love session
Welcome to the love session
Hush little baby, don't you say a word
Silk is gonna show you how to love somebody
In the love sesion, love session
Hush little baby, don't you say one word
Silk is gonna show you how to love somebody
In the love, love, love, love session, oh
Just one look at your body
And my heart begins to pound
If you're looking good in everything you wear
I like having you around
And your lips and your smile
Girl, you know that you're driving me wild
I like the sexy way you wear your hair
Wanna take you everywhere 'cause you know you're looking so
Like a real person
When I gaze into your pretty eyes
Girl you know you got me hypnotized
And when I get my hands on you
Lemme tell you what I'm gonna do, gonna give you loving
That makes your body tingle through and through
'Cause your lips, oh your smile
Girl you know that you're driving me wild
I like the sexy way, you wear your hair, wanna take you everywhere
Like a real person
I never ever had to dream about nobody else
'Cause you're my every thing, I want you all to myself
You know I gotta thank the Lord, above for sending me you
Baby, you make me whole and without your love I'm through
So sexy
Damn, you're so marvelous
You're so magnificent, baby
You're sexy
Like a real person
You really hurt me, you left me out in the rain
You left me nothing but a lot of memories and pain
I thought that you were happy
That we would be forever but I was wrong
I couldn't see the signs you gave
You never even let me know, no, no, no
How could you say you love me
If you really didn't mean it?
I gave you all the love I had to give
Baby, I trusted you with all my heart
You took my love, tore it apart
How could you say you love me
If you didn't mean it, if you didn't mean it?
No, no, didn't mean it
I never left your side, I was there through thick and thin
And baby when you would cry, your heart I would always mend
How could you throw love away? You left me flat right on my face
I'm so sad, my feelings all have run away
And I'm living in loneliness, so lonely, so lonely
How could you say you love me
If you really didn't mean it?
I gave you all the love I had to give
Baby, I trusted you with all my heart
You took my love, tore it apart
How could you say you love me
If you didn't mean it, if you didn't mean it?
How could you say you love me
If you really didn't mean it?
I gave you all the love I had to give
Baby, I trusted you with all my heart
You took my love, tore it apart
How could you say you love me
If you didn't mean it, if you didn't mean it?
Tore my love, tore my heart, baby
You hurt me so bad, now I'm standing here so sad
Oh, babe, oh, my, my baby
Don't know what to do
Don't know what to say
Don't know how to feel, hurt me so bad
If you didn't mean it
Ooh, la la la la la lullaby, baby
This is Silk's nursery rhyme, baby
La la la la la lullaby, well, well, oh
Check it out
This one's dedicated to my first love
Baby, baby, baby, baby
Don't you know you drive me crazy
With your sexy body lady, lady
Would you like for me to creep over to your crib
Just say when, say when
I would like to be the one who loves you down
And serenade your sexy body with this nursery rhyme
Hush little baby don't say a word
Silk is gonna buy you a mocking bird
And if that mocking bird don't sing
Silk is gonna buy you a diamond ring
If that diamond ring don't shine
I guess I'm gonna have to give you something else of mine
Would you like that, would you like that
You can have this, if you want this
I'm gonna give you lovin', lovin' is what your body needs
Oh, if you let me come over, pretty thing
You can play the name game
Don't you know that [Incomprehensible] I can't wait [Incomprehensible]
That's what you'll be saying and you know that I'll be staying
So conjunction, junction was your function
Do you want me girl, do you need me girl
Ooh, baby girl, I'm on my way
And when I get there, this is what I'm gonna say
Hush little baby don't say a word
Silk is gonna buy you a mocking bird
And if that mocking bird don't sing
Silk is gonna buy you a diamond ring
And if that diamond ring don't shine
I guess I'm gonna have to give you something else of mine
Would you like that, would you like that
You can have this, if you want this
I'm gonna give you lovin', lovin' is what your body needs
I love you, you love me
Can we go and play a game of hide and seek
So baby close your eyes, count to five
If you find me, you better treat
I want you, you want me
Baby can we, you and me fulfill our fantasy
'Cuz without a doubt, you're the one
The only one to make me go
Five, four, three, two, one
Ready or not, baby here I come
Hush little baby, don't say a word
Silk is gonna buy you a mocking bird
If that mocking bird don't sing
Silk is gonna buy you a diamond ring
And if that diamond ring don't shine, it don't shine
I guess I'm gonna have to give you something else of mine
Oh oh, baby, would you like that, would you like that
You can have this, if you want this
I'm gonna give you lovin', lovin' is what your body needs
Would you like that, would you like that
You can have this, if you want this
I'm gonna give you lovin', lovin' is what your body needs
Would you like that, would you like that
You can have this, if you want this
I'm gonna give you lovin', lovin' is what your body needs
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Could we get a room
On the south side of the ghetto?
Could we make sweet love
In the forest or the meadow?
Can we get it to get it on
Til the sun gives light
Could we just kiss each other like
It was our very, very, very first time
Baby, please gimme some more, oor, oor, oor
Please just a little bit more oor oor
Ooh, whoa, ooh, more, yeah
I like the way you touch me
Gimme some more
More, oor, baby, I feigning and
I like it gotta have some more
More oor, I like the way you touch me
Gimme some more
More, orr, baby, I'm feigning and
I need some more, oor, oor, oor
Baby I'm feigning and
I need some more, oor, oor
Just a little bit more
Could we hold hands
And walk across the sandy beaches?
Could we stop and stare?
Just looking at each other
Looking at each other, speechless
Could we embrace each other
By the moonlit night?
Could we make a pact
To stay together forever, forever together?
Ooh please
Gimme some more, oor, oor
(Can you gimme some more?)
Please just a little bit more, oor, oor
Ooh, whoa, ooh, more, yeah
I like the way you touch me
Gimme some more, ooh, whoa, ooh, more
Baby, I'm feigning and
I like it gotta have some more oor
Ooh, whoa, ooh, more
Gimme some more
Ooh, whoa, ooh, more, oor, oor, oor
Baby, I'm feigning and I need some more
Some more, some more, some more
Baby I'm feigning
And I need some more, oor, oor, oor
Just a little bit more
Ooh, la la la la la lullaby, baby
This is Silk's nursery rhyme, baby
La la la la la lullaby, well, well, oh
Check it out
This one's dedicated to my first love
Baby, baby, baby, baby
Don't you know you drive me crazy
With your sexy body lady, lady
Would you like for me to creep over to your crib
Just say when, say when
I would like to be the one who loves you down
And serenade your sexy body with this nursery rhyme
Hush little baby don't say a word
Silk is gonna buy you a mocking bird
And if that mocking bird don't sing
Silk is gonna buy you a diamond ring
If that diamond ring don't shine
I guess I'm gonna have to give you something else of mine
Would you like that, would you like that
You can have this, if you want this
I'm gonna give you lovin', lovin' is what your body needs
Oh, if you let me come over, pretty thing
You can play the name game
Don't you know that [Incomprehensible] I can't wait [Incomprehensible]
That's what you'll be saying and you know that I'll be staying
So conjunction, junction was your function
Do you want me girl, do you need me girl
Ooh, baby girl, I'm on my way
And when I get there, this is what I'm gonna say
Hush little baby don't say a word
Silk is gonna buy you a mocking bird
And if that mocking bird don't sing
Silk is gonna buy you a diamond ring
And if that diamond ring don't shine
I guess I'm gonna have to give you something else of mine
Would you like that, would you like that
You can have this, if you want this
I'm gonna give you lovin', lovin' is what your body needs
I love you, you love me
Can we go and play a game of hide and seek
So baby close your eyes, count to five
If you find me, you better treat
I want you, you want me
Baby can we, you and me fulfill our fantasy
'Cuz without a doubt, you're the one
The only one to make me go
Five, four, three, two, one
Ready or not, baby here I come
Hush little baby, don't say a word
Silk is gonna buy you a mocking bird
If that mocking bird don't sing
Silk is gonna buy you a diamond ring
And if that diamond ring don't shine, it don't shine
I guess I'm gonna have to give you something else of mine
Oh oh, baby, would you like that, would you like that
You can have this, if you want this
I'm gonna give you lovin', lovin' is what your body needs
Would you like that, would you like that
You can have this, if you want this
I'm gonna give you lovin', lovin' is what your body needs
Would you like that, would you like that
You can have this, if you want this
I'm gonna give you lovin', lovin' is what your body needs
We can get into
Anything and everything you like
I think
We should get into some Silk
Whatchu got on?
For real? Quit playin'
You know I want it right here, right?
You know what I'm tryin' to hear you say, right?
You know, well check this out
I know that you been waiting to exhale
But girl you shouldn't be there by yourself
(Late at night) Alright, when I'm thinking 'bout ya
(Late at night) When I'm, when I'm, when I'm cravin' for ya
You know you need to come and be with me
I promise I can set your body free
(Late at night) Cuz I'm thinkin' 'bout, thinkin' 'bout cha
(Late at night) Got me cravin' for, cravin' for your body
1 - When I get right into it
All I wanna hear you say is ah, ah, ah
When I get right into it
All I wanna hear you say is ah, ah, ah
Ooh child, can I come and just stay for a while
When I get up in it, I'm gonna just play for a while
(Late at night) When I'm thinkin' 'bout cha baby
(Late at night) And I'm cravin'
You know it's real, now
I don't even have to say it
No, no, no
(Nah, ya don't, you really really don't)
(Late at night) Don't matter baby what time of day
(Late at night) Just know that I'm cravin' for you
Baby, yeah yeah
Repeat 1
Repeat 1
Oh, now you caught my interest
Got me so damn anxious
Wanting to sex you and only you
You know your body's callin'
I hear your body callin' me, yeah yeah
I'm cravin' for ya
I'm creepin' over, no lie, late night
When you let me in it, I'm gon' make you say ah
When I hit the door, first things first
All I wanna hear you say is ah, ah, ah
Like that, yeah we freaks like that, yeah
All I wanna hear you say is ah, ah, ah
(Don't you doubt it, don't you doubt it, don't you doubt it)
All I wanna hear you say is ah, ah, ah
(Don't you doubt it, don't you doubt it, don't you doubt it)
Love is as love does
And I choose you, I choose you
Wind in your hair, sun on your skin
You're looking good girl, all over again
Hey there, Miss Brown
I want you to know, I love you
Brown as the sand, as soft as the shore
You're leaving me hungry and crying for more
Ooh-wee, baby, girl, you're such a score
And I want you to know that
You know, girl
1 - I love you
Bet you didn't know that, girl
You didn't know that
I need you right now baby, right now baby
And I bet you didn't know that
Ebony eyes
Lips soft and tender, ready to speak
I heard a voice say I love you
And it's making me weak
Hey there, little girl, may I just say to ya
I love you, I love you, I la la love you
Love is the brown skined girl in my eyes
Think it's time that I told you that
(Told you, told you)
Don't you realize you're such a queen
Woman, you're such a prize
And I want you to know that
You know what, girl
Repeat 1
Pretty, beautiful brown-eyed queen of mine
Queen of mine
Girl I love you ebony eyes
I bet you didn't know, oh
I love you
I love you, yeah
Bet you didn't know that
You didn't know that
Hey Girl
I need you
I need you, I need you, yeah
And I bet you didn't know that
Ebony eyes
Pretty brown brown brown
Pretty brown brown
Ebony eyes
I need you
I need you
Pretty brown brown brown
Pretty brown brown
And I bet you didn't know that
Ebony eyes