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Recent Articles about Central America / Caribbean Workplace struggles

Pou Yon Premye Me Rezistans ! May 01 14 by Batay Ouvriye

Entevansyon KOSIT Jan 30 14 by Batay Ouvriye

Manif ouv sou SM Dec 12 13 by Batay Ouvriye

Clintons' Pet Project for Privatized 'Aid' to Haiti Stealing Workers' Wages: Report

category central america / caribbean | workplace struggles | non-anarchist press author Tuesday October 29, 2013 23:15author by Sarah Lazare - CommonDreams Report this post to the editors

'This calls into question the sustainability and effectiveness of relying on the garment industry to lead Haiti's reconstruction'

Haiti's Caracol Industrial Park—the U.S. State Department and Clinton Foundation pet project to deliver aid and reconstruction to earthquake-ravaged Haiti in the form of private investment—is systematically stealing its garment workers' wages, paying them 34 percent less than minimum wage set by federal law, a breaking report from the Worker Rights Consortium reveals.

Critics charge that poverty wages illustrate the deep flaws with corporate models of so-called aid. "The failure of the Caracol Industrial Park to comply with minimum wage laws is a stain on the U.S.'s post-earthquake investments in Haiti and calls into question the sustainability and effectiveness of relying on the garment industry to lead Haiti's reconstruction," said Jake Johnston of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in an interview with Common Dreams.

Caracol is just one of five garment factories profiled in this damning report, released publicly on Wednesday, which finds that "the majority of Haitian garment workers are being denied nearly a third of the wages they are legally due as a result of the factories’ theft of their income." This is due to systematic employer cheating on piece-work and overtime, as well as failure to pay employees for hours worked.

WRC charges that the wage theft at these 5 factories is "typical" across the country's garment industry, leading to the suppression of national wages at deep poverty levels. As a result, workers have trouble affording food, shelter, and medical care, the report finds.

Through a series of in-depth interviews, as well as review of pay records, researchers discovered that the problem of wage theft throughout the country's garment industry is "egregious" at Northern Haiti's Caracol Industrial Park, which sits at the center of U.S. 'reconstruction' efforts and is slated to employ an estimated 20,000 people.

Financers included the Inter-American Development Bank, the U.S. State Department, and the Clinton Foundation, who invested a total of $224 million with promises to uphold high labor standards. Its anchor tenant is the Korean S&H; Global factory, which sells garments to Walmart, Target, Kohl's, and Old Navy, according to the report.

The largest post-earthquake U.S. investment in Haiti, Caracol's backers have championed it as a model for privatized reconstruction. In a July press release, the U.S. State Department champions the park as a chance to "spur economic growth and bring jobs to Haiti’s underserved regions."

Then-U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former U.S. President Bill Clinton attended Caracol's opening ceremony a year ago. “We’re sending a message that Haiti is open for business again,” Hillary Clinton declared upon the announcement of the opening.

The Clinton Foundation did not immediately respond to a request from Common Dreams for an interview.

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Issue #3 of the Newsletter of the Tokologo African Anarchist Collective

Front page

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Central America / Caribbean | Workplace struggles | en

Wed 10 Sep, 10:17

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460_0___30_0_0_0_0_0_pwen_6_1.jpg imageHaiti: Sackings and Repression! 03:12 Sun 02 Oct by Batay Ouvriye 1 comments

During the days following the dismissal of 5 members of the executive committee of SOTA (the Textile and Apparel Workers’ Union), the firings are contiuing even worse.

pwen.png image[Haiti] After the minimum wage increase, heightened exploitation! 09:57 Tue 20 Oct by Batay Ouvriye 1 comments

The following is a flyer we distributed last week concerning rising quotas and increased exploitation in the factories in Haiti.

__1.jpg imageUpdate on Haitian Minimum Wage Struggles 14:08 Mon 10 Aug by s. nappalos 0 comments

This is an update on struggles from July

devant2600x451.jpg imageFactory Occupations in Haiti & a march August 19th 22:20 Sun 09 Aug by s. nappalos 1 comments

Over 10,000 workers including Batay Ouvriye members at the industrial parks (i.e. mass sweatshop district) of Port au Prince occupied their factories Tuesday in support of the demand for the enactment of the minimum wage legislation passed by Parliament, but stalled by the President.

imageThe IWW Mission to Haiti May 08 by wobbly 1 comments

We reproduce the content of the blog of a recent IWW union visit to Haiti, where they met with the CTH and Batay Ouvriye. The notes reproduced here are of the greatest interest to understand the prospects for the Haitian working class struggles. They are of enormous value to understand, also, the reality of Haiti after 4 years of occupation and the need for solidarity... Solidarity forever!

imageThe minimum Wage struggle in Haiti Apr 07 by KOPA 2 comments

Let’s support the Haitian workers’ struggle for a minimum wage adjustment and the struggle to lower the cost of living, a two-pronged struggle.

imageHaiti: Sackings and Repression! Oct 02 1 comments

During the days following the dismissal of 5 members of the executive committee of SOTA (the Textile and Apparel Workers’ Union), the firings are contiuing even worse.

image[Haiti] After the minimum wage increase, heightened exploitation! Oct 20 BO 1 comments

The following is a flyer we distributed last week concerning rising quotas and increased exploitation in the factories in Haiti.

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