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north america / mexico / anti-fascism / news report Wednesday August 20, 2014 - 18:45 por Denver Anarchist Black Cross   image 1 image
Saturday August 9th, a racist Ferguson police officer profiled and fatally shot a black teenager, Michael Brown, as he walked to his grandmother’s residence with a friend. He was 18 years old. Multiple witnesses told KMOV that Brown was unarmed and had his hands up in the air when he was cut down. “The officer shot again and once my friend felt that shot, he turned around and put his hands in the air,” said witness Dorian Johnson. “He started to get down and the officer still approached with his weapon drawn and fired several more shots.” The family and the community are calling his death an execution. ... read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / indigenous struggles / press release Thursday August 07, 2014 - 09:19 por Scott Campbell   image 1 image
Presented by Art Forces, the Estria Foundation and NorCal Friends of Sabeel, the Oakland Palestine Solidarity Mural is a monumental work of public art located in Uptown Oakland on 26th Street between Telegraph and Broadway. The mural pays homage to the history of Bay Area public art and expresses solidarity with Palestinians as bombs continue to fall on Gaza. ... read full story / add a comment
américa del norte / méxico / luchas indígenas / news report Thursday May 29, 2014 - 20:05 por Subcomandante Marcos   image 1 image
La Realidad, Chiapas, 25 de mayo 2014.- Por medios libres, alternativos, autónomos o como se digan. Esta madrugada, como cierre del homenaje al compañero Galeano, más de tres mil bases de apoyo, milicianos e insurgentes zapatistas y alrededor de mil adherentes a La Sexta, escuchamos las “últimas palabras públicas” del Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional. En el templete estaban presentes 6 comandantes y comandantas del Comité Clandestino Revolucionario Indígena, el Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés y el propio Subcomandante Marcos. Exponemos algunos fragmentos de las cinco partes de la carta. ... read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / workplace struggles / news report Sunday March 16, 2014 - 20:08 por Jake Carman
Picket lines have returned to Insomnia Cookies, less than two weeks after the company settled with four workers who struck in August of 2013. On Friday March 14, two dozen union members and supporters rallied in front of the Boston location of Insomnia Cookies, demanding the reinstatement with back pay of union organizer and bicycle delivery “driver,” Tasia Edmonds. On March 9 the company suspended Edmonds without pay for a month, alleging insubordination, while the union maintains she was disciplined for her union-building efforts. ... read full story / add a comment
amérique du nord / mexique / mouvement anarchiste / communiqué de presse Sunday March 02, 2014 - 20:59 por Union Communiste Libertaire   image 1 image
Une page est tournée mais l’histoire de l’anarchisme au Québec n’est évidemment pas terminée. Les organisations sont des moyens et non des fins. Les personnes qui ont fait l’UCL continuent de s’impliquer dans plusieurs projets libertaires, dont les éditions Ruptures et le Collectif Emma-Goldman qui poursuit sur sa lancée. ... read full story / add a comment
Workers, community allies, and others rallied in front of the store
north america / mexico / workplace struggles / press release Saturday November 02, 2013 - 01:09 por Stephanie Basile   image 1 image
Dylan's Candy Bar workers staged a lively rally outside the store's flagship location Wednesday night. ... read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / workplace struggles / news report Tuesday October 29, 2013 - 00:04 por Shane B   image 1 image
Here is a look at the new campaign of the Portland Solidarity Network, and how their organizing format provides a new avenue for alternative labor. ... read full story / add a comment
amérique du nord / mexique / migration / racisme / communiqué de presse Thursday September 19, 2013 - 11:35 por Collectif Emma Goldman   image 1 image
Horreur et stupeur sont des mots bien insuffisants pour exprimer notre dégoût face au crime haineux perpétré samedi après-midi à l’endroit de la Mosquée de Chicoutimi. Nous qui militons au quotidien pour abattre ces frontières formées de préjugés, de violence, d’oppression, de privilège et d’ignorance, sommes attristé-e-s par cette nouvelle manifestation d’un système d’oppression – le racisme – bien présent chez nous. Alors que nous voyons dans cet acte la continuité d’une campagne de propagande haineuse d’un groupuscule raciste de la région, nous nous insurgeons également contre des formes de racisme beaucoup plus répandues et banalisées dans notre milieu. À l’ombre des bêtes idées-marketing de « ville accueillante » (sans action) et des vaines quêtes du journalisme policier de nos grands médias, nous émettons cette déclaration à partager : du courage naît l’espoir, l’espoir de vaincre et terrasser toutes les formes d’oppression. C’est un appel à l’action. [Engilsh] ... read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / migration / racism / press release Thursday September 19, 2013 - 11:01 por Collectif Emma Goldman   image 1 image
Words like shock and horror do not do enough to express our disgust before the hate crime perpetrated Saturday afternoon against the Chicoutimi Mosque. We who are active every day tearing down these borders built of prejudices, violence, oppression, privilege and ignorance, are saddened by this new manifestation of a system of oppression – racism – that is widespread where we live. [Français] ... read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / education / news report Saturday September 14, 2013 - 06:12 por Scott Campbell   image 1 image   video 2 video files
With the state pushing reform forward, the National Representative Assembly of the CNTE decided to call off the beginning of the school year and declared an indefinite work stoppage starting on August 19. They called for a massive convergence in the Zócalo and for more than three weeks, over 40,000 teachers from all corners of Mexico have reinforced the encampment, turning the Zócalo into a tent and tarp city. ... read full story / add a comment
nord america / messico / movimento anarchico / comunicato stampa Friday August 02, 2013 - 00:07 por klas batalo   image 1 image
Breve storia del processo di riavvicinamento tra gruppi anarchici statunitensi in corso da alcuni anni. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
américa del norte / méxico / miscellaneous / comunicado de prensa Thursday July 25, 2013 - 17:55 por Regeneración Radio   image 1 image
El pasado 11 de julio nos percatamos que la programación de Regeneración Radio fue interrumpida, pensando que tal vez fuese un problema de energía eléctrica, nos dimos a la tarea de averiguar las causas. En esa fecha, es importante señalar, el Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades Plantel Vallejo (CCH-V) se encontraba cerrado debido al periodo vacacional (1 al 19 de julio), pudiendo acceder solamente las autoridades universitarias, y el personal de seguridad que resguarda las instalaciones. ... read full story / add a comment
américa del norte / méxico / movimiento anarquista / comunicado de prensa Friday July 12, 2013 - 16:42 por Comisión organizadora   image 1 image
Como es ya sabido, el pasado jueves 4 de julio fueron detenidos dos compañeros que forman parte de la organización de la 2da Feria del Libro y publicaciones Anarquistas que se llevara realizará en Guadalajara los días 25 y 26 de julio, ante estos hechos queremos hacer público que: ... read full story / add a comment
amérique du nord / mexique / anti-fascisme / communiqué de presse Friday June 14, 2013 - 00:22 por Tremblayovtschina   image 1 image
11 juin 2013 // L’Union Communiste Libertaire souhaite dénoncer de vive voix les campagnes de peur et l’incitation à la haine des radios-poubelles, de même que ses poursuite-bâillons. Nous constatons encore les dérives dangereuses et les menaces violentes de fans de ces radios envers des personnes associées au boycott de celles-ci. Nous appelons les militantes sociales et militants sociaux à combattre sur plusieurs fronts la démagogie populiste de droite qui a pignon sur rue dans plusieurs stations radios de la province. ... read full story / add a comment
américa del norte / méxico / represión / presos / news report Tuesday June 11, 2013 - 02:35 por Carolina S. Romero   image 1 image
La desaparición sigue siendo una estrategia del Estado para mantener la sociedad bajo control y eliminar la protesta social. Pero ahora no tienes que ser guerrillero o activista para que te desaparezcan. ... read full story / add a comment
américa del norte / méxico / medio ambiente / news report Tuesday May 28, 2013 - 09:02 por Carolina S. Romero   image 1 image
El tema del Carnaval del Maíz que se celebró en la Ciudad de México en el marco del Día Internacional contra Monsanto fue la defensa de la cultura y el alimento, las semillas nativas y la soberanía alimentaria del país. ... read full story / add a comment
américa del norte / méxico / represión / presos / news report Thursday May 23, 2013 - 22:32 por Carolina S. Romero   image 1 image
Temen que pueda ser objeto de una desaparición forzada ... read full story / add a comment
américa del norte / méxico / represión / presos / news report Thursday May 23, 2013 - 08:39 por Carolina S. Romero   text 1 comment (last - thursday may 23, 2013 - 08:47)   image 1 image
El 15 de mayo, Día del Maestro en México, se realizó un mitin por la libertad del profesor Alberto Patishtán Gómez en el Ángel de la Independencia en el DF. ... read full story / add a comment
américa del norte / méxico / represión / presos / comunicado de prensa Tuesday April 02, 2013 - 05:36 por David Venegas y Efren Hernandez   image 1 image
El dia jueves 28 de marzo fuimos detenidos con violencia Feliciano Efrén Hernández Pablo y David Venegas Reyes por elementos de la Agencia Estatal de Investigaciones (AEI) acusados de robar a un taxista quien minutos antes habia realizado un servicio a David Venegas Reyes y otras dos compañeras, y a quienes intento robarles pero no lo permitieron, una vez que descendieron del taxi llegaron a la casa de c. Feliciano Efrén Hernández Pablo, y cuando salimos a la tienda, es cuando los agentes nos detienen y sin explicacion alguna nos suben con violencia a las patrullas a pesar que varios vecinos acudieron a tratar de impedirlo, porque no habia motivos para la detencion, nosotros decidimos que no lo impidieran para que no hubiera mas violencia, a pesar de esto el c. David Venegas Reyes es golpeado en la cara, espalda y pecho, por un agente durante el trayecto a la PGJE, en la experimental, Oaxaca y despues es nuevamente golpeado en el rostro y estomago por otro agente ya en las instalaciones de PGJE. ... read full story / add a comment
Issue #3 of the Newsletter of the Tokologo African Anarchist Collective

North America / Mexico

Wed 01 Oct, 10:45

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presxsanarquistaslibertad366.jpg imageDepuis l’Europe : Solidarité avec les prisonnier-e-s anarchistes emprisonnés à Mexico 03:19 Tue 09 Sep by Commission international 0 comments

Août 2014

brown04.jpg imageTerror in Ferguson 18:45 Wed 20 Aug by Denver Anarchist Black Cross 0 comments

Saturday August 9th, a racist Ferguson police officer profiled and fatally shot a black teenager, Michael Brown, as he walked to his grandmother’s residence with a friend. He was 18 years old. Multiple witnesses told KMOV that Brown was unarmed and had his hands up in the air when he was cut down. “The officer shot again and once my friend felt that shot, he turned around and put his hands in the air,” said witness Dorian Johnson. “He started to get down and the officer still approached with his weapon drawn and fired several more shots.” The family and the community are calling his death an execution.

mural_fb.jpg imageThe Oakland Palestine Solidarity Mural 09:19 Thu 07 Aug by Scott Campbell 0 comments

Presented by Art Forces, the Estria Foundation and NorCal Friends of Sabeel, the Oakland Palestine Solidarity Mural is a monumental work of public art located in Uptown Oakland on 26th Street between Telegraph and Broadway. The mural pays homage to the history of Bay Area public art and expresses solidarity with Palestinians as bombs continue to fall on Gaza.

imagenzapa.gif imageÚltimas palabras de Subcomandante Marcos antes de dejar de existir 20:05 Thu 29 May by Subcomandante Marcos 0 comments

La Realidad, Chiapas, 25 de mayo 2014.- Por medios libres, alternativos, autónomos o como se digan. Esta madrugada, como cierre del homenaje al compañero Galeano, más de tres mil bases de apoyo, milicianos e insurgentes zapatistas y alrededor de mil adherentes a La Sexta, escuchamos las “últimas palabras públicas” del Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional. En el templete estaban presentes 6 comandantes y comandantas del Comité Clandestino Revolucionario Indígena, el Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés y el propio Subcomandante Marcos. Exponemos algunos fragmentos de las cinco partes de la carta.

textDays After Settlement, Pickets Return to Insomnia Cookies 20:08 Sun 16 Mar by Jake Carman 0 comments

Picket lines have returned to Insomnia Cookies, less than two weeks after the company settled with four workers who struck in August of 2013. On Friday March 14, two dozen union members and supporters rallied in front of the Boston location of Insomnia Cookies, demanding the reinstatement with back pay of union organizer and bicycle delivery “driver,” Tasia Edmonds. On March 9 the company suspended Edmonds without pay for a month, alleging insubordination, while the union maintains she was disciplined for her union-building efforts.

drapeaudelucl.jpg imageUltime congrès de l’UCL 20:59 Sun 02 Mar by Union Communiste Libertaire 0 comments

Une page est tournée mais l’histoire de l’anarchisme au Québec n’est évidemment pas terminée. Les organisations sont des moyens et non des fins. Les personnes qui ont fait l’UCL continuent de s’impliquer dans plusieurs projets libertaires, dont les éditions Ruptures et le Collectif Emma-Goldman qui poursuit sur sa lancée.

Workers, community allies, and others rallied in front of the store imageDylan's Candy Bar Workers Rally for Better Hours, Pay, & Respect 01:09 Sat 02 Nov by Stephanie Basile 0 comments

Dylan's Candy Bar workers staged a lively rally outside the store's flagship location Wednesday night.

portland.jpg imageSolidarity networks spread as a new alternative to ‘alternative labor’ 00:04 Tue 29 Oct by Shane B 0 comments

Here is a look at the new campaign of the Portland Solidarity Network, and how their organizing format provides a new avenue for alternative labor.

stopracism_1.gif imageQuébec : Déclaration commune pour une communauté inclusive et antiraciste au Saguenay 11:35 Thu 19 Sep by Collectif Emma Goldman 0 comments

Horreur et stupeur sont des mots bien insuffisants pour exprimer notre dégoût face au crime haineux perpétré samedi après-midi à l’endroit de la Mosquée de Chicoutimi. Nous qui militons au quotidien pour abattre ces frontières formées de préjugés, de violence, d’oppression, de privilège et d’ignorance, sommes attristé-e-s par cette nouvelle manifestation d’un système d’oppression – le racisme – bien présent chez nous. Alors que nous voyons dans cet acte la continuité d’une campagne de propagande haineuse d’un groupuscule raciste de la région, nous nous insurgeons également contre des formes de racisme beaucoup plus répandues et banalisées dans notre milieu. À l’ombre des bêtes idées-marketing de « ville accueillante » (sans action) et des vaines quêtes du journalisme policier de nos grands médias, nous émettons cette déclaration à partager : du courage naît l’espoir, l’espoir de vaincre et terrasser toutes les formes d’oppression. C’est un appel à l’action. [Engilsh]

stopracism.gif imageJoint Declaration for an Inclusive and Antiracist Community in the Saguenay 11:01 Thu 19 Sep by Collectif Emma Goldman 0 comments

Words like shock and horror do not do enough to express our disgust before the hate crime perpetrated Saturday afternoon against the Chicoutimi Mosque. We who are active every day tearing down these borders built of prejudices, violence, oppression, privilege and ignorance, are saddened by this new manifestation of a system of oppression – racism – that is widespread where we live. [Français]

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imageCrisis and Revolt Sep 28 by Wayne Price 0 comments

Liberals and progressive forces support the Democratic Party in elections, even though humanity is facing a number of interconnected threats and nightmarish catastrophes: economic, ecological/climate, and others. Democratic liberals, while perhaps the "lesser evil" to the Republican reactionaries, have no solutions to the objective dangers which threaten society with great suffering and destruction. The only real alternative is popular mass struggle or defeat--socialist-anarchism or catastrophes.

imageAudio: Translating Anarchy: The Anarchism of Occupy Wall Street Aug 22 by andrew 0 comments

A 30 minute talk by Mark Bray, author of Translating Anarchy: The Anarchism of Occupy Wall Street followed by an hour of discussion. Translating Anarchy tells the story of the anti-capitalist anti-authoritarians of Occupy Wall Street who strategically communicated their revolutionary politics to the public in a way that was both accessible and revolutionary.

imageResistencia y movilizaciones en comunidades negras de EEUU aumentan después del asesinato de Mike Br... Aug 17 by Lucía Ángela Bambace 0 comments

El 9 de agosto en Ferguson del estado de Missouri, Michael Brown, un joven negro de 18 años, fue asesinado por la policía a pesar de estar desarmado, y de levantar las manos cuando era detenido. Brown estaba en camino a visitar su abuela con un amigo, la policía los detuvo cuando estos caminaban por la calle. El encuentro intensificó cuando Brown se resistió a ser detenido, e ingresar dentro del auto policial. Como trataban escaparse, la policía disparó a los jóvenes en repetidas ocasiones hasta dar con Brown. Su amigo, Dorian Johnson, dice que la policía continuó disparando aún después de que se dieran vuelta con sus manos levantadas.

imageAnarchism and the Philosophy of Pragmatism May 06 by Wayne Price 1 comments

Anarchism and the philosophy of pragmatism can add to each other. Pragmatism is explained as a philosophy of active experience and experimental naturalism. Pragmatism advocates radical, decentrlized democracy and industrial self-management, which is very close to anarchism. However pragmatists have often opposed reformist perspectives to revolution. The case for revolution is presented.

image“Sharing the pains, indignities and anger” Mar 10 by Miriam 1 comments

This is an interesting interview with our comrade Miriam (M1 Detroit) on her history of “Industrialization” with her organization at the time the Revolutionary Socialist League. “Industrialization” was the term that the Left used to describe the strategy of getting mainly University and counter-culture youth activists to commit to point-of-production organizing in factories as part of the working-class. It was different than what is today known as “salting” – as “Industrialization” was not usually seen as a short-term stint around a specific campaign, but rather a long-term commitment to building a revolutionary presence in the class.

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imageDepuis l’Europe : Solidarité avec les prisonnier-e-s anarchistes emprisonnés à Mexico Sep 09 Alternative Libertaire 0 comments

Août 2014

imageThe Oakland Palestine Solidarity Mural Aug 07 0 comments

Presented by Art Forces, the Estria Foundation and NorCal Friends of Sabeel, the Oakland Palestine Solidarity Mural is a monumental work of public art located in Uptown Oakland on 26th Street between Telegraph and Broadway. The mural pays homage to the history of Bay Area public art and expresses solidarity with Palestinians as bombs continue to fall on Gaza.

imageUltime congrès de l’UCL Mar 02 UCL 0 comments

Une page est tournée mais l’histoire de l’anarchisme au Québec n’est évidemment pas terminée. Les organisations sont des moyens et non des fins. Les personnes qui ont fait l’UCL continuent de s’impliquer dans plusieurs projets libertaires, dont les éditions Ruptures et le Collectif Emma-Goldman qui poursuit sur sa lancée.

imageDylan's Candy Bar Workers Rally for Better Hours, Pay, & Respect Nov 02 Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Union 0 comments

Dylan's Candy Bar workers staged a lively rally outside the store's flagship location Wednesday night.

imageQuébec : Déclaration commune pour une communauté inclusive et antiraciste au Saguenay Sep 19 Union Communiste Libertaire 0 comments

Horreur et stupeur sont des mots bien insuffisants pour exprimer notre dégoût face au crime haineux perpétré samedi après-midi à l’endroit de la Mosquée de Chicoutimi. Nous qui militons au quotidien pour abattre ces frontières formées de préjugés, de violence, d’oppression, de privilège et d’ignorance, sommes attristé-e-s par cette nouvelle manifestation d’un système d’oppression – le racisme – bien présent chez nous. Alors que nous voyons dans cet acte la continuité d’une campagne de propagande haineuse d’un groupuscule raciste de la région, nous nous insurgeons également contre des formes de racisme beaucoup plus répandues et banalisées dans notre milieu. À l’ombre des bêtes idées-marketing de « ville accueillante » (sans action) et des vaines quêtes du journalisme policier de nos grands médias, nous émettons cette déclaration à partager : du courage naît l’espoir, l’espoir de vaincre et terrasser toutes les formes d’oppression. C’est un appel à l’action. [Engilsh]

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