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November 2013


The Dark Side of Christian HistoryThe Dark Side of Christian History by Helen Ellerbe: Morningstar and Lark, Orlando Florida, 1999 ISBN 0-9644873-4-9     This is the sort of book that I had to force myself through. It was not so muc…

Continue reading at Molly'sBlog …

The Divine Plan

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Irán: No se trata de armas nucleares

Sheldon Richman Fuente: Iran: It’s Not about Nuclear Weapons, Information Clearing House, 28/11/2013 Si quieren comprender el conflicto entre EEUU e Irán, han de saber una cosa: no se trata de armas nucleares. Ustedes están pensando: por supuesto que es sobre las armas nucleares. Todo el mundo lo dice. Bueno, todo el mundo no. Pero […]Irán: No se trata de armas nucleares

Panorama of Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires, Argentina.  First one I…

Panorama of Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

First one I ever make.

Keep on reading: Panorama of Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires, Argentina.  First one I...

The Picket Line — 1 December 2013

There’s a new edition of NWTRCC’s newsletter out. Contents include:

Here’s a bit more about the bonnets rouges, who held a big anti-tax demonstration across France :

  • Philippe Euzen has a backgrounder at Le Monde — “Ces patrons à l'origine des ‘bonnets rouges’” (the bosses behind the bonnets rouges) — in which he describes how business and entrepreneurial groups with a deregulation/low-tax agenda united with leftish Breton nationalists and decentralization activists to gel this unusual movement.
  • Another backgrounder at France Info looks at an odd variety of angry birds in the French political scene: activist coalitions with names like “Pigeons,” “Chicks,” “Turkeys,” “Dodos,” and “Storks” that are fighting for a variety of causes. Some are trying to crack open an over-regulated and cartelized economy and enable more small-scale entrepreneurialism by overturning laws banning innovations like Airbnb and Lyft — and this is causing the establishment unions, who are invested in the status quo, to turn their backs on the movement.
  • According to a leaked government report based on reports from regional law enforcement officials, “France is on the verge of a ‘social explosion’ over ever-increasing taxes.”

    In the report, the prefects said that roadside cameras installed across France to monitor traffic for the new tax had become symbols of fiscal oppression, and demanded that they be “removed before they are all destroyed”.

  • The government has tried to defuse the protest by “suspending” the new “ecotax” which was origially supposed to go into effect . It is now scheduled for at the earliest.

Makes a nice wallapaper. Full size.

Makes a nice wallapaper. Full size.

Keep on reading: Makes a nice wallapaper. Full size.

Somewhere, on nowhere, on where.

Somewhere, on nowhere, on where.

Keep on reading: Somewhere, on nowhere, on where.

Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Keep on reading: Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Keep on reading: Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Isa Muazu Back in Britain!

I’ll admit I’m amazed to be writing this at all; Isa Muazu has been returned to Britain! Full story in the Guardian. The fight is back on! ***** UPDATE: Isa has been speaking to Unity volunteers all day since he called them this … Continue reading