How to Pronounce Dot I's Cross Her T's
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- Updated: 18 Aug 2014
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dot1 /dɒt/ [dot] noun,
1.a small, roundish mark made with or as if with a pen. 2.a minute or small spot on a surface; speck: There were dots of soot on the window sill. 3.anything relatively small or specklike. 4.a small specimen, section, amount, or portion: a dot of butter. 5.a period, especially as used when pronoun, cing an Internet address. 6.Music.a.a point placed after a note or rest, to indicate that the duration of the note or rest is to be increased one half. A double dot further increases the duration by one half the value of the single dot. b.a point placed under or over a note to indicate that it is to be played staccato. 7.Telegraphy. a signal of shorter duration than a dash, used in groups along with groups of dashes and spaces to represent letters, as in Morse code. 8.Printing. an individual element in a halftone reproduction.
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What Is Cross The Ts And Dot The Is?
verb (used with object), dotted, dotting. mark with or as if with a dot or dots. stud or diversify with or as if with dots: Trees dot the landscape. form or cover with dots: He dotted a line across the page. 12.Cookery. to sprinkle with dabs of butter, margarine, or the like: Dot the filling with butter.
verb (used without object), dotted, dotting. make a dot or dots.
Idioms one's i's and cross one's t's, to be meticulous or precise, even to the smallest detail. 15.on the dot, Informal. precisely; exactly at the time specified: The guests arrived at eight o'clock on the dot. 16.the year dot, British Informal. very long ago. Origin:
before 1000; perhaps to be identified with Old English dott head of a boil, though not attested in Middle English; cf. dottle, dit, derivative of Old English dyttan to stop up (probably derivative of dott); cognate with Old High German tutta nipple Related forms dotlike, adjective dotter, noun,
World English Dictionary
dot1 (dɒt)
a small round mark made with or as with a pen, etc; spot; speck; point
anything resembling a dot; a small amount: a dot of paint
the mark (˙) that appears above the main stem of the letters i, j
the symbol (·) placed after a note or rest to increase its time value by half
this symbol written above or below a note indicating that it must be played or sung staccato
maths, logic
the symbol (.) indicating multiplication or logical conjunction
a decimal point
Compare dit the symbol (·) used, in combination with the symbol for dash (–), in the written representation of Morse and other telegraphic codes
informal the year dot as long ago as can be remembered
on the dot at exactly the arranged time
vb , dots, dotting, dotted
(tr) to mark or form with a dot: to dot a letter; a dotted crotchet
(tr) to scatter or intersperse (with dots or something resembling dots): bushes dotting the plain
(intr) to make a dot or dots
dot one's i's and cross one's t's to pay meticulous attention to detail
[Old English dott head of a boil; related to Old High German tutta nipple, Norwegian dott, Dutch dott lump]
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dot1 /dɒt/ [dot] noun,
1.a small, roundish mark made with or as if with a pen. 2.a minute or small spot on a surface; speck: There were dots of soot on the window sill. 3.anything relatively small or specklike. 4.a small specimen, section, amount, or portion: a dot of butter. 5.a period, especially as used when pronoun, cing an Internet address. 6.Music.a.a point placed after a note or rest, to indicate that the duration of the note or rest is to be increased one half. A double dot further increases the duration by one half the value of the single dot. b.a point placed under or over a note to indicate that it is to be played staccato. 7.Telegraphy. a signal of shorter duration than a dash, used in groups along with groups of dashes and spaces to represent letters, as in Morse code. 8.Printing. an individual element in a halftone reproduction.
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What Is Cross The Ts And Dot The Is?
What Is Cross The Ts And Dot The Is?
verb (used with object), dotted, dotting. mark with or as if with a dot or dots. stud or diversify with or as if with dots: Trees dot the landscape. form or cover with dots: He dotted a line across the page. 12.Cookery. to sprinkle with dabs of butter, margarine, or the like: Dot the filling with butter.
verb (used without object), dotted, dotting. make a dot or dots.
Idioms one's i's and cross one's t's, to be meticulous or precise, even to the smallest detail. 15.on the dot, Informal. precisely; exactly at the time specified: The guests arrived at eight o'clock on the dot. 16.the year dot, British Informal. very long ago. Origin:
before 1000; perhaps to be identified with Old English dott head of a boil, though not attested in Middle English; cf. dottle, dit, derivative of Old English dyttan to stop up (probably derivative of dott); cognate with Old High German tutta nipple Related forms dotlike, adjective dotter, noun,
World English Dictionary
dot1 (dɒt)
a small round mark made with or as with a pen, etc; spot; speck; point
anything resembling a dot; a small amount: a dot of paint
the mark (˙) that appears above the main stem of the letters i, j
the symbol (·) placed after a note or rest to increase its time value by half
this symbol written above or below a note indicating that it must be played or sung staccato
maths, logic
the symbol (.) indicating multiplication or logical conjunction
a decimal point
Compare dit the symbol (·) used, in combination with the symbol for dash (–), in the written representation of Morse and other telegraphic codes
informal the year dot as long ago as can be remembered
on the dot at exactly the arranged time
vb , dots, dotting, dotted
(tr) to mark or form with a dot: to dot a letter; a dotted crotchet
(tr) to scatter or intersperse (with dots or something resembling dots): bushes dotting the plain
(intr) to make a dot or dots
dot one's i's and cross one's t's to pay meticulous attention to detail
[Old English dott head of a boil; related to Old High German tutta nipple, Norwegian dott, Dutch dott lump]
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- published: 18 Aug 2014
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