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north america / mexico / workplace struggles / news report Sunday March 16, 2014 20:08 byJake Carman
Picket lines have returned to Insomnia Cookies, less than two weeks after the company settled with four workers who struck in August of 2013. On Friday March 14, two dozen union members and supporters rallied in front of the Boston location of Insomnia Cookies, demanding the reinstatement with back pay of union organizer and bicycle delivery “driver,” Tasia Edmonds. On March 9 the company suspended Edmonds without pay for a month, alleging insubordination, while the union maintains she was disciplined for her union-building efforts. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / workplace struggles / opinion / analysis Monday March 10, 2014 10:06 byMiriam   text 1 comment (last - friday march 14, 2014 14:40)   image 1 image
This is an interesting interview with our comrade Miriam (M1 Detroit) on her history of “Industrialization” with her organization at the time the Revolutionary Socialist League. “Industrialization” was the term that the Left used to describe the strategy of getting mainly University and counter-culture youth activists to commit to point-of-production organizing in factories as part of the working-class. It was different than what is today known as “salting” – as “Industrialization” was not usually seen as a short-term stint around a specific campaign, but rather a long-term commitment to building a revolutionary presence in the class. read full story / add a comment
amérique du nord / mexique / mouvement anarchiste / opinion / analyse Thursday March 06, 2014 13:36 byCollectif Emma Goldman   image 1 image
Ce texte a comme premier objectif de dresser un bilan le plus honnête possible, afin que nous puissions collectivement tirer des apprentissages de cette expérience. Ce bilan est issu d’une réflexion collective des membres actifs du collectif Emma Goldman à l’hiver 2014. Il reflète donc, avant tout chose, la réalité telle que vécue par ceux-ci. read full story / add a comment
amérique du nord / mexique / mouvement anarchiste / communiqué de presse Sunday March 02, 2014 20:59 byUnion Communiste Libertaire   image 1 image
Une page est tournée mais l’histoire de l’anarchisme au Québec n’est évidemment pas terminée. Les organisations sont des moyens et non des fins. Les personnes qui ont fait l’UCL continuent de s’impliquer dans plusieurs projets libertaires, dont les éditions Ruptures et le Collectif Emma-Goldman qui poursuit sur sa lancée. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / the left / debate Monday February 24, 2014 03:06 byWayne Price   text 1 comment (last - thursday march 06, 2014 09:35)   image 1 image
The Platypus Society is having a panel on "Marxism and Anarchism," 3/17, in Chicago. It prepared a list of questions on the topic. These are my responses to the questions, in preparation for the discussion. read full story / add a comment
Βόρεια Αμερική / Μεξικό / Λαϊκοί Αγώνες / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Monday February 10, 2014 15:48 byΡαούλ Ζιμπέκι   image 1 image
Είκοσι χρόνια μετά την εξέγερση του 1994, το πρόταγμα αυτονομίας και οριζοντιότητας των Ζαπατίστας έχει φτάσει να καθορίζει έναν κύκλο αγώνων σε ολόκληρη την ήπειρο. read full story / add a comment
américa del norte / méxico / community struggles / opinión / análisis Sunday February 09, 2014 21:34 byBrenda Aguilar   text 2 comments (last - tuesday february 11, 2014 08:49)   image 1 image
Lo cierto es que trata de una respuesta legitima al sufrimiento de años de violencia en manos del crimen organizado con el auspicio cínico del gobierno. Lo que pase lo decidirán los pueblos. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / workplace struggles / opinion / analysis Thursday January 30, 2014 08:14 byMike Harris   text 1 comment (last - saturday february 08, 2014 05:00)   image 1 image
Direct action and workplace organization rather than legislation will end inequality read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / anarchist movement / anarchist communist event Tuesday January 21, 2014 03:53 bySyndicalist   text 9 comments (last - thursday january 30, 2014 22:24)   image 1 image
Dates: Jan 21 - 25

Chile has a long history of working class struggle in shanty towns, factories, mines, community organizations, and schools. In the 20 years after the US supported coup which overthrew Salvador Allende’s government, much of the organizing was done underground. However after the fall of the dictatorship in 1990, there was a new rise of mass popular organization in the country. Anarchists have been a major force in the social movements, strategically organizing to build power. This has manifested in solidarity for the Mapuches, anarchists winning the student union elections at the University of Chile, militant pro-abortion actions, and libertarian labor organizations.

This national tour brings three individuals involved in these struggles to talk about the lessons learned and to create solidarity across hemispheres. From January to the end of February, the speakers will be traveling throughout the country and we hope that you can spread the word and hear about the important work that is happening in Chile. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / anarchist movement / opinion / analysis Tuesday January 21, 2014 03:19 byWayne Price   text 1 comment (last - thursday january 23, 2014 15:46)   image 1 image
This essay is slightly expanded from one which was rejected by a US anarchist magazine for political reasons. It deals with a disagreement among activists: Should we propose that the movement raise a program of demands? I think that anarchists should, but with a more libertarian-democratic version than the liberals and state socialists. The essay is followed by a response to the political points raised by the editors of the anarchist journal. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / anarchist movement / anarchist communist event Tuesday December 24, 2013 10:30 by"Struggling to Win"; Chile Speaking tour   text 4 comments (last - sunday december 29, 2013 06:09)   image 1 image
Limited U.S. national tour, begining on 10 January and ending 6 March 2014. brings three individuals involved in workplace, student, community and feminist struggles to talk about the lessons learned and to create solidarity across hemispheres. From January to the end of February, the speakers will be traveling throughout parts of the country discussing the important work that is happening in Chile. read full story / add a comment
Vikki Law
américa del norte / méxico / crime prison and punishment / entrevista Wednesday December 04, 2013 22:57 byBrenda Aguilar   image 1 image
Victoria Law es una fotógrafa, escritora y activista y madre. Involucrada en la lucha anticarcelaria desde 1996 coadyuvando en el éxito de iniciativas como Books Through Bars-New York City (Libros a través de las rejas-NY) un grupo que manda gratuitamente libros a presxs a nivel nacional en los Estados Unidos.

Desde el 2000, empezó a concentrarse en las necesidades que la lucha de las mujeres en prisiones requería, coeditando libros como Tenacious: Art and Writings in Prison (Tenaz: Arte y escritura en las prisiones) y facilitando que la escritura de mujeres encarceladas pueda ser leída fuera de las rejas, entre otros proyectos editoriales del mismo tipo. También publicó un libro titulado Resistance Behind Bars: The Struggles of Incarcerated Women (Resistencia tras las rejas: las luchas de las mujeres encarceladas, PM Press, 2009) y ganó el Premio PASS el 2009 (Prevention for a Safer Society, Prevención para una sociedad más Segura) otorgadio por el Consejo Nacional del Crimen y la Delincuencia.

En 1995 se involucró con ABC No Rio, un colectivo que administra un centro cultura en la parte sur del lado Este de Manhattan. Organizó, también, un grupo de fotógrafos activistas dentro de este mismo espacio, y desde entonces mantiene y coordina diferentes proyectos comunitarios destinados a jóvenes (exhibiciones, clases, etc).

En el 2003 colaboró con China Martens y crearon "Don't Leave Your Friends Behind," (No dejes a tu amigxs atrás), un taller que abordó las necesidades específicas de padres, madres y niñxs en los movimientos sociales radicales. Esta es una pequeña introducción de Victoria, que seguramente al resumir no hace justicia a la importante labor a la que ha estado dedicada. Regeneración Radio tuvo la oportunidad de entablar una pequeña charla que reproducimos a continuación.
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north america / mexico / miscellaneous / interview Thursday November 28, 2013 18:42 byDaniel Falcone   image 1 image
This was not an interview per se on the occasion of the 50th anniversary, but rather some comments from the past relevant to it. read full story / add a comment
nord america / messico / lotte sul territorio / opinione / analisi Thursday November 28, 2013 13:38 byS.B.   image 1 image
Quando si prende in considerazione la creazione di una "Zona No Sfratto", ricordiamoci che si tratta solo di uno strumento simbolico in un percorso basato sulla lotta di classe. [English] read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / community struggles / opinion / analysis Friday November 22, 2013 00:14 byS.B.   image 1 image
When considering creating an "Eviction Free Zone," you have to remember that it is only a rhetorical tool in the advance of a class-based agenda. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / the left / opinion / analysis Thursday November 21, 2013 23:52 byS.B.   image 1 image
As we engage in larger social movements, it can be easy to lose sight of our endgame and essentially function as a type of "social democrat." Here are some key reasons and methods for avoiding this, as well as countering the progressive election logic during voting season. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / the left / opinion / analysis Tuesday November 05, 2013 01:33 byMinnesota Local Collective   image 1 image
Campaigns teach by more than what is in their written programs. Even if the campaign was more explicitly radical, functionally it is teaching people that social change comes about through electing better politicians. The campaign has all the features of a mainstream election effort – adoration of a single personality, exaggeration of his “leadership”, meaningless pledges to “get results for you”. This is an elitist approach that reinforces the passivity of people by making someone else the “leader” who gets things done, instead of arguing for all of us to take control over our own lives. The activists and community members who have dived into the Ty Moore campaign are not prioritizing organizing one-on-ones to plan direct actions at work, at school, or in their neighborhoods, or discussing and debating how to replace the racist police with community militias or how narrow gender-roles stifle our humanity or how to build rank & file power against the union bureaucracy. They are rallying around “our guy” and training people to fundraise and to get out the vote. This is the main lesson that participants in the campaign are gaining: How to participate in this unjust system. read full story / add a comment
Workers, community allies, and others rallied in front of the store
north america / mexico / workplace struggles / press release Saturday November 02, 2013 01:09 byStephanie Basile   image 1 image
Dylan's Candy Bar workers staged a lively rally outside the store's flagship location Wednesday night. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / workplace struggles / news report Tuesday October 29, 2013 00:04 byShane B   image 1 image
Here is a look at the new campaign of the Portland Solidarity Network, and how their organizing format provides a new avenue for alternative labor. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / anarchist movement / feature Tuesday October 22, 2013 06:22 byWayne Price   text 9 comments (last - saturday december 14, 2013 21:57)   image 1 image
Democratic Party politicians have denounced right-wing Republicans as "anarchists." Why? Are they "anarchists"? What about rightwingers who call themselves "libertarians"? Are "anarcho-capitalists" really anarchists? Are they consistent with the tradition of "individualist anarchism"? read full story / add a comment
Revista "Socialismo Libertário" num. 2

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North America / Mexico

Tue 01 Apr, 06:29

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textDays After Settlement, Pickets Return to Insomnia Cookies 20:08 Sun 16 Mar by Jake Carman 0 comments

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Press Releases

imageUltime congrès de l’UCL Mar 02 UCL 0 comments

imageDylan's Candy Bar Workers Rally for Better Hours, Pay, & Respect Nov 02 Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Union 0 comments

imageQuébec : Déclaration commune pour une communauté inclusive et antiraciste au Saguenay Sep 19 Union Communiste Libertaire 0 comments

imageJoint Declaration for an Inclusive and Antiracist Community in the Saguenay Sep 19 Union Communiste Libertaire 0 comments

imageUSA: Breve storia del processo di riavvicinamento degli anarchici per la lotta di classe Aug 02 Common Struggle, Workers' Solidarity Alliance 0 comments

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