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WSM remove racist slogans in Cabra, Dublin

category ireland / britain | migration / racism | press release author Monday December 18, 2006 18:52author by Alan MacSimoin - WSM - Jack White branch Report this post to the editors

Local members of the WSM have removed racist slogans which had been painted along the canal.

What had read 'Polish scum out' now reads 'Racist scum out', and the nazi swastikas have been painted over.

When hate slogans stay in place for a long time it gives the impression that nobody in the area cares. This makes racists feel more confident and foreigners more isolated. When they get removed quickly the opposite messsage is sent out.

If you have the problem of racist graffiti in your neighbourhood, phone the Cleansing Department of your local Council and ask them to remove it. Or get together with a few friends and paint over the offensive slogans.

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Issue #3 of the Newsletter of the Tokologo African Anarchist Collective

Ireland / Britain | Migration / racism | Press Release | en

Sun 05 Oct, 04:38

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